Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

Blame God?? For This??

I am not saying Michael deserves this, but who is anyone to blame God for this??

It was "not fair" for Jesus to be slashed, beatened, and crucified...

Do we blame God for this??

Mankind is ugly, the greater the person the harder the obsticals there are to overcome.. There will be a blessing in this whole Neverland thing.

Michael is VERY strong, WHY??? Because of the things he's been through.

Michael all ready has gone through fire, The hardest part of his life. (2004-2005 trial)

If Michael can go through that, come out alive, go foward, and still be positive, he can handle this Neverland ordeal..

Infact I personally think people are taking this out of porportion.. Michael has been dealing with this Neverland thing even before he moved out of there.. It has been around for YEARS.. I'm personally happy that it's getting closer to the END of this thing. It's haunted Michael long enough.

Being Michael Jackson does have several beasts after him.. BUT, think of this > As many beasts there are, there are those many people plus more (for self gain or not) that woudl help Michael Jackson.. To many helping MJ keep Neverland is an investment that would pay them in the future.

Michael knows several of billionaires that could buy Neverland and put MJ on a payment plan.. Or any other deal they could put together..

Micheal will not lose NEVERLAND. He has connections in a way that he will have Neverland forever unless HE decides to give it up..

Michael may have many people after him, but also has more doors to run through than many as well..

He'll be ok in this. BETTER than O.K
KOPV you are such a sane and wise man
this post is just good, thanks for this
regards, cinderella
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^^ thanks.. :D

u put a smile on my face.. really
^^ thanks.. :D

u put a smile on my face.. really
well, it wasn't my intention but I'm happy for this...:)
anyway it's so nice that in this world there are still young people who can think and feel deeply
So i take it from the 17 pages I just read that nothing has been heard yet...or did I miss something? My eyes were starting to gloss over towards the middle.
So i take it from the 17 pages I just read that nothing has been heard yet...or did I miss something? My eyes were starting to gloss over towards the middle.

Well a reporter said there were moving vans at Neverland so either Michael is moving back in or if Michael is moving some stuff out no one knows :unsure:
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I seriously don't think it's a good idea for him to move back in Neverland, with all these bad people in SB county remaining the same. Don't forget, Sneddon is out of office but he has chosen his succession, and you may bet that the people in his office today would be just as willing to make Michael's life miserable. I don't think that he should sell it either, cause that would be like him giving in to them and letting go of the whole area and ranch he loved so much -and which they hated him owning. But actually living there, I just don't think it's wise.

Anyways, that's a decision he can only make for himself. I just hope he never forgets how much evil resides in SB..
I seriously don't think it's a good idea for him to move back in Neverland, with all these bad people in SB county remaining the same. Don't forget, Sneddon is out of office but he has chosen his succession, and you may bet that the people in his office today would be just as willing to make Michael's life miserable. I don't think that he should sell it either, cause that would be like him giving in to them and letting go of the whole area and ranch he loved so much -and which they hated him owning. But actually living there, I just don't think it's wise.

Anyways, that's a decision he can only make for himself. I just hope he never forgets how much evil resides in SB..

yes i agree alot of hatred is there from the authorities in SB. They will try and make Michaels life miserable. Such a pity they have destroyed it on him.
If he is moving back in, then that's great. I never wanted him to move out anyway because that would mean that they won and that they got to him. If he is truly strong like he says then he'll stay. If he wants to move out then that's fine too, but only if he choses, not because of other people.
I seriously don't think it's a good idea for him to move back in Neverland, with all these bad people in SB county remaining the same. Don't forget, Sneddon is out of office but he has chosen his succession, and you may bet that the people in his office today would be just as willing to make Michael's life miserable. I don't think that he should sell it either, cause that would be like him giving in to them and letting go of the whole area and ranch he loved so much -and which they hated him owning. But actually living there, I just don't think it's wise.

Anyways, that's a decision he can only make for himself. I just hope he never forgets how much evil resides in SB..

From what I've read, his neighbors love him and his family....there are more in SB county than just Tom Sneddon and crew.
I seriously don't think it's a good idea for him to move back in Neverland, with all these bad people in SB county remaining the same. Don't forget, Sneddon is out of office but he has chosen his succession, and you may bet that the people in his office today would be just as willing to make Michael's life miserable. I don't think that he should sell it either, cause that would be like him giving in to them and letting go of the whole area and ranch he loved so much -and which they hated him owning. But actually living there, I just don't think it's wise.

Anyways, that's a decision he can only make for himself. I just hope he never forgets how much evil resides in SB..


