Karen Fayes responce

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What she did was NOT right. But yet, some of you embarrass youselves by your hatefulness. We need to return to Michael's message. . . if we do not, we are just perpetuating the hate and anger in the world. We can dislike someone's actions, but that gives NO ONE the right to express such hatred. Everyone deserves a bottom-line of respect. EVERYONE. Please don't make us ashamed of your words, on, of all things, a Michael Jackson board?

Tell that to Karen Faye.

She posed in front of MJ's crypt like it was the Statue of Liberty.

And then she gets mad because we got mad?

Or that people are now spreading the photos around?


Where's the "respect" she had for MJ?

And I know you'll answer back with a calm, reasoned "let's be respectful" response - but please don't.

Karen Faye is no better than a Tabloid, in fact she's WORSE, because Michael was supposedly her boss and her friend....and anything related to her should be BANNED FOREVER from MJJC.
Are you sure that photos are not permitted? Because how would someone be able to take pictures if they aren't permitted?

I thought they had people watching the people who come to visit Michael.
Are you sure that photos are not permitted? Because how would someone be able to take pictures if they aren't permitted?

I thought they had people watching the people who come to visit Michael.

She took it with her cell phone. It's sneaky and easy to do.

And I posted the link from Forest Lawns site on the previous page. NO PHOTOS OR VIDEOS ALLOWED whatsoever.

Tell that to Karen Faye.

She posed in front of MJ's crypt like it was the Statue of Liberty.

And then she gets mad because we got mad?

Or that people are now spreading the photos around?


Where's the "respect" she had for MJ?

And I know you'll answer back with a calm, reasoned "let's be respectful" response - but please don't.

Karen Faye is no better than a Tabloid, in fact she's WORSE, because Michael was supposedly her boss and her friend....and anything related to her should be BANNED FOREVER from MJJC.

I agree. That woman deserves NO RESPECT after what she did. She disrespected Michael when he was alive by talking shit about him at MJ boards and now after death she is just as bad. I do understand what Victoria said, but at the same time I disagree. Fans are pissed. It's natural they want to curse Karen out. Close this thread and block out all karen faye related stuff on this site. It only makes her more famous which she loves. She is writing a book on Michael and having threads about her here is giving her free promotion.
Karen Faye violated the Jackson family's privacy, and it was NOT her right to do so. Even a grade-school child knows that to post something on a very public forum, with so many members, means that what you post is not private. I cannot begin to understand why she expected anything different?

The choice to post the photo should have been the family's choice. It was not her choice to make. In doing so, she disrespected Michael and the entire Jackson family.

And this pretty much sums it up. This was BEYOND disrespecful of her, to Michael, his resting place which is supposed to be PRIVATE and to his family and children. SHE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HERSELF! She is grieving and in my mind I've given her many passes but this was just inexcusable. She needs serious mental help, a therapist to deal with her loss because she's taken a swan dive off the deep end and it ain't pretty.

For me it's not about hate. I don't hate her. I feel sorry for her. She is hurting that is clear. No matter what happened between them in the past, she knew Michael worked with him, they were friends and now her friend is gone. She is going through something that only she can understand. But I still think she's become a little unstable in her grief and she's managed to drag others into her pain. She really needs a therapist or something. I'm not saying that to be funny. I'm dead serious.

I think her privileges need to be taken away, because this was really the ultimate in disrespect.
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I agree. That woman deserves NO RESPECT after what she did. She disrespected Michael when he was alive by talking shit about him at MJ boards and now after death she is just as bad. I do understand what Victoria said, but at the same time I disagree. Fans are pissed. It's natural they want to curse Karen out. Close this thread and block out all karen faye related stuff on this site. It only makes her more famous which she loves. She is writing a book on Michael and having threads about her here is giving her free promotion.


I hope her book goes DOWN in infamy just like Rabbi Shmuley.
She posed in front of MJ's crypt like it was the Statue of Liberty.

That's just heinous and most horrible thing one can do near a grave.

Mike please slap this woman over her head like you did in Ghosts! *bam*
I don't know a hell of a lot about Karen - but everytime I see her name pop up...I feel sick in the stomach, because it's always followed by something atrocious.

She needs to find her own ways of dealing with her issues, and stop making them so public - because whatever hurts Michael, it hurts his family, friends and fans too :(

And right now, I hurt for Michael.
Why was she still working for him if she did things when he was alive too? Didn't Michael know about these things? I don't know much about her.
I have been broke before and had opportunities to do all kinds of stuff, but my character and conscience prevented me from doing so. Some people live by the dollar and die by the dollar. She thinks that things are sad now, her spilling the beans writing books will not make her life easier, especially, if it is not from the heart.
Why was she still working for him if she did things when he was alive too? Didn't Michael know about these things? I don't know much about her.

Again: He rehired her for This is it because she was the only makeup artist who would work without pay until the London shows began. He tried hiring other make up artists and they just would not have it. They wanted to get paid right there and then.

