Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

Maybe he was in one of the vans going to look over the property. He must have his belongings stored there, so whether he was moving stuff in or out is impossible to know.

The media are still stalking him, they hate him but they can't leave him alone, bunch of hypocrites.
I thought so as well, about the travelling arrangement. I thought he may well have been in one of those vans. maybe that is the way he travells in and out of there. Mj is also known to ride a bike with a helmet on. fans have said that when they were waiting outside the gate, he would ride up next to them and even talk to them and they wouldn't even know it was him until he was well gone, so If MJ is riding a bike, he could be going in and out of their and nobody would know it's him.
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LOL! The media is gonna be TRIPPING over themselves, trying to find out what the story is.

And IF Mike does in fact move back into Neverland, they will ALL look like the fools they truly are.

Crow sandwich anyone?

LM@o!!!!:lol::lol::lol: i Have a list of ppl. who i would like to give crow Sandwich to!!!:lol: LOTS AND LOTS OF THEM... Even Michael said that he'll never leave Neverland...he said"Its a house, Its not a home any more"...Michael U Rock!!! :punk: Nobody Never Knows what he's upto until the last moment so the media is gonna have tough time figuring this out!!!:p God Bless, Michael and all his Loved once!!!:D
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LOL linda :lol:

go back to neverland michael. only be extremely careful with whom u let inside :ph34r:

other than that go back and live life like u always have :punk:
I hear that AFTER he moves BACK IN, He's GOING FISHING!!! LMAO!!

I thought so as well, about the travelling arrangement. I thought he may well have been in one of those vans. maybe that is the way he travells in and out of there. Mj is also known to ride a bike with a helmet on. fans have said that when they were waiting outside the gate, he would ride up next to them and even talk to them and they wouldn't even know it was him until he was well gone, so If MJ is riding a bike, he could be going in and out of their and nobody would know it's him.

Really? LOL! That's too cute! I mean, it shouldn't be surprising since he drives those carts all around Neverland but a bike is more *work* lol. And not that MJ isn't fit enough, but since you practically always see MJ with a driver and stuff I dunno - just picturing it I find it amusing. Him looking all unrecognizable in a helmet and talking to fans & riding off... that's a hoot! :lol:
Have yall ever thought that maybe Michael's children miss Neverland and have been asking their dad to take them back there?

I personally think that Michael is the kind of guy that would consider his chidlren's feelings about Neverland in addition to his own when making a decision about selling it or keeping it.

Yes, I think that we can all agree that this is something on our minds from the start. Funny you mentioned this, because I was wondering how the childern were doing. I'm aure IF he does move back, they'll be reorganising everything and feeling right at home again.

May peace be with them. ^_^
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Originally Posted by AllTheLovelyFlowers I find it funny that at much as the media watches Neverland, they didn't get any video footage of these moving vans.
yeah i was thinking the same because I was expecting to see a video of some moving vans but all I got was some reporter guy saying telling us all about them.
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I found this comment very touching.
  1. Tami Says:
    March 16th, 2008 at 12:22 pm

    Thank you for posting these beautiful pix. I live in the Santa Ynez Valley and can tell you that many of us (MJ’s neighbors) have also had the pleasure of visiting NL on a many occasions. MJ and NL have been a blessing to our valley for over 20 years and it is a shame that a few evil hearted people have driven him away. Any thinking person must admit that this place was a real blessing and can continue to be. I pray for MJ to overcome the hurt that was unjustly caused to him and return to Neverland, the valley needs him.
I found this comment very touching.
  1. Tami Says:
    March 16th, 2008 at 12:22 pm
    Thank you for posting these beautiful pix. I live in the Santa Ynez Valley and can tell you that many of us (MJ’s neighbors) have also had the pleasure of visiting NL on a many occasions. MJ and NL have been a blessing to our valley for over 20 years and it is a shame that a few evil hearted people have driven him away. Any thinking person must admit that this place was a real blessing and can continue to be. I pray for MJ to overcome the hurt that was unjustly caused to him and return to Neverland, the valley needs him.

That was beautiful. I wish more people and the media would see this. The truth from the mouth of those who actually live there. They're the ones with the logic and heart. ^_^
I found this comment very touching.
  1. Tami Says:
    March 16th, 2008 at 12:22 pm

    Thank you for posting these beautiful pix. I live in the Santa Ynez Valley and can tell you that many of us (MJ’s neighbors) have also had the pleasure of visiting NL on a many occasions. MJ and NL have been a blessing to our valley for over 20 years and it is a shame that a few evil hearted people have driven him away. Any thinking person must admit that this place was a real blessing and can continue to be. I pray for MJ to overcome the hurt that was unjustly caused to him and return to Neverland, the valley needs him.

this comment by a neighbour is sweet indeed
thanks for sharing, Datsy:D
Well the media said so lol, i don't usually follow that but i will this time.

....o.k..so taking into consideration that the media said it, basically means that we don't know if it's the truth or not. Remember, the media will say anything to make money off of Michael. It's the official word that counts. :rolleyes:

Besides, why are you following what they write this time....did you ever believe them before?
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I found this comment very touching.
  1. Tami Says:
    March 16th, 2008 at 12:22 pm
    Thank you for posting these beautiful pix. I live in the Santa Ynez Valley and can tell you that many of us (MJ’s neighbors) have also had the pleasure of visiting NL on a many occasions. MJ and NL have been a blessing to our valley for over 20 years and it is a shame that a few evil hearted people have driven him away. Any thinking person must admit that this place was a real blessing and can continue to be. I pray for MJ to overcome the hurt that was unjustly caused to him and return to Neverland, the valley needs him.

I would think also that the area got many tourists because Michael lived there and now that he is not living there for the last 3 years they must not have many tourists in that area now.
....o.k..so taking into consideration that the media said it, basically means that we don't know if it's the truth or not. Remember, the media will say anything to make money off of Michael. It's the official word that counts. :rolleyes:

Besides, why are you following what they write this time....did you ever believe them before?

And the last I read, unless I missed something was that Tito was looking at property for a vacation home, not that Michael was moving there!