LMP discussion

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So is April 2008 the last time they had contact? I remember Karen mentioning Lisa Marie telling her [at Michael's funeral, I think] about a phone call with Michael that "didn't end well", which was the last time they spoke. But I don't think Karen ever said how recently before Michael's passing the phone call took place. Anyway, I don't know what she expected from him. They hadn't spoken in years. And in that time, whenever she was asked about him, she wasn't speaking highly of him; which I'm sure he knew.
I've also read this. Why harrass MJ with phone calls? She knew he moved on, no longer wanted or needed her in his life, so why not simply leave him alone? It seems Lisa was still angry and wanted him to be miserable as she was. I'm glad he decided not to reconcile with her, he would've suffered more heartache and pain. She's an unhappy girl with unresolved issues.
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In the article Lisa was reflecting on her life. She was very dissappointed and dissatified about lack of accomplishments. I believe she had regrets, and one was, marrying Michael. I think she looked back on their marriage, wondering what drew she and Michael together. Why did they marry. She's a perplexed woman, trying to make sense out of her life. But, after trying to bring closure by contacting Michael, she failed to understand she was responsible for her decisions/ behaviour and Michael wasn't soely at fault becuz their marriage ended.
That's the problem. She simply has refused to acknowlege HER part in the marriage falling apart. She insists on being Miss innocent, naive, Susie Homemaker who was done wrong and hurt by Michael Jackson--the 'manipulative beast'.
I don't know if this is true or not and that he said nothing in the conversation. But if that was the first time they talked in 10 years then I don't get what she expects him to say. He moved on with his life and I think having his kids changed him. Gave him a new purpose in his life. He didn't marry her for publicity. He would not use someone like that. He knew what it was like to be used and he wouldn't do it to somebody else. She bashed him for years and especially during probably the darkest times of his life the charges and the trial. Then she calls him up to ask questions now? She could have asked him things a long time ago and not go on different tv interviews and imply she was used by him.

I know that if someone called me out of the blue that I haven't talked to in 10 years I wouldn't know how to react myself. Especially if that person hurt me badly.

Just a little something to add that I found perplexing, to say the least. Two days ago, over on LMP's official forum, a poster named twix posted a picture (along with a link) of Michael & Lisa's 1994 Marriage Certificate, which is said to be up for sale. I thanked said poster because s/he always posts rare pics, info., etc. And then I wrote a long reply in regards to said topic, about who would do such a thing? a fan? whom? And I wrote about how Karen Faye supposedly got paid $100,000 for selling 3 pics of Michael's tombstone to tmz.com And I asked the question would you sell anything you had from a celebrity if you had to? etc. And I also mentioned the recent auctions/sales of Michael memorabilia & Elvis as well. Finally, I asked if anybody knew what happened to the ring Michael gave Lisa for their wedding (i.e. did she return it to him? or keep it), and I also asked if she received any jewelry from Michael, etc. Lastly, I brought up the fact that throughout the years Lisa has given rings/necklaces of Elvis to close friends of hers, which just goes to show how much a good heart Lisa has always had, very kind hearted. So I was totally surprised that within 30 minutes of me having posted such a reply the entire thread was deleted!

Why would somebody delete such an innocent thread? It doesn't make sense. I've been trying to figure it out for the past two days. Is it because Karen Faye was mentioned in regards to her supposedly selling 3 pics of Michael's tombstone to tmz.com? That's the only thing I could think of to get such an innocent thread deleted, but then why not just delete my post, not the entire thread. Is it because the thread was about the selling of Michael & Lisa's 1994 Marriage Certificate. Did this alone enrage somebody?

