LMP discussion

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Wow! Lisa Marie is a subject that is very profitable. lol! It is part of the past far removed from Michael's life. I think it's a big waste of time to be discussing what happened between them in both years and be primarily trying to understand the behavior of Lisa and what she thinks about Michael. Nobody will ever know what really happened. If they were together was because God did not allow. I can only say that I'm sure Michael has matured and learned much from his marriage to Lisa... and Debbie. That was the only good thing in this story: maturation and learning.
Wow! Lisa Marie is a subject that is very profitable. lol! It is part of the past far removed from Michael's life. I think it's a big waste of time to be discussing what happened between them in both years and be primarily trying to understand the behavior of Lisa and what she thinks about Michael. Nobody will ever know what really happened. If they were together was because God did not allow. I can only say that I'm sure Michael has matured and learned much from his marriage to Lisa... and Debbie. That was the only good thing in this story: maturation and learning.
Hi, MJ's life, and everyone in it will always be a fascination, and mystery. Speculations will never stop, and I believe, we the fans will continue to discuss his life for some time to come, which is fine with me.
Hi, MJ's life, and everyone in it will always be a fascination, and mystery. Speculations will never stop, and I believe, we the fans will continue to discuss his life for some time to come, which is fine with me.
Ok... Each person has their own opinion. -_-

huh? how are we profiting from discussing her?! rather, she's a drain on my time LOL!!
I can only say that I'm sure Michael has matured and learned much from his marriage to Lisa... and Debbie. That was the only good thing in this story: maturation and learning.

yes that's the only good thing that came out of it...but now that he died before his time she is suddenly the love of his life. he himself said even married to them he'd go to bed crying, he was so inexperienced when it came to relationships that the only way for him to mature was the hard way - to marry, to go through divorce and all the other complications that came with it

what she meant by profitable is that fangirls are always going to use Lisa to try to imagine what it's like to be with Michael - they take the few appearances and photoshots they had together and create their perfect little fantasy I see videos like this ALL over the internet it feeds their fantasy
Michael is dead now, and to many people he's just a fantasy they can make him out to be whatever they want him to be

as for Lisa just wait and see, when her new cd comes out she will use her "grief" to attract sympathy and promote herself
huh? how are we profiting from discussing her?! rather, she's a drain on my time LOL!!
I've loved Michael all of my life. I've always had a fascination with him, not only as the greatest entertainer, but MJ the man, human being. After having other eligible ladies in his life I inquire to why, Elvis' Presley's daughter? Was the marriage a publicity stunt in the beginning? Did they both fall in love unexpectedly? Was it just about sexual chemistry? We may never know the truth, but many fans like us discuss their relationship, and some are very contentious about it. I appreciate the respect here, for different pov's and opinions.
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I really do believe that Diana Ross was the love of his life. He could never have her in that way. I am not saying it was impossible to love somebody else but he picked her to raise his kids if his mother could not do it. With Diana there is something there. I see it everytime I have seen them together and when he is around her. Maybe I am just imagining things. She is a little older than him but not so much where they couldn't be together. When she got married a long time ago it made him sad. I think if Lisa was the love of his life then he would have gotten back together with her when he had the chance. He moved on once he had his kids. His life changed after that. That's how it looked to me.
I've loved Michael all of my life. I've always had a fascination with him, not only as the greatest entertainer, but MJ the man, human being. After having other eligible ladies in his life I inquire to why, Elvis' Presley's daughter? Was the marriage a publicity stunt in the beginning? Did they both fall in love unexpectedly? Was it just about sexual chemistry?

he mentioned more than once that the main reason why he was attracted to her was because she had her own money, she came from a musical family and she had her own name, so he presumed that because of that she's be the perfect wife for him who doesn't want him for money or fame
but later on he realized that perfect fairytales do not exist and a wife needs more than that, she also needs a: A. personality, B. intelligence :lol:
what she meant by profitable is that fangirls are always going to use Lisa to try to imagine what it's like to be with Michael - they take the few appearances and photoshots they had together and create their perfect little fantasy I see videos like this ALL over the internet it feeds their fantasy

What we have seen the appearances and photoshots was beautiful, wonderful and happy. But we know that reality is not a fairy tale. Marriage is always difficult and this case really had nothing of a fairy tale.

Unfortunately some things about life, Michael had to learn the most hard and cruel. He always had within it an incredible inner strength. He was never fragile and innocent. He could be overthrown by the people and the problems of life, but he immediately got up and followed on without let up for all these things. A man truly blessed and enlightened by God with incredible strength to be able to overcome all the bad things that come your way. That's what he learned with the hard life.

I love him more and more. :wub:
yes that's the only good thing that came out of it...but now that he died before his time she is suddenly the love of his life. he himself said even married to them he'd go to bed crying, he was so inexperienced when it came to relationships that the only way for him to mature was the hard way - to marry, to go through divorce and all the other complications that came with it

what she meant by profitable is that fangirls are always going to use Lisa to try to imagine what it's like to be with Michael - they take the few appearances and photoshots they had together and create their perfect little fantasy I see videos like this ALL over the internet it feeds their fantasy
Michael is dead now, and to many people he's just a fantasy they can make him out to be whatever they want him to be

as for Lisa just wait and see, when her new cd comes out she will use her "grief" to attract sympathy and promote herself
IMO,Lisa has been exploiting her association with Michael to promote herself from the start. I believe, it's the reason she married him. It's all about her, and the image she wants to uphold in the spotlight. While they were married, it was one of her major concerns, she thought MJ wasn't considering how she would look to the media when he continued to interact with children after the false accusations. (from Magic & Madness)
I don't hate LMP and I don't view her as a waste of time :lol:
I just want to know why she could do such a thing to Michael. How she could divorce him, play with him after the divorce while he's married, ask for him back, and than bash him. Now that he's no longer on earth she tries to say she loved him. I just want to know why, why ,why.
I see some pictures of her and him and she looks happy and in love and I would be perfectly fine with that if she didn't go around a few years later and say "What was I thinking?!"
Honestly, I understand being upset a year or so after the divorce, but really. Was he that horrible to you that you had to bash him? I don't really think so. I mean I understand hating someone or bashing someone after they were horrible to you during the marriage and still is horrible after the divorce but he wasn't, he was gentleman enough to just keep it on the down low and not talk about it.
he mentioned more than once that the main reason why he was attracted to her was because she had her own money, she came from a musical family and she had her own name, so he presumed that because of that she's be the perfect wife for him who doesn't want him for money or fame
but later on he realized that perfect fairytales do not exist and a wife needs more than that, she also needs a: A. personality, B. intelligence :lol:
So, Lisa had already received her inheritance from her father when they started dating?
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So, Lisa had already received her inheritance from her father when they started dating?

yes here's an article about it

she met Michael at Bret Livingstone's house in august 1992, and she inherited the estate in 1993. also see how the article mentions a possible career?Bret set up the meeting so that Michael could hear her demo tapes and I think after she met Michael she felt more encouraged. before that Bret said she wouldn't even show her tape to anyone I think I posted an article about it in this thread...and the article also says she wants more kids :smilerolleyes:
bottomline: Mike was stubborn as heck. no one could make him do what he didn't want to do. I think that was Lisa's main problem. she'd always had her own way. irresistible force meets immovable object. clash! boom! pow! flash!

in a nutshell, that's their story. I just wish it'd had a happy ending. many do.

nadine, I also find it really interesting that you think Michael was prescient. just before I read your posts on this thread, I said this very thing on another thread here (the one about curls for my girls Tshirt he wore, I think). is that an opinion you've formed over the years? I am a bit older than you and as I've followed Mike's meanderings over the years, that's the opinion I've come to, as well. he was decidedly fey. it showed in a lot of things he did and said.

I also find it really, REALLY interesting that Lisa had your post deleted/removed. fascinating!

indranee :) , yes, I absolutely believe 110% that Michael had the extrasensory ability of precognition/psychic ability/whatever you want to call it. And I too noticed it throughout the years (& I'm pretty sure Lisa did too).

Just like Lisa said, Michael knew his fate before anyone else did, he even told her he would die like Elvis. Not only that, I believe that is why he was attracted to Lisa from an early age, and is also why he set up a meeting with her mother via his manager to ask Priscilla if he could meet Lisa (re: Lisa was 16 yrs. old at the time). He knew she was the one.

But, alas, things don't always turn out the way they do in fairytales or Disney movies, though I admire Michael's sincere belief in the impossible becoming possible. How does that old saying go ~ "a dream is a wish your heart makes".

So each one of us makes that conscious choice to believe what we want to, and I choose to believe that Michael & Lisa truly loved one another, with Lisa coming to the realization after the fact that she never did get over Michael & never will. But Michael knew, Michael knew.

Another thing I choose to believe is that Michael was like a monk, resisting the temptations of the flesh to truly follow the word of God, to act Christ-like, and in doing so surrounding himself with children, because in the face of children he saw God. That's why his desire to remain innocent, like a child, even in marriage to a certain extent. I recall him saying that when one is married one shouldn't just allow one's body to be used in all sorts of ways (i.e. I think he was talking about pornographic ways, not natural conjugal rights).

In ending, I'm just waiting for the book that Lisa will eventually write, just as her mom wrote "Elvis & Me" 10 yrs. after Elvis died, I also expect Lisa to do something similar, however hopefully sooner than later. Right now she is writing songs, singing, working on her album, a means to express her grief & sorrow over the loss of Michael. And I wish her all the best. There's nothing anybody can say that will make her feel worse than she already does.
yes here's an article about it

she met Michael at Bret Livingstone's house in august 1992, and she inherited the estate in 1993. also see how the article mentions a possible career?Bret set up the meeting so that Michael could hear her demo tapes and I think after she met Michael she felt more encouraged. before that Bret said she wouldn't even show her tape to anyone I think I posted an article about it in this thread...and the article also says she wants more kids :smilerolleyes:
Hi, Thanks for the link. The article confirms what I believe about her. But, she said she wanted more children, she just didn't want them with Michael. She deceived him, later to have twins with her fourth husband, ML.
Nadine, your sentiments are so sweet. :wub: Michael would have hated being thought of as a monk or a saint. He worked extra hard to remove himself from the virginal, goody two shoes, angelic image, which is why no interview went by without him letting people know he was not perfect. He did strive to be like Christ, but Christ--while sweet and innocent in his treatment of people and his quest to make sure every person who encountered him walked away feeling loved and understood--was tough, a survivor, a renegade, and didn't let anyone push him around or tell him what to do. He even told Donny Osmond to do the same and Donny says to this day that he wishes he took that advice.

Michael had a way of speaking his death depending on where his head was at the time. When he told her that, he had suffered from a dependency. Surely he wondered at that time if that would be his fate given the circumstances that were going on when he was suffering (being called everything but a child of God, so called friends publically humiliating him, a hasty marriage that was falling apart) This is what happened to Elvis. He was quite broken by people he thought were his friends and taking too many pills. (don't get me started on that "doctor" of his who--incidently--has written a book about Elvis. I wish Lisa Marie would publically call him out, but I doubt she has the strength anymore--especially right now) His daughter was no doubt his only reason for getting up in the morning. He had not worked in a while, gotten out of shape, and was declining rapidly in health. His broken heart just finally gave out.

Fast forward to 1997 and Michael is in a much happier place. He's got a new wife and (depending on what you believe) his ex-wife is now his best girlfriend and his most fondest dream has come true--he's now a father. His dependency is far behind him, he's on tour, and feeling incredibly joyful. And then his beloved Princess Diana (someone for whom he had been nursing a secret passion--someone he thought often about marrying--and would have asked if he could have conjured up the nerve) is tragically killed and he reveals for the first time his fear of dying in the same manner. (I say murder)

Fast forward to 2003-2005 and Michael is in a dire situation. Even though he is fully confident in his innocence, it is clear to him that the conspirators are having another go at him. And Michael expressed concern about being poisoned. (Again, his fear of being killed)

Fast forward to 2008 and he is in a good place again, possibly even better than where he was in 1997. He's free, he has a crystal clear view of who his true friends are (the ones that were there in 1993 and continued to be there in 2005 and were STILL there) he is in celebratory mode, he has had time to rest and restore his sense of peace, and he's ready to actively began working again. Yet here he laments over James Brown not stopping to enjoy the fruits of his labor and saying he did not want to go out in such a manner either.

