Lisa Marie's New Blog Post about Michael's resting place

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Its sad that fans are not able to team up at his rest place and show our support - "there is a very large empty space around him and in front of him that could use a whole lot more."

It really looks miserably..., like... Michael who...?
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I think it was sweet of Lisa to share this with the fans. I think she's genuine in this. And the way it's written, it's very humble, it's just a suggestion, not an order or anything. I don't think she had any hidden agenda when she decided to write this.

And who else would she address this issue if not the MJ fans? And where else would she do it if not her personal blog?

I think it was nice of Lisa to do it... I am not surprised she is allowed to visit him. After all, she was invited to the funeral, that means she's still in touch with Michael's family and of course Katherine granted her access to the Holly Terrace.

But about the area around Michael's resting place being empty... I don't know... Fans visit Michael regularly. I've just returned from the USA and when I was in LA, I visited Michael twice (and I spent only 4 days in LA). And both times I left flowers at the front door... I guess the FL staff cleans the place from time to time and sends all the gifts to Michael's family, that's why from time to time it may seem the area is empty. But the fans never forget, we always care.

Besides, artificial flowers are not allowed there. You can only bring fresh flowers.

Here's a couple of photos from my visit to Forest Lawn. I was there with a friend and we brought gifts from other Russian fans as well and bought flowers from all Russian fans. The Forest Lawn flower shop staff were kind enough to take everything inside to Michael's resting place. We were there when the flower shop lady brought all the cards, gifts and flowers in the building. She was very kind and left the door open and allowed us to look inside, so we could see the place where Michael rests... Our Angel.



Thanks for posting this.
Wow, I don't see what is so wrong about these fans showing the media that fans do the best they can to show their love of Michael.

Everyone knows that the media loves to run wth stories, especially concerning two names like hers and Michael's, even if she didn't mean anything bad they would have twisted it into sounding like the fans don't care enough for him to leave flowers and things like that.
These fans just stood up to show to the world that yes, MJ fans do still care. They were ahead of the media this time. What is so wrong with that?

Also it is apparent now that you are not allowed to send silk flowers there,so I guess even if she meant well her idea won't work.

So maybe fans should think for themselves and do what feels right to them.
If people don't want to listen to her suggestion they are free to do so.
Doesn't mean they are bad fans, doesn't mean people are better fans for listening to her.

Just try to calm down, and do what feels right in your heart.
Its sad that fans are not able to team up at his rest place and show out support - "there is a very large empty space around him and in front of him that could use a whole lot more."

It really looks miserably..., like... Michael who...?

I know but that's security's call as to where the flowers and presents go. Maybe one day it will be opened for fans to be able to pay their respects but at the moment the family wants it private which is obv something that needs to be respected.
I think this is a lovely gesture on Lisa's part. It's nice to know what his favorite flower is.
Its sad that fans are not able to team up at his rest place and show out support - "there is a very large empty space around him and in front of him that could use a whole lot more."

It really looks miserably..., like... Michael who...?

I'm sure that once a week it will look empty there, just in case somebody STILL hasn't understood that Forest Lawn will clean up in there.

Where you able to go in there and confirm for yourself that it looks miserably in there?

It's a slap into the face of everyone who ever supported him- especially when he was alive. I take my hat before those that came out to the courthouse to let him know that he is NOT alone in this world, people that wrote him letters of support back in the 90ies and people who somehow had enough trust and love in their heart for someone they might have never met in person.

Of course it's nice to send flowers or bring flowers but there's more to this story. The flowers are the end of the "earthly" support, these flowers hurt the most because I much rather would write a letter to a living Michael Jackson.

I have read so many threads everywhere were people tried their very best just to get to Forest Lawn, threads like "how do I get to Neverland, I just want to touch the gate once and breath the air there".

I know I have collected letters and others things on another board from those that couldn't make it. The flowers that I have assembled myself meant the world because they came from my heart. No, the were not sunflowers but each color, each flower, each rose in different has a special meaning, each lily I put together. Down to the color of the ribbon that flew with me down to California on a 7 hour flight.
Down to struggling with a GPS that sent me through a nasty part of town.:cheeky:

People are trying what they can- and you know what, as long as it comes from the heart- IT MATTERS. And even if it is a loving thought= thought in love, support and gratefulness, it matters.

