Karen Fayes responce

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Pffft. This woman is pathetic. Kaaren is just attention seeking. The only reason everyone is on her profile is to feel closer to michael and hopefully find out bits and pieces about him along the way or see a photo here or there. if she didnt have that MJ connection, no one would even care who she was. If it was that private, she shouldnt have posted it. And if she puts trust in ... 5000 people she doesnt even know, then she is a fool. Personally, I used to like the woman. Now I just think she is a pathetic attention seeking vulture like the rest of the people around Michael.

She sure is alienating the fan community and she should NOT have been taking those pictures in the first place. A social networking site is exactly that - on the internet, NOTHING is sacred. She ought to be ashamed of herself, not just for this but for every other thing she has disclosed about Michael and for her shameless self promotion.

EDIT: Also, why does she have to say "I posted those for FREE" - as if money should even be a factor in her thinking... as if posting it for money would make it any worse, or for free any better. I think this clearly shows us where her head is at. She posted those for ATTENTION. So the fans would heap praise and adoration on her for giving them this glimpse of our last connection to MJ. The woman is a total sycophant.
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EDIT: Also, why does she have to say "I posted those for FREE" - as if money should even be a factor in her thinking... as if posting it for money would make it any worse, or for free any better. I think this clearly shows us where her head is at. She posted those for ATTENTION. So the fans would heap praise and adoration on her for giving them this glimpse of our last connection to MJ. The woman is a total sycophant.
The last I read she was suing the estate for unpaid make-up services.
Why doesn't she post it pay-per-view and
the score's even!:lol:
The last I read she was suing the estate for unpaid make-up services.
Why doesn't she post it pay-per-view and
the score's even!:lol:

Oh God :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am on her friends list but I will remove myself from her list immediately as this was the last straw for me.
Ok. ok. FIRST: STOP THE HATURE!!! We are all Fans.
Not ok to call them sheep ect.

Second...WOW...You know I always wanted to be respectful towards Karen, well because she was a "friend"...BUT this is the point where I'm not going to tolerate her selfishness.
She is so damn wrong...she calls herself friend. I'm sorry Elizabeth, Chris tucker, Miko Brando, Diana Ross they are friends...lol imagine if they did the same thing...they know so much more than Karen about MJ...BUT they respect his privacy.
Karen needs attention...right after he died she shared information how Michael knew about gold pants whatever...sorry but sometmies I don't want to know everything!! Michael always tried to keep the mystery!!!!
The division between the fans is ridiculous.

On a funny note, it doesn't take a special revelation to know that Michael knew what he looked like in those gold pants. :lol:
You know I could have SOLD them for lots of money. To steal them when I am giving them with my heart, is just ignorant.

Oh gosh, I think I know the thread you're talking about! You have the same name on facebook? The hypocrisy of their statements was ourageous and Karen's responses to you regarding Kenny were just as indirect. Sigh.

Yes, that was me, (Bongani Mdakane) Nobody answered my questions on their merits all they saw is me going against Karen and to them that was blashemous. Most people on the page seem brainwashed.
aren Faye I hope the folks who shared my photos of Michael's resting place is very proud of themselves. That was a very selfish, ignorant and mean thing to do.
Eh?? shes the one who posted them on F.B
She is a disgrace. Its Disgusting if you went to a crypt to see a dear friend you wouldnt think "hang on a minute let me get my camera out and take a few pics" FFS I have lost all respect for her........whats next eh? Where are all her pics she took of him at rehersals etc?
Oh Karen, I hope you read this thread :mad:

You damn Hypocritical fool.

You are doing the SAME EXACT thing you did a few years ago when MJJ Source website was deleted. You blamed someone else for it's demise. You decided to blame Michael Jackson, meanwhile it was you and your two buddies who took money from HIS fans and never returned it. You then got your sorry ass fired by Mr Jackson himself for doing that to his fans.

