Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Huh? Since when was there bad blood between grace and mike? Did I miss something? Did she do something wrong?
I must have missed something too.

Maybe this "information" was launched by Friedbrain.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I mean hasn't the prince bought jermine cars and such? I don't see jermine fulling his contract duties and cutting no albums:hysterical:. So why stick-it to mike
he should have got jermaine to sing his stupid songs. the prince funds jermaine according to court papers.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

so when is Grace going to testify for Michael?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

An Arab sheikh who spent a fortune on a project he thought would revive Michael Jackson's career felt "a strong sense of personal betrayal." when the pop superstar walked out on the deal, a court heard today
Um I though this was about BUSINESS. personal betray...what the heck.:mello:

Sheikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa, second son of the King of Bahrain, is now suing Jackson for £4.7 million in the High Court in London to get back what he says he spent on the star.
I mean really, if you bought something for somebody how can you get that back. Dude sounds like a bitter EX. lol

Bankim Thanki QC, representing the sheikh, told Mr Justice Sweeney that his client had formed a "close personal relationship" with Jackson after he invited him, his children and personal staff to stay in Bahrain in June 2005.

Mr Thanki said Jackson had signed a contract for recording albums, writing an autobiography and staging shows in which it had been agreed that 7,000,000 US dollar (£4.7 million) would be deducted from Jackson's agreed royalties to pay for the expenses.
Um Expenses what expenses?? To pay for mike's living, eating, and leisure activity expenses while in bahrain??? or to pay for the ALBUM/project????? But what a minute the project didn't get off the ground so :scratch:um how can he charge mike for album and project expenses when mike only did, like ONE song.:mello: SO clearly most of that 7 mil didn't go to album expenses. So then what is he charging for.... For michael's STAY in bahrain? But wait another minute.... didn't he INVITE ^^^michael and company to bahrain for recuperation. So again...what expenses?

"My client felt a strong sense of of personal betrayal because this was someone he considered a close personal friend. The work they had done together and the plans for the future all seemed to be totally frustrated," he said.
There goes that word PERSONAL again.:doh:

The sheikh is seeking repayment of the £4.7 million and/or damages for breach of contract, plus interest.
INTEREST? what in the world? If michael do owe you, where is the interest coming from and how are you calculating it? Like seriously, did dude use his credit card?:mello:

Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

so when is Grace going to testify for Michael?
reports said thursday (tom) said she flew in last night

its always the same with mj its always personal. ppl get attached to him and then when its over they go crazy. so many examples
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Whoever said that the Prince should have tried to sort this out personally with Mike obviously doesn't know the brick walls people can face when Mike has decided he doesn't want to talk to you any more. Sometimes the only option is to file a lawsuit.

We still don't have all the information and we probably never will but Michael, no matter what frame of mind he was in, let things go too far and badly judged the character of the prince from the get-go.

Also, ask yourself why the royal family in bahrain are even friends with the jacksons in the first place.

They didnt meet in Walmart in the States and bond over a love of KFC. The royals have money and privacy for jacksons who need it and the jacksons fulfil the dreams of some of the royals. Eg, attending birthday parties, talking about setting up record companies etc The royals arent bothered about the money, they have it. They want the acknowledgement, the reputation, they want something to do, to be, other than a prince.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I hate him so much for doing this to Michael. Ok man settle the matter outside of court what do you want to prove? That you are an a@@hole...
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Also, ask yourself why the royal family in bahrain are even friends with the jacksons in the first place.
to pay jermaines child support? lol
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

elaborate as much as some of you like on the details and words said, but bottomline is MJ signed a contract and recorded a song in the 2Seas Studio...a song that was later released but not via 2Seas...no wonder the owner of the 2seas studio goes to trial
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

the only way this was gonna be settled is if mj agreed to do the princes crappy songs and u know that aint gonna happen. jermaine should be peeved that he wasnt good enough lol
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

and recorded a song in the 2Seas Studio...a song that was later released but not via 2Seas
what was that?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

do you want me to tell? come on ...check some of the compolations released after 2006..it is on it...
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

No song has ever been heard from the studio recordings from 2seas.. Nor was any other song released under any other label.. As far as I am aware Michael's last official release was 'One more Chance' on 'Number Ones' in 2003.. and then the trial happened, and then we got Thriller 25 and MJ50 recently..
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Are ya kiddin' me? :scratch: This is completely laughable IMO. Michael needs some wannabe songwriter to revive his career? Seems he wanted his jumpstarted off of Michael. Another thing, if indeed he was calling Michael during the trial to get him to Bahrain, that speaks of his (the prince's) motives right there. Who would do that knowing what was going on in his life at that time? Michael no doubt had other things on his mind then. Laying a bunch of demands on him like a book, play and album once there in Bahrain, seems a bit of a tall order if you ask me, especially after a long drawn out trial. The last thing he needed was pressure to do whatever for someone else. What kind of "friend" is that? This is all suspect and it's doubtful he signed any contract to do all that crap... We'll see what was actually signed, and what it pertains to or if Khalifa even has a legal leg to stand on in all of this....personal betrayal does not hold up in a court of law.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

do you want me to tell?

yeah the only song thats been mentined was no firend of mine where the prince implied it was about him and creted by william yet according to many fans and ppl who worked on the song it was from the vince era and pras michele was involved. other than that i dont know what song u are thinking of.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

do you want me to tell? come on ...check some of the compolations released after 2006..it is on it...

tell us then, there hasn't been many compilations post 2006. only thriller 25 and the kop album.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

yeah the only song thats been mentined was no firend of mine where the prince implied it was about him and creted by william yet according to many fans and ppl who worked on the song it was from the vince era and pras michele was involved. other than that i dont know what song u are thinking of.

what did pras michael say about it? did he record his part years after vince was released? or during the vince recording sessions?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

i cant remember star trader. there was alot of talk about it.some said it was originally from vince and pras took it and used it later ie when it got leaked. but it seems the prince is impling mj wrote or performed the song about him as an attack. thats how cheesy this whole stupid thing is

check some of the compolations released after 2006..it is on it...
no idea i dont buy them
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Whoever said that the Prince should have tried to sort this out personally with Mike obviously doesn't know the brick walls people can face when Mike has decided he doesn't want to talk to you any more. Sometimes the only option is to file a lawsuit.

