Karen Fayes responce

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QUOTE=starlightdancer;2345706]Oh Karen, I hope you read this thread :rolleyes:

You damn Hypocritical fool.

You are doing the SAME EXACT thing you did a few years ago when MJJ Source website was deleted. You blamed someone else for it's demise. You decided to blame Michael Jackson, meanwhile it was you and your two buddies who took money from HIS fans and never returned it. You then got your sorry ass fired by Mr Jackson himself for doing that to his fans.

Now you are blaming OTHERS for your *morbid, totally offensive Michael Jackson grave pictures* spreading all over the internet. That is *SO* you. Because you *personally* know all 5,000+ people on both of your Facebook sites, so of course the photos should have not spread. Because you are right and everyone else is always wrong. /sarcasm :rolleyes:

YOU disrespectful bitch. You did it to Michael when he was alive, now you're doing it to his mother and children - who were the most important things in his life. HOW DARE YOU. You knew full well that Katherine DID NOT want pictures of his resting place shown. That family has a right to keep something of Michael's private and you ruined that for them. You took the *only little piece* they had of Michael's and you spread it on the net. And I'm sure you're proud of yourself too since you love to show off your "friendhsip" with Michael to your sheep on facebook. I'm sure you knew those photos would spread, which would cement you as one of the "special people" who knew Mickey - therefore allowed to take pictures of his crypt. I'm surprise you didn't take pictures of him at the morgue. You had no problem describing what his body weighed, looked and felt like on your Facebook. That is, if it's even true you saw him since your 108 lb's claims is out the window since his real weight from the report was leaked.


Need we remind you:



Now that's a smackdown!!!

Can I please add that, Michael called me from heaven & told me to tell Karen to.....


What she ^^ said. :baby_sleeping:

Oh Karen, I hope you read this thread :mad:

You damn Hypocritical fool.

You are doing the SAME EXACT thing you did a few years ago when MJJ Source website was deleted. You blamed someone else for it's demise. You decided to blame Michael Jackson, meanwhile it was you and your two buddies who took money from HIS fans and never returned it. You then got your sorry ass fired by Mr Jackson himself for doing that to his fans.

Now you are blaming OTHERS for your *morbid, totally offensive Michael Jackson grave pictures* spreading all over the internet. That is *SO* you. Because you *personally* know all 5,000+ people on both of your Facebook sites, so of course the photos should not have spread. Because you are right and everyone else is always wrong. /sarcasm :rolleyes:

YOU disrespectful bitch. You did it to Michael when he was alive, now you're doing it to his mother and children - who were the most important things in his life. HOW DARE YOU. You knew full well that Katherine DID NOT want pictures of his resting place shown. That family has a right to keep something of Michael's private and you ruined that for them. You took the *only little piece* they had of Michael's and you spread it on the net. And I'm sure you're proud of yourself too since you love to show off your "friendhsip" with Michael to your sheep on facebook. I'm sure you knew those photos would spread, which would cement you as one of the "special people" who knew Mickey - therefore allowed to take pictures of his crypt. I'm surprise you didn't take pictures of him at the morgue. You had no problem describing what his body weighed, looked and felt like on your Facebook. That is, if it's even true you saw him since your 108 lb's claims is out the window since his real weight from the report was leaked.


Need we remind you:


I don't hate people usually, I quite like to follow Michael's example on life, but if I ever had to hate a person in this planet - it would be YOU karen.

Do the world a favor and go hide under a rock for the next 25 years. Stop obsessing over Michael. Everyone knows what a loon you are and how in fact you were no "friend" of his.

Enough already :mad:

:lol: I absolutely LOVE all your STFU pictures. They make my day and pretty much sum of what I wanna say most of the time instead of giving an opinion or my perspective. Sometimes a little STFU says it all. *right click and saves* lol

Now that's a smackdown!!!

Can I please add that, Michael called me from heaven & told me to tell Karen to.....


Go for it. I am so pissed off at this woman right now.

I need to go play me some 'Off the Wall' or 'Dangerous' to calm my nerves. I have had just about enough of that woman and her sheep. :mad:
Sorry karen is crazy and nuts and I did hear she took money from the fans on the mjno, I was there but didn't know she was doing this stuff.

Why in the heck would you post pictures and then act like OMG i'm piss, give me a darn break.
starlightdancer - you are on fire!!! Thank you for speaking what has been on most of our minds. Im saying this ''with love''.
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I was so angry before, but there is so much win in this page of the thread, I just had to laugh. :lol:
I ceartainly dont agree with all that Karen say and does
I feel she has caused much division in the fan base with her antics

But... All these attacks and hatefulness make me very sad
and uncomfortable _ :no:

There are way to disagree with out attacking someone using
offensive language and being down right MEAN and HATEFUL .. Im disapointed :(

I think Michael' s spirit has left the building (this forum)
What can we say?

When she posted the pictures I kindly asked her to please remove the pictures. I wrote on her wall so everyone could see that it would be horrible if the pictures ends up in wrong hands. I aksed her to remove them since it doesnt obey MJs privacy and his families privacy. I also wrote that she has around 5000 ppl as her friends and she have mentioned herself that the media are lurking there as well. Her facebook is fare from safe and secure and people who never had MJs best wishes would be able to view them as well.

What her response were? Well, first her fan-club attacked me and asked me to respect Karen, she is a loyal friend and if I dont like her decision, then I can just fuck of from her page.

Her own response were that Michael would have wanted his fans to see it.

Well, I understand that but since not everyone on her page is a fan... what did she expect??
Oh Karen, I hope you read this thread :mad:

You damn Hypocritical fool.

You are doing the SAME EXACT thing you did a few years ago when MJJ Source website was deleted. You blamed someone else for it's demise. You decided to blame Michael Jackson, meanwhile it was you and your two buddies who took money from HIS fans and never returned it. You then got your sorry ass fired by Mr Jackson himself for doing that to his fans.

I did'nt know about this. Is this MJJ Source story true??!!

starlighdancer, I understand your anger, because I feel the same way. I just don't understand why people can't leave him alone. He didn't deserve any of this sh*t. He just wanted to be a great performer and make the world a better place.

Why do people feel the need to gossip about is personal life or share his secrets or write negative things about him?

I am trying to let it go because I know his legacy will outlast all of these small minded people trying to have their 15 minutes of fame. Bit it is difficult to do.
All these attacks and hatefulness make me very sad
and uncomfortable _ :no:

There are way to disagree with out attacking someone using
offensive language and being down right MEAN and HATEFUL .. Im disapointed :(

I think Michael' s spirit has left the building (this forum)



Seems like Michael's legacy among many is reducing to nothing but anger and hate.

Makes me ill.
How does Karen know Michael would have wanted us to see his grave? Making that kind of assumptions is beyond ridiculous.
I ceartainly dont agree with all that Karen say and does
I feel she has caused much division in the fan base with her antics

But... All these attacks and hatefulness make me very sad
and uncomfortable _ :no:

There are way to disagree with out attacking someone using
offensive language and being down right MEAN and HATEFUL .. Im disapointed :(

I think Michael' s spirit has left the building (this forum)

I agree 100%. I do not like what Karen Faye did and I especially don't like her response - that doesn't mean that I should resort to calling her hateful names.

Michael wouldn't want that.

Members, I suggest you look at the forum regarding our rules of discussion before you type anything further.
I don't go to facebook but let me get this straight. Is the Karen his make up artist? She was still working for him when he died? She is allowed to go visit him inside the masoleum and she took pictures of it?
Im going to remove her from my list on facebook. This is just crazy
I don't go to facebook but let me get this straight. Is the Karen his make up artist? She was still working for him when he died? She is allowed to go visit him inside the masoleum and she took pictures of it?

Yes. Someone shared he pictures she posted on another forum.
Speaking of which...

Facebook has this policy - about owning everything you post up on their website:

Facebook's New Photo Policy Concerns Users
posted 02/17/09 3:16 pm

WASHINGTON - Facebook, the popular online social-networking Web site with 150 million members, is running into some opposition to its new policy governing the ownership of photos uploaded to the site.

Under the new policy, which went into effect two weeks ago, Facebook claims the rights to any of the content posted on its site -- even if a user cancels its membership.

Tania Jackson loves staying in touch through the site, she doesn't like is its new policy.

"If I for some reason decide to leave the site, Facebook still owns those pictures and and that's not what I signed up for at all and I certainly didn't think there were for just anyone to use," she said.

Internet privacy group epic.org filed a complaint with the FTC Tuesday, hoping the agency will require Facebook to change its policy.

"We're not necessarily against people putting information online," EPIC's Marc Rotenberg said. "If you want to put up photos, if you want to put notes up that's really your choice. The key of course is that you maintain control."

But under Facebook's new rules, unrestricted use of photos without notice, and its poster's information, are fair game.

Many members are concerned.

"As a 23-year-old, having someone have control of my pictures is a problem for future employment," John Patton said.

Added Taysha Barberana, "I don't like it. I don't think it's right that they should have rights to my pictures. They're my pictures and I don't know what will happen to them once I don't become a member any more."

That's why it's never a good idea to share anything too personal on the internet.
I agree 100%. I do not like what Karen Faye did and I especially don't like her response - that doesn't mean that I should resort to calling her hateful names.

Michael wouldn't want that.

Members, I suggest you look at the forum regarding our rules of discussion before you type anything further.

I know I wasn't suppose to curse her out, but I have had enough of that woman since 2005. Her post today was the straw on the camel's back.

I really am thinking (all of us should do this) e-mail Forest Lawn. I think this is their official website and I found thier rules and policy:


•All photography (still or video) inside buildings is prohibited, except at funerals, weddings, and other private services with the consent of the person(s) in charge.

•No commercial or professional photography is allowed under any circumstances without the express written consent of Forest Lawn.

•No wedding photography in connection with weddings held outside the Forest Lawn Memorial-Parks is permitted anywhere on the premises.
What she did was NOT right. But yet, some of you embarrass youselves by your hatefulness. We need to return to Michael's message. . . if we do not, we are just perpetuating the hate and anger in the world. We can dislike someone's actions, but that gives NO ONE the right to express such hatred. Everyone deserves a bottom-line of respect. EVERYONE. Please don't make us ashamed of your words, on, of all things, a Michael Jackson board?
I don't go to facebook but let me get this straight. Is the Karen his make up artist? She was still working for him when he died? She is allowed to go visit him inside the masoleum and she took pictures of it?

Michael rehired her for This is it because she was the only makeup up artist who would work without pay til the shows started in London. She uses that as a 'see, we were friend's, I was with him til the end' crap, and that can be further from the truth.
I agree that her posting pictures of his grave in unforgivable. Anyone who knows Michael would know that would hurt him, it's an invasion of his privacy. She had no right to do that.

But we don't need to start attacking her with hateful words. Michael didn't teach us that :(
What she did was NOT right. But yet, some of you embarrass youselves by your hatefulness. We need to return to Michael's message. . . if we do not, we are just perpetuating the hate and anger in the world. We can dislike someone's actions, but that gives NO ONE the right to express such hatred. Everyone deserves a bottom-line of respect. EVERYONE. Please don't make us ashamed of your words, on, of all things, a Michael Jackson board?

I suggest you just lock the thread, because no one on this site, except for a few of her sheep, will ever respect that woman. I don't regret cursing her out on this thread. Nor am I ashamed of it. If Michael was here he would be pissed himself. I'm being honest here. I'm sure other's here don't regret their words either.

All you'll see on this thread will be negativity and rightfully so. We all love Michael and wished that people out there would follow his wishes as well as his mother's. A "friend" did the ultimate betrayal. Of course fans will be angry.
Yes. Someone shared he pictures she posted on another forum.

I think what a honor it must be to go an actually visit where Michael is laid to rest and pay respects and she takes pictures? If I was able to go see him I wouldn't take pictures I would want to protect him. I understand the need and curiousity to see where he is actual buried but it's like betraying the family's trust. I only thought there that only family could actually visit him inside.
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