LaToya - Mike's Sons Not Coping

I agree with the person who says that LaToya talking about the kid's every move to the media only fuels their interest in the children. I think she needs to stop talking about them. This family is not protecting those kid's privacy the way they know Michael did. That bothers me.
Latoya needs to STFU.

Her motor mouth is not helping. how close could she have been to MJ, when she is so blatantly going against SOMETHING he fought so hard to achieve?...His children' privacy.

To me, her not respecting his wishes, only prove one thing. They were not as close as she is claiming.

I don't see Janet running her mouth to tabloids.
Latoya needs to STFU.

Her motor mouth is not helping. how close could she have been to MJ, when she is so blatantly going against SOMETHING he fought so hard to achieve?...His children' privacy.

To me, her not respecting his wishes, only prove one thing. They were not as close as she is claiming.

I don't see Janet running her mouth to tabloids.

i think latoya loves mj, but she is just, well, kinda stupid. she doesnt think before she talks.
I do not see nothing wrong with Latoya talking about this (after this, I think she should say no more). Death is something that effects ALL OF US and some folks want to know how they are dealing with it. I know this is going to effect these kids (especially with the kind of father they had who was a hands on father). I am still crying because I have loved Michael for many years so I can image them. I beleive they may need help dealing with this in later years. I have a cousin who is still dealing with the death of his mother. He remember her taking him to school and when he came home, he was told "your mother is gone". What made it worst for my cousin was that he was a "momma baby". he was 5 and did not want to go to other people. he wanted to stay under his mother most of the time. When he lost her, my cousin has rebelled in his teens and still dealing with the pain.

No I do understand. To me, the Jackson can not win. If they do not speak, that is going to make the interest more at this time. I think after this movie is show, the interest in the children will die down and very few people will care because people move on (other than fans). This is happen with LMP after Elvis dies and the same with Sean and Julian Lennon. People did not follow them up after awhile. I think most people just want to know how they are coping and Latoya answered it. I do not see the big deal about this.
Mike's PYT

I do agree with you. La Toya , Janet, katherine, the kids, the fans, his friends everywhere and everybody who truly loves MJ are suffering a deep sorrow and out of words pain because of what happened to MJ. I think that LaToya's speaking was a way to exhale her pain and grief with others out there. She is just human. It was positive that she spoke about the kids, otherwise we would not know anything about them right now. I hope she continues to share a bit of her family life with us, so we can feel closer to them all sharing the same miss for our Michael. Paparazzi will leave them alone soon. No one can hide from the media. Michael tried and all he could do was to call for more attention to his moves unfortunately in a negative way. Things are what they are, life is what it is and nothing can change that, no one can hide from the media or anybody. No one can hide from the truth and we should not try. Being natural and leaving life getting on its healthy way it’s a good medicine for the mind!
I agree. Toya is just simply answering a question, and although it may not seem like a good idea now, it will probably come out in the long run long as the topic doesn't drag on and give the media something to motivate stories. And yes, although I see Prince as a very strong child in public, boys have a tendency to hide their feelings, esp those concerning inner pain. My heart goes out to all of them.
it's funny how Latoya is against "this is it" because "Michael wouldn't have wanted it", yet has no problems revealing the most private moments of his kids lives. does she think Michael would've wanted that? i still can't believe she talked about what Paris put in his coffin.
Did she state that? God, of COURSE Mike wanted the world to see his work. The man is smiling-down on in tears, no matter what, they all get to see his last work. Besides, this is just the begining of things to come. Michael may have left us, yet he left us with the greatest memories and inpiration that anyone ever has. Bless you Mike...the tears still fall for me but I'm hoping for a brighter tomorrow.
...she really does need to be quiet talking about the personal moments of his kids. Family or not, that $hit just ain't right. It's just not.
I for one feel that the kids need to be left alone and away the media, happy or not. They were kept away from the media insanity because Mike knew how it was as he grew up with it. Of course the kids can't cope. They almost got in a car accident last week. Remember Princess Di died from a car accident from being chased. When I heard this news last week I was freaked.

There needs to be gag order on the family while the kids are under counseling. That could be years.
God bless them. I hope time can heal some of their pain.

Now I like the way you said that. Honestly I do. I was told that the kids had MJ's family to look out for them and that time will heal all wounds. Okay, maybe it will for MJ's parents and family, but I have a hard time applying that to his children. They are young and without a father who was very good to them!!
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My heart goes out to his kids all they had was their daddy its going to be a long hard struggle for them to get over his death god has his hands on them with all the loved and care they will be fine

I wish she didn't address this out to the public she is so sicken.
I don't think it's right but that whole thing will go on with the paparazzi even if they don't say anything. Also I think soso can speak from a point of view some of us can't but that's another subject.
Its a lose/lose situation. if no one in the family was talking about the kids/MJ everyone would be claiming they dont care, they were jealous, MJ wasnt talking to them.
but since they are talking bout him and the kids we want them to shutup..?

people are missing the point. you dont have to describe everything in precise detail. thats terrible.
all she has to say:
"michaels kids are struggling with the loss of their father, but they are healing with the love of family and friends. we ask for prayers and well wishes."

