Lisa Marie's New Blog Post about Michael's resting place

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*deleted* This post was linked to my earlier post so it doesn't make sense to leave it here, while the other is deleted. Sorry for all this deleting guys :(
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Well... her message yesterday, just made me sad. First, I am still being denial, seeing in one post: Michael, tomb, resting place - it's still hard. Then... the fans are doing, what they can to visit Forest Lawn, leaving there, what they think they should.
The Family decided we're not allowed to actually visit the Great Mausoleum, which I do respect, even if I wish it was different. If she thinks Michael would like to have there see of sunflowers, I don't think it'd be problem for her to do so.
If one day I'll make it to visit Forest Lawn and I'll be allowed to just come closer to the Mausoleum, I'll bring with me what I feel I should bring. I am fan of Michael for nearly 20 years - for all this years he's been in my life. Sure she was closer to him than anyone of us, but still I am allowing myself to have the right to know, what I should take with me.
And one more thing - I am hearing about her only if she goes with Karen to spiritual session, trying to contact Michael or if she goes to the Forest Lawn to visit Michael or if she writes on her blog about Michael knowing how his life would end... :(
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Does Lisa know it's difficult to get stuff there?

Just for the record, it's not difficult to get stuff there. You can either bring flowers yourself, or order them online and they will be delivered. Everything the fans leave at the Holly Terrace do, is later brought inside by the Forest Lawn staff. The FL staff are very respectful and considerate.

When my friend and I were there, we bought the flowers at the FL flower shop and they even offered to drive the flower arrangement to the Holly Terrace because it was too big and we didn't have a car. And they offered to put it inside for us, but we needed some time to take a few photos of the flowers and gifts. So they gave us their phone number and told us to call them when we would be ready. We called them in a few hours and they came to the Holly Terrace from the flower shop, collected all the gifts and flowers and took everything inside to Michael's resting place. They were very kind and nice. They know the fans are grieving and they are doing the best they can to help us. And they've already made one exception for MJ and the fans - normally cards and other items are not allowed at the FL grounds but they allow and accept gifts for MJ.
I am glad that Lisa has told us his favorite flower ( mine too) I am now going to plant a sunflower in my garden and name it Michael.

Thats sweet!!


Thanks for posting this. It made me :cry:
Well... her message yesterday, just made me sad. First, I am still being denial, seeing in one post: Michael, tomb, resting place - it's still hard. Then... the fans are doing, what they can to visit Forest Lawn, leaving there, what they think they should.
The Family decided we're not allowed to actually visit the Great Mausoleum, which I do respect, even if I wish it was different. If she thinks Michael would like to have there see of sunflowers, I don't think it'd be problem for her to do so.
If one day I'll make it to visit Forest Lawn and I'll be allowed to just come closer to the Mausoleum, I'll bring with me what I feel I should bring. I am fan of Michael for nearly 20 years - for all this years he's been in my life. Sure she was closer to him than anyone of us, but still I am allowing myself to have the right to know, what I should take with me.
And one more think - I am hearing about her only if she goes with Karen to spiritual session, trying to contact Michael or if she goes to the Forest Lawn to visit Michael or if she writes on her blog about Michael knowing how his life would end... :(

This is exactly what I was trying to say, only you wrote it much better. I feel the exact same way :)
I think it was sweet of Lisa to share this with the fans. I think she's genuine in this. And the way it's written, it's very humble, it's just a suggestion, not an order or anything. I don't think she had any hidden agenda when she decided to write this.

And who else would she address this issue if not the MJ fans? And where else would she do it if not her personal blog?

I think it was nice of Lisa to do it... I am not surprised she is allowed to visit him. After all, she was invited to the funeral, that means she's still in touch with Michael's family and of course Katherine granted her access to the Holly Terrace.

But about the area around Michael's resting place being empty... I don't know... Fans visit Michael regularly. I've just returned from the USA and when I was in LA, I visited Michael twice (and I spent only 4 days in LA). And both times I left flowers at the front door... I guess the FL staff cleans the place from time to time and sends all the gifts to Michael's family, that's why from time to time it may seem the area is empty. But the fans never forget, we always care.

Besides, artificial flowers are not allowed there. You can only bring fresh flowers.

Here's a couple of photos from my visit to Forest Lawn. I was there with a friend and we brought gifts from other Russian fans as well and bought flowers from all Russian fans. The Forest Lawn flower shop staff were kind enough to take everything inside to Michael's resting place. We were there when the flower shop lady brought all the cards, gifts and flowers in the building. She was very kind and left the door open and allowed us to look inside, so we could see the place where Michael rests... Our Angel.


Thanks for sharing the pics. It looks beautiful.
Thanks for posting! I'm delighted to know she visited :) So sweet of her to share her memories with Michael. I hope I could send some sunflowers one day
:better:I just ordered a bouquet to via Forest Lawn on behalf of ALL OF US for Michael. It will be delivered in the morning to Michael:cry: Stupid me didn't realize they had their own floral dept onsite.
The card reads "L.O.V.E Always".
Oh, thank you, that's wonderful, really :heart:

Yeah but at the same time we all have said things we regret towards those that we love especially ex boyfriends or ex husbands. Ive said horrible things about my ex boyfriend cause I loved him so much! Its just the way life goes. Lisa Marie loved him, that much is obvious and looking back at pics and footage, they truly were inlove.......... So true. I should remind myself that when I argue with my mom. I love her so much yet at times say some things I regret later. :(
So right. Plus, people can change. Through experience, through maturity, though guilt... whichever way it happens.

