Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

AW: Re: Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

He stays in hotels A LOT Patrick. And no need to use exclamations at me lol

I mean even in the bashir documentary most of the time was spent in a hotel of some sort, somewhere outside of santa maria. A small portion was a neverland...i gather.
Of course he stays in hotels... but only when he's travelling! Bashir only met him 5 times! Twice at Neverland and the rest was when he was travelling, once in Vegas, once in Berlin and once in Florida! And were you do think Michael stays, when he's not travelling, apart from the past 3 or 4 years?
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Re: AW: Re: Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

Of course he stays in hotels... but only when he's travelling! Bashir only met him 5 times! Twice at Neverland and the rest was when he was travelling, once in Vegas, once in Berlin and once in Florida! And were you do think Michael stays, when he's not travelling, apart from the past 3 or 4 years?

that's priveliged info for security reasons.
AW: Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

LOL that was a rethorical question!
Re: AW: Re: Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

Of course he stays in hotels... but only when he's travelling! Bashir only met him 5 times! Twice at Neverland and the rest was when he was travelling, once in Vegas, once in Berlin and once in Florida! And were you do think Michael stays, when he's not travelling, apart from the past 3 or 4 years?
THats the point though. He travels A LOT.
The Central Coast is beautiful and peaceful, I love driving down that way. That would be a shame if he were to leave.
Yippee!!! Michael is moving back into Neverland. I am so THRILLed !!!

Hold your horses, it's not definative yet! it is nearing the weekend and just maybe we will get moe news regarding "movement @NL lol, like some positive news that he is truly moving in...

i have a feeling Michael knows his fans always gets a wift of what he's about to do, therefore, we maynot hear anything until he announces whatever he decides to do. :)
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Well as of yesterday Michael was still in Vegas and we still only have ONE brief report from ONE Hollywood gossip columnist about any of this so-called "movement" at Neverland, so...
Well as of yesterday Michael was still in Vegas and we still only have ONE brief report from ONE Hollywood gossip columnist about any of this so-called "movement" at Neverland, so...

Yes, let's give the speculation a rest...
AW: Re: AW: Re: Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

THats the point though. He travels A LOT.
Yeah, obviously more than other people... but when he doesn't travel he has to be somewhere! And it's not like he travels all the time.... but whatever! Stupid discussion... don't know why I got into that! :rolleyes: Need to restrain myself!
Doesn't mean this story about the moving trucks isn't true though
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Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

Yeah, obviously more than other people... but when he doesn't travel he has to be somewhere! And it's not like he travels all the time.... but whatever! Stupid discussion... don't know why I got into that! :rolleyes: Need to restrain myself!

Right thats why im saying that it's not often where he spends long intervals at Nevvy, because he travels so often.
AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

Right thats why im saying that it's not often where he spends long intervals at Nevvy, because he travels so often.
Yeah, but that still doesn't outway the time he doesn't travel... we've gotten wind most of the times he was out and about in the last years... but whatever!
I think Elisabeth Taylor will try to console him by reminding Mike of the wonderful memories both he and they had together there. Just like she introduced Michael to his very first Christmas.
hey speaking of liz.....r mike and hers till friends?
hey speaking of liz.....r mike and hers till friends?
Of course they are. Liz spoke of him just last week to TMZ when the paparazzi brought up his name. She said she talked to Michael fairly recently and that he sounds good, and that she wishes him all the love in the world.
Of course they are. Liz spoke of him just last week to TMZ when the paparazzi brought up his name. She said she talked to Michael fairly recently and that he sounds good, and that she wishes him all the love in the world.

seems like they are STILL the best of friends even now which is great it shows a true meaning of friendship.
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Of course they are. Liz spoke of him just last week to TMZ when the paparazzi brought up his name. She said she talked to Michael fairly recently and that he sounds good, and that she wishes him all the love in the world.
How wonderfull. I was just wondering how often they are in contact with each other these days.