I didn't buy a ready made bouquet because I wanted to put it together with my own hands, you know that I bled putting Michael's flowers together? The thorns hurt. Sorry for getting slightly dramatic but that was the so appropriately symbolic that I almost smile about it. Yes, lavender for the King, purple for Divinity (if you get the motion), yellow for Gold, for mastery, pink for the shyness, becoming a victim, green for all things nature and love by the way, blue for the writer, the unreachable, the mystery you name it.






I put these flowers down with the thought in my heart that this is also from all those that wanted to be there but couldn't. I brought him Jelly Beans and strangers hugged each other there and ate candy under tears, together in his name.
People forge friendships on that terrace, people talk, people cry, people sing.

These flowers meant so much to me that I have had them in my signature for months before this story started.

Do not take it lightly, we're doing it with bleeding hearts and because we mean it.
Sometimes it's hard to see for others what the intent is or what is really happening. Michael Jackson is NEVER alone, nor are we.

Done now.
I think it was sweet of Lisa to share this with the fans. I think she's genuine in this. And the way it's written, it's very humble, it's just a suggestion, not an order or anything. I don't think she had any hidden agenda when she decided to write this.

And who else would she address this issue if not the MJ fans? And where else would she do it if not her personal blog?

I think it was nice of Lisa to do it... I am not surprised she is allowed to visit him. After all, she was invited to the funeral, that means she's still in touch with Michael's family and of course Katherine granted her access to the Holly Terrace.

But about the area around Michael's resting place being empty... I don't know... Fans visit Michael regularly. I've just returned from the USA and when I was in LA, I visited Michael twice (and I spent only 4 days in LA). And both times I left flowers at the front door... I guess the FL staff cleans the place from time to time and sends all the gifts to Michael's family, that's why from time to time it may seem the area is empty. But the fans never forget, we always care.

Besides, artificial flowers are not allowed there. You can only bring fresh flowers.

Here's a couple of photos from my visit to Forest Lawn. I was there with a friend and we brought gifts from other Russian fans as well and bought flowers from all Russian fans. The Forest Lawn flower shop staff were kind enough to take everything inside to Michael's resting place. We were there when the flower shop lady brought all the cards, gifts and flowers in the building. She was very kind and left the door open and allowed us to look inside, so we could see the place where Michael rests... Our Angel.



Thank you for posting these, so many of us have pictures like this. Beautiful.
It was so heartbraking to read but it's a beautiful idea!

The day I get a US visa, I'll go to Forest Lawn and giving Michael sunflowers and stuff animals.

I’m sure that LMP cares deeply- she wouldn’t visit Holly Terrace or mind about an apparent absence of flowers otherwise. We all feel the pain of loss and we all wish we could/ could have done more for Michael.

IMHO MJ loved the gifts he received from fans, no matter how small, because they were spontaneous, unexpected tokens of true feelings. Mj didn’t ‘need’ gifts, he could buy just about anything he really wanted for himself. I’m sure he treasured the thoughts as much as the gifts.

Every hour, every day since 25/6/09, millions (billions?) of positive thoughts have turned his way. Holly Terrace may sometimes appear to be rather bare, but appearances are deceptive. If you read the legacy pages of the various fan boards, you will find that Holly Terrace is full to the brim with forests, childrens’ parties, gifts for those in hospital, charity walks, cycle rides, kindness, hope for the world and love. It is probably the most crowded space on the planet.
MJ didn’t want us to dedicate all our efforts to him (in his life or in death), he wanted us to turn outwards and show our love to the world, and we do, every day, in his name.

I suspect that LMP has forgotten that many of Michaels fans give everything they financially can for the good causes he believed in. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see her openly joining us in these endeavours …and maybe even helping to financially support some of the (non profit making) fan boards that their owners struggle so hard to keep going, so that we have somewhere to share with each other.
I know but that's security's call as to where the flowers and presents go. Maybe one day it will be opened for fans to be able to pay their respects but at the moment the family wants it private which is obv something that needs to be respected.