They were very kind and nice. They know the fans are grieving and they are doing the best they can to help us. And they've already made one exception for MJ and the fans - normally cards and other items are not allowed at the FL grounds but they allow and accept gifts for MJ.
:bugeyed Wow, I didn't know that. I'm glad this exception exists. I hope it always does.
I wanted to send silk flowers. JMie are you sure that they are not allowed?
And look at your photos ... I think there should be no free place of flowers and gifts. It seems empty to me.
:bugeyed Wow, I didn't know that. I'm glad this exception exists. I hope it always does.

I wanted to send silk flowers. JMie are you sure that they are not allowed?
And look at your photos ... I think there should be no free place of flowers and gifts. It seems empty to me.

they are not. you can read it here

  • Please feel free to place fresh cut flowers at any of our Memorial - Park locations.*
  • Please place potted plants no larger than eight inches in diameter or one gallon in volume on tablets or vases (in order to protect the grass).
  • Please limit placements to no more than three per interment space.
  • Cut flowers will be removed in approximately five days.
  • Funeral flowers will be removed in approximately three days.
  • Ornaments, borders, fences, planter boxes, balloons, spinners, statues, stones, or other items which do not conform to the rules and regulations of the Forest Lawn Memorial-Parks are not permitted. All placements not conforming to these rules will be removed.
God seeing his resting place with flowers, my heart sinks in. It hit me again, his really gone :cry:

I don't know if I could ever bring myself to go there and visit one day... I'm still in denial, I don't believe he is gone. Seeing those pics hurt a lot.
Actually, I'm not going to send flowers just yet. I'm going to wait until the anniversary when the press attention will be focused on his final resting place. No doubt there will be pictures of it in the press and if we can get as many flowers and gifts there as possible at that time, I think that would be best.
Perhaps we could organise some kind of mass buying campaign so there are the maximum number of flowers and gifts there a few days before the 25th.

Good idea! Maybe make a new thread hun with your idea so we can all get started on it?
Come on now, no negativity. She obviously loved the man and he loved her no matter what happened in the end. And it's clear the Jacksons love her as well otherwise she wouldn't have been there in the first place. All the people that hate Lisa really need to let it go. Michael wouldn't want the fans hating someone he held so close to his heart. Let's just take Lisa's advice and all send silk sunflowers!!!

ET is not credible either.. they pick up rumor and gossip items all the time
Yes, thank you JMie. Please guys, support the "One rose for MJ" campaign, it's such a lovely idea.

Sofie StrandbergMay 13, 2010 at 1:20am
Hello all the members of the One rose for Michael group. I hope you are all doing fine.
I am really hoping everyone of the group reads this message, because this is important.

The group has now reached 3282 members, and that is GREAT! I am so happy to see that so many wanted to join this cause. But when I count the numbers of people that donated, it just makes no sense. 273 people made their donation. That means that over 3000 members just joined the group for fun. More than 3000!!!

June 4 is the very last date for placing donations, this means that we only have 3 weeks left collecting roses.

For everyone who hasn't sent any roses yet, please send at least ONE rose. We are in this together joined by the Love we all share for the same man. Please send at least one rose, or if you can, send several. The goal is to reach 2000 roses, and together we can do this. No doubt we can do this.

And for everyone who already sent your donations, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you can send a second donation, please feel free to do so. We really need all the roses we can get to reach the goal.

I love you all for supporting this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Love, Sofie

Last edited: help you guys out.

If that latest blog is posted on the same account as the one she had previously written after MJ's passing..THEN IT IS REAL.

Because on June 26th, her publicist had confirmed it was indeed her blog. PERIOD.

Thanks :cheeky: ! This has been told previously but apparently not read -
I would like to send some silk sunflowers. But I am living in Germany. How could I manage it? Is someone here to help.
If Michael loved sunflowers then he should have sunflowers. I want him to have the things that made him happy. I don't like that he is all alone in that place.

I agree...he should have what made him happy. This is a very heartbreaking thread..:boohoo:...It does make it slap you in the face with reality. Thank you LisaMarie for your blog. Thank you to all those that DO go to see Michael on behalf of us fans. If mods set up a paypal or something for a collection from fans then I will gladly donate...Just think of all the sunflowers we could fill that place with...Michael would LOVE that. Until the day I get to go there myself and put flowers for Michael I am thankful to all. Also just let me add my one and only personal thought. As much as I totally appreciate those fans who do go see Michael everyday....that is not healthy for your mind to be there every single day. You need time to heal yourself. I mean no harm in saying this....I just worry about fellow fans and their well being. :hug:
I will always buy sun flowers now for in my house forever... and they'll always remind me of Michael. I will begin this on June 25th. Thanx Lisa Marie xo
why is she able to go inside to visit MJ? she is not his widow, and she refused to have his children and she treated him very badly.. I would support Debbie Rowe visiting MJ before Lisa Marie. Debbie did have MJ's kids the most precious joy to him. Lisa refused to do that, now she has the nerve to visit his grave telling fans to buy him sunflowers?? she has a lot of nerve.
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