LaToya - Mike's Sons Not Coping

jermaine and katherine and latoya and just about everybody in the family kept saying how the kids are spending time with their cousins, all the time...they need more than their cousins, they need an adult to spend time with and look out for them the way MJ did, playing with their cousins and going out is not enough especially in their situations. Joe said they didn't even know their cousins when MJ died, they were thrown in a world they knew nothing about
and don't say that the kids react differently because it's a boy/ girl thing, the way you react depends on your character not on whether your a boy or a girl that's too simplistic it sounds like someone who doesn't really understand
Yeh I agree..but unfortunatley La Toya can be a bit ditzy sometimes and says whatever comes to her head..she will tell it exactly like it is without discretion...they asked her a question and she answered brutally honestly (even though sometimes it would have been better to be quiet)

but I DO NOT think she means harm, is against her family, is doing it for attention or for monetary gain like some ppl on this tread are making out.

As for ppl blaming La Toya for the paps chasing the kids..that is utterly ridiculous! They would have chased the kids regardless of whether La Toya opened her mouth or not..because like it or not they are of public interest simply because they are Michaels family (the whole jackson family is in the limelight and on the paparazzi hunt list right now)...Ppl seem to forget that these children were hounded by paparazzi even when Michael was alive... only difference then was they had masks on...

keeping silent about the children would not have made any difference! Look at Michael he always kept quite on his private life and children..but this only fueled the paprazzi hunt and media attention on him....
Not necessarily. The real interest is in Michael, not the children themselves. The interest in Michael is not going to go away so soon, especially with the opening of the movie just around the corner and the 'new' song all over the airwaves. Opening up a little and just saying 'the kids are doing okay' and leaving it there might be best. Are you forgetting what Michael was like in the 80s? His skin got progressively lighter and lighter, he had so many opportunities to come out and speak about his vitiligo, but he refused. And it led to all the skin bleaching crap from the tabloids. People wanted to know, and with no explanation from Michael himself, the tabs took advantage of the situation and stepped in themselves. If he had just said 'hey, I have a skin disease' alot earlier than 1993, he wouldn't have had to put up with as much of the media scrutiny and criticism which he so often complained about. But he only had himself to blame. It's really only a matter of a few short years before the tabloids inevitably start on the 3 Ps. If people are gonna be subjected to 'updates' on the wellbeing of the kids, I would FAR prefer it to be from a family member than some made up media BS.

I can see your point, Adore. You made me think twice :)

It comes from Michael's fame that kids are already known all arund the world. The world is watching them. It's not known if they will stay a target for the press in few years, but right now they surely are and there is a need of making some kind of statement on how they are coping.
I just simple don't like the way La Toya is doing that. I imagine that this kind of statemnt should calm down the public somehow, not build new speculations. In my opinion the public life is a kind of professional life. It may appear that celebrities are living their privat life in the public, but it's not what it really is. We shouldn't mix those two so much. I agree that sometimes privat and public life mixes together too much to separate one from the other especially in tragic moments. In those situations there is a strong need of making some kind of statement to the public about the privat life. But any statements should be professional enough to protect children from being hurted in the flesh light. They don't need more drama. It's enough.
latoya needs to stop selling the kids for £$ and respect their privacy
... I was not able to follow news much last days... My heart nearly stopped when I read in your post about he accident of "chasing the children and crashing a security car." It's getting really really bad. I am so hoping there was something we could do. I mean those are MJ's children. They were born to the world most fameous man and it's true that their life always was and probably always will be affected by that. But when I heard about crashing security car all I had in my mind was Lady D's story... It might be dangerous ever for their lifes. I don't want those children to suffer so much just because of fame,they should have a chance to make a decision if they agree for all that or if they want to step back and start more or less regular lifes... :angry: :cry:

Now you know why I'm so stark raving :blowup: over this, even to the point of getting banned.

The Jacksons need to STFU - all of them. Each time they open their mouth, and we all know how they all love to do that, they fuel the media frenzy.

They did it to Michael as means to stay relevant and for $$$$$, you don't think the Jacksons aren't making money off the new cash cow = grief porn? Of course they are, and just like Michael was the golden nugget for them, now they usurp the children.