Yeh I agree..but unfortunatley La Toya can be a bit ditzy sometimes and says whatever comes to her head..she will tell it exactly like it is without discretion...they asked her a question and she answered brutally honestly (even though sometimes it would have been better to be quiet)

but I DO NOT think she means harm, is against her family, is doing it for attention or for monetary gain like some ppl on this tread are making out.

As for ppl blaming La Toya for the paps chasing the kids..that is utterly ridiculous! They would have chased the kids regardless of whether La Toya opened her mouth or not..because like it or not they are of public interest simply because they are Michaels family (the whole jackson family is in the limelight and on the paparazzi hunt list right now)...Ppl seem to forget that these children were hounded by paparazzi even when Michael was alive... only difference then was they had masks on...

keeping silent about the children would not have made any difference! Look at Michael he always kept quite on his private life and children..but this only fueled the paprazzi hunt and media attention on him....
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Seriously, i dont know what is true and what is not. All i know is that Prince ---being a 12 year old, is going through that stage where he's is totally confused (just like every other 12 year old)...adding a death, especially a the picture will tear a kid apart. I hope he's okay.
I hope all the kids are okay.
They deserve happiness.
This is so sad to hear. But her keeping on talking about them it fuels interest on the children which causes more paparazzi to chase them leading to accidents like the other night. I wish that they would have kept the children private.. they expose everything they do now.

Not necessarily. The real interest is in Michael, not the children themselves. The interest in Michael is not going to go away so soon, especially with the opening of the movie just around the corner and the 'new' song all over the airwaves. Opening up a little and just saying 'the kids are doing okay' and leaving it there might be best. Are you forgetting what Michael was like in the 80s? His skin got progressively lighter and lighter, he had so many opportunities to come out and speak about his vitiligo, but he refused. And it led to all the skin bleaching crap from the tabloids. People wanted to know, and with no explanation from Michael himself, the tabs took advantage of the situation and stepped in themselves. If he had just said 'hey, I have a skin disease' alot earlier than 1993, he wouldn't have had to put up with as much of the media scrutiny and criticism which he so often complained about. But he only had himself to blame. It's really only a matter of a few short years before the tabloids inevitably start on the 3 Ps. If people are gonna be subjected to 'updates' on the wellbeing of the kids, I would FAR prefer it to be from a family member than some made up media BS.
All I can do is pray for the children. My heart is truly broken for them because I know how wonderful a father Michael was to them.

Paris and the boys seem like polar opposites in their mourning. The boys can't bear to look at their father's image and Paris sounds like she needs to constantly see her father's image or have a token of his in remembrance. But it sounds like Paris is not suppressing her feelings. I hope that Prince and Blanket will just remember how much Michael loved them and that they meant the world to him. I think they just need time to mourn properly and the grief counseling is a great idea to me. Everything has been such a whirlwind in the past 4 months. I don't expect the children to be 'fine' or 'okay' in such a short period of time.

I am not going to lie and say that I am not extremely worried about the children. But the Jacksons are their family and the only family they've got. I just pray that Katherine lives for many, many more years. She's the glue of that family.

I am going to just pray and pray for the children and for Katherine. They've been through so much and just deserve some peace and quiet.
Someone needs to tell her to shut the hell up about the children. Michael get the Macaw to tell her will you.
Great point Adore... Outsiders will only speculate on how the children are doing, but at least the family can give you more accurate updates...
If this is true then its really sad. I understand the boys for not showing emotions. Its not easy.. Paris is amazing, especially with the wearing Mikes shirts to get his scent..
I wish Latoya just shut up. She sells every little thing to the media, it's not fair at all. She wants attention so bad and doesn't understand that the kids need more privacy. I can imagine how mad Michael would be...

Couldn't agree more! I can't undertand La Toya and her opening up to tabloids. One thing is obvious: kids need privacy and good loving people around them. That is one of the hadrest moments in their life ever. And La Toya is the one that should respect that on the first place. :angry:
You don't understand - anytime a Jackson speaks about the children, it pique's the public's interest.

Once newspapers & websites see that, they try to find or get more exclusive footage/interviews - to the point that we saw this week, of chasing the children and crashing a security car.

WHY do the Jacksons have to talk about the kids?

A) for money

b) to remain relevant

They are using MJs kids - and who suffer the most are MJs kids.

I'm sure they will always grieve the death of their father, but if the Jacksons truly loved and cared for their niece & nephews, they'd say "NO COMMENT" and give the kids a chance for a normal life.

They need to stop - it's unethical, cruel and invasive to the children.

Oh, and not to mention that the Jackson siblings have made careers from selling out MJ to the paparazzi & tabloids, now, are they that low to sell out MJs kids?

I hate to say it, but it's already happening.

... I was not able to follow news much last days... My heart nearly stopped when I read in your post about he accident of "chasing the children and crashing a security car." It's getting really really bad. I am so hoping there was something we could do. I mean those are MJ's children. They were born to the world most fameous man and it's true that their life always was and probably always will be affected by that. But when I heard about crashing security car all I had in my mind was Lady D's story... It might be dangerous ever for their lifes. I don't want those children to suffer so much just because of fame,they should have a chance to make a decision if they agree for all that or if they want to step back and start more or less regular lifes... :angry: :cry: