Listen to my voicemail from Michael from Oct. 08.

I agree taht this sort of thing needs to reach the press so that more positive vibes can be spread about him.

Thank Donna, that was really touching.
Awww.... I want a call from Michael now :(. But congrats on Michael calling you :wild:.

EDIT: Transcript for People:

MICHAEL: Hello, this is Michael Jackson umm... I'm sorry that I couldn't find the information you wanted me to sign for you and your family and umm... I just wanted you to know your a wonderful thing??? (you can't hear him that well). And ah.. thank you for the wonderful company outside. I love you my family loves you, God bless you have a wonderful life??? (can't hear him that well). Goodbye.
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wow he was the sweetest man ever, thank you so much for sharing this, it does really help! xx
Page is returning an error... Can't see anything on there..

Oh ok.. I just did copy/paste the link and I was able to hear it... Very sweet :(
When Michael lived in Vegas I, and several other fans would go and wait for him at his house. Every single time he would leave or arrive he and the children would always stop and talk to us.....sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for over 30 minutes. Many times he would even have pizza & hot chocolate delivered to us, which was so very sweet! Anyway, one day I left my personal pictures of me & my kids with MJ for him to sign, but at one point he couldnt find he left a voicemail. (He did eventually find my pictures & gave them to me:)

I have kept this message private until now. I decided to share it here with you all, his TRUE fans, so you can hear his voice and hear for yourself just how kind and sweet he truly was. I will cherish this means the world to me.

I hope listening to it will bring a smile to your face at this very devasting time.

With Love,

Donna Green

PS: If the link doesnt work you might need to copy and paste the url into your browser. When I click on the link it doesnt work....but if I copy the link and paste it in my browser it does work.

Ohhhh myyyy Goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! You not only met Michael, had your pic taken with him but you got to sit and talk with him, and he called you and left you a message?!?! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! He was truly the most kind and thoughtful and caring person ever. And you are so very lucky and blessed. I knew I should have moved to Vegas...
Gosh this is so beautiful... he never ceases to amaze me, he had the biggest heart on earth...

Thank you so much for posting this, very nice of you.

P.S. Just curious - how did he get your number?
the fact that he took the time to call you just because he couldn't find your stuff speaks volumes. :)

and that video where he said Michael took the time to call Will on father's Day knowing he didn't have a dad.... aaaaw

Michael is so giving. What a good person.

I miss him terribly.
HOLLY SHIT!!! OMG! It's Michael Jackson on your voicemail!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*drops dead*

It REALLY made me smile. For the first bloody time when I've heard the terrible you-know-what news.
Aw, Donna, thank u so much for sharing..

what a blessing u had the chance to meet him...ur so lucky!
jesus, I have tons of questions....
When was that?
Did you phone him back? If yes, how many times?
[Oh my father god- hot chocolate and pizza???!!!! How SWEEEEEEEEET!!!!!]
Please, tell us more things!!!! Share with us your memories, dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awww.... I want a call from Michael now :(. But congrats on Michael calling you :wild:.

EDIT: Transcript for People:

MICHAEL: Hello, this is Michael Jackson umm... I'm sorry that I couldn't find the information you wanted me to sign for you and your family and umm... I just wanted you to know your a wonderful thing??? (you can't hear him that well). And ah.. thank you for the wonderful company outside. I love you my family loves you, God bless you have a wonderful life***??? (can't hear him that well). Goodbye.

***not life but evening :)
Thanks so much for posting.

He really did love his fans. I mean its insane when you think about it: an worldwide Megastar calls to say he's sorry for misplacing your things. How many artists even stop to give their fans an autograph.

Michael was truly amazing!!!!
Thanks for sharing your memories with us Donna. The world should learn how Michael really was...He was a kind, caring, wonderful, special soul. I remember once, during the history tour me and a couple of girls were outside his hotel in cannes, We had the chance to see him several times and to speak to him at some point, it was night and someone delivered pizzas and Coke on behalf of him...How sweet that was. Now I miss him more...I want him back...
Nothing to see here. Move along, buddy.
Actually, we couldn't find the page you requested. Please check the URL.

:( I wanna hear it too
Wow. I hope you realise how lucky and blessed you were to have met Michael in person and to speak to the man himself.

This voicemail really show how kind-hearted Michael Jackson was and that he really did love his fans.

With Love. :)
I will not rest until this man is seen in this light by everyone. Michael Jackson was a wonderful human being and does not get the credit he deserves.
Aww that is sweet. He says have a wonderful evening at the end, right?

Guys, try Google chrome, I was trying Firefox before and it wasn't working .
Thank you so much for sharing that with us, you are so lucky.