Now you are blaming OTHERS for your *morbid, totally offensive Michael Jackson grave pictures* spreading all over the internet. That is *SO* you. Because you *personally* know all 5,000+ people on both of your Facebook sites, so of course the photos should not have spread. Because you are right and everyone else is always wrong. /sarcasm :rolleyes:

YOU disrespectful bitch. You did it to Michael when he was alive, now you're doing it to his mother and children - who were the most important things in his life. HOW DARE YOU. You knew full well that Katherine DID NOT want pictures of his resting place shown. That family has a right to keep something of Michael's private and you ruined that for them. You took the *only little piece* they had of Michael's and you spread it on the net like the plague. And I'm sure you're proud of yourself too since you love to show off your "friendhsip" with Michael to your sheep on facebook. I'm sure you knew those photos would spread, which would cement you as one of the "special people" who knew Mickey - therefore allowed to take pictures of his crypt. I'm surprise you didn't take pictures of him at the morgue. You had no problem describing what his body weighed, looked and felt like on your Facebook. That is, if it's even true you saw him since your 108 lb's claims is out the window since his real weight from the report was leaked.


Need we remind you:


I don't hate people usually, I quite like to follow Michael's example on life, but if I ever had to hate a person in this planet - it would be YOU karen.

Do the world a favor and go hide under a rock for the next 25 years. Stop obsessing over Michael. Everyone knows what a loon you are and how in fact you were no "friend" of his.

Enough already :mad:
can someone put that on her facebook?? PLEASE!!!
can someone put that on her facebook?? PLEASE!!!

Im tempted to put something on there now! Or if anyone does ill help with the backlash from the baaaaaaaaaaaaaa's

Does she not realise there not her photos anymore there facebooks now she has uploaded them?
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What happened with the "make the world a better place" and "love one another" believes that Michael tried to teach us. That also included people who you may not like.
All I see here is hate and calling someone names.

If you don't like her, stay away from her Facebook page. No one tells you to go there or read the things she writes.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves!!
Doesn't the estate own the burial site? We should contact the estate as I do not trust the family, now that I know Randy is using Karen Faye to get his message out.

If we call Forrest Lawn, they will probably contact Randy (because he was the intermediary), not Katherine. We need to get the estate on this...And that witch had the gall to write that she is still waiting to be paid. B!tch please!

What happened with the "make the world a better place" and "love one another" believes that Michael tried to teach us. That also included people who you may not like.
All I see here is hate and calling someone names.

If you don't like her, stay away from her Facebook page. No one tells you to go there or read the things she writes.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves!!

Since when is it wrong to stand up for what is right?
if she doesn't want other people to see just don't post them on the INTERNET
plus she shouldn't have taken them in the first place!
Does she delete comments, messages that people post that are negative towards her or dont agree with her? Everyone that posts seems to be stuck up her f'in arse!
This division between the fans could have been prevented. I can understand Karen not wanted her posts to be misquoted. So why not just tell the people on her FB that if they are going to repost her info then the link back to her page should be included? That way people could verify what Karen has said.

By telling her the people on her FB not to repeat anything and subsequently complaining when it happens she has created an unhealthy pack/group think mentality among some of the fans.

All of this could have been avoided.
What happened with the "make the world a better place" and "love one another" believes that Michael tried to teach us. That also included people who you may not like.
All I see here is hate and calling someone names.

If you don't like her, stay away from her Facebook page. No one tells you to go there or read the things she writes.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves!!

Believe me I am staying away from her Facebook page.

We should be ashamed of ourselves when she's the one who took pictures of Michael's resting place and shared them with all people on her list? I don't follow your logic. We are talking about 5000 people here, not 10 or 20. And she even acknowledged that tabloids lurk there. Who in his/her right mind post pics of resting place of a close friend in a social network like that?
As far as I am concerned, she is only making Michael's passing more painful but using his death as a recruiting tool and using it for self-publicity and teasing loyal fans with little tit bits and pretending as his on-off make up artist, she knew him better than his family, work collegues, and best friends.

