Lisa Marie's New Blog Post about Michael's resting place

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"Michael Jackson is NEVER alone, nor are we."

Your flowers are so.... Beautiful.
Thank you.

Originally Posted by JMie

Very beautiful:flowers: Father's Day is June 20, 2010.
Lisa Marie's Flowers for MJ Plea -- Few Takers

Originally posted 25 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
Lisa Marie Presley's desperate plea for fans to bring more flowers to Michael Jackson's tomb must have fallen on deaf ears -- because as of today the entrance to the tomb was pretty bare.


Michael Jackson's ex-wife complained about too much "empty space" around the singer's tomb on her MySpace page yesterday -- and urged fans to fill the void with lots of sunflowers ... but obviously that didn't happen.

Fans have since fired back, claiming they've been faithfully doing their part flowers-wise since MJ died last year.
The timing of this is suspect. Furthermore, why tell the world about such a personal and private thing? What some people will do for media attention. How sad.:no:

I'd rather hear about his love of sunflowers than made-up tabloid garbage from someone who forgot what professionalism in an office environment means.

Is this the Lisa slugfest? She's not going to win the Pulitzer Price for that blog entry but that kind of nastiness is not so cool either. The man loved her once very much, that's all I need to know.
I'd rather hear about his love of sunflowers than made-up tabloid garbage from someone who forgot what professionalism in an office environment means.

Is this the Lisa slugfest? She's not going to win the Pulitzer Price for that blog entry but that kind of nastiness is not so cool either. The man loved her once very much, that's all I need to know.
I'm not being nasty. Just stating my opinion. I don't care if you don't like it.
Hi guys,

Yesterday 5/12 I ordered him a fresh flower arrangement from the Forest Lawn-Glendale flower shop to be delivered today. I was told it would be placed inside next to him. I checked today 5/13 and was told it was done. The florist said that usually when people use outside companies things have to be left outside for the guards to pick up. Since I ordered from Forest Lawn the arrangement will be placed inside next to Michael. I ordered a mixed arrangement which included a sunflower. As long as my money holds out I will try to send him flowers once or twice a month and definitely on father's day, memorial day, birthday day, and the major days.

I am glad Lisa brought this to our attention. Also, it could be that the day she went they had just cleaned out the dead flowers. Forest Lawn will make a lot of money because I was told by the florist that many fans order from them.
FL is a very beatiful resting palace. There are several of them in Los Angeles, CA. Most of my relatives are buried there (at the Hollywood) location. When we go, we spend half a day there to put flowers on all of our relatives graves. I have seen people habving picnics while visiting their GS. At Christmas time you can bring in a small tree and decorate it. Although since M has passed, I cant go near either one of FL's. Some day, I will have the strength but not yet.
For all of the fan memebers who have participated in this LOVE for our Michael, Bless you!:wub::cry::cry::cry: I am ever so greatful for this forum to share with all of the fans who LOVE our Michael.
I do not care for LMP because I know what she did when MJ was alive. Yes, she can mourn now that he is dead (even the media who made his life hell are in mourning as well and say good things now and I judge a person what they do to another when they are alive. Death also brings on guilt; so excuse me if I do not turn flips over someone going to his grave.). As for the flower thing, I think on my part, to me, Michael is a spirit now and no longer in that shell that is now at Forest Lawn. he is able to see each and everyone of our hearts now. he knows he is loved. I find it amazing that everytime I am sad and go into my anger, one of his songs will come on or at that moment, something about him will flash before me on the radio, on the streets, or even a stranger will bring him up and NOT knowing that I am thinking of Michael. As someone told me, that is Michael way of confronting me. I believe it. So to me, the flower is just money wasted and going to be put in the trash by these cleaning people but to each is his own.

I have to agree.

I think LMP was sincere. I don't get why everyone is attacking her. Mind you I didn't like her 'Bash Michael' interview campaigns when he was alive....she had to sell two albums and being Michael's ex wife was not acceptable for the media back in those days. Now she is not embarassed of having been his wife because when he died it became 'cool' to like Michael again. Sad but true.

As for me, Michael is all around. I would love to visit his resting place but he is in LA and I'm in NY, and so that may never happen but I always feel Michael around. What's in that tomb is a shell of what he was. He is now a beautiful spirit that is all around us.

Plant a tree or flowers...that can be your memorial for Michael. You don't have to stand in front of his grave where you are shut out because the family does not wnat you inside. And now I'm hearing gifts are shipped directly to the family, not Michael. What's the point?

My memorial to Michael is the plant garden I have here at home. I look of them and think of him immediately. The pictures on my wall too are a memorial to him. Instead of sending flowers I will buy a sunflower plant and raise it in my house in honor of Michael. I will simply call it "joy' since Michael thought sunflowers were happy and joyful. And that's it. There's no point in going crazy buying flowers when it might not even get to him and gifts are sent to Havenhurst. Plant your own sunflower and raise it yourself. Michael will know.

People are holding on too much to the remains that are in Holly Terrace. That's not Michael anymore. If you want to see Michael, look into your 5 year old brother's eyes. Play with your puppy. Support and donate to a good cause. Help an elderly person cross the street. If you want to see Michael or feel him and remember him, do a good deed and plant your own sunflower in honor of Michael.
Lisa Marie's Flowers for MJ Plea -- Few Takers

Originally posted 25 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
Lisa Marie Presley's desperate plea for fans to bring more flowers to Michael Jackson's tomb must have fallen on deaf ears -- because as of today the entrance to the tomb was pretty bare.


Michael Jackson's ex-wife complained about too much "empty space" around the singer's tomb on her MySpace page yesterday -- and urged fans to fill the void with lots of sunflowers ... but obviously that didn't happen.

Fans have since fired back, claiming they've been faithfully doing their part flowers-wise since MJ died last year.

TMZ staff are very low people with no life..i haven't visited their site for years. i wish no other MJ fan does.
One min were defending MJ against recycled gay rumours, then recycled leaked audio tapes, kids pics leaked online, now LMPs comments......wonder whats in store tomorrow?
That's not Michael anymore. If you want to see Michael, look into your 5 year old brother's eyes. Play with your puppy. Support and donate to a good cause. Help an elderly person cross the street. If you want to see Michael or feel him and remember him, do a good deed and plant your own sunflower in honor of Michael.

Thank you.
Wow! Can some of us agree to disagree?

I gotta say it was a nice gesture for her to say that! In a nutshell Lisa basically said, "MJ loved Sunflowers! I don't see many flowers here at Holly Terrace at the moment. Why don't some of us get together and send some silk Sunflowers so they last longer? He'd really love that!" -end.of.story.

I'd love to send one, and will soon enough, but i'm broke as a joke and looking for gigs, lol! Oh, and TMZ can go suck eggs...
Lisa Marie's Flowers for MJ Plea -- Few Takers

Originally posted 25 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
Lisa Marie Presley's desperate plea for fans to bring more flowers to Michael Jackson's tomb must have fallen on deaf ears -- because as of today the entrance to the tomb was pretty bare.


Michael Jackson's ex-wife complained about too much "empty space" around the singer's tomb on her MySpace page yesterday -- and urged fans to fill the void with lots of sunflowers ... but obviously that didn't happen.

Fans have since fired back, claiming they've been faithfully doing their part flowers-wise since MJ died last year.

now they are trying to humiliate MJ further. We can all think the MJFSC for this crap lasting this long.

I don't see the difference between these obsessive fans & those Karen Faye fanatics.

What was the purpose of speaking to TMZ? Today for the first time, I agree with Karen Faye. The hypocrisy is astounding!!
I hope this is really LMP.
But then... it is soooo terribly sad to read this, to read the following is terrible:

Those who care... this is addressed to us, his fans, for God sake!!! We just can't be the ones who care!!!

I might be overreacting, but this is really so sad, so wrong, so frustrating.

What are we?? Why are all of them addressing to us fans using these media? First Joe, then Randy, now LMP.... I feel... sorry, but this is too much to handle. This really breaks my heart. And though I know for sure MJ is at a better place, that he really doesn't need flowers to feel better now... sorry... it's just a way to show respect and love and I have seen many, many fans taking flowers, making their best....

So many of us would give so much to be ever given the chance to be any close to FL to pay our respects... I don't know. I don't mean any wrong to anyone, no person is bound to be there every single day, it is just that the picture she presents is really heartbreaking. I guess it must be more shocking being there to see it....

Michael.... I love so much and I miss you more :weeping:

Yes, it really is Lisa.
I'm not sure I understand the part you said about us fans. They all know how much we loved and still love him and always will. They also know how much we have been hurting. I'm assuming that's why they talk about us or to us.
I'd love to go there and put flowers there, but it does sound difficult. I still think Lisa's sentiment is a good one though.
I understand how you feel with being so sad and missing him so much. I do too, and I still cry. It really hasn't gotten any easier.
Real Talk I had to chill out today after I got off from work I had to really relax myself so I wouldn’t go in because its hard to really address the real deal. AND TMZ NEEDS TO Learn how to mind there own BI What kills me is why should any body take what she says seriously and this is real talk like I understand she loved dude and so on but why would she even waste her time to post on her blog about what the fans need to bring to his grave. How long as his fans been there for him concerts, interviews, media trash talking, court, the announcement of the birth of his kids, TTI movie, death.

You just can’t be addressing stuff on the internet people take stuff seriously I mean I’m not saying she coming at his fans disrespectfully she loved him so much she should just brought him all the followers in LA and call it a happy nice day all his fans go hard for him every chance they get I know she was allowed inside to see his crypt none of his fans are not allowed inside and I am sure his crypt would have been lace down with so many gifts, cards, followers etc. P.S I wish that other thing stop talking on her face book too she never helped or did MJ any justice come on baby girl where they do that at? Just stay quiet and continue to send messages through Randy cause he does matter he a Jackson not you boo and when you going to visit Mikey?. I just had to say something baby!!

TTBT Rodger that ~100
Real Talk I had to chill out today after I got off from work I had to really relax myself so I wouldn’t go in because its hard to really address the real deal. AND TMZ NEEDS TO Learn how to mind there own BI What kills me is why should any body take what she says seriously and this is real talk like I understand she loved dude and so on but why would she even waste her time to post on her blog about what the fans need to bring to his grave. How long as his fans been there for him concerts, interviews, media trash talking, court, the announcement of the birth of his kids, TTI movie, death.

You just can’t be addressing stuff on the internet people take stuff seriously I mean I’m not saying she coming at his fans disrespectfully she loved him so much she should just brought him all the followers in LA and call it a happy nice day all his fans go hard for him every chance they get I know she was allowed inside to see his crypt none of his fans are not allowed inside and I am sure his crypt would have been lace down with so many gifts, cards, followers etc. P.S I wish that other thing stop talking on her face book too she never helped or did MJ any justice come on baby girl where they do that at? Just stay quiet and continue to send messages through Randy cause he does matter he a Jackson not you boo and when you going to visit Mikey?. I just had to say something baby!!

TTBT Rodger that ~100
THANK YOU!!!:clapping::clapping::clapping:
now they're trying to embarrass MJ by saying the fans don't love him anymore since there are no flowers..

This makes me sick. I really think Lisa should've kept her comments to herself. She could've visited him in private without the blog writings.. She's probably comparing Michael to her father and the stuff he gets at Graceland
Maybe Lisa should take her issue with the people who own it and tell them to move all of that stuff inside of the crypt rather than keeping it outside? Or, why not get together with some of the people that went to the funeral and buy more things to fill it up with.

I am going to buy some silk flowers so that they can put it in there. Well, hopefully they will right?
The fans will always love michael ALWAYS & FOREVER- PERIOD!
THANK YOU!!!:clapping::clapping::clapping:

I didn't even mean to go in but i am about tired come on people sitting here always trying to brush stuff off and say this and that is the pass (sadly i was on of them fans trying to be peaceful i had enough) i don't care about some reconnection before his death you can come at MJ hard on June 25, 2009 and speak out to the public and address his Ill will about how he felt about death but at that time dude was stress out depress and he had anxiety love a dude so much you would of knew this I just feel personally dude was ignored by people he loved and cared about the most and loved by people who he properly felt didn’t mean him no good loved him faithfully yes i can name a few people who ride out for Mike. tell me why I know this things because I know the industry and people in it and people who were really closed to Michael. it’s a lot I want to address on here but this thread I’m not going to do. Some people just don’t understand there position in life just because you are bold and you speak out at times its alright to do things privately . And that’s real talk I don’t care how any body take this either cause I’m not putting on a front for now one I state how I feel and what’s in my heart you can go spend a couple of dollars on some sunflowers if you want to cause that was a good look for her to say that’s his favorite follower but it also could have the same way for her if she just along with her daughter brought the sunflowers then blog about how wonderful it was to go to his grave site and talk to him let him hear her pain instead of all of these speeches/protests way over due for that.

As for TMZ they are so wrong for this I can't believe they came to this website seen the fans posting pics of there flowers and went to other MJ website and posted all the flowers on TMZ and then trying to make a Lisa vs fans that's for cornballs and bunnyrabbits get a life let him rest in peace stop sweating MJJC

its tmz what u guys expect.they always do that when it comes to mj.we need to stop going on their web page .just do that one day u will see how tmz is flipping ,u will get all sort of mj news next day.respect world is not there in their dictionary.for this whole fiasco ,just calm down eventually it will go away.
I didn't even mean to go in but i am about tired come on people sitting here always trying to bush stuff off and say this and that is the pass i don't care about some reconnection before his death you can come at MJ hard on June 25, 2009 and speak out to the public and address his Ill will about how he felt about death but at that time dude was stress out depress and he had anxiety love a dude so much you would of knew this I just feel personally dude was ignored by people he loved and cared about the most and loved by people who he properly felt didn’t mean him no good tell me why I know this things because I know the industry and people in it and people who were really closed to Michael. it’s a lot I want to address on here but this thread I’m not going to do. Some people just don’t understand there position in life just because you are bold and you speak out at times its alright to do things privately . And that’s real talk I don’t care how any body take this either cause I’m not putting on a front for now one I state how I feel and what’s in my heart you can go spend a couple of dollars on some sunflowers if you want to cause that was a good look for her to say that’s his favorite follower but it also could have the same way for her if she just along with her daughter brought the sunflowers then blog about how wonderful it was to go to his grave site and talk to him let him hear her pain instead of all of these speeches/protests way over due for that.

As for TMZ they are so wrong for this I can't believe they came to this website seen the fans posting pics of there flowers and went to other MJ website and posted all the flowers on TMZ and then trying to make a Lisa vs fans that's for cornballs and bunnyrabbits get a life let him rest in peace stop sweating MJJC


Yeh this whole lisa vs fans is stupid and pathetic- that is not what michael would want.
Don't they remove stuff i.e. floweers, pics, candles once it get's too much/large crowded???? I mean stuff could really pile up, they clean up all that stuff reguarly if not daily. We know he get's a lot of stuff. Whatever!

yes everything the fans bring to his grave goes inside because they have to keep it clean outside people loved to steal ya dig and so it can be more room for the next month when the fans comes to visit
now they're trying to embarrass MJ by saying the fans don't love him anymore since there are no flowers..

This makes me sick. I really think Lisa should've kept her comments to herself. She could've visited him in private without the blog writings.. She's probably comparing Michael to her father and the stuff he gets at Graceland

Trust me there isn't any issues all the fans gifts etc goes inside real talk as much as we all love Michael we have lives too we can go there every single day you feel me fam but he does get flowers and gifts send there.
now they're trying to embarrass MJ by saying the fans don't love him anymore since there are no flowers..

This makes me sick. I really think Lisa should've kept her comments to herself. She could've visited him in private without the blog writings.. She's probably comparing Michael to her father and the stuff he gets at Graceland
We're the most devoted fans in the world! The haters will always have negative comments.
I agree with you about Lisa. She should've kept the visit quiet. The suggestion to the fans was unneccesary. They visit the gravesite leaving sentimentals all the time, if the gravesite was empty the fans are not the blame for that.
edit: I wish I could visit his gravesite and leave some flowers...maybe someday.But until then, I'll plant my own flower garden for him.
this is my last reply in this thread i can't believe all them disrespectful comments on TMZ glad the fans are going in. Sad in death he gets dragged and to the person who started this thread no hard feelings fam we are all family I love you and thanks for the thread.. have a safe and bless night or day y'all
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