I'm sure that once a week it will look empty there, just in case somebody STILL hasn't understood that Forest Lawn will clean up in there.

Where you able to go in there and confirm for yourself that it looks miserably in there?

It's a slap into the face of everyone who ever supported him- especially when he was alive. I take my hat before those that came out to the courthouse to let him know that he is NOT alone in this world, people that wrote him letters of support back in the 90ies and people who somehow had enough trust and love in their heart for someone they might have never met in person.

... of course, but we - fans - have to realize that any media report about something like this has huge impact on readers of the articles (or generally people reading or watching news) around the world.

Michael has always been global, and thats why we have to see the impact and after-effect of such statements, especially if the person is Lisa Marie, its the same like Klein and co. statements about Michaels personal, private and intimate knowledge knowing his restricted data.

Its not only our MJ community anymore, every aspect of MJ after June 25 2010 has to be strictly principled. Just google the net and read the articles and comments on articles.

Id call it (at least) manipulation. And writers of various tabloid pages are members of MJ boards to get info directly from us.
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What a nice thing she did! It is so bittersweet and thoughtful! :) It is sad though :( that he is gone , but always in our hearts forever! He will always live on and God is taking care of him! Even though Lisa and Michael's marriage didn't last I believed she still loves him deep down inside her heart and soul! :)
I'm sure that once a week it will look empty there, just in case somebody STILL hasn't understood that Forest Lawn will clean up in there.

Where you able to go in there and confirm for yourself that it looks miserably in there?

It's a slap into the face of everyone who ever supported him- especially when he was alive. I take my hat before those that came out to the courthouse to let him know that he is NOT alone in this world, people that wrote him letters of support back in the 90ies and people who somehow had enough trust and love in their heart for someone they might have never met in person.

Of course it's nice to send flowers or bring flowers but there's more to this story. The flowers are the end of the "earthly" support, these flowers hurt the most because I much rather would write a letter to a living Michael Jackson.

I have read so many threads everywhere were people tried their very best just to get to Forest Lawn, threads like "how do I get to Neverland, I just want to touch the gate once and breath the air there".

I know I have collected letters and others things on another board from those that couldn't make it. The flowers that I have assembled myself meant the world because they came from my heart. No, the were not sunflowers but each color, each flower, each rose in different has a special meaning, each lily I put together. Down to the color of the ribbon that flew with me down to California on a 7 hour flight.
Down to struggling with a GPS that sent me through a nasty part of town.:cheeky:

People are trying what they can- and you know what, as long as it comes from the heart- IT MATTERS. And even if it is a loving thought= thought in love, support and gratefulness, it matters.

I didn't buy a ready made bouquet because I wanted to put it together with my own hands, you know that I bled putting Michael's flowers together? The thorns hurt. Sorry for getting slightly dramatic but that was the so appropriately symbolic that I almost smile about it. Yes, lavender for the King, purple for Divinity (if you get the motion), yellow for Gold, for mastery, pink for the shyness, becoming a victim, green for all things nature and love by the way, blue for the writer, the unreachable, the mystery you name it.






I put these flowers down with the thought in my heart that this is also from all those that wanted to be there but couldn't. I brought him Jelly Beans and strangers hugged each other there and ate candy under tears, together in his name.
People forge friendships on that terrace, people talk, people cry, people sing.

These flowers meant so much to me that I have had them in my signature for months before this story started.

Do not take it lightly, we're doing it with bleeding hearts and because we mean it.
Sometimes it's hard to see for others what the intent is or what is really happening. Michael Jackson is NEVER alone, nor are we.

Done now.

