LaToya - Mike's Sons Not Coping

if she got diarrhea of the mouth, then we have diarrhea of the eyes cuz we all went here and read this, right?

u can't tell me that her comments will continue the interest in the kids. that will never fade...EVER.

uc an't tell me this is affecting the kids cuz they don't watch tv....she's being honest. she can lie like her father and her brother but she isnt'.

she's also the first one who said this was murder. should we tell her to shut up now?
I'm totally with you on this one. I'm sick of seeing Jermaine on TV saying: "they are absolutely wonderful, they're just playing with my children and having a great time."

I know it's none of our business, but it's hard to believe they're doing wonderful, after losing they only parent they've ever known. 'Wonderful' is just not the appropriate word to use when describing such a situation.

The family shouldn't have talked about them from the start. But now, after Jermaine and Joe's interviews, it's good to know this side of their lives too. Because when the laughter stops, they're still three children who lost a father.

I agree with this
Of course Latoya is making money after Michael's death..Why didn't she make statements about the children when he was alive. Michael was protecting the privacy of his children, and to think that some of us see this as NO BIG DEAL? huh!
Some people just love to read about other people's lives.
I Think that these Children should be left to greive in peace without uncle/aunts or whom ever selling their stories, to make money.

I guess for some it will be ok for the tabloids/Media to interview the Childern right??????
Well then you are not respecting Michael's wishes. Yes, we should of done more to help Michael when he was alive. Most of us didn't have the internet etc.
Anyone who writes trash about Michael I send them an email or two.
Wait a minute, if you comment was directed at me about the "NO BIG DEAL", TOO BAD. I DID NOT SAY talk about these kids EVERYTIME they do something (get it correct), I said, I do not see no problem with her telling us about how they are dealing with their father's death at the moment (And I STLLL DO NOT SEE the problem with it. Death is apart of life and we all are still grieving). Latoya did not make comments before because MICHAEL AS ALIVE AND DO WHAT HE WANTED TO DO. Yes, MJ was protecting the privacy but what is done is now done. This is why some people have an issue with MJ and this doctor. He had children so why allow a doctor to give you a drug that MJ was warned about that could kill him if not used in the hospital? And using it as sleep aid. And you are right, some people do read about other people's lives (including YOU or you would not be in here). I wish these kids the best because it is going to be hard. They are not alone in feeling like this but it is good to know how they are doing in THIS time of morn.
if she got diarrhea of the mouth, then we have diarrhea of the eyes cuz we all went here and read this, right?

u can't tell me that her comments will continue the interest in the kids. that will never fade...EVER.

uc an't tell me this is affecting the kids cuz they don't watch tv....she's being honest. she can lie like her father and her brother but she isnt'.

she's also the first one who said this was murder. should we tell her to shut up now?
if she got diarrhea of the mouth, then we have diarrhea of the eyes cuz we all went here and read this, right?

u can't tell me that her comments will continue the interest in the kids. that will never fade...EVER.

uc an't tell me this is affecting the kids cuz they don't watch tv....she's being honest. she can lie like her father and her brother but she isnt'.

she's also the first one who said this was murder. should we tell her to shut up now?

When it comes to the kids - she seriously needs to STFU.

"I will not comment on the children, please respect their privacy"

is all she needs to say.

But of course, "no comment" doesn't pay the bills.
im glad she told the truth. i'dbe worried if they were 'all a-ok' b/c that leads to lisa marie pres. issues later on in life. they need to grieve and get thru this. not to be rushed or told they aren't grieving right.

she's being honest. could be worse, she could be organizing a shambles of a tribute adn promising artist who have no idea wtf is going on, to perform....oh wait...
im glad she told the truth. i'dbe worried if they were 'all a-ok' b/c that leads to lisa marie pres. issues later on in life. they need to grieve and get thru this. not to be rushed or told they aren't grieving right.

she's being honest. could be worse, she could be organizing a shambles of a tribute adn promising artist who have no idea wtf is going on, to perform....oh wait...
So true.
When it comes to the kids - she seriously needs to STFU.

"I will not comment on the children, please respect their privacy"

is all she needs to say.

But of course, "no comment" doesn't pay the bills.
And what are you going to do if she does not? Like I said, people complain about Latoya YET they keep reading about her and what she say.
It is None of our business..Do we understand that concept?? I don't care how honest she is being; she is also being naive and disrespectful to her dead brother!!

If we don't hear about the kids, or see them, believe me, those who aren't fans, just casual viewers, will not seek after them.

But LaT by her constant commentary, is turning these children into some sort of a soap opera, a show, a storyline that must be followed. She is relaying private feelings, and thoughts to the media. I hope Prince never opens up about anything to her because then it will make headline news.