Anyhow, whatever it was I wish I knew...

p.s. here's the link to the story http://www.contactmusic.com/news.ns...resleys-marriage-certificate-for-sale_1122086

EDITED TO ADD: regards the thread that was deleted over on Lisa's official forum, there were only 3 replies to it, nothing incendiary, only one word replies from the usual posse, like "lol, I knew this would happen". The poster whom posted the picture didn't even say anything, just posted the pic is all, along with the caption. I'm the only one that posted a long reply, asking questions as I mentioned up above, that's it. Yet it was deleted within 30 minutes after I posted. Odd. Too bad I can't just post a thread outright asking why over there, but as I mentioned a few pages back, Lisa's official forum is populated by a handful of posters that rule the board & whom do not allow for any type of discussion about Lisa that they view not pleasing toward her. If you don't go along with the pack, you get attacked. I'm pretty sure this is why there is such low traffick over there, 8 or 9 regulars at most. Which is unfortunate because a person's official forum/site is a reflection of oneself & therefore the posters are direct reflection of said person.
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Lisa knew he loved her, but I think she was confused becuz reportedly they were seeing each other for awhile after the divorce, and he didn't want to reconcile. She was left feeling rejected. She didn't accept he had moved on with his life and children, without her.

Maybe she wasn't used to people walking away from her and she didn't like it. She left him and decided to divorce him. Then she decides she wants him back but for him it was too late. Maybe he still loved her but he took a different direction in his life. When his kids came it changed everything for him. I don't think he took the marriage lightly. I read his book he wanted to find the right girl and have a family. For her to question his motives makes me think she really didn't know him at all.

Also after he died her blog about him. Is it me or did come across as Michael being weak and helpless guy she couldn't save? It still doesn't come across well it makes Michael look bad and people are saying how heartfelt it was. It's just adding fuel to the fire of all the speculation regarding Michael. It was more about her than him anyways.

I do think she has issues. It's almost like she thinks how he could live without her. I know that's a big assumption by me but he did and he was happy with his kids. Maybe one day as his kids got older he would have found the right person. She wasn't it. Too much drama between them. The whole thing was rushed between them.
I do agree that she has issues. but come on guys, why would she not? with Elvis as her daddy who -- to the nine-year-old apple of his eye -- pretty much abandoned her by dying and then a dominant mother?

is it any wonder she got pregnant and married at 19?

of course she has issues. but so did Mike. issues never had anything to do with love and marriage. but they do have something to do with maturity and stability. I believe Mike resolved his after the trial and as his kids grew up. I don't think Lisa ever really had the opportunity to deal with hers. whatever she said in her blog, it does seem to me that she's devastated by his death. I don't think she'll ever get over it or him.
I feel like when he had his kids that it changed him. He did become more mature and everything was about them. He did keep his child like qualities but it was different. After going through that trial how could he not be affected by that. He almost lost his freedom and his children.

I really don't understand her to be honest. If she feels bad for things she did and said then I think there is a whole bunch of people who probably feel guilty too. What really bothers me is I have always defended Michael to people before and after death. The things people say are just horrible. It's like he wasn't human to people. I am sure many can understand what I am saying here. She joined in that ridicule when she was probably one of the few that was closest to him. Not all marriages work out and I am sure they both did things that hurt each other but she chose to marry him. There is no need to act embarassed or ashamed because the people interviewing you think he is weird and why you would do such a thing. She did what all those people did that we have to defend Michael to. She always had the choice in what she did. If she wasn't happy being married to him or whatever then that's how she felt but she didn't have the respect for him as a person when he was alive so whatever she says now doesn't matter to me. I always hated how people talked about Michael, the media and everything. I know many like her and that's fine but I just don't.
I do agree that she has issues. but come on guys, why would she not? with Elvis as her daddy who -- to the nine-year-old apple of his eye -- pretty much abandoned her by dying and then a dominant mother?

is it any wonder she got pregnant and married at 19?