Thank You so much for this is from your heart and THAT is how it should doesn't matter what you bring to Michael long as it is coming from LOVE that is all that matters..thank you. Perfect post..:clapping::clapping:
Modulation Alert - Thankyou, that was wonderful. :) So much love to you.
I didn't buy a ready made bouquet because I wanted to put it together with my own hands, you know that I bled putting Michael's flowers together? The thorns hurt. Sorry for getting slightly dramatic but that was the so appropriately symbolic that I almost smile about it. Yes, lavender for the King, purple for Divinity (if you get the motion), yellow for Gold, for mastery, pink for the shyness, becoming a victim, green for all things nature and love by the way, blue for the writer, the unreachable, the mystery you name it.

I put these flowers down with the thought in my heart that this is also from all those that wanted to be there but couldn't. I brought him Jelly Beans and strangers hugged each other there and ate candy under tears, together in his name.
People forge friendships on that terrace, people talk, people cry, people sing.

These flowers meant so much to me that I have had them in my signature for months before this story started.

Do not take it lightly, we're doing it with bleeding hearts and because we mean it.
Sometimes it's hard to see for others what the intent is or what is really happening. Michael Jackson is NEVER alone, nor are we.

Done now.

Thank you for sharing your story. It brought tears to my eyes. You are right, Michael is NEVER alone. People are always with him. Even when no one is at Forest Lawn, Michael is in thoughts of so many people. Like, one morning I was listening to HIStory album on my way to work, and it turned out later that two of my friends were listening to that same album at that same time!!! That's unity and that's people thinking about Michal and being with Michael. So he's never alone.

Thank you for shearing your very personal story with us. It is very heartbreaking :cry: I think visiting Mj grave is very private thing. I do not blame fans, me included if somebody does not want to follow the group or somebody’s advice. I can understand your feelings. Your flowers look so beautiful. If I ever will visit FL (if it will be open for public), I will do it on my own, with my own feelings because it is very deep and means so much to me.

I understand how you feel. I feel the same. When I planned my trip to Forest Lawn, I actually wanted to go alone (just with my friend). I really hoped no one else would be there, because I just didn't know what to expect. I was so scared to go, my legs were shaking. I spent half an hour sitting on a bench on the other side of the building because I was very nervous and scared... It was very emotional. I'd never experienced anything like that before.

And people at the Forest lawn flower shop... They didn't even ask who the flowers were for because I was wearing an MJ t-shirt. They just took the money and gave us the receipt. And later we noticed that the receipt said "recipient Michael Jackson" :cry: :cry: :cry:
I still don't understand Lisa's purpose of posting this blog. She could've went in private and kept quiet. I think there is a motive here. Maybe she's trying to release some more music and wants the fans of MJ to be her fans now.
Wow, I don't see what is so wrong about these fans showing the media that fans do the best they can to show their love of Michael.

Everyone knows that the media loves to run wth stories, especially concerning two names like hers and Michael's, even if she didn't mean anything bad they would have twisted it into sounding like the fans don't care enough for him to leave flowers and things like that.
These fans just stood up to show to the world that yes, MJ fans do still care. They were ahead of the media this time. What is so wrong with that?

Also it is apparent now that you are not allowed to send silk flowers there,so I guess even if she meant well her idea won't work.

So maybe fans should think for themselves and do what feels right to them.
If people don't want to listen to her suggestion they are free to do so.
Doesn't mean they are bad fans, doesn't mean people are better fans for listening to her.

Just try to calm down, and do what feels right in your heart.

I agree with you and I don't think she meant anything bad, but it did kind of rub me the wrong way. It almost did seem like she was disappointed that there wasn't more there for Michael, and I think she should know that Michael's fans will never forget him and we all do what we can in our own way. If she thought there should be more there, I'm sure she has the money to take care of that and make it the way she thinks Michael would want it. I don't think any fans should do anything they weren't going to do anyway. We always stood by Michael and he knew that. Michael will never be forgotten and we don't need to send flowers and things to prove it.
I still don't understand Lisa's purpose of posting this blog. She could've went in private and kept quiet. I think there is a motive here. Maybe she's trying to release some more music and wants the fans of MJ to be her fans now.

