Lisa Marie's New Blog Post about Michael's resting place

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The media should know that the masoleum is cleaned weekly and that the fans can't get in anyway because it's private.
I wouldn't put past the media's gonna have a field day with the slant and the twist.
How many peeps have actually been to Forest Lawn?
How would anyone know what can be left and
how many days it's allowed to stay.
Not nit-picking on LMP, but it leaves the impression she's opened the door for the media to throw a dead man down the bus again. How's that for the anniversary of his passing.
When this hit the fans, there's a stepping up at FL. What's the betting like for a Sunflower overload!
Katherine should be in talks with FL's administration to extend the stay of them flowers...
why is she able to go inside to visit MJ? she is not his widow, and she refused to have his children and she treated him very badly.. I would support Debbie Rowe visiting MJ before Lisa Marie. Debbie did have MJ's kids the most precious joy to him. Lisa refused to do that, now she has the nerve to visit his grave telling fans to buy him sunflowers?? she has a lot of nerve.

She was once his wife, so she has the right. I remember when Michael passed, reporters would say "He leaves behind 2 ex wives and 3 children".
I am sooooooooo confused and emotionally exhausted!!!
The story is in the press.
TMZ is going to their "sources", using some fans to refute LMP statements.
People trashing LMP... and just the name LMP bringing so many mixfeelings to us.
Sunflowers have now officially turned into "MJ Fans official flower".
Some of us trying to cope with our pain, and then this slap of "reality" right in our faces.
Supporters of CM, requests from MJ's family, auctions... fans trashing other fans, man this is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!

I just can't understand how we have come to this. It's just too much to handle.

This is so wrong. So, so wrong.


I mean... it's such a rollercoaster!!!
why is she able to go inside to visit MJ? she is not his widow, and she refused to have his children and she treated him very badly.. I would support Debbie Rowe visiting MJ before Lisa Marie. Debbie did have MJ's kids the most precious joy to him. Lisa refused to do that, now she has the nerve to visit his grave telling fans to buy him sunflowers?? she has a lot of nerve.

Well... we have all understood that you don't like Lisa Marie !! and it's not the subject of this thread, she has been his wife and I think that she has been allowed by the family. I find this totally normal. And obviously she never stop to love him, even if she has done what she did and said what she said. Can you say that she doesn't regret all that ? Reading her blog on june 26th, I would say that yes she regrets.
Thanx for the post, I could send gifts and some drawings there.
I do not care for LMP because I know what she did when MJ was alive. Yes, she can mourn now that he is dead (even the media who made his life hell are in mourning as well and say good things now and I judge a person what they do to another when they are alive. Death also brings on guilt; so excuse me if I do not turn flips over someone going to his grave.). As for the flower thing, I think on my part, to me, Michael is a spirit now and no longer in that shell that is now at Forest Lawn. he is able to see each and everyone of our hearts now. he knows he is loved. I find it amazing that everytime I am sad and go into my anger, one of his songs will come on or at that moment, something about him will flash before me on the radio, on the streets, or even a stranger will bring him up and NOT knowing that I am thinking of Michael. As someone told me, that is Michael way of confronting me. I believe it. So to me, the flower is just money wasted and going to be put in the trash by these cleaning people but to each is his own.
I think Lisa was just trying to do something nice & I appreciate it.

Is there another way for us to be part of the one rose thing for June 25th without using Facebook? Also, it might be nice to have something like this for August 29th.

by the way, there's a group on Facebook that has been collecting donations for the flowers for June 25 for several months now. It's here The point is for everyone to buy a rose (or as many roses as one wants) so that all of them will be brought to Forest Lawn on June 25
Well... we have all understood that you don't like Lisa Marie !! and it's not the subject of this thread, she has been his wife and I think that she has been allowed by the family. I find this totally normal. And obviously she never stop to love him, even if she has done what she did and said what she said. Can you say that she doesn't regret all that ? Reading her blog on june 26th, I would say that yes she regrets.

As someone who does not dislike Lisa because I fully understand she had unresolved feelings for MJ, I do however have mixed feelings about her making suggestions as to what fans should do for him in death. Fans have always surrounded him with love, in life and death.

