LaToya - Mike's Sons Not Coping

why get into specifics? she should know fans are having a hard enough time. she doesnt have to paint a picture of their grief. "the kids are struggling with the loss of their father but are healing." would have been plenty.
her father and brother made it seem as if those kids are doing fine, michael who? our kids is taking care of them! please it's bs. so im glad she set the record straight.
This is so DISGUSTING that Latoya CONTINUES to talk to the press about Michael's kids. Unacceptable.

How much did she get paid this time for this??? Even worst - half the times she does talk to the press it's nothing but half truths :mad:

Of course the kids are grieving. Let them grieve dammit. In private. :mad:
This is so DISGUSTING that Latoya CONTINUES to talk to the press about Michael's kids. Unacceptable.

How much did she get paid this time for this??? Even worst - half the times she does talk to the press it's nothing but half truths :mad:

Of course the kids are grieving. Let them grieve dammit. In private. :mad:

y'all a mess. y'all clicked in here, read it cuz u were interested and are mad cuz she talked about what u wanted to know.
y'all a mess. y'all clicked in here, read it cuz u were interested and are mad cuz she talked about what u wanted to know.

Not me - I'm pissed like a mo-fo because I need to air out my anger that they continue to sell the kids out - just like they did their dad.

Yeah not me either soso. This is new low for the washed up has been joke of l.a jacksons. They really need to stfu. It's normal to grieve & be reserved. What's not normal is that being published & spoken about by FAMILY.

The jacksons make me physically ill & I just hope those kids will be ok. It's all just so sad. Who wouldve thought, michaels beautiful children being raised by theives n crooks.
Yeah not me either soso. This is new low for the washed up has been joke of l.a jacksons. They really need to stfu. It's normal to grieve & be reserved. What's not normal is that being published & spoken about by FAMILY.

The jacksons make me physically ill & I just hope those kids will be ok. It's all just so sad. Who wouldve thought, michaels beautiful children being raised by theives n crooks.

Just like he was.

Not me - I'm pissed like a mo-fo because I need to air out my anger that they continue to sell the kids out - just like they did their dad.


So am I. I am better off logging off now before I go off on some folks on this thread. I can't believe some people find this okay to do...:shock:

I don't even like it when Jermaine says positive things....because in the end of the day this is the children's privacy not ours. Whether we are interested in what Latoya has to say or not say is irrelevant. She opened her mouth. The end.
So am I. I am better off logging off now before I go off on some folks on this thread. I can't believe some people find this okay to do...:shock:

I don't even like it when Jermaine says positive things....because in the end of the day this is the children's privacy not ours. Whether we are interested in what Latoya has to say or not say is irrelevant. She opened her mouth. The end.

Exactly - they all need to STFU and say, "No Comment" or something to that effect.

Respect MJs wishes for his babies' privacy!!!!!
Its a lose/lose situation. if no one in the family was talking about the kids/MJ everyone would be claiming they dont care, they were jealous, MJ wasnt talking to them.
but since they are talking bout him and the kids we want them to shutup..?
All we can do is continue to pray for them.

God bless those three little angels.
Its a lose/lose situation. if no one in the family was talking about the kids/MJ everyone would be claiming they dont care, they were jealous, MJ wasnt talking to them.
but since they are talking bout him and the kids we want them to shutup..?

people are missing the point. you dont have to describe everything in precise detail. thats terrible.
all she has to say:
"michaels kids are struggling with the loss of their father, but they are healing with the love of family and friends. we ask for prayers and well wishes."
people are missing the point. you dont have to describe everything in precise detail. thats terrible.
all she has to say:
"michaels kids are struggling with the loss of their father, but they are healing with the love of family and friends. we ask for prayers and well wishes."

