Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

No doubt that despite a few absolutely hellish memories of Neverland, both Michael and his children most certainly still hold many unforgettably wonderful memories and experiences of the place from the years gone by.

:yes: Like AP found out a few weeks ago, it's almost impossible to find a single person in the Santa Ynez community who has anything negative to say about Michael. I read a few other local citizens comments about the positive impact that Michael had on the economy a few weeks back, including this one:

We also heard many more positive quotes from local residents in the last AP article about Neverland. Even Mesereau talked about how, before the trial started, he would discreetly visit local bars and businesses to take in the community's perception of Michael. And, as he learned, despite Sneddon's own personal beliefs and vindictive agenda, the people in fact very much liked and respected Michael around the community which is one of the reasons Mesereau did not object to the location of the trial. Many locals remain very bitter towards Sneddon for the fact that he spent countless millions of the community's dollars trying to build a case that simply did not exist, and many have directly felt the loss when Michael moved away and closed down Neverland.

Thank You!
How many houses are on NL again if someone knows? I know it's his main residence and like three other cottages??? it's a huge piece of land.:wub:
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Wow.....a 11 page thread already and we don't know anything for sure.......where is the video by the way?

Anyhoo.....whatever Michael decides to do, it ultimately will be his decision. I only want whats best for him and the kids.
I have a pic of ONE of the moving Vans MJ used to move back in....ssshhh...this is an exclusive.....lol

Would be nice I guess if this is what Michael wants. But I personally would have an interior decorator/home make over done on the place. To rid bad memories from the place. I know that the NL ranch is prime property so I would hold on to it if I were Michael.
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I just hope if michae decides to move back 2 nl, it will be his choice and no one esle's!!
I dont want him to move back in just to please others and for him to feel sad bout it. It wouldnt be fair on him.

Michael moves back to Neverland and has a party there with MJ fans on release date of his new album... :)
michaels a very very strong person. even though what they did to him hurt a lot i feel he has completely healed now (contrary to what many fans may think that he will never be completely healed) because he has 3 wonderful children, his parents, his siblings, great supporting friends and fans that give him all the love and attention of the world.
michael feels that love and his wounds get healed.
if he decides to go back to nv i'm sure he'll be fine as long as he is extremely cautious with whom he lets inside, whom he feels sorry for and wants to help. thats all.
i dont believe the trial changed michael in the slightest. it only made him stronger and realize how many ppl truly love and care about him unconditionally. i think he feels bitter and angry with those specific ppl. not ppl in general that need help.
michael has also had wonderful memories from nv. he has helped millions of kids and ppl all over the world and he got appreciated for that. ppl were grateful. michael knows that. :)
Originally Posted by Datsymay
I found this comment very touching.
Tami Says:
March 16th, 2008 at 12:22 pm
Thank you for posting these beautiful pix. I live in the Santa Ynez Valley and can tell you that many of us (MJ’s neighbors) have also had the pleasure of visiting NL on a many occasions. MJ and NL have been a blessing to our valley for over 20 years and it is a shame that a few evil hearted people have driven him away. Any thinking person must admit that this place was a real blessing and can continue to be. I pray for MJ to overcome the hurt that was unjustly caused to him and return to Neverland, the valley needs him.
Thanks for posting
this is so touching..
God is so unfair to have allowed things like that to happen to a kind man.
This was just posted by LeslieMJHu on KOP:

Source: http://kgmb9.com/main/content/view/5017/101/

"Moving vans were at Neverland over the weekend. Michael Jackson regained control of the ranch last week and there's speculation he's planning to move back in."
Of course this is excellent news but the tabloids rarely report good news. I hope MJ got over the past experience and can defiantly move on and live in Neverland, it is a great place for him and his family. I recall watching a show on “E” channel reporting MJ is having a yard sale at Neverland, selling his animals and his stuff, they talked about him being bankrupt and all these things… They forgot that he is rich even if his money is not in a form of cash still he is worth a lot of money.
Thanks for posting

God is so unfair to have allowed things like that to happen to a kind man.

'..... For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
my ways are not your ways, says Yahweh
For as the heavens are above the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts above your thoughts...'
(Isaiah, 55 7-10)
'..... For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
my ways are not your ways, says Yahweh
For as the heavens are above the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts above your thoughts...'
(Isaiah, 55 7-10)
yes, it is unfair to make God responsible for everything bad what happens on earth. He gave us the mind and the freedom of will to do right or wrong. Very easy to use God as a scapegoat, so we have nothing to do with that what is going wrong.
Thanks for posting
this is so touching..
God is so unfair to have allowed things like that to happen to a kind man.
The Book of Job and Daniel, the story of Joseph in Genesis are great examples of God allowing for unhappy things to happen to kind men for a greater purpose. Either for that man or for the world around him. As Jackson's mother taught him, we are tested by our Creator throughout our lives. Our blessings don't always come in pretty packages. It is because of this powerful lesson instilled in him by his mother at an early age that the last fifteen plus years did not kill Jackson mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically.

Look at all the love that surrounds Jackson. It literally outshines the hate. I have yet to see a situation where people are insulting Jackson--either on cyberspace or in life--where there wasn't one or more people there to defend his honor. Look at how much you love and care for him. You can't tell me God doesn't have a hand in that. No matter what happens, He always looks out for his anointed children. Jackson is one of those children.

'..... For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
my ways are not your ways, says Yahweh
For as the heavens are above the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts above your thoughts...'
(Isaiah, 55 7-10)
can we keep on topic? no need to start quoting things at everyone
yes, it is unfair to make God responsible for everything bad what happens on earth. He gave us the mind and the freedom of will to do right or wrong. Very easy to use God as a scapegoat, so we have nothing to do with that what is going wrong.

and well said IrishFaery
sometimes we are given blessings in disguise

it's on topic, elusive, really
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non of this is confirmed the whole thing is based of some reports of ppl going into the ranch. lets not be so quick to believe it just cause its something we want to happen