of course she has issues. but so did Mike. issues never had anything to do with love and marriage. but they do have something to do with maturity and stability. I believe Mike resolved his after the trial and as his kids grew up. I don't think Lisa ever really had the opportunity to deal with hers. whatever she said in her blog, it does seem to me that she's devastated by his death. I don't think she'll ever get over it or him.
Yes, MJ and Lisa both had/have issues, but, the difference between Lisa and Michael is, he never took his issues out on people. Lisa has a chip on her shoulder, and expects too much from others. She's angry, vindictive and mean, to those she claims to love when they refuse to bow down to her every desire and command. She is Elvis Presley's little princess, but, she needs to stop behaving as everyone should fall at her feet. This is the real world. And, issues have a lot to do with love and marriage. That's why she and Michael were unsuccesful, and she's married again, to her fourth husband.
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They both had their rough childhoods. They both had issues they had to sort out. The main difference was Michael liked to keep those things to himself and not exploit every problem he had to the world. Lisa had to tell the whole world basically some of the problems she had with the marriage and just with the world. It was wrong to defile him on national television but she's having to pay for it now.
So I read some stuff about LMP but before I post it I want to know if the book Unmasked is actually credible.
Hi, Moon. You still here this late? Nice "seeing" you around. Is this the book Unmasked by Ian Halperin? If yes, I do not reccommend it. The book is trash. He is terrible. He makes very bad accusations against MJ. The book is so awful, I wouldn't read anything in it. Have you read The Shumley Tapes by Rabbi Shumley? Michael shares his soul in the book. Words from Michael, himself. I hear from other fans it's some bombshell reveals in it. I don't like the Rabbi, he dissappointed Michael, but I do want to know what Michael said, I'll buy the book, soon.
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Hi, Moon. You still here this late? Nice "seeing" you around. Is this the book Unmasked by Ian Halperin? If yes, I do not reccommend it. The book is trash. He is terrible. He makes very bad accusations against MJ. The book is so awful, I wouldn't read anything in it. Have you read The Shumley Tapes by Rabbi Shumley? Michael shares his soul in the book. Words from Michael, himself. I hear from other fans it's some bombshell reveals in it. I don't like the Rabbi, he dissappointed Michael, but I do want to know what Michael said, I'll buy the book, soon.

:doh: so basically a waste of $25

I still have the receit...that is if they will take it back. Probably not:doh:

:( dang it!
:doh: so basically a waste of $25

I still have the receit...that is if they will take it back. Probably not:doh:

:( dang it!
Hi, Moon. IMO, yes, it's a waste of your money. It's not worth one penny. I hope you can get your money back.
This is a popular topic of discussion! Hope we'll have new info soon.:timer:
New info from The Michael Jackson Tapes: SB: But I'm a big believer in marriage. So, when your relationship with Lisa started to fall apart was it very hard? Your idealism about the family, everything you believed in building the intimate family you always wanted, especially b/c you knew...
MJ: I wanted children and she didn't.:(
SB: She felt she had her kids.
MJ: Yeah, and she promised me that before we married, that would be the first thing we'd do was have children. So, I was brokenhearted and I walked around all the time holding these little baby dolls, and I'd be crying, that's how badly I wanted them. So I was determined to have children. It dissappointed me that she wouldn't keep her promise to me, you know?:( After we got divorced she would hang out with my mother all the time.:scratch: I have all these letters saying, "I'll give you nine children. I'll do whatever you want,"and of course the press don't know all these stories and she just tried for months and months and I just became too hard hearted at that point. I closed my mind on the whole situation.
SB: So she thought maybe you could get back together?
MJ. Uh huh.
SB: But children were a major, major issue?
MJ: Of course.
SB: She had the kids and that was it.
MJ: She had hers and I wanted us to feel like we all were one big family and have more. Just...my dream is to have nine or ten children, that's what I want.
SB: You're still very young. Do you think that will happen?
MJ: Yeah.
SB: But it means getting married again.
MJ: Yeah.
SB: Are you happy to do that?
MJ: Uh huh...or adopt.
SB: Is it possible Michael, that you're attracting the wrong kind of girl b/c of your celebrity?
MJ: It's hard. That's why it's hard for me. It's hard. It's not easy for celebrities to be married.
SB: Do you think that you could only really marry celebrities so that they don't need you as much?
MJ: That helps in my opinion. And they understand what you go through. They've been there.
Nadine, Michael's first (and only true) love was Diana Ross. Everybody knew this. He couldn't get enough of saying it when he was alive. He never got over her and was still very much in love with her. I've always said, if she called him on June 24th and said let's do it, he would have been a married man on June 25th. He wanted her--the second woman he loved and trusted most in the world--to raise his children if the first woman was not able to. Not his sisters--and Rebbie is an amazing mother--but Diana Ross. That speaks volumes.