If I were the ad-litem lawyer for the children at court, I'd DEMAND to the court non-disclosure statements on all Jacksons, anyone and everyone living in Havenhurst, and everyone coming in contact with them - no talking about the children to any media or anyone. Only the authorized legal custodian, Mrs. Katherine Jackson, should speak about the children and on behalf of the children - and no one else.

Their privacy and well-being is being violently hindered by all the Jackson blabbing - their chances of healing & having a normal life are almost nulled because their jack-azz relatives keep yapping to the press & tabloids.

How can Mike Jr. & Blanket & Paris have a better life if they can't even go to a simple karate class without being bombarded with cameras & press? Who told the press about it? It had to come from Havenhurst.

It's cruel and invasive - and somebody has to put their foot down in the Jackson Family to stop this.
Counting down until they're 18 and old enough to move out of the house, and away from the Jacksons..

Prince: 6 years to go..
Paris: 7 years to go..
Blanket: 11 years to go..

Waiting, waiting, waiting............
Counting down until they're 18 and old enough to move out of the house, and away from the Jacksons..

Prince: 6 years to go..
Paris: 7 years to go..
Blanket: 11 years to go..

Waiting, waiting, waiting............

I just hope Mike Jr. closes down Havenhurst and kicks EVERYBODY out.

Time for the deadbeat dads that live there to get jobs so they can support their kids.
I agree. Toya is just simply answering a question, and although it may not seem like a good idea now, it will probably come out in the long run long as the topic doesn't drag on and give the media something to motivate stories. And yes, although I see Prince as a very strong child in public, boys have a tendency to hide their feelings, esp those concerning inner pain. My heart goes out to all of them.

She has been selling the kids to british tabloids for 4 months now. This is not the first interview...she went on TV to discuss these very same thing at the end of September. Again last week she was on Access Hollywood..

She just need to her her 54 year old a$$ down and stop selling the kids' private information to the press.

She is undoing everything MJ did to protect the kids' privacy.

Talking once in a while is one thing...but for the last 4 months she has made it her full time job to go to everyone willing to pay her to dis on the kids. That is despicable.

And if it continue, I am sure 10 years form now, the kids will resent this family just like MJ did. Kids are not stupid, they will know they are being used.

And people wonder why MJ wasn't close to his family...?
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Its a lose/lose situation. if no one in the family was talking about the kids/MJ everyone would be claiming they dont care, they were jealous, MJ wasnt talking to them.
but since they are talking bout him and the kids we want them to shutup..?

No, I don't think we would.

Yeh I agree..but unfortunatley La Toya can be a bit ditzy sometimes and says whatever comes to her head..she will tell it exactly like it is without discretion...they asked her a question and she answered brutally honestly (even though sometimes it would have been better to be quiet)

but I DO NOT think she means harm, is against her family, is doing it for attention or for monetary gain like some ppl on this tread are making out.

As for ppl blaming La Toya for the paps chasing the kids..that is utterly ridiculous! They would have chased the kids regardless of whether La Toya opened her mouth or not..because like it or not they are of public interest simply because they are Michaels family (the whole jackson family is in the limelight and on the paparazzi hunt list right now)...Ppl seem to forget that these children were hounded by paparazzi even when Michael was alive... only difference then was they had masks on...

keeping silent about the children would not have made any difference! Look at Michael he always kept quite on his private life and children..but this only fueled the paprazzi hunt and media attention on him....

I don't think she means harm but the fact is talking DOES make a difference. It is not 'utterly ridiculous' to say that. The more interest, the more in demand. They are of public interest already yes but each time she or anyone else mentions them like this they expose their lives to the public, people DO get more and more interested in their lives. It fuels the media frenzy. All these stories 'Jackson three go to karate' , 'Jackson kids out with Liz'. The media knows it sells so they'll carry on chasing them for stories. Keeping quiet about them would be better.. they wouldn't be in the forefront of people's minds. They were being chased before when they were WITH their dad. There is no need to turn their lives into this 'celebrity' life that's all over the papers just because who their dad is - the Jackson's should be trying to do what they can to prevent this NOT encouraging it.They are young children. Michael would want Privacy for them.
I just hope Mike Jr. closes down Havenhurst and kicks EVERYBODY out.

Time for the deadbeat dads that live there to get jobs so they can support their kids.

