Lisa Marie's New Blog Post about Michael's resting place

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New headline:
Sales in Sunflowers Suddenly Skyrocket Says Staff
And perfume sellers wonder about the sudden popularity of Bal a Versailles and Black Orchid, haha.
Yeah, and Balmain wonders how the sales for their shoulder-pads/military jackets got so high. :hysterical:

Anyhow, I think this is a pretty sweet gesture by Lisa Marie. You all thinking she needs to back off, need to back off themselves.

Michael and Lisa Marie were married. That means they were close, they knew each other. She obviously has a hard time too. It's her full right to go to Forest Lawn, and I think it's really nice of her to attract us in wanting to surround him in sunflowers at Forest Lawn. :wub:
Very nice of LMP to let us know about that. but like somebody said it's hard for us fans to get flowers and stuff there. I think some fans are unsure of what they can do and give. If you can't get in is there point in going. And to leave stuff outside... doesn't really encourage you to leave things there.

I already knew that sunflower was MJ's favorite flower. Like I'm sure many fans did.
That's funny...last year I planted a ton of "Mammoth Sunflowers" 'cause l like 'em.

I thank her for the info and the note but hey, MJ fans tried everything they could to get stuff to his grave to the best of their abilities. It's very hard for those of us who TRIED to leave flowers for him because we literally leave them at the door, the column, you name it. We are at the mercy of the guards who bring the stuff in and it's close to heartbreaking turning around and leaving not knowing when and if your stuff gets taken in. I know I tried...:cheeky:
We can't get in there, we leave our things OUTSIDE, exposed to wind, weather and strangers hoping the guards will take it inside, that's hard enough, really.

I'm also quite convinced that Forest Lawn employees are collecting things when overflow happens, check their website, it states pretty clearly that "too much" of anything won't happen. Every cemeteray has "clean up" day so to speak and I'm sure Forest Lawn won't let his resting spot look like a teenager's room cramped with stuff to the max.:cheeky:

I'm also quite sure that Michael is thrilled with anything someone decides to bring by and even if it's just a compassionate thought from someone who can't come by themselves...

I went twice and there were a lot of flowers, single ones, bouquets- etc. AT THE DOOR because that's were the journey ends for us. However, there were lots of MJ fans at the door who shared a song and their grief together, strangers hugging strangers and exchanging namex and numbers. THAT counts.

I'm glad to hear to hear she got to go inside, many of us wished for that treasure.
And I thank people like Erin Jacobs who trek their routinely, only to be stopped at the door and to bring those things that fans send from across the world. There is no lack of thinking about him, that's for sure.

Thanks for clarifying. Your reasoning makes sense about why the space seems empty. However, I will send some flowers.
She is allowed inside? I am sorry but I don't need her telling us what Michael would want. I am sure especially with June 25 coming he will be surrounded by beautiful things. Sunflowers are pretty.

If it makes her feel better to do that after the things she said in the past years...

Well, yeah sunflowers are pretty.I love them too.
I think she is allowed inside, which means a Jackson family member must have gone inside with her. No one is allowed in without a member of the family after what happened with Karen Faye selling his grave photos off to TMZ. By the blog, it seems that she was inside.

I think that's very sweet of her to do. I'm glad she visited him. If I lived in LA I know I would tried to make a visit once a week.
Maybe it´s different with LMP, I don´t think she needs to sell some pictures to get some money.
Whatever happened between Michael and LMP, when he was accused for the first time she was there for him and she married him when others didn´t want to see him.
Maybe it´s different with LMP, I don´t think she needs to sell some pictures to get some money.
Whatever happened between Michael and LMP, when he was accused for the first time she was there for him and she married him when others didn´t want to see him.

Thank you for pointing that out, nobody knows the pressures she may of faced while she was married so do not judge her. I think LMP pretends to b a tuff person but is soft and sweet inside, Mike saw it that is why he married her.

This is very sweet of her to suggest this.
I am sorry if I offended anyone. Ofcourse he should be surrounded by beautiful things. I don't like her. She wasn't kind to him for years and now she says we should do this. The fans do the best they can and what they can do. There are people that I understand go every month to visit. Maybe if it was someone like Liz Taylor suggesting it I would feel differently.
Thanks for letting us know
about the "Sunflowers", Lisa Marie.

Could MJJForum organize a fan collection for
the purchase of more Silk Sunflowers; so we can
place them near

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I'm not sure why that just put me over the edge. I haven't cried so hard in months. That was so beautiful and yet so painful.
I am sorry if I offended anyone. Ofcourse he should be surrounded by beautiful things. I don't like her. She wasn't kind to him for years and now she says we should do this. The fans do the best they can and what they can do. There are people that I understand go every month to visit. Maybe if it was someone like Liz Taylor suggesting it I would feel differently.

I understand how you feel.
I hope this is really LMP.
But then... it is soooo terribly sad to read this, to read the following is terrible:

I thought of maybe letting those who care know what the situation is and how we can solve it.

Those who care... this is addressed to us, his fans, for God sake!!! We just can't be the ones who care!!!

I might be overreacting, but this is really so sad, so wrong, so frustrating.

What are we?? Why are all of them addressing to us fans using these media? First Joe, then Randy, now LMP.... I feel... sorry, but this is too much to handle. This really breaks my heart. And though I know for sure MJ is at a better place, that he really doesn't need flowers to feel better now... sorry... it's just a way to show respect and love and I have seen many, many fans taking flowers, making their best....