And being human, it is a little difficult for some to separate the suggestion from the source. Just as it was to hear Martin Bashir make comments about not seeing anything untoward at Neverland AFTER MJ died when he was the one who voiced totally different sentiments that led to the most devastating period of Michael's life.

Instead of Lisa writing a nice long statement about what MJ DESERVES in death, I would have appreciated her saying two words when he was fighting for his life, "He's innocent."

I know to stay on topic is the acutal suggestion versus who made it. But I think it is totally understandable under the circumstances, why some fans are having a problem doing that, especially when the memory of her cackling with Oprah is clear in their mind.
Thanks for telling our side of the story, please checkout our video's on you tube MJFSC. Michael, is showered with gifts and flowers each month. We will Never forget the King Of Pop, for he lives in our hearts always!

Posted at 7:36 AM on May 13, 2010 by Erin
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I am ashamed of some fans. I cannot believe the MJFSC folks went to TMZ to challenge Lisa Marie suggestion that fans send him sunflowers.

On Forest Lawn's website, it is clearly stated they clear off the flowers every week. So what if when she went there, there wasn't much left. She was just making a suggestion.

I am not a fan of hers, but these fans are really acting like fools. Pitiful!

Going to TMZ, bunch of hypocrites, for their own 15 minutes of fame.

These people do no speak for all fans...
Why are some fans so harsh and bitter towards people in Michael's life whom they don't even know? I'm not even that bitter towards my own enemies. Lisa offered a suggestion and a sweet gesture. The way some fans read too much into things and act all offended over this is just, no offense strange.
Wow! You took the words right out of my mouth!! Excellent post GerryEvans.

I am ashamed of some fans. I cannot believe the MJFSC folks went to TMZ to challenge Lisa Marie suggestion that fans send him sunflowers.
How ridiculous. People have nothing better to do with their lives. These are the obsessive fans that sadly embarrass the rest of us.
Why does everything to with Michael have to turn nasty? It's a crying shame when it's everything he stood against. At a loss for words right now.
How ridiculous. People have nothing better to do with their lives. These are the obsessive fans that sadly embarrass the rest of us.


They themselves admit they go there once a month...Do they expect the flowers to remain fresh after 3 weeks.


And the hypocrisy of going to TMZ to challenge her...I don't care if TMZ contacted them.

But the rep from OMJFSC tells us, "You know what, we all know that we visit Michael once a month ... so like everything else we just have to find comfort in the fact that we know the truth.”

we know the truth? That the flowers are still there after a month....Gee whiz....What an ambarrassment!!!

That was BEYOND petty and crass...

Why does everything to with Michael have to turn nasty? It's a crying shame when it's everything he stood against. At a loss for words right now.

That is because people NEVER put MJ's legacy or what he would have wanted, ahead of their own need.​

Be it a need for attention, for recognition....​
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why fans are fighting over this .This is not a competition between lmp and fans on who loves mj more .i think since one year anniversary is approaching so emotions are running high.just calm down and do what u what to do for mj.
Yes, please everyone, just calm down! There is no need to resort to such hate. Seriously. Think before posting.
why fans are fighting over this .This is not a competition between lmp and fans on who loves mj more .i think since one year anniversary is approaching so emotions are running high.just calm down and do what u what to do for mj.
Exactly. Sometimes it feels like some fans are competing with everyone when it comes to that.. :(

I personally think it's nice that Lisa Marie went to Forest Lawn and it was a nice gesture to write the blog. Hopefully I can someday bring a few sunflowers for Michael by myself there..

Thanks for posting btw.
Why are some fans so harsh and bitter towards people in Michael's life whom they don't even know? I'm not even that bitter towards my own enemies. Lisa offered a suggestion and a sweet gesture. The way some fans read too much into things and act all offended over this is just, no offense strange.
Agree -_-
i think this was a really sweet gesture :heart: :heart: :heart: joined the facebook group and will donate now :give_heart:
I so wish I could donate :( Is there any other way ?
You need paypal and stuff like that right ??
Sunflower.I love this flower too. My mum used to grow them in front of my house...
Lisa Marie Presley is so sweet. I love her :) Reading this thread is giving me a heartache. The feeling is unexplainable. June 25 is getting approaching and once again I'm hit by the fact that Michael is no longer with us :(
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