LMP discussion

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the "Lisa was hurt and angry" theory works for a year or two after the divorce...not 10 years after! you don't do this when Michael's life and future is at stake, you don't do this when you're expecting twins with another man! you let go and move on. what did ever MJ do that made her feel sooo hurt?
he was a gentleman and she treated him like shit. yes he said NO to her but he was married and expecting children she's not the center of the world! MJ's kids are going to judge her when they'll see what she did to their daddy
it's hard enough I have to wake up every day knowing Michael's dead, now I have to hear people praising on his backstabbers. but like I said MJ is a fantasy now, we're going to hear a million stories in his life and it's going to be anything but the truth that's what happens with legends their life becomes public property

Exactly!! And she wasn't that HURT after the divorce because she followed him around for years and was close with his sisters and mother. She forgot about that? Please!~!!
She's got a lot of nerve to hang with his family after bad mouthing him to the world!
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I just read something, I don't know if it's true but it's about Michael and LMP. It was about something that was happening like 2 years I believe after the divorce.
Hi, Oldmoon What was happening? Please be specific. Thanks.
I'm afraid to say it since it's kind of personal. Well we basically have talked about it. Soon after the divorce they were still together, but were they still actually doing more than just the flirting and kissing? I just read somewhere they were.
I read after the divorce Lisa and Michael were together, and DR was very accepting of it.
Hm OK than.

I'm still trying to sort through all the facts, and try not to just voice my opinion. :lol:
Ok, But, it's so many rumors out there. We can only speculate. We may never know the facts. You've got your work cut out for you trying to sort through the LMP/MJ relationship.
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Ok, But, it's so many rumors out there. We can only speculate. We may never know the facts. You've got your work cut out for you trying to sort out the LMP/MJ relationship.

I know, I know.
That's another good thing about this thread. Some people know the truth and can share. I'm not talking about the real personal stuff but other things about the relationship. I just want to get to know most of the truth, the truth that people on here know and the truth that isn't too personal. I know the rules and it's also not right to dwell into the deeply personal stuff. I just simply want to know simple stuff, well not simple, but just know if it was true that he still was basically with LMP even though he was married to Debbie Rowe or if they actually did hang out quiet a lot even a few years , like years after the marriage.
I know, I know.
That's another good thing about this thread. Some people know the truth and can share. I'm not talking about the real personal stuff but other things about the relationship. I just want to get to know most of the truth, the truth that people on here know and the truth that isn't too personal. I know the rules and it's also not right to dwell into the deeply personal stuff. I just simply want to know simple stuff, well not simple, but just know if it was true that he still was basically with LMP even though he was married to Debbie Rowe or if they actually did hang out quiet a lot even a few years , like years after the marriage.
Well, Oldmoon22, according to the book by Randy T. Lisa and Michael were seeing each other after the divorce, DR and his family knew it. Apparently, sis Janet was the mediator, unintentionally.
Oldmoon22, don't be upset.:no:

I'm not upset don't worry :lol::huggy:

I've just been getting real sad lately and some stuff is just starting to confuse me. I'm trying to sort through the facts so I can get a picture of how it was. I try to be happy for them but when I try to picture them it's just all jumbled up with all these different things being said about what could have possibly happened.

And you can just call me Moon;) Or Melissa, whatever you like:)
I'm not upset don't worry :lol::huggy:

I've just been getting real sad lately and some stuff is just starting to confuse me. I'm trying to sort through the facts so I can get a picture of how it was. I try to be happy for them but when I try to picture them it's just all jumbled up with all these different things being said about what could have possibly happened.

