LaToya - Mike's Sons Not Coping

^Yeah. There really is no need to give a running commentary on the children's private moments. Get them out of the spotlight. Allow them to grieve privately. Allow these things to remain private. LaToya talks too much.

Those kids are always in my thoughts and prayers. Their daddy just died; they're bound to be incredibly unhappy. It's crazy to think that they're all doing well. I would be an absolute wreck, as would anyone!
man don't try to tell me that no one gives a damn about them chillun. u don't need anything to pique their interest cuz them is mj's chillun. we know this. so her talking about them ain't gonna do nothing BUT add truth to the mix of bullshit floating around...right?

they can't read a magazine or the paper or watch tv or go on the internet or listen to radio or even itunes/ipod w/o thinking of daddy. they can't go to parks and they can't go to the mall. daddy's in zumiez and hot topic and penny's and khol's and at walmart and even damn marshalls has him.

they can't even see a movie....cloudy w/ a chance of meatballs is where they saw the makes it that much harder for them to deal w/ this.

toy is being real instead of lying like joe and jermaine.

it's not like thekids are gonna know what she said. u really think in tenyrs they're gonna look for what their aunts and uncles said or didn't say regarding their father's passing? chile...please
You don't understand - anytime a Jackson speaks about the children, it pique's the public's interest.

Once newspapers & websites see that, they try to find or get more exclusive footage/interviews - to the point that we saw this week, of chasing the children and crashing a security car.

WHY do the Jacksons have to talk about the kids?

A) for money

b) to remain relevant

They are using MJs kids - and who suffer the most are MJs kids.

I'm sure they will always grieve the death of their father, but if the Jacksons truly loved and cared for their niece & nephews, they'd say "NO COMMENT" and give the kids a chance for a normal life.

They need to stop - it's unethical, cruel and invasive to the children.

Oh, and not to mention that the Jackson siblings have made careers from selling out MJ to the paparazzi & tabloids, now, are they that low to sell out MJs kids?

I hate to say it, but it's already happening.
No I do understand. To me, the Jackson can not win. If they do not speak, that is going to make the interest more at this time. I think after this movie is show, the interest in the children will die down and very few people will care because people move on (other than fans). This is happen with LMP after Elvis dies and the same with Sean and Julian Lennon. People did not follow them up after awhile. I think most people just want to know how they are coping and Latoya answered it. I do not see the big deal about this.
man don't try to tell me that no one gives a damn about them chillun. u don't need anything to pique their interest cuz them is mj's chillun. we know this. so her talking about them ain't gonna do nothing BUT add truth to the mix of bullshit floating around...right?

they can't read a magazine or the paper or watch tv or go on the internet or listen to radio or even itunes/ipod w/o thinking of daddy. they can't go to parks and they can't go to the mall. daddy's in zumiez and hot topic and penny's and khol's and at walmart and even damn marshalls has him.

they can't even see a movie....cloudy w/ a chance of meatballs is where they saw the makes it that much harder for them to deal w/ this.

toy is being real instead of lying like joe and jermaine.

it's not like thekids are gonna know what she said. u really think in tenyrs they're gonna look for what their aunts and uncles said or didn't say regarding their father's passing? chile...please

Well, I still stand by my thoughts. The Jacksons need to stop talking about the kids to the public.
man don't try to tell me that no one gives a damn about them chillun. u don't need anything to pique their interest cuz them is mj's chillun. we know this. so her talking about them ain't gonna do nothing BUT add truth to the mix of bullshit floating around...right?

they can't read a magazine or the paper or watch tv or go on the internet or listen to radio or even itunes/ipod w/o thinking of daddy. they can't go to parks and they can't go to the mall. daddy's in zumiez and hot topic and penny's and khol's and at walmart and even damn marshalls has him.

they can't even see a movie....cloudy w/ a chance of meatballs is where they saw the makes it that much harder for them to deal w/ this.

toy is being real instead of lying like joe and jermaine.

it's not like thekids are gonna know what she said. u really think in tenyrs they're gonna look for what their aunts and uncles said or didn't say regarding their father's passing? chile...please
Me and you are on the same page. And to again, I do not think the overall public is going to care what the children are doing once this film is shown and over. I think people care now because this is death. Michael death has effected everyone.
No I do understand. To me, the Jackson can not win. If they do not speak, that is going to make the interest more at this time. I think after this movie is show, the interest in the children will die down and very few people will care because people move on (other than fans). This is happen with LMP after Elvis dies and the same with Sean and Julian Lennon. People did not follow them up after awhile. I think most people just want to know how they are coping and Latoya answered it. I do not see the big deal about this.