Liz, who EVERYONE knows was very close to MJ supported TII, Karen Faye did not. Simple as.
Professionally known as KAREN FAYE, married names: Karen Faye-Bilecky, Karen Faye-Mitchell, Karen Faye-Heinze, Karen Faye Kissinger.

Speaks volumes. LOL
When I left a message to Karen's FB saying she shouldn't post photos of Michael's final resting place in public, because in my opinion it's not her business to do so and it's disrespectful towards family's wishes I got shot down by the fans who started to defence Karen by saying Michael would have wanted us (the fans) to be more involved. Oh for God's sake, when do they realise it's not always about us and definitely not now! Do some fans think they are justified to do whatever they want just because "Michael loved the fans"? Is that the reason they give themselves when they are defending Karen for invading Michael's privacy? I used to think Karen was ok, but now unfortunately she has lost my respect.
When I left a message to Karen's FB saying she shouldn't post photos of Michael's final resting place in public, because in my opinion it's not her business to do so and it's disrespectful towards family's wishes I got shot down by the fans who started to defence Karen by saying Michael would have wanted us (the fans) to be more involved. Oh for God's sake, when do they realise it's not always about us and definitely not now! Do some fans think they are justified to do whatever they want just because "Michael loved the fans"? Is that the reason they give themselves when they are defending Karen for invading Michael's privacy? I used to think Karen was ok, but now unfortunately she has lost my respect.

See i never see any messages like this on her page, otherwise I would have commented and supported you.
do you think it is appropriate for her to take a pic and publish it of Michael's resting place?

i realize she only intends for her closest 5,000 friends to see the pic .... but she does know that once she posts that pic 6,000,000,000 has access to it correct?


if she doesn't want other people to see just don't post them on the INTERNET
plus she shouldn't have taken them in the first place!

Karen was wrong we know that, and she should know that..

but I just want to clarify. 6,000,000,000 people do not have access to what she posts.

Her facebook account is set to 'private' meaning only the people whom she accepts as 'friends' can see anything she writes/posts. Nothing she shares is accessible to the whole of facebook.. ONLY to the people on her 'friend' list. She has something like 5000 on one profile.. I hear she has another private profile too..so expect probably the same amount on the other one too.

And also.. the photos were in my news feed on facebook and there wasn't one of anyone posing in front of his crypt. There was one of some friends standing outside the building holding the fan messages and flowers etc.

Doesn't excuse it AT ALL.. but i just want to clarify that.
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I don't believe that, my mother worked with a few singers and travel on tour, my mother didn't get a pay check until she returned home from the tour.

I'm sure sony would have paid for any make-up artist that's going to work with michael, so how karen was hired from my understanding was by AEG and not michael.

Well you are ignoring the fact that most performers don't have the stigma of a rumoured multi-million dollar debt hanging over their head. If these makeup artists are to believe that Michael was in severe debt, then it's perfectly understandable they would ask to be paid upfront for their work. Why would SONY of all people be paying for Michael's personal makeup artist? I wouldn't expect my boss to pay for my gardener.
Karen has single handedly divided the fans..........

This is It Fans, This is Not it Fans, And "now Michaels gone im going to be KFK biggest fan, fans" ---------What happened to Michael Jackson Fans. MJ Army? :eek:( United together to spread the message of L.O.V.E. I hope she is happy.
Karen has single handedly divided the fans..........

This is It Fans, This is Not it Fans, And "now Michaels gone im going to be KFK biggest fan, fans" ---------What happened to Michael Jackson Fans. MJ Army? :eek:( United together to spread the message of L.O.V.E. I hope she is happy.

Totally agree. We are stronger together. We should only be fighting for Michael's legacy and concerned about his music and children.
I hate how she always makes everything about her. She doesn't realize that 90% of the MJ fans on her facebook page are not there for her; but only for MJ pictures/stories.

True.. for information, she answers questions.. but the 10% are pretty vocal and some are going over the top..they created ''karen we're there for you'' group.. when i looked there were like 200 people on it.. obviously the 5000+ people on her profile aren't there for her.
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