And I'm just waiting for some to start saying how unhealthy it is for Paris to be wearing this etc..

LaT, wisen up young lady. Wisen up. Take a page from Janet Jackson in that respect.

She can have verborrhea about her feelings, and thoughts etc but leave his precious little ones out of the very media he protected them from all his life.
She stated: "Paris thinks and talks about her father all the time. She's doing very well, writes a lot and she wears his shirts every day. They still smell of him and it helps her feel close to him.

omg...please...this is so touching...

toya still selling the children...
ok so let's all erase what we read and go w/ jermaine's words that they are fine. so we're obviously lame cuz we're stillc rying so we should all get over it. jermaine said that so it would make his own conduct look better. he's smiling and doing engagements and performing everywhere while his two youngest are with mj's kids. all grieving andhaving a hard time.

and u got toy who's crying on ah, loves her brother, and is telling the truth.

lemmebreak it down for u. i love toy...but she ain't too smart. she's ditzy for reals....she's not doing this to exploit any one. sheknows fans watch this stuff she's speaking to us, not so much the mainstream but to us. that's how she sees it.
It is None of our business..Do we understand that concept?? I don't care how honest she is being; she is also being naive and disrespectful to her dead brother!!

If we don't hear about the kids, or see them, believe me, those who aren't fans, just casual viewers, will not seek after them.

But LaT by her constant commentary, is turning these children into some sort of a soap opera, a show, a storyline that must be followed. She is relaying private feelings, and thoughts to the media. I hope Prince never opens up about anything to her because then it will make headline news.

And I'm just waiting for some to start saying how unhealthy it is for Paris to be wearing this etc..

LaT, wisen up young lady. Wisen up. Take a page from Janet Jackson in that respect.

She can have verborrhea about her feelings, and thoughts etc but leave his precious little ones out of the very media he protected them from all his life.
I think most people will not care about what these kids are doing when all of this is over (the film). Like I said, I have seen this with LMP, Julian and Sean Lennon, etc.
ok so let's all erase what we read and go w/ jermaine's words that they are fine. so we're obviously lame cuz we're stillc rying so we should all get over it. jermaine said that so it would make his own conduct look better. he's smiling and doing engagements and performing everywhere while his two youngest are with mj's kids. all grieving andhaving a hard time.

and u got toy who's crying on ah, loves her brother, and is telling the truth.

lemmebreak it down for u. i love toy...but she ain't too smart. she's ditzy for reals....she's not doing this to exploit any one. sheknows fans watch this stuff she's speaking to us, not so much the mainstream but to us. that's how she sees it.
ONce again,you are hitting it on the head.
i know how does it feel to lose someone you really love......
may god be with them :cry:
I will take article of grain of salt. I watched LaToya other night on access hollywood she same stuff she said on 20/20 with Barbara Walton about Paris put heart around her daddy's wrist.
I am praying for those children every day. I hope they will eventually find some way to cope with this enormous loss. I feel for them...
then um....get on joe and jermaine and randy. randy bashing the family. joe selling outmike. jermaine pimping himself...chile!!!!!!!!!!! his kids benefiting from mj's money. so um?

she's contradicting lies her own father and brother have put out there. i seenothing wrong w/ that and thekids will not find out abou tit. just like they don't know about lester or klien's lies
then um....get on joe and jermaine and randy. randy bashing the family. joe selling outmike. jermaine pimping himself...chile!!!!!!!!!!! his kids benefiting from mj's money. so um?

she's contradicting lies her own father and brother have put out there. i seenothing wrong w/ that and thekids will not find out abou tit. just like they don't know about lester or klien's lies

why get into specifics? she should know fans are having a hard enough time. she doesnt have to paint a picture of their grief. "the kids are struggling with the loss of their father but are healing." would have been plenty.
I think most people will not care about what these kids are doing when all of this is over (the film). Like I said, I have seen this with LMP, Julian and Sean Lennon, etc.

In this day and age? No way. These kids will forever be a big deal with the media. Plus unlike those kids, they have relatives that will forever talk about them and put their business out there.
In this day and age? No way. These kids will forever be a big deal with the media. Plus unlike those kids, they have relatives that will forever talk about them and put their business out there.

And that is what's wrong with this.

The children deserve PRIVACY, like their father wanted and worked relentlessly for them to have.

Why are the Jacksons so hellbent on making the MJ3 so visible - when their dad didn't want that for them?

Oh yeah... $$$$$$$$$$.
maybe prince is mad with his daddy...i mean he's so young and prolly unable to understand why mike left them...

My uncle was the same age when my grandfather died from a heart attack and he was angry at him for a long time.
I hope that doesn't happen to Prince. :no: