Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

Whereever he is, he's enjoying his privacy.

Even if he does move back to NL,

would he really want his life to return to being

a tourist attraction? :unsure:

NL is his home,

not Mount Rushmore
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I would think also that the area got many tourists because Michael lived there and now that he is not living there for the last 3 years they must not have many tourists in that area now.
Indeed. I think Mj was the light in a very dull and dreary place. Just imagine how many celebs drove that way when Mj was there. Many spent their holidays at Nevvy. this is what the media do not tell about. The Reagans spent time there, Marlon Brando, Liz Taylor, Liza Minneli, Gregory Peck. These are just a few of the names we could mention. But Neverland was always buzzing with excitememt. On top of that there were the school trips and the bus load of sick children. It was a grand place. The community knew this. many children from the community visited or had parents or friends that work there. Most of MJ's staff were from that community. There would be many unemployed when the place shut down. Sneddon messed up bigtime because of his hate, and it is very obvious that the community is blaming him.:)
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I thought so as well, about the travelling arrangement. I thought he may well have been in one of those vans. maybe that is the way he travells in and out of there. Mj is also known to ride a bike with a helmet on. fans have said that when they were waiting outside the gate, he would ride up next to them and even talk to them and they wouldn't even know it was him until he was well gone, so If MJ is riding a bike, he could be going in and out of their and nobody would know it's him.

This is so strange, cause I haven`t heard about him doing it- but I have tought before it would be a brilliant way for him to just get out and be free to go places on is own, without all the security people and attention that comes with it.:)
This is so strange, cause I haven`t heard about him doing it- but I have tought before it would be a brilliant way for him to just get out and be free to go places on is own, without all the security people and attention that comes with it.:)
Yes, fans who gathered outside his neverland home would write about how Mj would drive up on his motorbike, that he often travel on. With an helmet over his head nobody knows who it is. he would drive up to the gate where the fans are and have a conversation with them. Sometimes he would circle and come back. they never knew who the mysterious biker was, until he left, then the security man would tell them it was MJ. I can see Mj doing that. MJ is known as a practical joker. I think it was just him playing with the fans. I hear that he would open up Nevvy for them to come in after that.:p
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Would be nice to see MJ back in Neverland where he belongs but i'm goin to wait and see what the offical announement is from Raymone my guess is " Untrue " :lol:
Would be nice to see MJ back in Neverland where he belongs but i'm goin to wait and see what the offical announement is from Raymone my guess is " Untrue " :lol:
Why would there be an official announcement regarding MJ's private life? I don't think the presedent of the USA even does that.:)
I think one of the two scenerios are happening:

1) Michael is fixing up Neverland to be ready to sell. The moving vans could have been taking Michael's stuff out...and the workers are there to basically freshen the place up after three years of nothing. From here Michael might be preparing to move somewhere else...

2) Michael is preparing to move back to Neverland and is getting the place back in running order.

One of those two are likely to be true, but time will tell. I would love to see him back at Neverland, but I also would equally love him to start fresh and buy a nice mansion somewhere in the US...centrally located to recording studios (I;m sure mike would just build his own right at his house). Cant wait to see what Mike has planned!
Why would there be an official announcement regarding MJ's private life? I don't think the presedent of the USA even does that.:)
Bad example. The president of the United States does not even share the things that are supposed to be matters of record.
I think one of the two scenerios are happening:

1) Michael is fixing up Neverland to be ready to sell. The moving vans could have been taking Michael's stuff out...and the workers are there to basically freshen the place up after three years of nothing. From here Michael might be preparing to move somewhere else...

2) Michael is preparing to move back to Neverland and is getting the place back in running order.

One of those two are likely to be true, but time will tell. I would love to see him back at Neverland, but I also would equally love him to start fresh and buy a nice mansion somewhere in the US...centrally located to recording studios (I;m sure mike would just build his own right at his house). Cant wait to see what Mike has planned!
There could be a 3rd. That is that there never was any moving van in the first place.^_^
It would be sooo great if Michael would keep Neverland! Its one of my biggest dreams
to visit NL and have a look of where michael is living in. Seems to be so wonderful ! ...
There could be a 3rd. That is that there never was any moving van in the first place.^_^
Possible I guess, especially since this is the third incident of 'things being moved' that has been reported in the last week or two. The first was Michael's freinds supposedly taking his stuff out of Neverland prior to 'the auction', the second is things beig moved out of his place in Los Vegas, and now the Nevy thing.
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Considering all that has happened there...Why in the world would Mr.Jackson "ever" want to go back to Neverland..?

Anything is possiable...but...I don't see it happening...
^ why wouldn't he if he feels that he wants to do so? The place used to be his pride and joy...he used to call it home and if he feels that he might able to still call it home...why not?
Considering all that has happened there...Why in the world would Mr.Jackson "ever" want to go back to Neverland..?

Anything is possiable...but...I don't see it happening...
Nothing happened at neverland, unless you believe the gossip.:)Here is what happened at Neverland.
  1. Tami Says:
    March 16th, 2008 at 12:22 pm

    Thank you for posting these beautiful pix. I live in the Santa Ynez Valley and can tell you that many of us (MJ’s neighbors) have also had the pleasure of visiting NL on a many occasions. MJ and NL have been a blessing to our valley for over 20 years and it is a shame that a few evil hearted people have driven him away. Any thinking person must admit that this place was a real blessing and can continue to be. I pray for MJ to overcome the hurt that was unjustly caused to him and return to Neverland, the valley needs him.
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Nothing happened at neverland, unless you believe the gossip.:)Here is what happened at Neverland.
  1. Tami Says:
    March 16th, 2008 at 12:22 pm
    Thank you for posting these beautiful pix. I live in the Santa Ynez Valley and can tell you that many of us (MJ’s neighbors) have also had the pleasure of visiting NL on a many occasions. MJ and NL have been a blessing to our valley for over 20 years and it is a shame that a few evil hearted people have driven him away. Any thinking person must admit that this place was a real blessing and can continue to be. I pray for MJ to overcome the hurt that was unjustly caused to him and return to Neverland, the valley needs him.
Come on Datsy. You can't call having your home invaded and things gone through by something like 70 policemen nothing happening. I have a freind who had 2 policemen come into her house demanding things because it turned out that someone working for her was under investigation for something my freind knew nothing about. It took her over a year to get over it and is probably still not over it. I mean she just withdrew for a while she was so traumatised.
Come on Datsy. You can't call having your home invaded and things gone through by something like 70 policemen nothing happening. I have a freind who had 2 policemen come into her house demanding things because it turned out that someone working for her was under investigation for something my freind knew nothing about. It took her over a year to get over it and is probably still not over it. I mean she just withdrew for a while she was so traumatised.

I think if you have never experienced that feeling then you never will understand what MJ went through and how he feels about that. He has not been ther efor nearly 3 years now and to go back must bring back some of those horrible memories.
What matters is Michael to gain controll over the ownership of Nevvy,

yeah at the end of the day thats what matters most. come 14th may i want him still to have that place.
Thank you. I think many people do understand what I meant.:)
Well I know what you meant but what you were referring to is not what the person you replied to was referring to. It made it sound like you thought they believed Michael did something wrong. Whether you thought they meant that or not I don't know but it sounded like a repremand.
Nothing happened at neverland, unless you believe the gossip.:)Here is what happened at Neverland.
  1. Tami Says:
    March 16th, 2008 at 12:22 pm

    Thank you for posting these beautiful pix. I live in the Santa Ynez Valley and can tell you that many of us (MJ’s neighbors) have also had the pleasure of visiting NL on a many occasions. MJ and NL have been a blessing to our valley for over 20 years and it is a shame that a few evil hearted people have driven him away. Any thinking person must admit that this place was a real blessing and can continue to be. I pray for MJ to overcome the hurt that was unjustly caused to him and return to Neverland, the valley needs him.

I know whats your saying...but...the accusers, DA, courts, and media took away Mr.Jackson's safe haven of innocence and turned into something ugly and meaningless. All the beauty and joy that made Michael happy at Neverland is forever lost..!