And you can just call me Moon;) Or Melissa, whatever you like:)
I understand. With all the conflicting stories about them, it's confusing. But, I'm not confused. I never believed for one minute Lisa loved Michael. From day one I believed his marriage was an arrangement and she didn't love him. I'm sad b/c of how she treated him, betrayed him to the world, and now he's gone she's trying to clean up her mess by pretending she was victimized by her niavete and youth, trying to save him from himself. She is so full of BS. Lisa is guilty. She knew he fell in love with her along the way, and she treated him like dirt. What guilt feelings she has she has to live with it for the rest of her life.
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I understand. With all the conflicting stories about them, it's confusing. But, I'm not confused. I never believed for one minute Lisa loved Michael. From day one I believed his marriage was an arrangement and she didn't love him. I'm sad b/c of how she treated him, betrayed him to the world, and now he's gone she's trying to clean up her mess by pretending she was victimized by her niavete and youth, trying to save him from himself. She is so full of BS.

That's what I think but I've seen a few pictures of them when they actually did look really happy. I remember Donald Trump talking about how when they were at his mansion or somewhere with him they spent most of the day in their room. I mean some pictures I see and things I read they seemed like a really happy couple. Than there's the stories about them arguing and pictures that you call she's not really happy. The times when they were in public, especially at an award show and she looked super unhappy than it makes me think that they never were happy. I think that they were happy when they first got married but than soon after is when things started to fall apart.
That's what I think but I've seen a few pictures of them when they actually did look really happy. I remember Donald Trump talking about how when they were at his mansion or somewhere with him they spent most of the day in their room. I mean some pictures I see and things I read they seemed like a really happy couple. Than there's the stories about them arguing and pictures that you call she's not really happy. The times when they were in public, especially at an award show and she looked super unhappy than it makes me think that they never were happy. I think that they were happy when they first got married but than soon after is when things started to fall apart.
The one thing that kept them happy for awhile was the intimacy. But, that ended, b/c of the conflicts. They were not getting along, and Lisa had doubts about the marriage, and Michael's ability to be a husband/father with sound judgement and maturity. (among other issues) They couldn't have a strong marriage on just one thing. They needed honest communication, compromise, and unity. Those were the things the marriage was missing.
The one thing that kept them happy for awhile was the intimacy. But, that ended, b/c of the conflicts. They were not getting along, and Lisa had doubts about the marriage, and Michael's ability to be a husband/father with sound judgement and maturity. (among other issues) They couldn't have a strong marriage on just one thing. They needed honest communication, compromise, and unity. Those were the things the marriage was missing.

I couldn't have said it better myself :yes:
oh god not taraborelli again why does anybody buy his trashy book
here's a sample of what he does in his free time

he's just another scumbag making money off MJ's death in fact the made money off of him all his life by exploiting their so called relationship and by pretending he was a close friend of MJ
he was one of the first people who insinuated in the early 90's that MJ liked kids in a "special way" if you know what I mean he's your typical tabloid writer
oh god not taraborelli again why does anybody buy his trashy book
here's a sample of what he does in his free time

he's just another scumbag making money off MJ's death in fact the made money off of him all his life by exploiting their so called relationship and by pretending he was a close friend of MJ
he was one of the first people who insinuated in the early 90's that MJ liked kids in a "special way" if you know what I mean he's your typical tabloid writer

OK so don't believe anything it says?
I'm really getting confused now!
oh god not taraborelli again why does anybody buy his trashy book
here's a sample of what he does in his free time

he's just another scumbag making money off MJ's death in fact the made money off of him all his life by exploiting their so called relationship and by pretending he was a close friend of MJ
he was one of the first people who insinuated in the early 90's that MJ liked kids in a "special way" if you know what I mean he's your typical tabloid writer
So, Randy T. was insinuating negative things about MJ?!?!:bugeyed

I didn't know that!! I wish I knew this before I bought the book. I notice, he does have a lot of secondhand info. That seems questionable for someone who claims to be a close friend. He should be giving his personal expiriences with MJ, not possible untruths from others that may not be credible. Oh, well I must be careful who's book I decide to invest money in.
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he makes up details about Michael's personal life that he has no idea about, he doesn't know more about Michael than we know and he never interviewed him for his book
if you want to read more on MJ's life http://jetzi-mjvideo.com/books2/ in the end I think only MJ's books and Aphrodite Jones book are worth buying, the rest you can read them here
he makes up details about Michael's personal life that he has no idea about, he doesn't know more about Michael than we know and he never interviewed him for his book
if you want to read more on MJ's life http://jetzi-mjvideo.com/books2/ in the end I think only MJ's books and Aphrodite Jones book are worth buying, the rest you can read them here
Thanks for the link. I saw some books I will be buying.
Oh please..another thread...?