I agree!
Man, can ya'll just stop arguing? :(

Let's just pray for those children. I understand Prince's actions. He probably just don't want to accept that Michael is gone so he avoids anything that reminds him of that fact. Poor Blanket reminds me so much of lil Mike... and Paris is such a mature precious girl. She is so strong... I pray for their well-being all the time.
I must say I agree with Soso and Terrell... Of course I hope the kids live a "normal" life but hell come on they are MJ's kids... They will be hounded pretty much for the rest of their lives to a certain degree... Ever since Paris spoke at the service the world has become intrigued by what the kids think and how they feel... I will admit, it's nice of the family to give his fans a lil tidbit on how the kids are doing...
I guess it doesn't bother me that Latoya let the world know that MJ's kids miss him so much and just because you see them out at karate or with Liz Taylor at Universal Studios doesn't mean they are OK. They have their ups and downs like everybody else who has suffered a great loss.
Honestly though I got a feeling that once they become of age they will be asked to do interviews and/or write a book...

I just ask for God to watch over them, and that is pretty much all we as fan's can do. They are not our family, we aren't their legal guardians so we can't control what goes on in their lives.. But for the ones that are mad at Latoya for speaking about HER niece and nephews then all I can say is that if you ever meet her, let her know that you feel she needs to be quiet about her family. Or you could write to her fan club..
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Prince is a boy , boys are like that sometimes they hide their feelings, I am guessing it will take several years for them to get over this.
I lost my father when I was Prince's age - it took me years to get over it and learn how to cope with it and as a teenager I suffered from severe depression
when you're a child nobody cares how you feel because you're "just a kid" or they don't know how to deal with it, nobody understood what I was going through. and people used to call me "lazy" when I was showing signs of depression and told me to snap out of it

when I saw the kids at MJ's funeral I saw myself when I was little...I wanted to give them a hug so bad
As much as I feel for those children, I don't think this is our business. If I was Paris, Prince or Blanket, i'd hate for the whole world to know what i'm doing especially how i'm coping with the loss of my father.
Yes we do need to show them support and i'm sure they know we're here, but for now this should be kept within the family.
Honestly the I got a feeling that once they become of age they will be asked to do interviews and/or write a book...

I feel like this will definitely happen, especially if they get into careers which make them public figures.
I must say I agree with Soso and Terrell... Of course I hope the kids live a "normal" life but hell come on they are MJ's kids... They will be hounded pretty much for the rest of their lives to a certain degree... Ever since Paris spoke at the service the world has become intrigued by what the kids think and how they feel... I will admit, it's nice of the family to give his fans a lil tidbit on how the kids are doing...
I guess it doesn't bother me that Latoya let the world know that MJ's kids miss him so much and just because you see them out at karate or with Liz Taylor at Universal Studios doesn't mean they are OK. They have their ups and downs like everybody else who has suffered a great loss.
Honestly though I got a feeling that once they become of age they will be asked to do interviews and/or write a book...

I just ask for God to watch over them, and that is pretty much all we as fan's can do. They are not our family, we aren't their legal guardians so we can't control what goes on in their lives.. But for the ones that are mad at Latoya for speaking about HER niece and nephews then all I can say is that if you ever meet her, let her know that you feel she needs to be quiet about her family. Or you could write to her fan club..
agree with you. u r mature.
Latoya needs to go away for ever. A mad house would be the right place for her.
I'm glad to know they've got councillors helping them.

Boys and teenage years are already difficult enough.

Maybe Prince doesn't like to husband isn't very expressive either. or maybe he is still angry.......whatever it is.....i'm glad to know he's not rushing thru it.

But after this weekend, assuming they are seeing the's going to be a whole new ball game.

Seeing DADDY in a full size movie screen
Knowing it's DADDY's LAST few days on earth.................
Knowing that DADDY was doing it for THEM to see him on stage!

Now that is going to be so hard!

I already think they're super brave to see it................

Because I know I'm going to have a hard time.

-My heart is sad-
But I'm still glad to know they've got councillors............cause after TII, they WILL need it.............

Memories will become fresh again......

Poor babies......I love them so much.
Just heartbreaking. :( I hope they'll do ok with coping, losing a parent at such young ages can really affect people for years. Praying for those babies, and hoping they're getting lots of love and support right now.