Like so many people have pointed out on this thread this is not a LMP bash thread. So there's no need for you to go on about her supposed ulterior motives post after post after post.
... of course, but we - fans - have to realize that any media report about something like this has huge impact on readers of the articles (or generally people reading or watching news) around the world.

Michael has always been global, and thats why we have to see the impact and after-effect of such statements, especially if the person is Lisa Marie, its the same like Klein and co. statements about Michaels personal, private and intimate knowledge knowing his restricted data.

Its not only our MJ community anymore, every aspect of MJ after June 25 2010 has to be strictly principled. Just google the net and read the articles and comments on articles.

By whom? You
I'm not Arnold Klein and only HE is responsible for slandering someone he called a friend.

I'd call it (at least) manipulation. And writers of various tabloid pages are members of MJ boards to get info directly from us.

YOU were the one that said it looks miserably, you went right with that assumption. It doesn't. Tabloids know it as well. I don't write on TMZ's site and I don't take part in keeping up with the Joneses burial plot style. We as individuals or groups decide what we do. And I don't do it to impress a tabloid.

He is being betrayed by those that called him friend, not us. And that is where I want the responsibility for this betrayal to stay. It is not our fault.

Which one is it? One calls us pathetic, grieving Michael Jackson fans and then suddenly we don't do enough? It's silly, really.

Shine back with love, grin into the face of those that betrayed him and say, I know better and I'm sorry that you're missing out on the love.

Help an old Lady across the street, when you're on a plane with a screaming child- smile at the parents, next time somebody wants to gossip about someone- think twice how much that hurt the one you love. If you can make a difference because you are simple ABLE to love, than that means a lot more to Michael Jackson than all the flowers in the world.

He knows that he is loved, we still grieve, we still love, we still cry- but above all many people finally find the courage to make a difference, to speak out when someone is being treated less than kind- if you can love AT ALL- then Michael Jackson is happy.

We get so caught up in the negativity, artificial negativity that others create to make a quick and convenient buck.
I went just look on a few urban website who are going in on her which i feel they didn't need to do its not that serious. Anyway the fans who contracted TMZ and posted up your pictures from april 3 was so wonderful and beautiful Modulation Alert I am in tears as we speak so many of us loved him just the way u do i am trying not to brake down you fans make me so proud to be a fan you hold him down all throughout his life you all been there from concerts to court dates i really want to say thank you thank you for showing all the people who stood by Michael side who showed him respect, love, kindness, and their hearts I love you all dearly i can't stop crying those followers are so beautiful Modulation Alert once again thank you for sharing your story and making me very proud of Michael Jackson there will never be a strong individual like him who can spread love and unity across the globe may he rest in peace in holy sprits love u

so heartbroken :cry::cry::cry::cry: emotional reck right now need some times off love y'all
Oh thanks guys...Hugs to you to.

It's love that counts... not everyone is master wordsmith, ahem... I get that... (hey, we all love him as if he were indeed Holy on the Terrace, it's "Holly Terrace...:cheeky:)

It's the fans that repeatedly stand by courthouses (yes, plural) and that dare to be loving, despite being ridiculed for it. That counts.
And people at the Forest lawn flower shop... They didn't even ask who the flowers were for because I was wearing an MJ t-shirt. They just took the money and gave us the receipt. And later we noticed that the receipt said "recipient Michael Jackson" :cry: :cry: :cry:
JMie..... omg.... you know you have made me cried... I am crying here, once again ... this is soo heartbreaking and painful.... thank you so, so, sooo much for loving Michael this much... for being such a loyal supporter.

Thanks to Forest Lawn staff.... always nothing but good comments about them and they way they support fans.

I am totally broken-hearted, i tell you, I am in tears. This is such a terrible thing to live!!!!

:weeping: :weeping: :weeping:
And people at the Forest lawn flower shop... They didn't even ask who the flowers were for because I was wearing an MJ t-shirt. They just took the money and gave us the receipt. And later we noticed that the receipt said "recipient Michael Jackson" :cry: :cry: :cry:

OMG I'm in bits now :cry: Seeing stuff like that in black and white is so hard to process, even a year later I cant process it. God, I'm a mess now :(
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