Go to "search" and type in karen faye on this site. You'll get more of the scoop that way.
I suggest you just lock the thread, because no one on this site, except for a few of her sheep, will ever respect that woman. I don't regret cursing her out on this thread. Nor am I ashamed of it. If Michael was here he would be pissed himself. I'm being honest here. I'm sure other's here don't regret their words either.

All you'll see on this thread will be negativity and rightfully so. We all love Michael and wished that people out there would follow his wishes as well as his mother's. A "friend" did the ultimate betrayal. Of course fans will be angry.

If you respond hate with hate, HOW are you better? Let's please revisit Michael's message, with respect?
this is issue is puzzling....why post them in facebook...........??????????that the world can access???

let me not waste time with foolishness..>>>>>>>>
The reason I got upset was because she tagged me in that photo and I dont want to be tagged like that. It made me feel horrible like I was in the coffin with Michael :cry: it was very hard on me :(
Well... I for one will be calling Forest Lawn to see what their policy is in regards to taking pictures.

And then I will politely tell them about the current situation, followed by a request to not have security fall asleep or indifferent to people taking photo's when they are not allowed.

I suggest we call or write Forest Lawn ..... she should be banned from visiting Michael if she cannot LET HIM REST IN PEACE AND RESPECT HIS PRIVACY.
I got a message saying she tagged me in the photo and that is how I found it. My name was under the photo. It hurt me very bad :(
I got a message saying she tagged me in the photo and that is how I found it. My name was under the photo. It hurt me very bad :(

Wait. How did she tag you in the photos? Were you there with her when she visited Mike? That's the only way to tag a person if they are inside the photo itself.
I have no idea why she did it... I think she tagged a bunch of Michaels fans that did not want to be tagged.
Well... I for one will be calling Forest Lawn to see what their policy is in regards to taking pictures.

And then I will politely tell them about the current situation, followed by a request to not have security fall asleep or indifferent to people taking photo's when they are not allowed.

I suggest we call or write Forest Lawn ..... she should be banned from visiting Michael if she cannot LET HIM REST IN PEACE AND RESPECT HIS PRIVACY.

Is there a way you can call them? Because I don't see any e-mail address to contact them on their site.
Why on earth would she TAG you on Michaels grave picture? Did she specifically want you to see it? You have a right to remove it, just so you know. I wonder why she keeps doing these things..
Its astonishing that after all these complaints she still has not removed the photos from both of her two different FB accounts. Incase she forgot, Facebook now owns the rights to Michaels burial pictures so even if she deletes them, Facebook have all the rights to publish them from here on. Just great eh?
Thank you I just found out how to remove the tag. This is not how I want to remember Michael at all. Im still upset over this.
If you respond hate with hate, HOW are you better? Let's please revisit Michael's message, with respect?

I totally get your message and I agree that name calling is not productive. I also understand that people are justifiably angry. Just as they were when the tabloids peddled their crap about Michael.

I have lost a lot of repspect for Karen over the last few weeks. I also feel sorry for her at the same time. I don't know where she is coming from with some of the things she is doing and saying. If she is just trying to get attention, then maybe the best hing we can do is just ignore her. Particularly since she seems to have no interest in listening to other peoples objections to her behaviour. She seems to think she is the ony one who knows what Michael would want. Obviously, thinking this fulfulls some need that she has.

And if we keep giving her attention, she will probably continue doing things that we find offensive. I remember Michael saying that one of the reasons he didn't counter attack the tabloids was that he thought it was better to ignore them and not bring more attention to what they were saying. I didn't agree with him then and am not sure if i agree with that now but am willing to give it a try. So, here goes......

Karen who????
What can we say?

When she posted the pictures I kindly asked her to please remove the pictures. I wrote on her wall so everyone could see that it would be horrible if the pictures ends up in wrong hands. I aksed her to remove them since it doesnt obey MJs privacy and his families privacy. I also wrote that she has around 5000 ppl as her friends and she have mentioned herself that the media are lurking there as well. Her facebook is fare from safe and secure and people who never had MJs best wishes would be able to view them as well.

What her response were? Well, first her fan-club attacked me and asked me to respect Karen, she is a loyal friend and if I dont like her decision, then I can just fuck of from her page.

Her own response were that Michael would have wanted his fans to see it.

Well, I understand that but since not everyone on her page is a fan... what did she expect??

So many people are blind to the truth, their so caugh up in the moment they don't really see what's going on. To me too many fans run and try to be friends with some of these people michael fired or let go.

These are the same people that try to make some profit off his name, I believe the reason karen posted those pictures was to allow the press to know she have them and to make money from them.

This was her way of doing a promo, I also don't agree with Tianana selling self drawn picture of michael that don't look all that great, she charging fans a fee of 2.00 for it and postage and handling. This is the same chick that wrote a tell all book to put michael down.

These are not true friends in my opinion any time you have to use your friends name to get profit or keep the spot like on yourself.

Some fans need to stop trying to be added to a friends list of this fake michael jackson friends who only wante money out of what their doing.
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