She was with him,
no matter what you think you would have done....how you would have treaten him...we are still fans...we think that Michael was perfect..ect.

I know she was wrong, he shouldn't have done many things...but she loved him and she is punished for her entire life now for doing or saying this or that. Give her some peace already...:(
She was close to him not us.
Oh please..another thread...?

She was with him,
no matter what you think you would have done....how you would have treaten him...we are still fans...we think that Michael was perfect..ect.

I know she was wrong, he shouldn't have done many things...but she loved him and she is punished for her entire life now for doing or saying this or that. Give her some peace already...:(
She was close to him not us.

I wanted to make another thread for people to come have a discussion about her. Some other threads and boards when people try to voice their opinion they are yelled at, and stomped on basically. So I wanted to make a thread where people could come in and have a discussion, and not have to worry about people fighting. I know it can get annoying to see all these threads about Lisa but like I said before, I wanted somewhere where people of all opinions could go to. It's not the I Love Lisa Thread or I Hate Lisa Thread. I know it started out with my ranting but I was upset about everything that she had done and I couldn't write it anywhere without feeling like I was going to get yelled at or have people get angry at me.

I know she wasn't close to us and that she has to live her life now basically in regret but I'm not trying to bash her. Sometimes I do I admit because sometimes I just really really upset with what she's done. I've been trying to get over my anger and just see their relationship as it was. I know we're never really going to know the whole truth, but I want to get as much as the truth from here as I can. I'm sick of hearing the rumors and just want the facts.
Well I understand..
Maybe she'll give an interview someday.

She wrote everything in her blog...but yeah 2 bad she didn't say it to Michael.
Well I understand..
Maybe she'll give an interview someday.

She wrote everything in her blog...but yeah 2 bad she didn't say it to Michael.

Well she may have apologized to him before. We just don't know. I think we wanted her to apologize to him in front of the world and let the whole world know that she was wrong for what she did. If she did apologize to him in private than good. If she didn't though, well she has to live with it now.
Oh please..another thread...?

She was with him,
no matter what you think you would have done....how you would have treaten him...we are still fans...we think that Michael was perfect..ect.

I know she was wrong, he shouldn't have done many things...but she loved him and she is punished for her entire life now for doing or saying this or that. Give her some peace already...:(
She was close to him not us.
Yes, we are the fans, but we don't think Michael was perfect. He was human with faults. I think she never understood him. We love him unconditionally, and she didn't. We would never have treated him like she did. Any peace she doesn't have isn't b/c of the fans, it comes from her guilty conscience.
I am just curious, if they were still seing each other after the divorce then when did they end it for good?

I was going to get that Magic, Madness book but I decided against it. I got Michael's Moonwalk book. His 1988 autobiography re-released last month. It was great. I loved it. Michael in his own words and there were some things in there that made you think about what people were saying about him over the years and things that happened. This book everyone should have. It was like he was talking to you and I want to hear and see things from Michael himself. Everyone else it's like you don't really know what is true you know what I mean?
I am just curious, if they were still seing each other after the divorce then when did they end it for good?

I was going to get that Magic, Madness book but I decided against it. I got Michael's Moonwalk book. His 1988 autobiography re-released last month. It was great. I loved it. Michael in his own words and there were some things in there that made you think about what people were saying about him over the years and things that happened. This book everyone should have. It was like he was talking to you and I want to hear and see things from Michael himself. Everyone else it's like you don't really know what is true you know what I mean?
According to Magic & Madness, Lisa and Michael were seeing each other after the divorce. I have Moonwalk, too. I absolutely love the book! Michael is sharing his heart. He is telling us about his life, who he is, the man, the human being. I'm glad I bought it!:):)
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