It is at this point--I truly believe--that Michael was ready to grow as old as it would have taken for him to see who his three beautiful children would become. Thoughts of dying like Elvis, and even Lady Diana are part of a past he no longer feels connected to. He is older, wiser, and still yearning to learn more. I believe with all my heart that he was looking fondly forward to a long life--finally bringing his dreams of filmmaking to fruition and even more charitable pursuits. I believe he was looking forward to finishing out his baby goal--10 to 13. Would he have married again? Possibly. (If Miss Ross had called. :cheeky:)

The death prophecy that seemed to concern him most in later years--being poisoned--was fulfilled. He didn't die like Elvis (as he once thought if you believe what Lisa Marie Presley says) or James Brown (as he himself said he did not want) Like his beloved Lady Diana (again if you believe such) he was killed.

Out of respect for Jackson, Cage, Keough, and Lockwood, she should not write about any of them. (Actually, if she was going to write a book, I think she would have already.) Michael can't defend himself anymore and we can say for certain would not have even bothered to comment on a book of hers as he had gotten over her. Cage wouldn't because he is over her as well and that doesn't seem to be his style either. She is taking care of Keough and Lockwood so she can say what she wants about them but they are her children's fathers--it wouldn't be cool. She can't have been turning cartwheels when her mother wrote her book. Many Elvis fans didn't appreciate it given she wasn't even his widow; it can't have been easy for her since he was her father and she adored him. There isn't much about her life--outside of her Dad and her marriages--that many people would find terribly interesting (except us fans of her) Perhaps the Scientology thing or to diss her mother. I would hate for that to happen with them. It's hard enough watching Candy and Tori Spelling having a go at one another.

Even though Joe DiMaggio was very briefly married to Marilyn Monroe, he did not speak about her or write about her. He took their relationship--and everything that happened in it--to the grave. Whether or not he still loved her will continue to be up for debate. But he had enough respect for her not to use her name and his connection to her for attention or even to share his pain. And for that I will respect him forever.
Just like Lisa said, Michael knew his fate before anyone else did, he even told her he would die like Elvis. Not only that, I believe that is why he was attracted to Lisa from an early age, and is also why he set up a meeting with her mother via his manager to ask Priscilla if he could meet Lisa (re: Lisa was 16 yrs. old at the time). He knew she was the one.

you don't understand, what Lisa insinuated was that Michael died from drugs abuse like Elvis. she made him look like a drug addict she gave the verdict before hearing the details, and this opened Pandora's box because the media picked it up and the drug allegations began which ruined MJ's reputation yet again
the general public doesn't know as much about MJ as we fans know, and if they hear Michael's ex-wife talking about it then it MUST be true
and by the way what a brilliant job Lisa did to represent Elvis - she sold her daddy for money. she sold his estate Graceland everything for money. that's the only reason Priscilla has been using his name all these years, to make money off of him not to protect his legacy they showed their true nature when they sold him for money
you don't understand, what Lisa insinuated was that Michael died from drugs abuse like Elvis. she made him look like a drug addict she gave the verdict before hearing the details, and this opened Pandora's box because the media picked it up and the drug allegations began which ruined MJ's reputation yet again
the general public doesn't know as much about MJ as we fans know, and if they hear Michael's ex-wife talking about it then it MUST be true
and by the way what a brilliant job Lisa did to represent Elvis - she sold her daddy for money. she sold his estate Graceland everything for money. that's the only reason Priscilla has been using his name all these years, to make money off of him not to protect his legacy they showed their true nature when they sold him for money

Okay, I'm going to play devil's advocate here Snow (love your name by the way) but even though she put out the insinuation, she was only sharing a 14 year old story before the facts were out. I agree she should have kept that to herself, but she had not seen or talked to him for almost a decade. So all she had to go on was what he dealt with before they got married and the after effects during the marriage. It seemed only natural that would come to her mind because he was still so young.