That's wishful thinking on our parts :lol: I doubt he'd leave his family homeless.. he just needs to move away and pick his inner circle very VERRRY carefully.

So far I'm loving the fact that the children get along so well with their cousins, I just hope that I won't be proven wrong later and see them selling their stories. Please, do us proud younger generation Jacksons :angel:
That's wishful thinking on our parts :lol: I doubt he'd leave his family homeless.. he just needs to move away and pick his inner circle very VERRRY carefully.

So far I'm loving the fact that the children get along so well with their cousins, I just hope that I won't be proven wrong later and see them selling their stories. Please, do us proud younger generation Jacksons :angel:

Yeah, but they are learning from their fathers how to mooch off the "golden ones" just like they mooched off MJ who's also the "golden one."

Why is it that most of the kids that the Jackson brothers refused or couldn't pay child support for all ended living in Havenhurst (and still do)?

It's because Michael supported them ALL. Why should Michael's kids pay for the Jackson brothers' kids expenses?

How fair is that? The MJ3 have no fault in that their uncles are and continue to be deadbeat dads.

And then Katherine going to the court to ask them for money for utility bills is preposterous.

Who & where is that money going to? I can tell you it's going to the 15 other Jacksons (excluding the MJ3) who aren't helping pay for the daily upkeep of the house.

And I can bet that Prince Mike Jr. is taking notes on all this. He's a very smart kid and very observant.
what are you on?
rockstars and sala verde chips... u?

i just don't understand how it's okay for joe and jermaine to lie and say they're doing fine. it's almost as if they said this so it could condone their behaviour and inappropriate affect towards what's going on right now.

like thekids are ok so i can act an ass and exploit my brother/son. at least toy is giving actual truth to what's going on.

who knows, maybe they'll get more respect from papps if they knew this. i dunno but i prefer the truth over a lie any day.
Did she state that? God, of COURSE Mike wanted the world to see his work. The man is smiling-down on in tears, no matter what, they all get to see his last work. Besides, this is just the begining of things to come. Michael may have left us, yet he left us with the greatest memories and inpiration that anyone ever has. Bless you Mike...the tears still fall for me but I'm hoping for a brighter tomorrow.
hot dog, my love BUT she is right. this isn't mj in full form. it's rehearsal, it's practice, it's not the final product. so he wouldn't have wanted it to be released like this. maybe in a 'making of' in the future but of courese...he's gone. so if this was all we had, he'd prolly not mind it. im sure he wanted us to see this but she was prolly referring to if he were alive right now. would he want this out. and it'd be no
Now you know why I'm so stark raving :blowup: over this, even to the point of getting banned.

The Jacksons need to STFU - all of them. Each time they open their mouth, and we all know how they all love to do that, they fuel the media frenzy.

They did it to Michael as means to stay relevant and for $$$$$, you don't think the Jacksons aren't making money off the new cash cow = grief porn? Of course they are, and just like Michael was the golden nugget for them, now they usurp the children.


If I were the ad-litem lawyer for the children at court, I'd DEMAND to the court non-disclosure statements on all Jacksons, anyone and everyone living in Havenhurst, and everyone coming in contact with them - no talking about the children to any media or anyone. Only the authorized legal custodian, Mrs. Katherine Jackson, should speak about the children and on behalf of the children - and no one else.

Their privacy and well-being is being violently hindered by all the Jackson blabbing - their chances of healing & having a normal life are almost nulled because their jack-azz relatives keep yapping to the press & tabloids.

How can Mike Jr. & Blanket & Paris have a better life if they can't even go to a simple karate class without being bombarded with cameras & press? Who told the press about it? It had to come from Havenhurst.

It's cruel and invasive - and somebody has to put their foot down in the Jackson Family to stop this.
chile this is the best scenario that you've come up with. but i feel that the ONLY way something like this can be done is if they can prove that these comments are hurting the kids.

no one is talking about their personal day to day routine so it's not hurting the kids safety by giving away their routine. the kids also don't watch tv so they wouldn't find out about this so they likely don't know that the world knows how they feel.

so unless deb or rebbie or someone neutral steps in to stop this, i fear nothing can be done to silence them.
Yeah not me either soso. This is new low for the washed up has been joke of l.a jacksons. They really need to stfu. It's normal to grieve & be reserved. What's not normal is that being published & spoken about by FAMILY.