I believe what has been revealed through books and interviews over the years as well. But I also understand he had relationships that were not for public feasting. He had morals and values (as do I) but that certainly didn't mean he had no sexual intimacy outside marriage. Like I said, he didn't spread it around like an animal, but he got his.

Michael Jackson got over Lisa Marie. This is not to say he did not love and care about her. But he let her go. Even when she tried to get him back, he had his fun with her but at the end of the day, he went back to Debbie Rowe. When he was wanting for a third child, both his ex-wives were still single, still in love with him, and on good terms with him. He chose not to be bothered with either of them. He let them go. Trouble was, they couldn't let him go and apparently still can't.

And as an Elvis fan myself, I think he got over Priscilla. He was over her before they even divorced which is one of the reasons why they had to do so. Not to say he didn't love her or care about her, he just wasn't as wrapped up in her and she was in him.

off course there always someone who know about Michael and Diana ross and their ever longlasting love!
New info from The Michael Jackson Tapes: SB: But I'm a big believer in marriage. So, when your relationship with Lisa started to fall apart was it very hard? Your idealism about the family, everything you believed in building the intimate family you always wanted, especially b/c you knew...
MJ: I wanted children and she didn't.:(
SB: She felt she had her kids.
MJ: Yeah, and she promised me that before we married, that would be the first thing we'd do was have children. So, I was brokenhearted and I walked around all the time holding these little baby dolls, and I'd be crying, that's how badly I wanted them. So I was determined to have children. It dissappointed me that she wouldn't keep her promise to me, you know?:( After we got divorced she would hang out with my mother all the time.:scratch: I have all these letters saying, "I'll give you nine children. I'll do whatever you want,"and of course the press don't know all these stories and she just tried for months and months and I just became too hard hearted at that point. I closed my mind on the whole situation.
SB: So she thought maybe you could get back together?
MJ. Uh huh.
SB: But children were a major, major issue?
MJ: Of course.
SB: She had the kids and that was it.
MJ: She had hers and I wanted us to feel like we all were one big family and have more. Just...my dream is to have nine or ten children, that's what I want.
SB: You're still very young. Do you think that will happen?
MJ: Yeah.
SB: But it means getting married again.
MJ: Yeah.
SB: Are you happy to do that?
MJ: Uh huh...or adopt.
SB: Is it possible Michael, that you're attracting the wrong kind of girl b/c of your celebrity?
MJ: It's hard. That's why it's hard for me. It's hard. It's not easy for celebrities to be married.
SB: Do you think that you could only really marry celebrities so that they don't need you as much?
MJ: That helps in my opinion. And they understand what you go through. They've been there.

