Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

^^ u can't move MJ's mind with yours. :lol:

If MJ DOES decide to move into Neverland again, then thats his choice. If he doesn't he doesn't. But u can't just force MJ to move on from Neverland just because u feel it's logical lol
^^ u can't move MJ's mind with yours. :lol:

If MJ DOES decide to move into Neverland again, then thats his choice. If he doesn't he doesn't. But u can't just force MJ to move on from Neverland just because u feel it's logical lol
I never understand why a debate on fanboard gets interpreted into someone telling MJ to do something ord forcing MJ to o something. Why would anyone think that our mere discussion on a fan board has any effect on MJ's life?:lol:
I'm not saying that. I'm saying in THEIR mind, THEY feel it's illogical for MJ to move back in. But it's not really about them is it? it's about what MJ feels. That's what I mean.
I thought so as well, about the travelling arrangement. I thought he may well have been in one of those vans. maybe that is the way he travells in and out of there. Mj is also known to ride a bike with a helmet on. fans have said that when they were waiting outside the gate, he would ride up next to them and even talk to them and they wouldn't even know it was him until he was well gone, so If MJ is riding a bike, he could be going in and out of their and nobody would know it's him.

yeap, michael likes to play games like that and he is very friendly when you met him. :)
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I'm not saying that. I'm saying in THEIR mind, THEY feel it's illogical for MJ to move back in. But it's not really about them is it? it's about what MJ feels. That's what I mean.
OK. Thanks for clearing that up. Please don't tell me what's on my mind though.:p
AW: Re: Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

It's not about being negative...

It's all about moving on to bigger and better things~~~
Bigger is not always better! ;) It's stupid to discuss anyway... time will tell what happens... for all we know maybe he already has moved back in!
Yes, fans who gathered outside his neverland home would write about how Mj would drive up on his motorbike, that he often travel on. With an helmet over his head nobody knows who it is. he would drive up to the gate where the fans are and have a conversation with them. Sometimes he would circle and come back. they never knew who the mysterious biker was, until he left, then the security man would tell them it was MJ. I can see Mj doing that. MJ is known as a practical joker. I think it was just him playing with the fans. I hear that he would open up Nevvy for them to come in after that.:p

he would order pizza for the fans who stood outside the gate too. :)
Would be nice to see MJ back in Neverland where he belongs but i'm goin to wait and see what the offical announement is from Raymone my guess is " Untrue " :lol:

Don't hold your breath you will b dead waiting:lol::lol:
I know whats your saying...but...the accusers, DA, courts, and media took away Mr.Jackson's safe haven of innocence and turned into something ugly and meaningless. All the beauty and joy that made Michael happy at Neverland is forever lost..!

I guess if that is what you want to think. But if Michael moves back then yur scenario is not valid.:rolleyes:
People just mean Michael might be afraid to help people like he used to, because it seems every time he opened up the ranch to help kids and adults alike, somebody came and messed with him in the worst possible way. But Michael doesn't give up and no matter how many times he's been told he's wrong or maliciously attacked for living his philosophey, he's always continued on with it, despite being bruised and battered. He's a fighter if ever I saw one and I think, IF Michael decided to move back to Neverland, he would open it again to help people. That's what it was built for. To help children and to help adults who forgot about the child inside. It's a representation of who and what Michael is. As has been said, Michael didn't really change from what they did to him. I think they really, really hurt him, but inside he's the same person, he isn't bitter or angry, he's still full of love and kindness. They'll never be able to change who he is. They may have made him hesitent, but they can't break his soul.

But some bad stuff happened to Michael at Neverland and to be honest, I don't think Michael will ever completely heal from what happened to him. So I don't know if he's going to move back, and I worry about him being in that area, for some reason. Because I know the "law enforcement" officials down there are out to get him. So it worries me. But at the same time, I would like him to be able to have a place to call home again instead of wondering around from spot to spot, sort of homeless.

We'll see.
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Thats also something that Michael may worry about he built that place for sick children to come and enjoy themselves and have a great time but now he cant do that any more. He may not feel like he can do that even though its in his nature to do so. People with sick minds ruined Neverland for him. They made sure of that.

That's exactly what I am afraid of... People will never understand him... :(
Have yall ever thought that maybe Michael's children miss Neverland and have been asking their dad to take them back there?

I personally think that Michael is the kind of guy that would consider his chidlren's feelings about Neverland in addition to his own when making a decision about selling it or keeping it.

No doubt that despite a few absolutely hellish memories of Neverland, both Michael and his children most certainly still hold many unforgettably wonderful memories and experiences of the place from the years gone by.

Indeed. I think Mj was the light in a very dull and dreary place. Just imagine how many celebs drove that way when Mj was there. Many spent their holidays at Nevvy. this is what the media do not tell about. The Reagans spent time there, Marlon Brando, Liz Taylor, Liza Minneli, Gregory Peck. These are just a few of the names we could mention. But Neverland was always buzzing with excitememt. On top of that there were the school trips and the bus load of sick children. It was a grand place. The community knew this. many children from the community visited or had parents or friends that work there. Most of MJ's staff were from that community. There would be many unemployed when the place shut down. Sneddon messed up bigtime because of his hate, and it is very obvious that the community is blaming him.:)

:yes: Like AP found out a few weeks ago, it's almost impossible to find a single person in the Santa Ynez community who has anything negative to say about Michael. I read a few other local citizens comments about the positive impact that Michael had on the economy a few weeks back, including this one:

Michael was very good for the local economy--he kept our feed and mills going for some time with his menagerie of animals. He also kept electricians, vets, housekeepers and the like all employed year round. He did a lot of good for kids with his open every weekend policy. He kept his ranch up behind the walls, and life was good...

We also heard many more positive quotes from local residents in the last AP article about Neverland. Even Mesereau talked about how, before the trial started, he would discreetly visit local bars and businesses to take in the community's perception of Michael. And, as he learned, despite Sneddon's own personal beliefs and vindictive agenda, the people in fact very much liked and respected Michael around the community which is one of the reasons Mesereau did not object to the location of the trial. Many locals remain very bitter towards Sneddon for the fact that he spent countless millions of the community's dollars trying to build a case that simply did not exist, and many have directly felt the loss when Michael moved away and closed down Neverland.
TSCM, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I just want to thank you also for always bringing the important news. Whenever I see you on the board I always feel that you have important news. You never fail to deliver. Thank you so much.
Come on Datsy. You can't call having your home invaded and things gone through by something like 70 policemen nothing happening. I have a freind who had 2 policemen come into her house demanding things because it turned out that someone working for her was under investigation for something my freind knew nothing about. It took her over a year to get over it and is probably still not over it. I mean she just withdrew for a while she was so traumatised.

You said it very well. That is why I am iffy of MJ moving back to NL, if he is going to do that for sure. I am all about letting the past be the past. It is not about beliving the gossip because quite frankly, I do not believe anything anymore unless I see evidence. What happened to him when his home was raided TWICE really messed him up. Heck, anyone up for that matter. His privacy was violated and that is why you have a place to live, mainly for your own private safe haven. If MJ mentally and emotionally do not feel that NL is home, then he should not go back. He can always build one in the US or in Africa.

BTW, I love what that neighbor said because she was telling the truth. Sadly, we live in an evil world where people like that nasty ass family can get away with making up ish on someone that did nothing but gave two craps about them and ruin their life. That is one of the worst things that anyone can do to anybody. I think that NL is haunted, I really do. I do not get the excitement about a house. It is bitter what happened to MJ but the truth is, the way the US rolls sometimes, a black man cannot owe something that large and that lovely and not live in peace. It just can't happened. What MJ went through with NL is proof. However, I like the fact that MJ is making sure that his mansion is not going up for auction. Thank goodness for that.
ok...its not a bigger either...its about Movin On~~~

Everything will work out! You'll see~~~
It's not about being negative...

It's all about moving on to bigger and better things~~~

Right. However, it is MJ's decision either way. I respect his decision because I just do.

I hope he keeps it but living in NL is another story.

It is not really about what MJ was falsely accused of, it is more of living in peace and trying to live in peace without the media or fans knowing what you do in your own house. When MJ was in Vegas, you did not see the media in his hotel room finding out what he is doing. Yeah, they got pics of the children, they "knew" that assisants were moving out things in the hotel that he was staying but no fans, that I know of, stayed over the hotel room and the media did not really follow that.

What happened in MJ in that terrible 2003 raid ruined it for him. MJ said that he does not consider NL a home anymore. It is sad.

BTW, I would love for MJ to go back to NL and live there but I also love for MJ to have his own privacy and feel that NL is his safe haven again. NL, to me, is just not that place anymore. I doubt that he feels the same way about NL now than what he did in 1991, for example.
yeah id like mj to keep it but living there is another issue. at the end of the day i hope what ever happens is because mj wants it to happen not because hes forced to make a decidion one way or the other or that decision is taken out of his hands