The jacksons make me physically ill & I just hope those kids will be ok. It's all just so sad. Who wouldve thought, michaels beautiful children being raised by theives n crooks.
oh i love u my baby baby....glad to see u here. makes the place sexier.(thanx for making me smile) but on a serious note....i think this is her way of being la toya.

u know her. she's not the brightest bulb in the box. seriously, she's so childlike and really naive that she's just speaking. crickets up there and u know it.

if this came from someone else like randy or jermaine or joe, then i'd view it differently b/c when they say and do something, it's usually w/ an ulterior motive that we'll see later on. toy honestly, is too simple to think that far down the line.:doh:
chile this is the best scenario that you've come up with. but i feel that the ONLY way something like this can be done is if they can prove that these comments are hurting the kids.

So So, I LOVE YOU, and you know that - but I gotta say this:

Isn't it proof enough when the security car was crashed by a paparazzi chase over the kids???

Isn't that' proof enough??

Isn't that damaging enough???
And God help the Jacksons if I was the ad-litem lawyer for the MJ3.

All their behinds would be SORE from the azz-whooping I'd give all of them.
umm.....IDK if i believe this or not. You all KNOW the Mirror is a fabricated paper. If this is true then Prince and B need helped. I know we are all coping with his death the same way these boys are. Hell we all need help. But that's what fan forums are for. We help each other. Prince and B don't have that. They have their family. Prince isn't Mad at Michael hes mad at the circumstances, and B is confused.

For someone his age to lose a parent is hard and they just wonder if they would come back or if hes just sleeping. I feel badly for all 3 of those kids. But Paris has immersed her self in her father and like us Prince has sort of shut down on that bit of him for the time being. Like we all did at first. B is at a loss he doesn't know what to do or the right questions to ask. But We all know the kids are NOT as fine as they say.

We know this and we sometimes forget that the tabloids make up stuff to get us riled up. Do we all need reminding of the Fake Autopsy and toxicology report? No i don't think so. Unless you hear it from their mouths in an interview Don't believe it from the tabs.
I don't think it's right but that whole thing will go on with the paparazzi even if they don't say anything. Also I think soso can speak from a point of view some of us can't but that's another subject.
meaning what? lol mod or not, experience or not, knowledge or not....*hint hint*..... :cheeky:

these kids are surrounded by many that 'may' have loose lips. and i say 'may' only cuz i don't wanna deal w/ the fan 'prove it' conversation line so we just won't go thurr....

but nothing will deter the media. NOTHING. these are MICHAEL JACKSON'S CHILDREN. they will be followed for life. this is their lifestyle and they knew that. now it's an adjustment b/c now they can't even go out w/o masks and be themselves b/c now people know what they look like. that's one of the many things they've lost.

now, her speaking about them isn't fueling a damn thing. we all know this. all it's doing is giving a fairly ACCURATE portrayal of how the children are doing.

remember, she said that jr. went upstairs and saw his father. so add that on top of the fact that they:



so it makes it that much more serious. their father is everywhere and for someone to be so damn flippant and say that they're OK angers me more than someone telling the truth. how can someone even allow those words to come out of their mouth that the kids are OK? how can someone even formulate that thought and try to make it a reality for everyone else?

at the end of the day, lying is more hurtful than the truth. and if la toya is everyone's biggest fear, then im afraid the focus is in the wrong place....*hint hint* look at the top of my post. LOOSE LIPS....
So So, I LOVE YOU, and you know that - but I gotta say this:

Isn't it proof enough when the security car was crashed by a paparazzi chase over the kids???

Isn't that' proof enough??

Isn't that damaging enough???
girl if it was my ass be at the damn courthouse ma damn self.

the problem is that havenhurst is in a plain location. u got papps all down the street all day now. only one way in and out. so even though they use decoy cars, the papps know the plates, just like the fans did when they were following mj.

them being in an accident has nothing to do w/ la toya speaking about them. in fact we kinda had to let some folks know that their schedule is posted online, the school and everything, it's all online so that's how the papps know about the karate school. we'll see if they continue. i don't see y they have to go there, linds or katie can come to them if it's all that.

but nothing that was said by the FAMILY is the reason y the kids were followed...but i'd say that initially, it was someone else who tipped people off. loose lips but it wasn't a family member. i mean, not really.
meaning what? lol mod or not, experience or not, knowledge or not....*hint hint*..... :cheeky:

these kids are surrounded by many that 'may' have loose lips. and i say 'may' only cuz i don't wanna deal w/ the fan 'prove it' conversation line so we just won't go thurr....

but nothing will deter the media. NOTHING. these are MICHAEL JACKSON'S CHILDREN. they will be followed for life. this is their lifestyle and they knew that. now it's an adjustment b/c now they can't even go out w/o masks and be themselves b/c now people know what they look like. that's one of the many things they've lost.

now, her speaking about them isn't fueling a damn thing. we all know this. all it's doing is giving a fairly ACCURATE portrayal of how the children are doing.

remember, she said that jr. went upstairs and saw his father. so add that on top of the fact that they:



so it makes it that much more serious. their father is everywhere and for someone to be so damn flippant and say that they're OK angers me more than someone telling the truth. how can someone even allow those words to come out of their mouth that the kids are OK? how can someone even formulate that thought and try to make it a reality for everyone else?

at the end of the day, lying is more hurtful than the truth. and if la toya is everyone's biggest fear, then im afraid the focus is in the wrong place....*hint hint* look at the top of my post. LOOSE LIPS....

so to you it means that its Daddy's fault he died?
so your telling me that Its Daddy's fault he brought them into this world?
Michael didn't die because he wanted to. He didn't die because he wanted to make it harder on his kids to do what they wanted or go where they wanted. He died because of a dumb ass doctor made the wrong choices.
Michael didn't WANT to die. This isn't DADDY'S fault.

forget it im so lost it aint funny ;)
It's the media's fault that everywhere they go Daddy is there.
If this were a normal parent passing away, they wouldn't have to look at photographs or films of the parent everywhere they go.
No, it's not Daddy's fault. The media needs to knock it the hell off.
girl if it was my ass be at the damn courthouse ma damn self.

the problem is that havenhurst is in a plain location. u got papps all down the street all day now. only one way in and out. so even though they use decoy cars, the papps know the plates, just like the fans did when they were following mj.

them being in an accident has nothing to do w/ la toya speaking about them. in fact we kinda had to let some folks know that their schedule is posted online, the school and everything, it's all online so that's how the papps know about the karate school. we'll see if they continue. i don't see y they have to go there, linds or katie can come to them if it's all that.

but nothing that was said by the FAMILY is the reason y the kids were followed...but i'd say that initially, it was someone else who tipped people off. loose lips but it wasn't a family member. i mean, not really.

Soso, this can be controlled by the following:

If Katherine Jackson does not enforce a NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT on anyone that comes in contact with the children, then the ad-litem lawyer can and SHOULD.

And I kindly disagree with you on releasing info on the kids. My belief is that NO ONE should be speaking about the children except for Katherine Jackson or the ad-litem lawyer.
I think that's not what Soso Deaf meant. She meant: they are being stalked by the paps because they are Michael Jackson's children, not because La Toya is doing interviews.
and no, it's not Michael's fault. But that's how things work these days, that's how the media is. Michael was a superstar - he would get chased by paps all the time. And, after the memorial service, they're chasing the kids, because everyone got to see their faces. It's an unfortunate circumstance, but the paps don't give a darn about that.

meaning what? lol mod or not, experience or not, knowledge or not....*hint hint*..... :cheeky:

these kids are surrounded by many that 'may' have loose lips. and i say 'may' only cuz i don't wanna deal w/ the fan 'prove it' conversation line so we just won't go thurr....

but nothing will deter the media. NOTHING. these are MICHAEL JACKSON'S CHILDREN. they will be followed for life. this is their lifestyle and they knew that. now it's an adjustment b/c now they can't even go out w/o masks and be themselves b/c now people know what they look like. that's one of the many things they've lost.

now, her speaking about them isn't fueling a damn thing. we all know this. all it's doing is giving a fairly ACCURATE portrayal of how the children are doing.

remember, she said that jr. went upstairs and saw his father. so add that on top of the fact that they:



so it makes it that much more serious. their father is everywhere and for someone to be so damn flippant and say that they're OK angers me more than someone telling the truth. how can someone even allow those words to come out of their mouth that the kids are OK? how can someone even formulate that thought and try to make it a reality for everyone else?

at the end of the day, lying is more hurtful than the truth. and if la toya is everyone's biggest fear, then im afraid the focus is in the wrong place....*hint hint* look at the top of my post. LOOSE LIPS....

