Michael Jackson Moving Back To Neverland?!, Video inside >>

for me, it would mean that sneddon and his croonies took NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING from him, not even the joy felt when entering Neverland's gates, not even the "home" that once was inside Neverland.
You are entirely right here!
For me just the thought that the placed he build with so much LOVE was stripped from it's special meaning it's heartbreaking.

Michael moving back in would mean that after all was said and done, not only they could NOT break him, but they couldn't even take the joy of calling Neverland home away from him.
I hope it's not true. Despite what it means to him,Neverland has never brought any good to Michael... :(
Interesting indeed. I don't think the pool is being cleaned out to increase property value when the name "Michael Jackson" is enuf to sell the house for a chunk of change WITH a ranky pool. And someone mentioned, why would anyone pay extra money for the property just becuz the pool is cleaned the landscaping's in order when they could get it way cheaper at an auction (ranky pool and weeds growing). They could use the money they saved on buying the property to clean the pool and landscape it themselves. :unsure:

Hmm hmm hmmmmm...... *breaks out in a cold sweat* :eek:hmy2: Keeping Nevvy is one thing, moving back there falls in my OH LAWD category!:lol: Tis exciting and scary all at the same time. Where oh where is the nail-biting smiley on here!? I need about a dozen. LOL!

Thanks to all who posted the info.
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That would be great. Michael's dream coming back to him. But he cant be letting no kids into that house. Especially no close relationships. No Bedtime with Cookies and Milk. Michael has to suck that all up, but he can still do chartible events for kids. That way your not totally destroying his dream of helping kids. But no Kids at Neverland, that would turn into hell again.
well they are either coming or going. all we know about the ranch is that the auction has been put back.the papers havnt been pulled so nothing has been solved to our knowledge

nothing's been started or solved as far as we know, except we have been seeing reports and papers.

This is Michael Jackson. you'll alway;s hear something. and then..there's always speculation. And as long as you don't hear from Michael Jackson...we're only left with the former.
i know there are a lot of people having dreams on his behalf..but...we really don't know how he thinks.
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I hope that, whatever Michael decides, he's at peace with himself when it comes to his decision. He shouldn't feel like he has to please his fans by moving back, if he doesn't want to.
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Speculating gets us nowhere, so I won't believe this story until it is confirmed by Mike himself? or his spokeswoman.


For the most part I hope it's true cause I would love to visit NL despite of what people said, think and did.
quite detailed info though. hummm sounds like someone moving back rather than leaving if u have gardeners and repair ppl coming in. then again it might be all B.S lol

Although, I think you need to prepare the property for a sale, and ensure that the list of things in which the real estate (or auctioner) suggest to have done actually completed. So, he may be moving back in, or he may be prepairing the property for a sale.

I still hope (although some may say it's selfish) that he does move back. I'd hate to see all that he's created and loves go to someone who probably wouldn't appreciate it as much as it deserves to be treated. ^_^:wub:
I say lets see what happens. At the end of the day, it is Mike's decision.
No matter what happens the best part it's prob that something is happenning, If Mike chooses to move back the YAY!!! If he sells it, then he's moving on and so should we. ^_^
Speculating gets us nowhere, so I won't believe this story until it is confirmed by Mike himself? or his spokeswoman.


For the most part I hope it's true cause I would love to visit NL despite of what people said, think and did.

Wise words indeed :yes: I cannot help but be a little excited that the news is not about a foreclosure, auction or something else negative :punk:

however, i am not jumping for joy just yet **folds arms** :no:

best wishes to Michael and the family with whatever is to happen :D
I cannot help but be a little excited that the news is not about a foreclosure, auction or something else negative :punk:

Haha straight up. I think that's what it boils down to :lol:
Time will tell, if this is true.
I hope it is true.
, but, only if Michael Jackson has decided that,

as long as the Neverland Valley Ranch is his and his children's home, he will never again open it up to the general the public or fans.

Its ok with me. It is his home if he wants to go back and feels safe then go ahead. What is important is that Michael and his children feel safe!!! If he never moves back that is cool too with me. I support and accept any decision Michael makes about this and any other. As far as opening it up I think he will still use it for terminally ill children and fans(maybe) Michael loves kids and fans are apart of him too and he loves us. WE will have to wait and see from official sources
Have yall ever thought that maybe Michael's children miss Neverland and have been asking their dad to take them back there?

I personally think that Michael is the kind of guy that would consider his chidlren's feelings about Neverland in addition to his own when making a decision about selling it or keeping it.
That would be great. Michael's dream coming back to him. But he cant be letting no kids into that house. Especially no close relationships. No Bedtime with Cookies and Milk. Michael has to suck that all up, but he can still do chartible events for kids. That way your not totally destroying his dream of helping kids. But no Kids at Neverland, that would turn into hell again.
Michael jackson has 3 children who are just as entitled to have friends and sleep overs like any other kids. Would you deprive them of that because the world has a dirty mind. Stop telling Mj what to do. Tell the media to clean up their dirty minds.:)
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Michael jackson has 3 children who are just as entitled to have friends and sleep overs like any other kids. Would you deprive them of that because the world has a dirty mind. Stop telling Mj what to do. Tell the media to clean up their dirty minds.:)

I betcha Paris and Prince have loads of friends...and if they are anything like my daughter was, no use calling them "sleepover" - more like "giggle all night and play practical jokes on Mom all night" overs!! LOL!
I betcha Paris and Prince have loads of friends...and if they are anything like my daughter was, no use calling them "sleepover" - more like "giggle all night and play practical jokes on Mom all night" overs!! LOL!
Indeed. That anyone should deprive his children of that pleasure because of a bunch of nogood street kids is beyond me. No respectable person would use their kids to make false claims on any one. nOT all of MJ's associates are scums. Many of MJ's friends children grew up at Neverland. Children were always at Neverland. One scum of the earth should not put fear into so many people. If that happened them evil win.
Maybe he was in one of the vans going to look over the property. He must have his belongings stored there, so whether he was moving stuff in or out is impossible to know.

The media are still stalking him, they hate him but they can't leave him alone, bunch of hypocrites.