Listen to my voicemail from Michael from Oct. 08.

i heard it!! he's so nice

one day me and my firends went looking for his house...but i guess we were just all directional challenged cuz we gave up after a hour. what part of vegas did he live in?
I have copy and pasted to my browser about four times and all it does is brings me back to the thread. I tried just typing it in and also nothing! How in the world can I hear it?
Wow! What a privedge Vegasfan! I am in total envy of you.. Thank you so much for uploading this message. He is so sweet and kind.. Brings a tear to my eye :(
Thank you Donna!!

I appreciate that very much. Sometimes I tell people how nice he was to his fans, even providing them with Pizza and Hot Chocolate...

and thank you for that you were there
I have copy and pasted to my browser about four times and all it does is brings me back to the thread. I tried just typing it in and also nothing! How in the world can I hear it?

I think you need to "enable download" in your browser. Go to the Options setting of your internet explorer.
Thank u Donna for sharing this wonderful moment with us...............its not possible for every one to be with michael ,u got that chance .........we can feel him through u.......... .........i hope ur doing fine ...........take care this pain we are all together.
I have copy and pasted to my browser about four times and all it does is brings me back to the thread. I tried just typing it in and also nothing! How in the world can I hear it?

me too :(
I've been trying the link on my Vista laptop, no success. Last nite I tried it on my husband's old PC, and it worked!!! So beautiful to hear Michael's voice!! Thanks so much for sharing!! Lucky you!!
Thank you so much for sharing this, Donna :) You are truly lucky to have met and talked to him several times.. And I'm so glad that you did, you kind of represented us fans, and I'm glad that you showed him that you loved him, that we all did.

But one thing...who other celebrities would stop and talk to their fans outside their house for 30 minutes nowadays? I know some maybe would roll down the window and say hi..but to stay there for 30 minutes sometimes, and even go to the lenght to call and say that he couldn't find the pictures that you wanted him to is all I can say. He truly loved his fans, and boy did he showed us that he did!! He had the purest heart. You can feel his all that he did. It truly is as he said "it's all for love...L.O.V.E.". I at least L.O.V.E. him
It wouldn't work in my Firefox browser but it worked when I pasted the link into my AOL browser. That was so sweet of him to do. What a treasure for you.
It still doesnt work for me :( I really wanna listen. I've tried everything you've suggested, i went into options like Rainbow Angel suggested but couldnt find te 'enable download' icon :(. This sucks, i wanna hear Michaels voice.

Please someone help me...
When Michael lived in Vegas I, and several other fans would go and wait for him at his house. Every single time he would leave or arrive he and the children would always stop and talk to us.....sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for over 30 minutes. Many times he would even have pizza & hot chocolate delivered to us, which was so very sweet! Anyway, one day I left my personal pictures of me & my kids with MJ for him to sign, but at one point he couldnt find he left a voicemail. (He did eventually find my pictures & gave them to me:)

I have kept this message private until now. I decided to share it here with you all, his TRUE fans, so you can hear his voice and hear for yourself just how kind and sweet he truly was. I will cherish this means the world to me.

I hope listening to it will bring a smile to your face at this very devasting time.

With Love,

Donna Green

PS: If the link doesnt work you might need to copy and paste the url into your browser. When I click on the link it doesnt work....but if I copy the link and paste it in my browser it does work.
You are blessed. I did not want to tell this board this but I was finally going to met Michael this summer. Sad that my dream wont happen now.
i cant hear it!! is there some other way you guys can put it up so i can listen - i'd love just to hear his soft voice again!