Totally agree.
It's the media's fault that everywhere they go Daddy is there.
If this were a normal parent passing away, they wouldn't have to look at photographs or films of the parent everywhere they go.
No, it's not Daddy's fault. The media needs to knock it the hell off.

Katherine Jackson or the ad-litem lawyer need to tell Auntie LaToya and Uncles and GrandPa to STFU or they'll be sued.

NO ONE should mention or talk about the kids except Katherine Jackson or the ad-litem lawyer, PERIOD.
I think that's not what Soso Deaf meant. She meant: they are being stalked by the paps because they are Michael Jackson's children, not because La Toya is doing interviews.
and no, it's not Michael's fault. But that's how things work these days, that's how the media is. Michael was a superstar - he would get chased by paps all the time. And, after the memorial service, they're chasing the kids, because everyone got to see their faces.

But this can be controlled - and Katherine & the ad-litem lawyer need to SHUT UP them Jacksons who continue to speak on the kids.

Yes, MJ is a superstar - the public interest in the children will never ever die.

But at least their public safety will be guaranteed by controlling the family whose mouths keep on yapping about the kids.
so to you it means that its Daddy's fault he died?
so your telling me that Its Daddy's fault he brought them into this world?
Michael didn't die because he wanted to. He didn't die because he wanted to make it harder on his kids to do what they wanted or go where they wanted. He died because of a dumb ass doctor made the wrong choices.
Michael didn't WANT to die. This isn't DADDY'S fault.

forget it im so lost it aint funny ;)
oh honey u totally misread me!

im saying that there's nothing that will stop themedia. there's nothing that they can do right now that we can to ease the pain. everything reminds them of their father. so the little extracurriculars they do get to do are being staked out and ruined by the press.

what la toya is saying is not the reason they're being followed, it's b/c they are mj's children. someone else at that house is running their damn mouth and tipped the papps off to the karate. and from that,they now know which ways to park if they wanna stake the kids. it has nothing to do w/ their aunt.

and no, this isn't mike's fault :better:
im sorry but i know personally that someone went in there to try and wrangle this family together and shut them up and it didn't happen. so good luck trying.
also, if what toy said is true and prince did go upstairs, that could be y he's feeling like he's feeling and being so resistant. remember, mj said he was the sensitive one but something like that, at such a young age...hell at any age isn't ok for anyone to see.

and blanket...he's just so young, it breaks my heart but im gladd mike had cameras around all the time, if they ever start to forget, they just have to put in a dvd
Not necessarily. The real interest is in Michael, not the children themselves. The interest in Michael is not going to go away so soon, especially with the opening of the movie just around the corner and the 'new' song all over the airwaves. Opening up a little and just saying 'the kids are doing okay' and leaving it there might be best. Are you forgetting what Michael was like in the 80s? His skin got progressively lighter and lighter, he had so many opportunities to come out and speak about his vitiligo, but he refused. And it led to all the skin bleaching crap from the tabloids. People wanted to know, and with no explanation from Michael himself, the tabs took advantage of the situation and stepped in themselves. If he had just said 'hey, I have a skin disease' alot earlier than 1993, he wouldn't have had to put up with as much of the media scrutiny and criticism which he so often complained about. But he only had himself to blame. It's really only a matter of a few short years before the tabloids inevitably start on the 3 Ps. If people are gonna be subjected to 'updates' on the wellbeing of the kids, I would FAR prefer it to be from a family member than some made up media BS.

Thank you so much for your post! I totally agree! What you mentioned is 100% true! Explaining a situation is far way better than not saying anything. The tabloids will start to guess and publish crap, so it's wonderful the family members are opening a bit of MJ's kids! I loved that so much. I wish Michael had been more open about his life, his choices and diseases he faced along his life. Using masks in public never helped him or the kids. It was misery for them all. It was a spiritual punishment. :better: If he had, maybe he would have got the appropriated treatment he deserved, people would have known he was in pain and he could still be here with us today...