Karen Fayes responce

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Hold up, she's blaming people for stealing photos of Mike's resting place. They wouldn't have stolen them had SHE not put them on Facebook FFS!!!!!!

^^So true! But blaming other people for things seems to be her life's calling these days.
I have a facebook and I still post pics on there, but I know that once the pics or anything I post on the internet are fair game and will linger with you a long time. She may have tried to be nice to her friends and stuff, but not all 5,000 of those people are friends. And somebody said that she befriend can be reporters too.
Karen Faye violated the Jackson family's privacy, and it was NOT her right to do so. Even a grade-school child knows that to post something on a very public forum, with so many members, means that what you post is not private. I cannot begin to understand why she expected anything different?

The choice to post the photo should have been the family's choice. It was not her choice to make. In doing so, she disrespected Michael and the entire Jackson family.

I agree with this post....when viewing the photo i felt as though I was stepping into the privacy Of Michael and the Jackson family....Karen should understand that when the family went to the lengths that they did to keep Michael 's final resting place out of the sight of prying eyes and they let HER have privilege to be able to visit this very special place......she should of asked Katherine for permission before posting ANY pictures.
How come MJ was surrounded by all these attention whores....Klein, Latoya, Jermaine, Joe, Karen "loser" Faye....WHY WHY WHY? He was such a private person....How could this be?

They are either attention whores or thieves....or both.
I have a Facebook account and if I don't want people seeing some pictures I dont want them to see I wont upload them. Once they are up there that's it-they aren't your personal property anymore. You made the decision to upload them, don't get pissy when someone posts them somewhere else. Its as simple as that.
Well, listen... i am trying to be fair here...

if she says (after few decades of being with michael DAILY) that michael would have wanted his fan to know, to share.. what's wrong with that??

You and i will never know if it is true or not.. but, can we give her some credit? she never was after michael's money, she loved him very much... you can see her on the rebuttal videos, she and mike had a strong bond.... so.... I respect her for that... you can't just change overnight, because michael died... i agree with her.
I don't trust or like Karen. Michael was such a private person and I don't think that he would want her to share some of the information that she has.
I don't trust or like Karen. Michael was such a private person and I don't think that he would want her to share some of the information that she has.

Randy and Randy's girlfriend is BFFs with Karen- so he feeds a lot of info to Karen.
She is just unreal! She loves the attention she thinks she has some sort of fame now damn the women even has her own "WE LOVE AND SUPPORT KAREN FAYE" group on facebook! Its insane! The women is her own worst enemy and people if you are friends with her i would not even say anything bad about her as her little groupies will have a fit and go crazy on your ass trust me i have been victim to this lol! Its scary how much they are in love with her!

Oh and she knows she has reporters on her sight because she has seen her comments in the papers (how ever only pointed out they got her age wrong) She knows full well these pictures would be everywhere she loves it!
Well, listen... i am trying to be fair here...

if she says (after few decades of being with michael DAILY) that michael would have wanted his fan to know, to share.. what's wrong with that??

You and i will never know if it is true or not.. but, can we give her some credit?

No, no, no. :no:
No, no, no. :no:



SO... that changes everything... i think now she's coo-coo.. meaning Loca....

meaning... WTF??? i am totally confused by her words.. .so.... never mind ANYTHING i said on that subject... cause, now nothing make sense...

I use logic to understand everything... but here... there is NO logic behind.. she is indeed blaming others... no, now that doesn't make sense...

or you do it and you assume.. or you don't... she is putting herself in the middle, and that's very condamable.....


SO... that changes everything... i think now she's coo-coo.. meaning Loca....

meaning... WTF??? i am totally confused by her words.. .so.... never mind ANYTHING i said on that subject... cause, now nothing make sense...

I use logic to understand everything... but here... there is NO logic behind.. she is indeed blaming others... no, now that doesn't make sense...

or you do it and you assume.. or you don't... she is putting herself in the middle, and that's very condamable.....


I am NOT laughing at you , I am laughing with you.

I use logic and reason as well. You won't find it in this situation or with this lady.
Your people are so naive. I can't believe it. Karen Faye was Michael's makeup artist I know that, but since when she has authority to annnouced that she was going to Forest Lawn and then placing photos of Michael's Eternal Resting Place. Now she is amazed of waht people would do with it. Give me a break. This was a very careless , selfish behavior. Now she has to deal with the consequences that I am sure will follow from The Jacksons and Michael's Estate.
Its not fans of Michael who follow her, those are fans of Karen, she even has her own fanbase and she uses Michaels death to make herself known and for people to pity her. I dont quite understand why people are supporting her, as if we are the enemy and they are her fans who try and justify every action she is making.
I wrote this before and I am writing again:
When people use their power to under estimate others or to simly secure their place among a certain group that is called abuse of power, they don't undesrtand that what came from above it is better to be left there. Secrets are sacret and to abuse it a sign of careless and selfish behavior. When you turn public a place of redemption you are violating its purification its beauty and peacefulness. Because you befriended someone it doesn't give you the right to expose his or hers eternity it is mot yours to keep. It is Eternal and it should be respect it.


SO... that changes everything... i think now she's coo-coo.. meaning Loca....

meaning... WTF??? i am totally confused by her words.. .so.... never mind ANYTHING i said on that subject... cause, now nothing make sense...

I use logic to understand everything... but here... there is NO logic behind.. she is indeed blaming others... no, now that doesn't make sense...

or you do it and you assume.. or you don't... she is putting herself in the middle, and that's very condamable.....

Don't blame yourself or get too upset. You simply wanted to defend what is right. Unfortunately her behavior and actions are condemnable.

She called people ignorant for showing those photos, yet she showed it to 5,000 plus people - any one of them could be an enemy of Michael Jackson's. She should show more CARE for Michael and watch what she say. Michael's children could be reading her account of Michael's so called "drug use" and viewing pictures of Michael's resting place. Enough is enough! Time to start thinking of Michael for a change.
I agree. and I hope The Jacksons are going to take her permission to visit away from her. Plus, Forest Lawn does not permit photographs inside or out and they will be very upset as well. Now the whole world knows and this was very disrespectful towards Michael and his family. And aslo I think she should stop answering questions to the fans about Michael's private life what is she now Michael's private adviser? She was just his makeup artist. She needs some help.
lol wow.. she choose to put them on there. And someone messaged her asking her to take them down and to keep them private but she choose to keep them up.
I don't support her because there is nobody to support, she is acting like she is Michael's widow, in this case we all are. She is using Michael's death to gain her own 15 minutes of fame. But is getting to long. I don't want anything to do with her in any way. It is turning just like the Tabloids that Michael hated so much.
To be honest, I know when Michael was alive he KNEW who his true friends were, and who were not. He wasn't stupied. It sad that there was alot of "Cling ons" in MJs life.
How can you have friends in a public place like the Internet or in blogs, prople use their cats faces on FB. Now is to late. She lost her credibility if she ever had some.
In my opinion the Ignorance mean and selfishness lies firmly at the door step of original source of the pictures.

Im with u on that gaz!! :clapping:
The more Karen talks, the more I hate the fact that she was ever in Michael's life at all. This is the same woman that said Michael didn't like physical contact and wasn't cuddly. Maybe he didn't want her hanging all over him like she did in so many pictures.

But who is she trying to fool with that nonsense. Look at all the footage of Michael hugging people and holding their head, holding their hands, etc.

That woman only allowed MJ's fans on her TWO FB accounts because she's building an audience for her upcoming book.

Karen has always requested not to post anything from her Facebook anywhere else on the internet.

She's sharing so much with us. It's not that hard to respect that request, is it?

How can you ask 5,000 strangers to keep a secret? She already knew TMZ was lurking on her page long ago. So why would she post pictures of Michael's burial place.

You know what? I'm sick of the Karen worship by certain MJ fans who feel they are getting closer to Michael by coddling her and hanging on everyone of her bullshit insider revelations.
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Very true. I also wonder if Karen has considered that some tabloids may be among her 5,000 friends and are also reading and hoping to get some juicy gossip about Michael.

Yes she knows!!!!

She mentioned the fact that TMZ was lurking on her FB!
Oh Karen, I hope you read this thread :mad:

You damn Hypocritical fool.

You are doing the SAME EXACT thing you did a few years ago when MJJ Source website was deleted. You blamed someone else for it's demise. You decided to blame Michael Jackson, meanwhile it was you and your two buddies who took money from HIS fans and never returned it. You then got your sorry ass fired by Mr Jackson himself for doing that to his fans.

Now you are blaming OTHERS for your *morbid, totally offensive Michael Jackson grave pictures* spreading all over the internet. That is *SO* you. Because you *personally* know all 5,000+ people on both of your Facebook sites, so of course the photos should not have spread. Because you are right and everyone else is always wrong. /sarcasm :rolleyes:

YOU disrespectful bitch. You did it to Michael when he was alive, now you're doing it to his mother and children - who were the most important things in his life. HOW DARE YOU. You knew full well that Katherine DID NOT want pictures of his resting place shown. That family has a right to keep something of Michael's private and you ruined that for them. You took the *only little piece* they had of Michael's and you spread it on the net like the plague. And I'm sure you're proud of yourself too since you love to show off your "friendhsip" with Michael to your sheep on facebook. I'm sure you knew those photos would spread, which would cement you as one of the "special people" who knew Mickey - therefore allowed to take pictures of his crypt. I'm surprise you didn't take pictures of him at the morgue. You had no problem describing what his body weighed, looked and felt like on your Facebook. That is, if it's even true you saw him since your 108 lb's claims is out the window since his real weight from the report was leaked.


Need we remind you:


I don't hate people usually, I quite like to follow Michael's example on life, but if I ever had to hate a person in this planet - it would be YOU karen.

Do the world a favor and go hide under a rock for the next 25 years. Stop obsessing over Michael. Everyone knows what a loon you are and how in fact you were no "friend" of his.

Enough already :mad:
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