Karen Fayes responce

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Well 6,000,000,000 people would have access if they send a friend request, she accepts anyone and everyone.

His resting place should have remained private for his family and his children. Yes, he loved us fans, but there should be boundaries.
Well 6,000,000,000 people would have access if they send a friend request, she accepts anyone and everyone.

His resting place should have remained private for his family and his children. Yes, he loved us fans, but there should be boundaries.

You have a 5000 limit on your profile.. hence why she created another one.. what she going to do when she runs out of space there? create a third one?

I completely agree what she did was wrong, I've said that many times.

(I just like correct information.. thats an 'issue' i personally have ..:worried: )
It saddens me that MJ fans listen to Karen. They are like orphans looking for anyone to cradle them after Mj died.

Get a fcuken grip people. Karen is not ONE of us. She is collecting fans for her upcoming book...but I predict her book will have the same fate as that of the fake rabbi.
That is so horrible. I can't even say if I am angry or sad or devastated...

The more Karen talks, the more I hate the fact that she was ever in Michael's life at all. This is the same woman that said Michael didn't like physical contact and wasn't cuddly. Maybe he didn't want her hanging all over him like she did in so many pictures.

But who is she trying to fool with that nonsense. Look at all the footage of Michael hugging people and holding their head, holding their hands, etc.

That woman only allowed MJ's fans on her TWO FB accounts because she's building an audience for her upcoming book.

How can you ask 5,000 strangers to keep a secret? She already knew TMZ was lurking on her page long ago. So why would she post pictures of Michael's burial place.

You know what? I'm sick of the Karen worship by certain MJ fans who feel they are getting closer to Michael by coddling her and hanging on everyone of her bullshit insider revelations.
I couldn't agree more. It's sad and I believe she must feel very lost and is looking for some support and understanding from MJ' fans, but she is so wrong in the way she does that :no:. All MJ and his kids and his family needs now is safety and respect from people. She is volateing it. Karen, please stop and find a different way to express your feelings. We want to respect them, but this way is the worse way you could ever choose :no:

Can I please add that, Michael called me from heaven & told me to tell Karen to.....

omg!! you made me lough out my anger!!! ILY!! :rofl:

Michael just texted me from heaven, he has a message for Karen:

even more!!! :lmao:

And this pretty much sums it up. This was BEYOND disrespecful of her, to Michael, his resting place which is supposed to be PRIVATE and to his family and children. SHE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HERSELF! She is grieving and in my mind I've given her many passes but this was just inexcusable. She needs serious mental help, a therapist to deal with her loss because she's taken a swan dive off the deep end and it ain't pretty.

For me it's not about hate. I don't hate her. I feel sorry for her. She is hurting that is clear. No matter what happened between them in the past, she knew Michael worked with him, they were friends and now her friend is gone. She is going through something that only she can understand. But I still think she's become a little unstable in her grief and she's managed to drag others into her pain. She really needs a therapist or something. I'm not saying that to be funny. I'm dead serious.

I think her privileges need to be taken away, because this was really the ultimate in disrespect.
just needed quoting...

I got a message saying she tagged me in the photo and that is how I found it. My name was under the photo. It hurt me very bad :(
I understand, hun. I know it's not about it, but at least you can remove the tag...
Is it just me or did Karen try to pull a Nancy Malnick on her FB
Karen was wrong we know that, and she should know that..

but I just want to clarify. 6,000,000,000 people do not have access to what she posts.

Her facebook account is set to 'private' meaning only the people whom she accepts as 'friends' can see anything she writes/posts. Nothing she shares is accessible to the whole of facebook.. ONLY to the people on her 'friend' list. She has something like 5000 on one profile.. I hear she has another private profile too..so expect probably the same amount on the other one too.

And also.. the photos were in my news feed on facebook and there wasn't one of anyone posing in front of his crypt. There was one of some friends standing outside the building holding the fan messages and flowers etc.

Doesn't excuse it AT ALL.. but i just want to clarify that.

of course 6,000,000,000 do not have access to her account. I believe only 1/3 (?) of the global population has access to the computer/internet so I wasn't literally saying 6 billion.

second, whether you have your setting as private or public once it is on the internet... it is fair game and anyone of those facebook friends can disseminate it to the public.
so someone should definitely let Forest Lawn know.... if she broke an existing rule than she shouldn't be allowed to go back.

Excuse me, but she says she was WITH family when she took the photos and she says the family is not opposed to his burial spot being seen or visited by fans...that it's the cemetery that's imposed the limits on public visitors.

It's really sad that you guys would want her privileges revoked. Michael loved her. We. Are FANS...she was his loyal friend. You all sound like a bunch of jealous Nelly's.

Did it ever occur to you that because she has posted these AND MADE NO MONEY OFF THEM, that NO ONE can now make money off them???
Excuse me, but she says she was WITH family when she took the photos and she says the family is not opposed to his burial spot being seen or visited by fans...that it's the cemetery that's imposed the limits on public visitors.

It's really sad that you guys would want her privileges revoked. Michael loved her. We. Are FANS...she was his loyal friend. You all sound like a bunch of jealous Nelly's.

Did it ever occur to you that because she has posted these AND MADE NO MONEY OFF THEM, that NO ONE can now make money off them???

Unless the family says they were with her, and unless the family says the photos are authorised then I will not just take her word. Also even if the photos were authorised by the family, she still broke the rules of the cemetry itself. That is disrespectful to their establishment.

Loyalty would also mean not divulging Michael's medical history.

If the family wanted fans to visit Michael *private* burial site then it would be open for us. It isn't.

The family gave us a memorial and even let us inside a small part of their own funeral. We are not entitled to more.
Karen Fayes responce on the Facebook incident:

Karen Faye I hope the folks who shared my photos of Michael's resting place is very proud of themselves. That was a very selfish, ignorant and mean thing to do.

Karen Faye No I will always continue to share...that is what Michael would want me to do. He understood there would always be ignorant folks around...They should never stop you from sharing with love.

Karen Faye I posted those for free...with my heart.

She was the one who shared them to begin with. :bugeyed

Problem with this post is that ONCE AGAIN you are posting what Karen wrote. Everyone STOP. Leave it be. Stop posting ANYTHING from her site. Geez guys, what more does she need to say. STOP!
The family gave us a memorial and even let us inside a small part of their own funeral. We are not entitled to more.

Correct THAT is the bottom line. There is nothing else to say.

Now what is the point in the continuation of this thread.. it just goes round in circles.

Can we stop.
Problem with this post is that ONCE AGAIN you are posting what Karen wrote. Everyone STOP. Leave it be. Stop posting ANYTHING from her site. Geez guys, what more does she need to say. STOP!

I totally agree. I thought either Gaz or one of the mods say that Karen requested anything she say or publish .... not to be discussed or published on this forum.

I wish mjjers who are facebook buddies with Karen would cease from drawing us into the whole mess.
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