I actually blame Oxman, Chopra, and Boteach for putting the idea out there because Michael wasn't dead 24 hours before those Stooges were on TV talking about not being surprised because Michael was such a junkie. Oxman's silence is deafening now that we have discovered he was murdered. Chopra at least is placing blame on the doctor. Boteach's contempt is not surprising because he's still trying to sell that book.

And as for Presley Enterprises, as someone who would like to know that my children and grandchildren are well taken care of, I would hope they would sell, auction, and pimp whatever they could so they can continue to live the life I provided for them. Elvis was a wonderful entertainer with a beautiful voice! Later generations deserve that part of him. His face on a bedsheet and plates, ect.--that is a little much. But the estate was in serious trouble when he died, thanks to those "friends" picking his pockets before he was even cold. They were quite content to steal money from his daughter and leave her in poverty so long as they got theirs. Say what you want about Priscilla, but thank God she stepped in when she did.
I don't hate LMP and I don't view her as a waste of time :lol:
I just want to know why she could do such a thing to Michael. How she could divorce him, play with him after the divorce while he's married, ask for him back, and than bash him. Now that he's no longer on earth she tries to say she loved him. I just want to know why, why ,why.
I see some pictures of her and him and she looks happy and in love and I would be perfectly fine with that if she didn't go around a few years later and say "What was I thinking?!"
Honestly, I understand being upset a year or so after the divorce, but really. Was he that horrible to you that you had to bash him? I don't really think so. I mean I understand hating someone or bashing someone after they were horrible to you during the marriage and still is horrible after the divorce but he wasn't, he was gentleman enough to just keep it on the down low and not talk about it.

I said "drain" on my time lol! just think how many other IMPORTANT things I could be doing instead of sitting here reading about her. stuff like, umm... cleaning my house, my bathroom, cooking, shopping, writing, traveling, working etc etc. you get the picture? ;)
I said "drain" on my time lol! just think how many other IMPORTANT things I could be doing instead of sitting here reading about her. stuff like, umm... cleaning my house, my bathroom, cooking, shopping, writing, traveling, working etc etc. you get the picture? ;)

Yes I get the picture :lol:
If I spent half as much time on finding a job as I do researching and discussing their relationship well I'd probably have a job :lol:
After a few weeks of basically filling out application after application and handing out tons of my resumes I got tired of it. :doh:
Yes I get the picture :lol:
If I spent half as much time on finding a job as I do researching and discussing their relationship well I'd probably have a job :lol:
After a few weeks of basically filling out application after application and handing out tons of my resumes I got tired of it. :doh:

I am sorry you are having a bad time of it oldmoon20. Keep your chin up. It seems like whenever I really want to just give up, something good happens. :)

I was really happy for Michael and Lisa Marie when they got together because I think they both loved each other very much and they seemed really happy. I think Lisa was sincere in telling him she wanted to have his children. But after they were married, something happened to make her unsure. It may have been the reality of being married to the most famous man in the world and all that entailed or the fact that he was really married to his art and the world, in a way. She was young, maybe it was just too much. SO she ended it. Then regretted it. He had been hurt and couldn't try again. She became hurt and then angry, said things she shouldn't have. It's terrible. I wish she hadn't been so mean about it too. Especially when he was going through hell with the trial. I am sure she regrets that. I hope they did sort things out the last few years. I am sure she feels differently now being older and wiser.
I am sorry you are having a bad time of it oldmoon20. Keep your chin up. It seems like whenever I really want to just give up, something good happens. :)

I was really happy for Michael and Lisa Marie when they got together because I think they both loved each other very much and they seemed really happy. I think Lisa was sincere in telling him she wanted to have his children. But after they were married, something happened to make her unsure. It may have been the reality of being married to the most famous man in the world and all that entailed or the fact that he was really married to his art and the world, in a way. She was young, maybe it was just too much. SO she ended it. Then regretted it. He had been hurt and couldn't try again. She became hurt and then angry, said things she shouldn't have. It's terrible. I wish she hadn't been so mean about it too. Especially when he was going through hell with the trial. I am sure she regrets that. I hope they did sort things out the last few years. I am sure she feels differently now being older and wiser.

That does make a lot of sense.
the "Lisa was hurt and angry" theory works for a year or two after the divorce...not 10 years after! you don't do this when Michael's life and future is at stake, you don't do this when you're expecting twins with another man! you let go and move on. what did ever MJ do that made her feel sooo hurt?
he was a gentleman and she treated him like shit. yes he said NO to her but he was married and expecting children she's not the center of the world! MJ's kids are going to judge her when they'll see what she did to their daddy
it's hard enough I have to wake up every day knowing Michael's dead, now I have to hear people praising on his backstabbers. but like I said MJ is a fantasy now, we're going to hear a million stories in his life and it's going to be anything but the truth that's what happens with legends their life becomes public property
the "Lisa was hurt and angry" theory works for a year or two after the divorce...not 10 years after! you don't do this when Michael's life and future is at stake, you don't do this when you're expecting twins with another man! you let go and move on. what did ever MJ do that made her feel sooo hurt?
he was a gentleman and she treated him like shit. yes he said NO to her but he was married and expecting children she's not the center of the world! MJ's kids are going to judge her when they'll see what she did to their daddy
it's hard enough I have to wake up every day knowing Michael's dead, now I have to hear people praising on his backstabbers. but like I said MJ is a fantasy now, we're going to hear a million stories in his life and it's going to be anything but the truth that's what happens with legends their life becomes public property

Very true.
the "Lisa was hurt and angry" theory works for a year or two after the divorce...not 10 years after! you don't do this when Michael's life and future is at stake, you don't do this when you're expecting twins with another man! you let go and move on. what did ever MJ do that made her feel sooo hurt?
he was a gentleman and she treated him like shit. yes he said NO to her but he was married and expecting children she's not the center of the world! MJ's kids are going to judge her when they'll see what she did to their daddy
it's hard enough I have to wake up every day knowing Michael's dead, now I have to hear people praising on his backstabbers. but like I said MJ is a fantasy now, we're going to hear a million stories in his life and it's going to be anything but the truth that's what happens with legends their life becomes public property
I agree.:clapping: So many fans are in denial about Lisa Marie. She wasn't the niave young victim that was seduced by Michael and his lifestyle. He had his faults, but he did absolutely nothing so nasty to her that she have such bitterness and anger against him.
the "Lisa was hurt and angry" theory works for a year or two after the divorce...not 10 years after! you don't do this when Michael's life and future is at stake, you don't do this when you're expecting twins with another man! you let go and move on. what did ever MJ do that made her feel sooo hurt?
he was a gentleman and she treated him like shit. yes he said NO to her but he was married and expecting children she's not the center of the world! MJ's kids are going to judge her when they'll see what she did to their daddy
it's hard enough I have to wake up every day knowing Michael's dead, now I have to hear people praising on his backstabbers. but like I said MJ is a fantasy now, we're going to hear a million stories in his life and it's going to be anything but the truth that's what happens with legends their life becomes public property

Exactly! Thank you.
the "Lisa was hurt and angry" theory works for a year or two after the divorce...not 10 years after! you don't do this when Michael's life and future is at stake, you don't do this when you're expecting twins with another man! you let go and move on. what did ever MJ do that made her feel sooo hurt?
he was a gentleman and she treated him like shit. yes he said NO to her but he was married and expecting children she's not the center of the world! MJ's kids are going to judge her when they'll see what she did to their daddy
it's hard enough I have to wake up every day knowing Michael's dead, now I have to hear people praising on his backstabbers. but like I said MJ is a fantasy now, we're going to hear a million stories in his life and it's going to be anything but the truth that's what happens with legends their life becomes public property

Exactly!! And she wasn't that HURT after the divorce because she followed him around for years and was close with his sisters and mother. She forgot about that? Please!~!!
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