When a paparazzi chased the kids on their way to karate class & crashed into a security car - that's the big deal.
Well, I still stand by my thoughts. The Jacksons need to stop talking about the kids to the public.
You can stand by our thoughts. And I am sure the Jacksons are going to do what they want to do as well so why sweat it. There is nothing you or anyone can do.
i think these are old news either she repeat this news again or the paper re-wrote the story .

i think in the mean time they are doing fine.
When a paparazzi chased the kids on their way to karate class & crashed into a security car - that's the big deal.
We are talking about Latoya, NOT the paparazzi. Paparazzi are going to do what they want to do REGARDLESS if Latoya talk or not.
well the big damn deal is that they made all this shit public by NOT saying anything. instead of going on different days w/ different instructors, they go the same time, each week. ugot grace driving a car, she ain't a pro driver. u need security for this reason and situation. it could've been very bad.

toy talking about hte kids grieving has nothign to do w/ them being in an accident.

furthermore, lmp andjulian and sean are differrent from the mj3 cuz this is michael jackson and it's a different era. the internet fuels all the drama and it'll only get worse.

it'll never die down, they will always be targets but at least some running commentary, TRUTHFUL COMMENTARY about how they are doing is comforting in a sea of lies. they're not doing well, so fall back. be more compassionate. this is bootychatter.
Me and you are on the same page. And to again, I do not think the overall public is going to care what the children are doing once this film is shown and over. I think people care now because this is death. Michael death has effected everyone.

So it doesn't bother that the Jacksons have accepted money in exchange for their talking about the kids & usurping YET AGAIN, MJ and now his children?

It doesn't bother you that they are in constant contact with the press & drop all this private information about the children, something MJ tried to protect their entire lives?

It doesn't bother you that there was a car accident involving a paparazzi & the security car behind the kids - who do you think the paparazzi was chasing, LaToya? Jermaine? No. It's the KIDS.

Well it bothers me.
So it doesn't bother that the Jacksons have accepted money in exchange for their talking about the kids & usurping YET AGAIN, MJ and now his children?

It doesn't bother you that they are in constant contact with the press & drop all this private information about the children, something MJ tried to protect their entire lives?

It doesn't bother you that there was a car accident involving a paparazzi & the security car behind the kids - who do you think the paparazzi was chasing, LaToya? Jermaine? No. It's the KIDS.

Well it bothers me.
And at the end of the day, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO STOP IT? NOTHING. ANd guess what, the same people who are complaining about this are often THE SAME PEOPLE who pick up and buy the paper and read this stuff. Like it or not, it is going to happen. Right now, who is not going to make money off of Michael. Some of us as fans want to see more things and hear more music from Michael, guess what, SOMEBODY is going to get paid to do that. There is no escaping it. I do not worry about that I have no control over. It bothered me that Michael was called "*****". Did it stop the press from calling him that name? NO.
lawd hammercy...ok well it's obviously something that piqued ur interests b/c y'all lot came in here to read it.

im sick of people saying the kids are doing fine, showing pics of them smiling, and everything is cheery. she's make this more real by saying they're not doing well. have some compassion, be careful w/ what ur putting out there. those two boys aren't having an easy time w/ this.

would u rather she lie and say theyr'e fine like jermaine and joe have been saying? or would u rather her tell the truth? they asked, she didn't just volunteer the info.
agree with u again soso. these kids are strong and sophisticated .when they came out,they must know many paps are wound them.
know i think in fact Paris is a stronger one ; prince is a cool one ; blanket is a sensitive one. they handle it in different ways. Prince keeps pain for himself , which is very cruel to him.
And at the end of the day, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO STOP IT? NOTHING. ANd guess what, the same people who are complaining about this are often THE SAME PEOPLE who pick up and buy the paper and read this stuff. Like it or not, it is going to happen. Right now, who is not going to make money off of Michael. Some of us as fans want to see more things and hear more music from Michael, guess what, SOMEBODY is going to get paid to do that. There is no escaping it. I do not worry about that I have no control over. It bothered me that Michael was called "*****". Did it stop the press from calling him that name? NO.

Are you comparing a CD or a DVD to a child's right to privacy??

So everyone has the right to know what the MJ3 are doing at every hour of the day because their dad's movie & CD are out?

They deserve privacy - period!

And we as fans who love & adore MJ should give that to them.
Are you comparing a CD or a DVD to a child's right to privacy??

So everyone has the right to know what the MJ3 are doing at every hour of the day because their dad's movie & CD are out?

They deserve privacy - period!

And we as fans who love & adore MJ should give that to them.
What the heck are you talking about? I am talking about people making money off of Michael. Read correctly. As for privacy, Latoya just told how they are coping with death (we all are doing that).
Message to Latoya:


You are feeding the media frenzy by talking about the MJ3 -




Statements and interviews like this are the reason why paparazzi chase innocent children trying to have a regular life.

I love MJs babies, and I want what's best for them. Even if it means I don't hear from them for YEARS, I want them to have tranquility and the ability to be able to go somewhere without being photographed or chased.

So LaToya, STFU!!!!!!!

lol this made me laugh , the pic... :cheeky:
it'll never die down, they will always be targets but at least some running commentary, TRUTHFUL COMMENTARY about how they are doing is comforting in a sea of lies. they're not doing well, so fall back. be more compassionate. this is bootychatter.

I'm totally with you on this one. I'm sick of seeing Jermaine on TV saying: "they are absolutely wonderful, they're just playing with my children and having a great time."

I know it's none of our business, but it's hard to believe they're doing wonderful, after losing they only parent they've ever known. 'Wonderful' is just not the appropriate word to use when describing such a situation.

The family shouldn't have talked about them from the start. But now, after Jermaine and Joe's interviews, it's good to know this side of their lives too. Because when the laughter stops, they're still three children who lost a father.
u guys do know that 'no comment' is really a comment?
Exactly. That only make the media and public want more. But in a case of dealing with death, I see nothing wrong with what Latoya said. Now after this, I think she should say no more regardless if she does or not.
u guys do know that 'no comment' is really a comment?

LOL - yes, but at least it'll protect their privacy.

Ideally, I'd love it if the judge puts a gag order on all the Jacksons regarding MJs kids - or else be held in contempt.
I'm going to continue to pray every night for the family in hopes that they will be okay
Amen to that! How hard is it to say no comment!!!

Doesn't pay.

She gets paid for each little details she give about the kids. She is not plugging a movie or an album...she is selling MJ's children

Like MJ, the kids will probably end up resenting some members of this family.

What the heck are you talking about? I am talking about people making money off of Michael. Read correctly. As for privacy, Latoya just told how they are coping with death (we all are doing that).
And who is paying to know how you are coping?

Now after this, I think she should say no more regardless if she does or not.

Ain't gonna happen.

She has diarrhea of the mouth and her pocket is itching for money
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Wow. I am kinda sad to see some here don't think Latoya is talking to much about the kids? Talk about herself..fine. Leave Michael Jackson's kids alone. A simple "they are trying to get through it" is fine enough. You never what comments and problems are going to ensue when she keep spouting details. Besides some respect to their father who so fiercely guarded their privacy. And that is what bothers me most about LaT, more than anybody else, she has taken this time to talk about everything possible about the children which she KNOWS MJ wouldn't approve of.

It is none of our business. Sure we can't put a muzzle on some mouths (as much as would like) but we can voice our displeasure and state how obviously wrong LaT is.
I feel terrible for Blanket but of course, for Paris and Prince too.

If I could bring Michael back for one reason - It would be to hold his kids and kiss them on last time :cry:
Of course Latoya is making money after Michael's death..Why didn't she make statements about the children when he was alive. Michael was protecting the privacy of his children, and to think that some of us see this as NO BIG DEAL? huh!
Some people just love to read about other people's lives.
I Think that these Children should be left to greive in peace without uncle/aunts or whom ever selling their stories, to make money.

I guess for some it will be ok for the tabloids/Media to interview the Childern right??????
Well then you are not respecting Michael's wishes. Yes, we should of done more to help Michael when he was alive. Most of us didn't have the internet etc.
Anyone who writes trash about Michael I send them an email or two.