LaToya - Mike's Sons Not Coping

I think Latoya was paid for this interview, too. Michael wanted so much to keep the children's life private and now she talks to the press about them not coping with their father's death. They are just kids, their need much more time to deal with everything. I'm so sad about little Blanket, but i hope they'll be all fine with specialized help and with all the love from their grandma.
Perhaps Latoya didn't have to go into such detail, but i'm not mad at her like some fans are. I don't think she was being malicious. That's so sad to hear though :cry:, but I'm glad they're going to therapy , they need to talk about their emotions. I hope they will continue to try and remember all the good times they had with Michael. I pray for those kids all the time but I hope they can all get to a point some day where they can talk about Michael and remember all the times they had with him. I wish them the very best during this difficult time.
Didn't Mike want to keep their lives as private as possible?

I hope the day doesn't come when the media think that the children are such public property that the papers decide they can make up lies about their lives too, just like they did with Michael.
their privacy went away the minute he died. hell,they had pictures of them crying on the way from the hospital so much for compassion.

but insight from a private and personal source is worth more than jr smiling at universal studios
the kids also don't watch tv so they wouldn't find out about this so they likely don't know that the world knows how they feel.

I'd love to be be able to believe this, but I'm not sure how accurate it is...

I don't think they truly *can* be shielded from this vomiting media fiasco. The headlines are on every magazine cover, website, newspaper, television channel, not to mention everyone's lips. I don't watch tv or listen to the radio or read magazines, but in this day and age, the media has this uncontrollable, unavoidable omnipresence.

I know the family and others have been saying they're not allowed to watch tv and computer time is monitored, but then you also have them saying things like "Oh, the kids love Dancing With The Stars, they're hooked!" Prince has been carrying around a laptop and they spend a lot of time outside of Hayvenhurst with their teenage/adult cousins. I don't think they're as sheltered as the Jackson's would like us to believe.

Besides, there is *so* much going on inside that house right now... They're a busy bunch, that's for sure. I would bet no one's keeping eagle eyes on them. With the way they run their mouths to any source that will let them, the idea that this stuff isn't discussed between family members at home is pretty unimaginable. Certain people may refrain from engaging in conversation right in front of the kids (and certainly when Katherine is there with them), but they've no doubt overheard or caught word a few least. Blanket's just a kid, so he's probably been spared some of the worst, but Prince and Paris are astute, savvy, observant pre-teens who engage with others. I don't think they've heard it all, but I promise you, to some degree, those kids are aware of what's going on...

Sorry, I got kinda' OT.
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I think LaToya is selling out her nephews and niece for money and she should stop doing that.
This whole situation is sad. There are so many angles that are sad including the family not being able to close their mouths or realize that when a family member dies, its not your opportunity to get your face on TV.
I just pray for those children's emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial well-being.

You got Randy trying to do god only knows what with the money, Joe ... well being Joe which is scary enough but now that there's lots of money at stake,
Jermaine on TV every damn day for 4 months in every country all the while claiming MJ's kids are wonderful and playing with his kids who he seems to not be parenting since he's on TV every damn day.
and LaToya though I don't think her statement are malicious is hypocrital.

Her saying MJ wouldn't want This is it released because its rehearsal footage is valid since MJ was such a perfectionist but MJ also wouldn't want her talking about his children in such detail to tabloids either.
She didn't do it when MJ was here then why start now?
IF they are trying to raise the kids as close as possible to how MJ raised them then add giving too much detail to the press about their lives to the list.

Also some say her talking is feeding the press, some says its not I personally think it is.
Her telling how Prince went upstairs that day while the chef says he didn't only fuels the press to ask the kids when they are older what excatly happened. Those kinds of details need to be kept private.

kinda OT but the only thing I respect LMP for is the fact that she never discussed what happened when her father died since she was there. She never goes into detail and MJ's 3 shouldn't either but neither should anyone else in terms of the children.
their privacy went away the minute he died. hell,they had pictures of them crying on the way from the hospital so much for compassion.

thats true and that is the most disgusting thing i heard, sick to think how much money the paps make out of their tears.

i really don't think everyone talkin bout them helps their privacy though. though i don't think latoya's comments come from a bad place.
I keep thinking about the Blanket part. I just wanna give him a huge hug. :cry:
Seriously it's high time that fans sent a joint statement, for the sake of Michael, asking Latoya to respect the kids privacy as Michael had wished and not keep selling their private lives to tabloids.