So many of us would give so much to be ever given the chance to be any close to FL to pay our respects... I don't know. I don't mean any wrong to anyone, no person is bound to be there every single day, it is just that the picture she presents is really heartbreaking. I guess it must be more shocking being there to see it....

Michael.... I love so much and I miss you more :weeping:
I'm not sure why that just put me over the edge. I haven't cried so hard in months. That was so beautiful and yet so painful.
same here, most of the time ur kinda able to get thru by living in some kind of denial but when stuff like that is said/posted it makes it so real and it makes ur bubble burst, its like reality hits ya again.
This isn't a 'lets slag off Lisa Marie thread.' It was nice of her to let us all know this so enough with the cheap insults. Yiu are entitled not to like her but keep the insults out of this thread.
that was really sweet. I hope he gets flooded with sunflowers that it just looks like a huge ball of sunshine inside. i would love to send him some but i dont have a clue how.


Im sorry, what did Lisa say? I wasnt paying attention.........
that was really sweet. I hope he gets flooded with sunflowers that it just looks like a huge ball of sunshine inside. i would love to send him some but i dont have a clue how.
I'm hoping MJJForum will organize a fan collection for the purchase of more Silk Sunflowers; so we can place them near Michael?
Who else thinks this is a good idea?:yes:

same here, most of the time ur kinda able to get thru by living in some kind of denial but when stuff like that is said/posted it makes it so real and it makes ur bubble burst, its like reality hits ya again.

Could MJJForum organize a fan collection for
the purchase of more Silk Sunflowers; so we can

I'd be interested in participating in a fan collection for silk sunflowers. If you or anyone else organizes one PM me and I'll take part in it.
I'm not sure why that just put me over the edge. I haven't cried so hard in months. That was so beautiful and yet so painful.

I just ordered a bouquet to via Forest Lawn on behalf of ALL OF US for Michael. It will be delivered in the morning to Michael:cry: Stupid me didn't realize they had their own floral dept onsite.

Apparently, they do clean up or clear stuff on a weekly basis?

The card reads "L.O.V.E Always".

And THANK YOU for all those that does go there and leave flowers, cards, and other things for Michael regularly, you all are wonderful. :better:
Greetings MJ Fans....
While visiting him a few days ago at Forest Lawn , Riley and I couldn't help but notice that , while there are a few bouquets , candles and gifts there is a very large empty space around him and in front of him that could use a whole lot more.
While , I am sure that the staff at The Holy Terrace do their very best to place what is sent and what is placed at the door at his tomb , I thought you might like to know that he would want and deserves more than what is there and I had an idea.......
Some may or may not know this but his favorite flower was the Sunflower.
They made him happy because they looked happy to him , Thus, he called them "The Happy Flower".

When we were married , I would try and fill up rooms with them wherever he was.
I wanted to bring something to place near him that he liked and that wouldn't die so I brought a large vase of silk sunflowers and placed them near him.
This barely made any kind of dent in the atmosphere so I thought of maybe letting those who care know what the situation is and how we can solve it.
I know how much he loved and appreciated being showered with Gifts and flowers by his fans , I thought if whoever wants to bought just one silk sunflower each and sent it , the whole area around him and in front of him (As well as the two large empty vases that sit on either side of him) could be filled up in no time , which would be much more appropriate than what the current status is right now.
We can all cause a "Sun shower" if you will...........
He deserves to be flooded and surrounded , LETS SURROUND HIM!
Lots of Love,


There are two Forest Lawns in LA which is confusing,
Below is the correct address to send them to:

The Holy Terrace At Forest Lawn
1712 South Glendale Avenue
Glendale Calif, 91205

Sorry but the story of the Sunflower made me cried, :(

THANK YOU LISA, you were HIS FORCE OF NATURE, thats how HE described you once :(
She is allowed inside? I am sorry but I don't need her telling us what Michael would want. I am sure especially with June 25 coming he will be surrounded by beautiful things. Sunflowers are pretty.

Come on now, no negativity. She obviously loved the man and he loved her no matter what happened in the end. And it's clear the Jacksons love her as well otherwise she wouldn't have been there in the first place. All the people that hate Lisa really need to let it go. Michael wouldn't want the fans hating someone he held so close to his heart. Let's just take Lisa's advice and all send silk sunflowers!!!
Come on now, no negativity. She obviously loved the man and he loved her no matter what happened in the end. And it's clear the Jacksons love her as well otherwise she wouldn't have been there in the first place. All the people that hate Lisa really need to let it go. Michael wouldn't want the fans hating someone he held so close to his heart. Let's just take Lisa's advice and all send silk sunflowers!!!
Hey, MJJForum Administrators, please read our posts. :better:
Can one of the moderators organize a collection from us fans for Sunflowers for Michael?
same here, most of the time ur kinda able to get thru by living in some kind of denial but when stuff like that is said/posted it makes it so real and it makes ur bubble burst, its like reality hits ya again.


Plus, I think the fact that I'm going to be there in a month and a half just hit me. And I was reminded again of how hard that is going to be...
she still has deep feelings for him and I'm sure some guilt is in there too for the way she's treated him ...

she did just want Janet is doing............promote their projects from dissing Michael..
hope she has realized what she did..
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