Listen to my voicemail from Michael from Oct. 08.

That was really cool to hear. It really struck a chord with me, thanks so much for sharing this with us.
Link still not working for me and I've now tried at work and home pcs!
You are all very welcome. The message has always meant alot to me, but after this tragedy it means the world. Its sad and comforting at the same time. I wanted to share it with his TRUE fans. I just thought you would enjoy hearing it. I've kept it private until now.

Someone asked how he got my number.....he probably got it from the letters I've written to him. Actually, this was not the only call I ever got from him. In years past he has called me and my family several times. The very first time he called me in 1999/2000 he called to thank me for something and said "I want you to come to Neverland"..........and I did....many times throughout the years.

He truly knew those of us who TRULY cared about and understood him. He was the nicest man in the world. By heart is broken into a billion pieces. I am absolutely devastated.
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Incredible! That is true testament to the amazing Michael Jackson. This man had so much love.
HOLLY SHIT!!! OMG! It's Michael Jackson on your voicemail!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*drops dead*

It REALLY made me smile. For the first bloody time when I've heard the terrible you-know-what news.

That was funny, LOL. that was so sweet and it demonstrates how giving Michael IS (he is still giving).
So you missed the phone call from Mike? Bummer. At least you have this though.
Yeah, I was sooo upset that I had missed the call, but now I'm glad I did miss it because I can play this message he gave me for the rest of my life. Besides, I've had several other calls from him in the past that I remember and that I'll always cherish. I truly love him with all my heart & soul. He is a true ANGEL.
How about someone email me the MP3 and I'll host it, as it's not working for me whether I click on it or copy it.
I love these candid stuff... Not interviews.. Just... Mike being and talking like himself... everyday stuff.... lovely..
Thank you for sharing Donna!! Aww!! That was very sweet of him!!

Thank you!! It means alot to us!!
Michael... an incredible human being! And that girl of luck! Few fans who had the great honor of being so close to Michael. To hear this message and who is impossible to describe Michael Jackson... A simply beautiful and wonderful person. I am devastated and never have the chance to see him or know him. That makes me more sad when I remember that little detail... :(

*Michael... I do miss many of you... :(
donna you are amazing thank you for thinking of us all...i am touched...u r so truely lucky god bless x
The cutest thing ever! That you so much for sharing that, Donna. It really means a lot because you really didn't have to do this for us. I really love the way he said "Goodbye." :)
The cutest thing ever! That you so much for sharing that, Donna. It really means a lot because you really didn't have to do this for us. I really love the way he said "Goodbye." :)

Awww, youre very welcome. Not many people ever understood my love and dedication to Michael, but I knew you guys would. Thats why I shared it with you all. Very few people knew about this voicemail as I felt it should be kept quiet, however, I thought now would be the time to share it with his most dedicated, TRUE fans.

I, too, love the way he says "Goodbye".......although its ironic that it really was GOODBYE.

God, I'm just so devasted. He truly was the happiness in my life....for all my life. I just miss him so very much and the world seems so empty without him........all I do is cry all day hurts so bad........
Wow, that was so sweet, Michael is so sweet! I adore his voice!!! :)