From what I've read, his neighbors love him and his family....there are more in SB county than just Tom Sneddon and crew.

but they are the ones who can lynch him. aint no neighbours gonna save him from that.
Meh but I don't think MJ EVER actually stayed there for long amounts of time, or if thats the case, not every OFTEN. he's always traveling and staying else where LOL
Meh but I don't think MJ EVER actually stayed there for long amounts of time, or if thats the case, not every OFTEN. he's always traveling and staying else where LOL

Yeah he had recordings to do, tours to perform at, some other events, I don't think he spent a FULL year in that house to be honest with you. Michael himself, I don't think ever got to really LIVE there. He probably had hours there in that tree but I always thought the real reason he created NEVERLAND was to let other people enjoy it. He usually would wander around the house to see kids and adults with smiles on their faces while he chilled somewhere. Then when that was over, he'd be back to his busy life. A shame that people (and MJ) think this house was just bought just so he can have his SECOND childhood. But because of naivety and a crazy-ass prosecutor he never got the real chance. Plus that Basheep dude probably put a hex in the whole thing.
Has Raymone commented on it? If not has anyone asked Raymone what the story is?

Him who shall not be named has said Raymone has been fired as MJ's manager.
Seeing how she was never his manager it would kind of her for her to looe a job she never had. And, why you felt the need to tell us what "him" said is beyond me
AW: Re: Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

Meh but I don't think MJ EVER actually stayed there for long amounts of time, or if thats the case, not every OFTEN. he's always traveling and staying else where LOL
Oh that's bull... where do you think he was staying when he wasn't on tour?? He bought that place in '88! He's only been on tour for like 2 years (if you roughly count everything together)! He lived at Neverland for 15 years! Being away was a small part of those 15 years! He probably stayed away during recordings as well, but he only did 3 albums in that time... so he couldn't have been away for too long! So to say he never really spent time there is kinda bs!
yes, it is unfair to make God responsible for everything bad what happens on earth. He gave us the mind and the freedom of will to do right or wrong. Very easy to use God as a scapegoat, so we have nothing to do with that what is going wrong.

Everyone on rhis earth has good things happen and bad things happen to them or we can make a mistake what is important to know is god is our strength and our saviour. Sometimes he will test you with ugly things that enter into our lives which will help YOU to become a stonger person.

What i see in Michael is just that. he is very, very strong. He has decided to pick himself up, brush himself off and keep moving forward. One must do this if one belives and has faith.

Michael will show us all that he has all the above, strength, faith and salvation. He is an honest man and the truth has set him

Michael is FREE to do whatever he wants to do, we all know that he wants to continue to make music and I trust that he will. When he is ready to deal with NL, he will do what HE feels that is best for him,his children and family.

Thank God for this man, he is truly our blessing. :) And REBUKE satan, kick his butt everyday, and you will see that there is light at the end of tunnel. :)
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Yeah he had recordings to do, tours to perform at, some other events, I don't think he spent a FULL year in that house to be honest with you. Michael himself, I don't think ever got to really LIVE there. He probably had hours there in that tree but I always thought the real reason he created NEVERLAND was to let other people enjoy it. He usually would wander around the house to see kids and adults with smiles on their faces while he chilled somewhere. Then when that was over, he'd be back to his busy life. A shame that people (and MJ) think this house was just bought just so he can have his SECOND childhood. But because of naivety and a crazy-ass prosecutor he never got the real chance. Plus that Basheep dude probably put a hex in the whole thing.

well, they all got hexed back three fold. ..:lol:
Has Raymone commented on it? If not has anyone asked Raymone what the story is?

Him who shall not be named has said Raymone has been fired as MJ's manager.

I hope you don't believe everything you hear, cause you'd be in trouble...:cool:
Re: AW: Re: Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

Oh that's bull... where do you think he was staying when he wasn't on tour?? He bought that place in '88! He's only been on tour for like 2 years (if you roughly count everything together)! He lived at Neverland for 15 years! Being away was a small part of those 15 years! He probably stayed away during recordings as well, but he only did 3 albums in that time... so he couldn't have been away for too long! So to say he never really spent time there is kinda bs!

uh, were you his shadow? :alien:
He stays in hotels A LOT Patrick. And no need to use exclamations at me lol

I mean even in the bashir documentary most of the time was spent in a hotel of some sort, somewhere outside of santa maria. A small portion was a neverland...i gather.
He stays in hotels A LOT Patrick. And no need to use exclamations at me lol

I mean even in the bashir documentary most of the time was spent in a hotel of some sort, somewhere outside of santa maria. A small portion was a neverland...i gather.

Very true. :)

In fact, he also owns an apartment in down-town L.A. doesn't he?