These things will seriously harm these children if they grow up without privacy and with their lives being broadcast by Latoya.

Going as far as to call Blanket "sad" and "shy", she is now taking Barbara Walter's cue to try and brand this kid the way the media wants too. I bet Walters asked her, is Blanket shy? or told her "but Blanket seems shy", and now she's running with all this thing because she knows it's what the media wants.

This is what harmed Michael, to grow up without privacy and then unable to get it back. It's horrible to grow up and get to know people know your most private details, even what you had hanging in your room to grieve your parents.

Latoya did the most harm to MJ when he was alive by being a family member attacking him at hour of need.

Whaterver she says about kids, people will take it as gospel. If they want to sue someone in future, it will be difficult because of her commentary and by putting these things out, such a person can even request therapy notes from their childhood.

Only fans can bring the necessary pressure by making a joint request because if we don't, we will regret the next thing Latoya will do.

She is being paid and she know to make money, she has to sell the kids privacy, unless fans jointly point out that this is not what MJ wanted.

And by the way, i also heard today from someone else about Latoya talking too much, so other people have began to notice.

But still, we fans underestimate the ability to influence the situation positively.

Maybe we are waiting till Latoya does or says something about the kids that is as harmful as the way she hurt MJ.

Anyway, forewarned is forearmed
and better late than never

For MJ's sake

If we do not do anything, Latoya will still give interviews to tabloids, and many in the world are willing to pay her.

And to have something to sell, she will have to intrude further into the kid's lives or make up stories.
To people who question MJ's assertiveness, how the hell did he manage to keep this family under a tight leash?

I am sure while he was alive, siblings & father were selling information to tabloids, but it wasn't done in the open. Since his passing, the family has unleashed (pun intended) a full force attack, from every directions, in the media.

They are everywhere...I have been on non-fan boards, and people are not fooled. The comments are brutal. And I can't help but agreeing with them.

It is now very obvious that MJ's death is being used as a launching pad for the siblings' dead career, and lining their pockets.
I'd love to be be able to believe this, but I'm not sure how accurate it is...

I don't think they truly *can* be shielded from this vomiting media fiasco. The headlines are on every magazine cover, website, newspaper, television channel, not to mention everyone's lips. I don't watch tv or listen to the radio or read magazines, but in this day and age, the media has this uncontrollable, unavoidable omnipresence.

I know the family and others have been saying they're not allowed to watch tv and computer time is monitored, but then you also have them saying things like "Oh, the kids love Dancing With The Stars, they're hooked!" Prince has been carrying around a laptop and they spend a lot of time outside of Hayvenhurst with their teenage/adult cousins. I don't think they're as sheltered as the Jackson's would like us to believe.

Besides, there is *so* much going on inside that house right now... They're a busy bunch, that's for sure. I would bet no one's keeping eagle eyes on them. With the way they run their mouths to any source that will let them, the idea that this stuff isn't discussed between family members at home is pretty unimaginable. Certain people may refrain from engaging in conversation right in front of the kids (and certainly when Katherine is there with them), but they've no doubt overheard or caught word a few least. Blanket's just a kid, so he's probably been spared some of the worst, but Prince and Paris are astute, savvy, observant pre-teens who engage with others. I don't think they've heard it all, but I promise you, to some degree, those kids are aware of what's going on...

Sorry, I got kinda' OT.

i don't know about michael's kids, but jermaine's 13 year-old son jaafar is spending a lot of time on facebook and so do randy jr, genevieve, donte. i don't know how is the internet being monitorized or how shielded the kids really are, since they spend all their time with their cousins. prince and jaafar are almost the same age, they're probably very close, so it's hard to believe that prince has never been on the internet lately.
Seriously it's high time that fans sent a joint statement, for the sake of Michael, asking Latoya to respect the kids privacy as Michael had wished and not keep selling their private lives to tabloids.

These things will seriously harm these children if they grow up without privacy and with their lives being broadcast by Latoya.

Going as far as to call Blanket "sad" and "shy", she is now taking Barbara Walter's cue to try and brand this kid the way the media wants too. I bet Walters asked her, is Blanket shy? or told her "but Blanket seems shy", and now she's running with all this thing because she knows it's what the media wants.

This is what harmed Michael, to grow up without privacy and then unable to get it back. It's horrible to grow up and get to know people know your most private details, even what you had hanging in your room to grieve your parents.