Thank you for this.
I feel so bad for MJ after reading this.
I'm really glad he was able have his children.
Thank you for this.
I feel so bad for MJ after reading this.
I'm really glad he was able have his children.
Moon, I sent you a pm. He made a big mistake marrying her. They obviously didn't want the same things. But, I agree w/ you, I'm glad he was able to have children w/DR.
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I will just say this about MJ/LMP relationship. As a woman, I am not surprised Lisa Marie left Michael. Yes, she left him, not the other way around. Its so much a person can deal with. Hell, if my husband disappeared for a month then invited me to the MTV music awards and sing to me like everything was great on stage, I would be pissed too. I know MJ wanted kids and all, but who wants to bring kids in a broken marriage? Things changed, and Lisa may have went into the marriage with the intention to have kids. It must have been difficult for Lisa to be married to MJ and all his problem and childish behavior. The marriage was doomed. In addition, the way MJ went behind Lisa back and had kids with Debbie, is a major no-no. Who else would put up with that? Lisa never wavered about how she loved MJ. In her heart she may have felt he used her and thus the negativity she expressed about him in interviews. We will probably never know what went on that marriage for her to say things the way she did. From what we do know, I am sure she probably is justified. All in all, I am sure she has a lot of regret as evident by her grief after he passed away. Her saddness doesn't sound like someone who wasn't in love because its obvious she was!
I will just say this about MJ/LMP relationship. As a woman, I am not surprised Lisa Marie left Michael. Yes, she left him, not the other way around. Its so much a person can deal with. Hell, if my husband disappeared for a month then invited me to the MTV music awards and sing to me like everything was great on stage, I would be pissed too. I know MJ wanted kids and all, but who wants to bring kids in a broken marriage? Things changed, and Lisa may have went into the marriage with the intention to have kids. It must have been difficult for Lisa to be married to MJ and all his problem and childish behavior. The marriage was doomed. In addition, the way MJ went behind Lisa back and had kids with Debbie, is a major no-no. Who else would put up with that? Lisa never wavered about how she loved MJ. In her heart she may have felt he used her and thus the negativity she expressed about him in interviews. We will probably never know what went on that marriage for her to say things the way she did. From what we do know, I am sure she probably is justified. All in all, I am sure she has a lot of regret as evident by her grief after he passed away. Her saddness doesn't sound like someone who wasn't in love because its obvious she was!

I understand your point and agree with you to a certain extent. Michael was very stubborn and could be selfish at times as we all are, he was only human anyway. The fact that Michael was really busy with his music, touring, and all that he did probably didn't give him enough time to spend with Lisa, the amount of time he would have wanted to. Lisa should have known this though. She knew Michael was really focused on his music and going around the world doing the things he did. I believe that if they talked through these things, talked about how they were going to handle the marriage while she had young children to take care of and he had his career than things may have turned out better. I'm not saying they didn't but it doesn't look like they had serious talks about these things.
Lisa was hurt by Michael going and getting DR pregnant but honestly I can't really feel sorry for her. She knew Michael wanted children and she didn't give him any. She promised she would and when you make a promise like that than you can't be surprised when the other person leaves you or does something like that when you break it. Michael was stubborn and he wanted children BADLY...enough to where he would walk around with dolls and cry. Denying him that and than basically telling him to go get DR pregnant, even though she was bluffing but still she had been married to Michael long enough to know him and what he could do. I'm not saying Michael was a horrible person, he was far from it, but he was a man who wanted children and well he was bound to have some.
I feel sorry for the both of them that they weren't able to work it out. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if Debbie Rowe never offered to have his children...would he have worked it out with Lisa or would he have found someone else...or adopted. The world will never know but I can't say it was a bad thing that they didn't work it out because Michael was able to have his three beautiful children.
I will just say this about MJ/LMP relationship. As a woman, I am not surprised Lisa Marie left Michael. Yes, she left him, not the other way around. Its so much a person can deal with. Hell, if my husband disappeared for a month then invited me to the MTV music awards and sing to me like everything was great on stage, I would be pissed too. I know MJ wanted kids and all, but who wants to bring kids in a broken marriage? Things changed, and Lisa may have went into the marriage with the intention to have kids. It must have been difficult for Lisa to be married to MJ and all his problem and childish behavior. The marriage was doomed. In addition, the way MJ went behind Lisa back and had kids with Debbie, is a major no-no. Who else would put up with that? Lisa never wavered about how she loved MJ. In her heart she may have felt he used her and thus the negativity she expressed about him in interviews. We will probably never know what went on that marriage for her to say things the way she did. From what we do know, I am sure she probably is justified. All in all, I am sure she has a lot of regret as evident by her grief after he passed away. Her saddness doesn't sound like someone who wasn't in love because its obvious she was!

Thats Lisa's version of the story. None of us know why he left or even if he left for so long. That the same person who has been married countless times. I wonder if she was alsothe victim in her marriage to Nick . She wouldn't dare bad talk him cuz he would have responded. She knew the press hated MJ and no one would question her childish rants, especially not Michael. he would just take it like he did everything else. I mean , all we have to do is watch Diane sawyer's interview and Oprah and then her blog. It makes you scratch your head. In the 2 interviews as well as countless intervies she lied her face off. She was used , manipulated, couldn't wait to leave, and so much other ish. What she forgot to say is she didn't exactly leave . She was still seeing him after the divorce. And then came her blog. I have a feeling Oprah and Diane sawyer must have been confused as hell. She's Talking about LEAVING him was the hardest thing she ever had to do. WHAT!!!!!!!????????? That coming from the same woman who said he snowballed her in. He manupilated her, Couldn't wait to leave and never looked back. She wants to forget that part of her life. She married him cuz she was young and naive. She liked "whacked" guys then. And she didn't even call her current husband by his first name because he has the same name as MJ. And what the hell was MJ using her for? Oh wait thats right publicity and fame, acccording to her delusional mother . Cuz Lisa is sooooo famous. And Mj didn't have enough of his own.RIGHHHHHHHT!!!
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Thats Lisa's version of the story. None of us know why he left or even if he left for so long. That the same person who has been married countless times. I wonder if she was alsothe victim in her marriage to Nick . She wouldn't dare bad talk him cuz he would have responded. She knew the press hated MJ and no one would question her childish rants, especially not Michael. he would just take it like he did everything else. I mean , all we have to do is watch Diane sawyer's interview and Oprah and then her blog. It makes you scratch your head. In the 2 interviews as well as countless intervies she lied her face off. She was used , manipulated, couldn't wait to leave, and so much other ish. What she forgot to say is she didn't exactly leave . She was still seeing him after the divorce. And then came her blog. I have a feeling Oprah and Diane sawyer must have been confused as hell. She's Talking about LEAVING him was the hardest thing she ever had to do. WHAT!!!!!!!????????? That coming from the same woman who said he snowballed her in. He manupilated her, Couldn't wait to leave and never looked back. She wants to forget that part of her life. She married him cuz she was young and naive. She liked "whacked" guys then. And she didn't even call her current husband by his first name because he has the same name as MJ. And what the hell was MJ using her for? Oh wait thats right publicity and fame, acccording to her delusional mother . Cuz Lisa is sooooo famous. And Mj didn't have enough of his own.RIGHHHHHHHT!!!

This is why I can't really trust anything she says. She says one thing one day and than come out the next day with a completely different story. What I don't understand is ...if she was so hurt by Michael than why did she continue to see him, and than ask for him to come back? Michael was deeply hurt and said his heart was closed to the idea. She on the other hand says she was really hurt and didn't know if he used her or not yet she sends him letters saying she would have nine children for him if he would just come back to her. We don't know what happened but from what Michael said and what Lisa has said...well I believe Michael. I'm not saying he wasn't at fault but Lisa contradicts herself too much while Michael stays with the same story.
This is why I can't really trust anything she says. She says one thing one day and than come out the next day with a completely different story. What I don't understand is ...if she was so hurt by Michael than why did she continue to see him, and than ask for him to come back? Michael was deeply hurt and said his heart was closed to the idea. She on the other hand says she was really hurt and didn't know if he used her or not yet she sends him letters saying she would have nine children for him if he would just come back to her. We don't know what happened but from what Michael said and what Lisa has said...well I believe Michael. I'm not saying he wasn't at fault but Lisa contradicts herself too much while Michael stays with the same story.

I am not sure if you ever been in love, but it is not surprising Lisa went back because she LOVED him. When you love someone it is hard to let go and move on. She probably tried her hardest to forget everything, but like she said she had kids that served a higher priority than any of the drama with MJ.

Just because Michael wanted to children and Lisa changed her mind, it doesn't make her a bad person. People changes their minds. Lisa has kids with some of her other men, so I am sure she wasn't against having kids except with Michael. I am sure she had good reason too. Everything that came out about the drug use, can you blame her? Even though some of her interviews are annoying, I never heard her waver about MJ, the good and the bad. She stuck to her story from Oprah to Diane Sawyer to the Myspace blog.
Thats Lisa's version of the story. None of us know why he left or even if he left for so long. That the same person who has been married countless times. I wonder if she was alsothe victim in her marriage to Nick . She wouldn't dare bad talk him cuz he would have responded. She knew the press hated MJ and no one would question her childish rants, especially not Michael. he would just take it like he did everything else. I mean , all we have to do is watch Diane sawyer's interview and Oprah and then her blog. It makes you scratch your head. In the 2 interviews as well as countless intervies she lied her face off. She was used , manipulated, couldn't wait to leave, and so much other ish. What she forgot to say is she didn't exactly leave . She was still seeing him after the divorce. And then came her blog. I have a feeling Oprah and Diane sawyer must have been confused as hell. She's Talking about LEAVING him was the hardest thing she ever had to do. WHAT!!!!!!!????????? That coming from the same woman who said he snowballed her in. He manupilated her, Couldn't wait to leave and never looked back. She wants to forget that part of her life. She married him cuz she was young and naive. She liked "whacked" guys then. And she didn't even call her current husband by his first name because he has the same name as MJ. And what the hell was MJ using her for? Oh wait thats right publicity and fame, acccording to her delusional mother . Cuz Lisa is sooooo famous. And Mj didn't have enough of his own.RIGHHHHHHHT!!!

I totally agree with everything u said there.
I remember the first time I saw Lisa speak was during Prime Time interview - I thought she was dumb as a rock and I felt embarrassed for the rest of the interview. how can anyone give her any credit at all? are they not seeing what I'm seeing?
as for Michael I just thought he was naive as hell, way too naive which is why he ended up suffering so much and why he's dead now yes that's why, it's all a consequence of him giving too much credit to too many people and letting himself be trampled on - because that's what his momma taught him to shut up and take abuse from others. his naivety was so endearing but it also made me worry and I criticized him for it when he was alive I knew he'd get in trouble again because of it
Thats Lisa's version of the story. None of us know why he left or even if he left for so long. That the same person who has been married countless times. I wonder if she was alsothe victim in her marriage to Nick . She wouldn't dare bad talk him cuz he would have responded. She knew the press hated MJ and no one would question her childish rants, especially not Michael. he would just take it like he did everything else. I mean , all we have to do is watch Diane sawyer's interview and Oprah and then her blog. It makes you scratch your head. In the 2 interviews as well as countless intervies she lied her face off. She was used , manipulated, couldn't wait to leave, and so much other ish. What she forgot to say is she didn't exactly leave . She was still seeing him after the divorce. And then came her blog. I have a feeling Oprah and Diane sawyer must have been confused as hell. She's Talking about LEAVING him was the hardest thing she ever had to do. WHAT!!!!!!!????????? That coming from the same woman who said he snowballed her in. He manupilated her, Couldn't wait to leave and never looked back. She wants to forget that part of her life. She married him cuz she was young and naive. She liked "whacked" guys then. And she didn't even call her current husband by his first name because he has the same name as MJ. And what the hell was MJ using her for? Oh wait thats right publicity and fame, acccording to her delusional mother . Cuz Lisa is sooooo famous. And Mj didn't have enough of his own.RIGHHHHHHHT!!!
you read my mind girl!! -_-
Thats Lisa's version of the story. None of us know why he left or even if he left for so long. That the same person who has been married countless times. I wonder if she was alsothe victim in her marriage to Nick . She wouldn't dare bad talk him cuz he would have responded. She knew the press hated MJ and no one would question her childish rants, especially not Michael. he would just take it like he did everything else. I mean , all we have to do is watch Diane sawyer's interview and Oprah and then her blog. It makes you scratch your head. In the 2 interviews as well as countless intervies she lied her face off. She was used , manipulated, couldn't wait to leave, and so much other ish. What she forgot to say is she didn't exactly leave . She was still seeing him after the divorce. And then came her blog. I have a feeling Oprah and Diane sawyer must have been confused as hell. She's Talking about LEAVING him was the hardest thing she ever had to do. WHAT!!!!!!!????????? That coming from the same woman who said he snowballed her in. He manupilated her, Couldn't wait to leave and never looked back. She wants to forget that part of her life. She married him cuz she was young and naive. She liked "whacked" guys then. And she didn't even call her current husband by his first name because he has the same name as MJ. And what the hell was MJ using her for? Oh wait thats right publicity and fame, acccording to her delusional mother . Cuz Lisa is sooooo famous. And Mj didn't have enough of his own.RIGHHHHHHHT!!!
I couldn't agree with ya more esp. on the part in bold. She should be ashamed of herself. I doubt she can watch the clips esp. now.

How sad the marriage was broken over her not wanting to have babies with him. There must of been many other issues leading up to the divorce, but that's the major factor. What else can be when your wife says "NO" like that?...And I heard Priscilla wanted no black kids as her grandchildren. I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. There are racist people on earth and esp. from the older generation. And we all know she didn't like Michael. But, the mean ex-mother-in-law aside, I really wanna know exactly why Lisa didn't want no kids during the marriage.
I am not sure if you ever been in love, but it is not surprising Lisa went back because she LOVED him. When you love someone it is hard to let go and move on. She probably tried her hardest to forget everything, but like she said she had kids that served a higher priority than any of the drama with MJ.

Just because Michael wanted to children and Lisa changed her mind, it doesn't make her a bad person. People changes their minds. Lisa has kids with some of her other men, so I am sure she wasn't against having kids except with Michael. I am sure she had good reason too. Everything that came out about the drug use, can you blame her? Even though some of her interviews are annoying, I never heard her waver about MJ, the good and the bad. She stuck to her story from Oprah to Diane Sawyer to the Myspace blog.

I understand where you're coming from.
I understand wanting to go back to him because she loved him but I don't understand why she bashed him so horribly during interviews. When you're mad than OK I get it but even after how many years and even though they became friends after the divorce she still bashed him. She even said "What in the hel* was I thinking?!" That doesn't say love to me. I'm not saying she didn't love him but when she said things like that than I just don't know what to believe.

It would have been hard to be married to Michael with the problems he had, especially with having small children but Lisa knew these things. She knew the kind of person Michael was and she could have told him no let's just be friends but she married him, AND promised him children. We don't know what happened in the marriage but I would think she would know the person Michael was and the problems he had before they got married.
I couldn't agree with ya more esp. on the part in bold. She should be ashamed of herself. I doubt she can watch the clips esp. now.

How sad the marriage was broken over her not wanting to have babies with him. There must of been many other issues leading up to the divorce, but that's the major factor. What else can be when your wife says "NO" like that?...And I heard Priscilla wanted no black kids as her grandchildren. I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. There are racist people on earth and esp. from the older generation. And we all know she didn't like Michael. But, the mean ex-mother-in-law aside, I really wanna know exactly why Lisa didn't want no kids during the marriage.
I think Lisa feared what her family thought, and the what ifs. They weren't comfortable w/ the marriage. She feared their reaction to MJ's children, and possibly having them caught in the middle of a divorce if the relationship ended. She was concerned about image and reputation.
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