Listen to my voicemail from Michael from Oct. 08.

I have no idea why some can hear it and some cant. The only thing I can suggest is write down the url and hand type it into your browser. I use internet explorer and it works for me?!
I have no idea why some can hear it and some cant. The only thing I can suggest is write down the url and hand type it into your browser. I use internet explorer and it works for me?!

I also use Internet Explorer and doesn't work... there is an ERROR ON PAGE
Okay......try this......copy the up a new window in your browser.....paste the url......see if it works that way. Im really sorry, I dont understand why it works for some and not others??????
Thank you for posting this. It's wonderful.

I assume that you've made a copy, just in case something happens to your voicemail! I'm sure many of us would love to read about your experiences, when you're ready of course.

BTW - I'm using IE and Quicktime, and it works for me.
Donna, thank you for sharing this VM. It is so nice to hear his voice. You are so blessed to have been in his presence.
Wow, you are so blessed to have gotten that voice mail from him! It just shows how true and real he was, taking the time to call you and apologize for losing your items. He must have really been concerned and cherished your conversation! Lucky girl!! :D
Donna, thank you for sharing this VM. It is so nice to hear his voice. You are so blessed to have been in his presence.

Youre welcome. You know, I was disapointed that I had missed his call, but now I'm kinda glad because I can treasure this message always. The actual message was accidentally deleted from my voicemail, but luckily I had recorded the message on my pc before it was erased.
God, this is....wonderful! Donna, you are so blessed! Thank you for sharing!

It can be downloaded and sent by mail like a mp3 file. If there is anyone who still cannot open it, PM me your email, i will forward it.

ps. I cannot stop playing this...
wow imagine coming home form a hard days work turning on your answer machine and hearing a voicemail from Michael, amazing.
Oh Donna I can't get over this. God bless you and thank you for making Michael happy.
Michael was the most beautiful and humble man. Oh gosh. Can you imagine any other star nowadays doing this?
You are blessed to have this to cherish for ever! Thank you so very much for posting.
I'm sad but uplifted at the pure beauty of Michael's soul.
What a sweetheart he really was! I feel so bad that I’ve never met him…. . Thank you very much for sharing.
When Michael lived in Vegas I, and several other fans would go and wait for him at his house. Every single time he would leave or arrive he and the children would always stop and talk to us.....sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for over 30 minutes. Many times he would even have pizza & hot chocolate delivered to us, which was so very sweet! Anyway, one day I left my personal pictures of me & my kids with MJ for him to sign, but at one point he couldnt find he left a voicemail. (He did eventually find my pictures & gave them to me:)

I have kept this message private until now. I decided to share it here with you all, his TRUE fans, so you can hear his voice and hear for yourself just how kind and sweet he truly was. I will cherish this means the world to me.

I hope listening to it will bring a smile to your face at this very devasting time.

With Love,

Donna Green

PS: If the link doesnt work you might need to copy and paste the url into your browser. When I click on the link it doesnt work....but if I copy the link and paste it in my browser it does work.

Oh have tried so many times to hear this!!! :doh:
Can't hear it! :(
Ideas anyone plz?
Oh Donna I can't get over this. God bless you and thank you for making Michael happy.
Michael was the most beautiful and humble man. Oh gosh. Can you imagine any other star nowadays doing this?
You are blessed to have this to cherish for ever! Thank you so very much for posting.
I'm sad but uplifted at the pure beauty of Michael's soul.

PLZ someone tell me how I can hear this? :)
humble man yes and one I adore.................please tell me Ems how I can hear this! :)
thankyou so much,i hear it but it seems to cut off,what point does it cut off at.vlc player says 21 seconds is this correct?
Thank you Donna for sharing your VM.
I love hearing MJ's speaking voice.
And what a sweetheart.....sweet, kind and generous.

Tell me; how many times did you press 1? Lol!

I hope your headaches are better now.

I still cant believe he's not here with us. The unthinkable.
.....and did you hear how he says "Goodbye"?!!!!

Yes! And it made me smile. Loved it! :)
When Michael lived in Vegas I, and several other fans would go and wait for him at his house. Every single time he would leave or arrive he and the children would always stop and talk to us.....sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for over 30 minutes. Many times he would even have pizza & hot chocolate delivered to us, which was so very sweet! Anyway, one day I left my personal pictures of me & my kids with MJ for him to sign, but at one point he couldnt find he left a voicemail. (He did eventually find my pictures & gave them to me:)

I have kept this message private until now. I decided to share it here with you all, his TRUE fans, so you can hear his voice and hear for yourself just how kind and sweet he truly was. I will cherish this means the world to me.

I hope listening to it will bring a smile to your face at this very devasting time.

With Love,

Donna Green

PS: If the link doesnt work you might need to copy and paste the url into your browser. When I click on the link it doesnt work....but if I copy the link and paste it in my browser it does work. name is Donna too and oh how beautiful that was thank you so much for sharing this.
lucky girl!
many thanks for sharing this!
it breaks my heart that this kind sweet and loving person is gone..its not fair :(
I too got the error message but if you copy and paste the link to your browser it will work.

Oh my goodness what a beautiful message.Michael really was one of a kind.
You are very lucky to have that.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us :)