Latoya did the most harm to MJ when he was alive by being a family member attacking him at hour of need.

Whaterver she says about kids, people will take it as gospel. If they want to sue someone in future, it will be difficult because of her commentary and by putting these things out, such a person can even request therapy notes from their childhood.

Only fans can bring the necessary pressure by making a joint request because if we don't, we will regret the next thing Latoya will do.

She is being paid and she know to make money, she has to sell the kids privacy, unless fans jointly point out that this is not what MJ wanted.

And by the way, i also heard today from someone else about Latoya talking too much, so other people have began to notice.

But still, we fans underestimate the ability to influence the situation positively.

Maybe we are waiting till Latoya does or says something about the kids that is as harmful as the way she hurt MJ.

Anyway, forewarned is forearmed
and better late than never

For MJ's sake

If we do not do anything, Latoya will still give interviews to tabloids, and many in the world are willing to pay her.

And to have something to sell, she will have to intrude further into the kid's lives or make up stories.

Tell me where & when and I'll be there!

BRAVO post!!!

Is the interview a two parter? I haven't read this whole thread...but found this on ONTD. Seems that LaToya did two interview on the kids. The sources are below the page


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i don't know about michael's kids, but jermaine's 13 year-old son jaafar is spending a lot of time on facebook and so do randy jr, genevieve, donte. i don't know how is the internet being monitorized or how shielded the kids really are, since they spend all their time with their cousins. prince and jaafar are almost the same age, they're probably very close, so it's hard to believe that prince has never been on the internet lately.

can i ask how do you know jaafar is on facebook?
i don't know about michael's kids, but jermaine's 13 year-old son jaafar is spending a lot of time on facebook and so do randy jr, genevieve, donte. i don't know how is the internet being monitorized or how shielded the kids really are, since they spend all their time with their cousins. prince and jaafar are almost the same age, they're probably very close, so it's hard to believe that prince has never been on the internet lately.

Exactly. Internet or no internet, if they're hanging out with "normal" kids who have "normal" social lives (which they are), then they're going to be exposed to this stuff.

And Starlightdancer! That pic is brutal, oye. But it sure gets the point across...can't say I disagree. =/
LOL - but sad too.

I love my ONTD bitches. LOVE THEM.

That's where I got my UNF siggy!!

I got that Latoya dead horse beating gif from ONTD! And look at the comments posted at ONTD. You see what people are saying there? Pretty much what most of us here on this site are saying: Latoya STFU.
I got that Latoya dead horse beating gif from ONTD! And look at the comments posted at ONTD. You see what people are saying there? Pretty much what most of us here on this site are saying: Latoya STFU.

I only lurk there - but I LOVE LOVE LOVE ONTD.

I found this community because of them.
The only thing i thought of when i read this was "of course they are not doing that well" and, man, does Blanket remind me of Michael.
I'm a member and poster there :p



I swear, ONTD took me through the first days of MJs passing - I always wanted to write a journal to thank everyone for their collective mourning & wonderful & beautiful awesomeness. I'd cry & cry & cry reading post after post there. That is an amazing community there.

AND FUNNY!!! LOLOLOL!!!!!! And the GIFS!!! LOLOLOL!!! The best ever seen. (stole mine from there, :ph34r:)

That's how I found out about MJJC.

Please let them know we love them here too!!!


I swear, ONTD took me through the first days of MJs passing - I always wanted to write a journal to thank everyone for their collective mourning & wonderful & beautiful awesomeness. I'd cry & cry & cry reading post after post there. That is an amazing community there.

AND FUNNY!!! LOLOLOL!!!!!! And the GIFS!!! LOLOLOL!!! The best ever seen. (stole mine from there, :ph34r:)

That's how I found out about MJJC.

Please let them know we love them here too!!!

Ditto all that. Mad love to them.
Ditto all that. Mad love to them.

ONTD is probably one of the better blogs out there - here's another gif , courtesy of LadyPolitik @ ONTD:



¡No más!

Get Katherine & Ad-litem lawyer some non-disclosure agreements for the MJ3 on all them Jacksons & shut them up!
@crazy4umjackson: A your siggy's badd. Do you own that jacket? Are there others like it?
yeah, i know some kids cousins spend a lot of time on facebook. so the family must have internet. perhaps Mike's kids rooms haven't. however i guess Prince must know something outside.