Lisa Marie's New Blog Post about Michael's resting place

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Is it really her blog ??? sorry, but this sounds stupid .
i mean ,really, this suggestion is very uncalled for /:

Yes, that's really her blog. When she posted the "he knew" message after Michael's death the media asked her agent if it's really her blog and it was confirmed it is.
It's a conspiracy! I bet the Elvis estate owns a silk sunflower company!

Hrmm, freaky that perhaps Lisa Marie is the only person in the world who would understand what MJs kids are going through I suppose. Isn't Hollywood weird. Spent the last ten years embarassed and slagging him off, now she's at his grave.

Im not for or against it. It has to be guilt driven.

Damn you snatch so hard i can even comment on that you said there are different blogs about her visiting him and people are not being nice at all. Any way another person who was in his life went to visit his grave it was all over the news i seen followers/pictures/ fans/stans they even showed that children book with MJ and kids that fans made so I need my question answer> who are the fans that going to see him every week that's what i am told and when the fans drop followers etc. The gaurds there make sure all of the stuff are surrounded by MJ
Hey :) Yes There's a group of Fans that go every 3rd of the month to bring gifts. There is also other fans that do this on their own.

I know Romi - I wish she could have seen all the gifts & cards there from all over the world. I wonder why she don't know that?

All I'm saying is that I hope by LMP 'thinking' that hardly anything was there or perhaps not have been there for Michael at Forest Lawn,when she chose to go visit - that by her saying this don't make others believe none of his fans haven't been to FL paying respects - looking like -as if no one cares.. you all know how I mean.. There has been many of us here from MJJC that have sent or brought gifts to FL for Michael. :wub:

thanks hun
I think this blog is fake. Why would she be addressing MJ fans on her myspace page?
I think this blog is fake. Why would she be addressing MJ fans on her myspace page?

she did it on june 25, 2010 plus its on the worlds most criminal site TMZ


now back to us fans i requesting snuggles the bear :wub: show some love to snuggs to don't play we need about 1000 suggs by june 25
This is LMP's real blog and yet again quit with the insults. This isn't a 'slag LMP off thread.' Discuss the lovely idea, not how much you hate LMP.
Yes, that's really her blog. When she posted the "he knew" message after Michael's death the media asked her agent if it's really her blog and it was confirmed it is.

thanks, but i think it is non of her business , we know how to show MJ our love, we did this for many long years, without her fake support.

she is trying to be like Debbie, nice trick lisa next time try something else but with more dignity.
I think it was sweet of Lisa to share this with the fans. I think she's genuine in this. And the way it's written, it's very humble, it's just a suggestion, not an order or anything. I don't think she had any hidden agenda when she decided to write this.

And who else would she address this issue if not the MJ fans? And where else would she do it if not her personal blog?

I think it was nice of Lisa to do it... I am not surprised she is allowed to visit him. After all, she was invited to the funeral, that means she's still in touch with Michael's family and of course Katherine granted her access to the Holly Terrace.

But about the area around Michael's resting place being empty... I don't know... Fans visit Michael regularly. I've just returned from the USA and when I was in LA, I visited Michael twice (and I spent only 4 days in LA). And both times I left flowers at the front door... I guess the FL staff cleans the place from time to time and sends all the gifts to Michael's family, that's why from time to time it may seem the area is empty. But the fans never forget, we always care.

Besides, artificial flowers are not allowed there. You can only bring fresh flowers.

Here's a couple of photos from my visit to Forest Lawn. I was there with a friend and we brought gifts from other Russian fans as well and bought flowers from all Russian fans. The Forest Lawn flower shop staff were kind enough to take everything inside to Michael's resting place. We were there when the flower shop lady brought all the cards, gifts and flowers in the building. She was very kind and left the door open and allowed us to look inside, so we could see the place where Michael rests... Our Angel.


thanks, but i think it is non of her business , we know how to show MJ our love, we did this for many long years, without her fake support.

she is trying to be like Debbie, nice trick lisa next time try something else but with more dignity.


lets be nice aight y'all personally it was really nice of her and anybody who loved him to show love to the king
Why is she visiting MJ? she didn't like him very much over the years. She said some very nasty and cold things about him.

IMO she always loved him and still does. She was just hurt about their break-up. She said things he shouldn't have that's true, but sometimes people say things like that when they are hurt.
I want to thank Lisa Marie for her message. Michael was always kind and never
critical of her and I think we should follow that example. I didn't know that was
his favorite flower--I will certainly send some tomorrow. I think if a few select
people were allowed closer to him, even once a week, he would have more than
enough flowers and candles and expressions of love close by. Can't help but
think he is very aware of all the love here for him---

Great post!
When I can, I will donate for flowers since I live too far away to order them or bring them myself. I wish I could visit FL some time, even if it's outside.
Thank you Lisa for that lovely suggestion!
Nice sentiment. At least someone is visiting him and thinking about it.

But 'surrounding him with love' should have been done when he was alive. Not waiting until he died. I guess the sun is going to shine out of her ass now.
I find it very sad that somebody who was close to Mike and clearly still had strong feelings for him is disappointed with the amount of flowers and gifts etc that surround him. It's even sadder that she says Mike would want more. As you have already identified, part of the problem is the location of his final resting place. Fans are just not allowed to get close and often, neither are their gifts.

I have not sent anything before, but after reading LMP's blog I certainly will do now.
Nice sentiment. At least someone is visiting him and thinking about it.

But 'surrounding him with love' should have been done when he was alive. Not waiting until he died. I guess the sun is going to shine out of her ass now.

very true.. the fans surrounded MJ with love while he was here, unfortunately Lisa Marie didn't
It's a shame the media have picked up on the story. We don't want the media to turn this into an "MJ fans forget about (or abandon) MJ" story.
The media should know that the masoleum is cleaned weekly and that the fans can't get in anyway because it's private.

I just ordered a bouquet to via Forest Lawn on behalf of ALL OF US for Michael. It will be delivered in the morning to Michael:cry: Stupid me didn't realize they had their own floral dept onsite.

Apparently, they do clean up or clear stuff on a weekly basis?

The card reads "L.O.V.E Always".

And THANK YOU for all those that does go there and leave flowers, cards, and other things for Michael regularly, you all are wonderful. :better:
:flowers: a BIG Thank you. This is so sweet of you.
Actually, I'm not going to send flowers just yet. I'm going to wait until the anniversary when the press attention will be focused on his final resting place. No doubt there will be pictures of it in the press and if we can get as many flowers and gifts there as possible at that time, I think that would be best.
Perhaps we could organise some kind of mass buying campaign so there are the maximum number of flowers and gifts there a few days before the 25th.

Here's a couple of photos from my visit to Forest Lawn. I was there with a friend and we brought gifts from other Russian fans as well and bought flowers from all Russian fans

They're beautiful. Thanks for the pictures ;)
:cry: im emotional and heart broken again please whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyy they gotta do us like that come on i just can't take it.. screams justice

I send a hug.

I enjoy reading your posts.

You're funny :)
Thank you so much for posting this! :flowers:
I think its really nice of Lisa to write that in her blog, its important for us the fans.
so sad. :cry: I wish I could visit FL and put flowers there myself to honor Michael. One day. :cry:
*Deleted* I guess writing something in the heat of the moment (and while you are having a very bad day) is never a good idea..
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^ ok...i think some are being a bit sensitive...or lost in translation.
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