We still don't have all the information and we probably never will but Michael, no matter what frame of mind he was in, let things go too far and badly judged the character of the prince from the get-go.

I just read this whole thread LOL and I find your posts to make the most sense out of this whole thing lol

To me from what I've read (bare in mind it's after midnight here lol), this is a case of two men agreeing on something together... and then both trying to get the upperhand on one another..... after both failing to out do each other on this game they parted ways....now each of them want to do their own different thing but they also want something from their previous agreement.

In otherwords neither of these two parties are innocent and they both owe each other something... and that is what the courts are for.

River you're right MJ is very good at putting up brick walls when he wants to avoid someone or something.... this should make for an interesting trial... yet again lol

I have other opinions but I'mma keep them to myself on the simple fact that they wont go down with popular vote here LOL
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

of course im sure both parties area at fault in someway but there is no way i can have sympahy for the prince when his actions show that he was only concerned about what he could get from mj.especially at the time in mj life when it was going on. the prince played mj just as much as mj maybe played him but the prince got his ass bitten and imo it serves him right because of his motives in the first place.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Why is it that everybody around here is defending MJ blindly! its obvious he is MORE in the wrong in this case! he usually does this. When he doesn't want something, he walks away from it, whatever the consequences... as somebody else said he is good at putting brick walls between himself and someone he doesn't like!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Why is it that everybody around here is defending MJ blindly!
some do some dont. without you hearing all the evidence you dont know whos at fault. and mj fans of all ppl should know that. there would motives on all side ad as i said i hardly have sympathy for a rich royal who wanted to use mj for his 15 mins of fame and chose the worst time in mjs life to carry that out.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

some do some dont. without you hearing all the evidence you dont know whos at fault. and mj fans of all ppl should know that. there would motives on all side ad as i said i hardly have sympathy for a rich royal who wanted to use mj for his 15 mins of fame and chose the worst time in mjs life to carry that out.

But we always say that, THAT is the point.... 7million is nothing for the prince......its not like he kidnapped MJ and made him do things...nobody can do that to MJ...he agreed to sign things. A deal is a deal.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Why is it that everybody around here is defending MJ blindly!

Cause I WANT.
Cause I love him.
Cause I believe him.
Cause I will stay with Michael NO MATTER f*&¨%$# mistakes he can do...
I understand him and period.
Thats simple.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Cause I WANT.
Cause I love him.
Cause I believe him.
Cause I will stay with Michael NO MATTER f*&¨%$# mistakes he can do...
I understand him and period.
Thats simple.

Nothing has been presented that makes either party guilty of anything YET.. so defending either side is doing so blindly.. and with bias.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

But we always say that, THAT is the point.... 7million is nothing for the prince......its not like he kidnapped MJ and made him do things...nobody can do that to MJ...he agreed to sign things. A deal is a deal.
not sure what u mean. we say you cant judge something until u have heard the evidence? well thats the basis of the law what do u expect. 7 mill has mainly nothing to do with the contract he signed its about the "gifts" and what he signed is irrelevent if the defence can prove to an extent their case.

[QUOTENothing has been presented that makes either party guilty of anything YET.. so defending either side is doing so blindly.. and with bias. ][/QUOTE]
well it has been showed to me how the prince acted and that shows moral short cominsg to me. so on that i judge his motives to be not be what ppl presumed
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Elusive, if the Judge considered Michael's health after the trial Michael can easily win this.. However, I am not sure if this is going to be the case. It is obvious the whole thing will hinge on paperwork.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Nothing has been presented that makes either party guilty of anything YET.. so defending either side is doing so blindly.. and with bias.

Even he will be guilty I DONT CARE!
I will forgive him and STAY beside of Michael.
Yes,I'm blind for him.
And I like it.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Even he will be guilty I DONT CARE!
I will forgive him and STAY beside of Michael.
Yes,I'm blind for him.
And I like it.

Sure thing Dri, I will of course stick my Michael in terms of his career as I have done since I was a small child. But if he is guilty of something then that is something we all have to accept and just move on from.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Elusive, if the Judge considered Michael's health after the trial Michael can easily win this.. However, I am not sure if this is going to be the case. It is obvious the whole thing will hinge on paperwork.

it doesnt hinge on paperwork. mj could have signed his life away thats not the issue the defence is mj was talked into pressured etc etc (whatever the exact wording is)into signing/agreeing things. if the judge agrees with this is doesnt matter what mj singed.its whether the judge does or doesnt beleive mjs arguement or how much of it he agrees with.will determine whether mj broke the contract or if the contract even excists because there iss no 2 seas record label to have a deal with.

both sides have probbly acted badley in this, no one person is the innocent victim. motives and agendas have been shown. and why didnt the prince just get jermaine to sing his crappy songs instead lol
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