Listen to my voicemail from Michael from Oct. 08.

Thank you so much for sharing this. Wow, you are so lucky to have gotten to meet him in person and talk to him! I love the pics in your avatar, too. It was so sweet of him to call you on the phone. This is the Michael all of us fans see- a humble, generous, incredibly kind man. It really made me cry to hear his beautiful voice, still can't believe we'll never hear it again...
Me too - I've copied and pasted the URL so many times but I'm still getting the error the message. It seems some of us are blessed to listen to this and some not so
Me too - I've copied and pasted the URL so many times but I'm still getting the error the message. It seems some of us are blessed to listen to this and some not so

Try typing in the address, instead of copy/paste. That's how it worked for me.
Thank you Donna for sharing :)

Oh I can't hear anything if paste on Chrome so I go back to internet explorer thats work.. automatically save and play in media player. try it.
It doesn't work. :no: Can someone fix the link or something?
That was cool! lol I think someone needed to change their batteries on the fire alarm....either you or Michael.
Thank you for sharing, Donna. Lucky you!
I use Opera so the first time it didn't worked but in IE it works.
Michael really loved his fans. He had a really big heart.
Thank you so much for your decision to share it with us.
I can't believe I've never got to meet him, he is such a sweet person...

OMG I've written "is", but I can't bring myself to correct it now...
I re-uploaded it:

Of course if Donna doesn't want it to be reuploaded I can delete it any second.

I dont mind if you reupload it as long as its used just to listen to. I wouldnt want anyone to tweek it, change it, or use it for ANYTHING. Its for us TRUE fans to listen find some sort of comfort......if thats even possible :(

I for one am a complete mess. I've been to the doctor twice since Monday for head muscle spasms and high blood pressure. I just cant take this.....God, I just cant bare the thought of him not being here ALIVE on this heart aches for him.......wherever he is I just dont want him to be lonely, nor do I want him to be embarrassed by anything they might say or do to him in death, since he is not in control of whats being done to him.......I just pray he is with God right now........... :angel:
I dont mind if you reupload it as long as its used just to listen to. I wouldnt want anyone to tweek it, change it, or use it for ANYTHING. Its for us TRUE fans to listen find some sort of comfort......if thats even possible :(

I for one am a complete mess. I've been to the doctor twice since Monday for head muscle spasms and high blood pressure. I just cant take this.....God, I just cant bare the thought of him not being here ALIVE on this heart aches for him.......wherever he is I just dont want him to be lonely, nor do I want him to be embarrassed by anything they might say or do to him in death, since he is not in control of whats being done to him.......I just pray he is with God right now........... :angel:
Aww, Donna. I'm the same. I'm usually solid as a rock, but the past week I've been a blubbering mess. :no: I still can't believe it... it's been a week long nightmare! What's worse is that no one in my life can really comprehend what I'm going through. I have to come here for some sort of solace and comfort. I never imagined living on earth without him and now I am. :( This has been a tough week, and I feel if I can make it through this unscathed, I can make it through anything.

I really hope your health gets better, Donna. Take good care of yourself. Mike would want to see us all happy and healthy. :flowers:
That was precious!!
Thank you Donna for sharing this

And you'll get through this. For you to have known, and spoken with him at all is a blessing. Just take it one day at a time.
Thank you so much Donna
it means a lot to hear hi svoice and how kind and generous
he was to his fans _ mabe one day you will share some stories
of your converstaions and of those around you had with MJ -

It been such a horrible week for me
I too am a blubbering mess and cant concentrate
It just so wonderful to have other fans to talk to
online and to help us through our grief
Thanks so much to all of you for your words of encouragement and support, especially when all of you are grieving too. This is just the hardest thing I've ever had to go through in my life. Its sooooooo hard because I'm not just grieving the "King of Pop", I'm grieving the kind, giving, sensitive, caring, gentle human being that reached out to me.........just simply, Michael, the human being. God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not fair!!!!!!!! He had so much life to live! And he was treated so badly by so many people his entire life............he didnt deserve this.......his kids didnt deserve this....Katherine didnt deserve seeing her beloved son dying so young............... God I miss him sooooooo much..............................
Thank you so much Donna
it means a lot to hear hi svoice and how kind and generous
he was to his fans _ mabe one day you will share some stories
of your converstaions and of those around you had with MJ -

Maybe in time I'll share some things but right now its just too painful :(
You are all very welcome. The message has always meant alot to me, but after this tragedy it means the world. Its sad and comforting at the same time. I wanted to share it with his TRUE fans. I just thought you would enjoy hearing it. I've kept it private until now.

Someone asked how he got my number.....he probably got it from the letters I've written to him. Actually, this was not the only call I ever got from him. In years past he has called me and my family several times. The very first time he called me in 1999/2000 he called to thank me for something and said "I want you to come to Neverland"..........and I did....many times throughout the years.

He truly knew those of us who TRULY cared about and understood him. He was the nicest man in the world. By heart is broken into a billion pieces. I am absolutely devastated.

Thank you for answering :) I knew Michael had kept in touch with many fans, didn't know you were one of them.

He is such a wonderful human being. Too good for this world. Larger than life, indeed.
He is such a wonderful human being. Too good for this world. Larger than life, indeed.

Yes, he was indeed too good for this world.

You know, I'm really happy that the world is showing love for Michael, but part of me is angry..........where in the hell were all these people when he was ALIVE?????? Where were they to show their love & support during the allegations and trial when he need the worlds support????????????? The world should be ashamed at how they treated him. :no::no::no::no::no::no:
Last edited: heart goes out to you...I think I briefly met you here at Hayvenhurst through Sharon...thank you for sharing your precious moment with Michael....when the hurt and pain subsides I might also want to share my last moments with him...just before he went to Heavens...Stay strong....He is still with us forever
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.........Thank you SO Much for sharing hun!
God bless Michael forever!!!

Take Care!
That was very kind of him - so touching. Thanks for sharing that.
Cannot access...said already reached 10 downloads...sorry to ask...but can you post again, or send me a PM? Thanks.