Karen Fayes responce

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Karen Faye violated the Jackson family's privacy, and it was NOT her right to do so. Even a grade-school child knows that to post something on a very public forum, with so many members, means that what you post is not private. I cannot begin to understand why she expected anything different?

The choice to post the photo should have been the family's choice. It was not her choice to make. In doing so, she disrespected Michael and the entire Jackson family.

I agree 100% .

She'll never see it this way... in her mind she probably thinks she is a victim when she created this whole mess.
Yeah yeah the internet is dangerous and a free medium and all that. At least Karen believes in the good of humans, like Michael did.

And I bet lots of people here are friends with her just to read everything. If you don't agree with her, don't be friends on Facebook. And then her stuff won't be posted anywhere else then on Facebook. As it should be.
yeah, for profit, Karen? I'm pretty sure she knows damn well no one is gaining money from posting those pics here. She's been known to visit these boards herself. Karen has the weirdest idea of 'private' I have ever ever come across. Either she's just plain delusional or she's doing it deliberately (free effective promo for her upcoming book). I'm thinking both. Someday I hope the mini army of sheep she's built up on her facebook will turn against her and knock some sense into her. :mello: First lesson should be 'nothing on the internet is private'. Maybe if enough people repeat it to her she'll finally get the point.
This is the world wide web. or do some people forget! Your Blogs and comments shows up every where even though you didn't put it there. She should stop writing about Michael. Honestly. How long will she continue. I guess she wants the attention and that is all. for her forth coming book?
Just go on google and type in your username and all the sites you write on or visited will come up..
This is not something secret..
Karen should learn how to RESPECT wishes of others FIRST before demanding from others to respect hers.
In my opinion the Ignorance mean and selfishness lies firmly at the door step of original source of the pictures.



Take that Karen FAKE!!!
*eyeroll* I don't give a rats behind about this makeup artiste! I do hope the Jackson family takes her off the list of visitors.

I really came in here to say to OP that you have a huge spelling error in the title. Its response not responce.
She is either very naive or very stupid to think those pictures would not leave her facebook.

Yeah, I certain Michael would like his resting place plaster on the web for the entire world to glare at. I really have no sympathy for people like her.
Karen Fake needs to STFU.

She's just like the drunk guy or girl who DrunkPost their drunkenness on their Facebook for shits & giggles, then get in big trouble at work or can't get a job because of it.

If you want it private - DON'T POST IT!!!
I think she is still sailing on the fact that she was "close" to Michael. Hopefully she will shortly sink.
Karen Faye No I will always continue to share...that is what Michael would want me to do.
Unless he specifically said 'Karen when I'm gone, I want you to take crappy blurry cameraphone pictures of my burial site and post them for the whole world to see on the most popular social networking site on the planet' then I don't believe that for a second. Whatever she says, this only seems like a gross violation of privacy on the behalves of Michael and his family. Even if these were okay'd by Katherine, Forest Lawn don't allow pictures of the sites in that area, other than from the outside. So what she did is at the very least is violating the trust that Forest Lawn put in her to not take photos whilst she visited the place. Hypocrisy at it's finest. :) What goes around comes around.
Unless he specifically said 'Karen when I'm gone, I want you to take crappy blurry cameraphone pictures of my burial site and post them for the whole world to see on the most popular social networking site on the planet' then I don't believe that for a second. Whatever she says, this only seems like a gross violation of privacy on the behalves of Michael and his family. Even if these were okay'd by Katherine, Forest Lawn don't allow pictures of the sites in that area, other than from the outside. So what she did is at the very least is violating the trust that Forest Lawn put in her to not take photos whilst she visited the place. Hypocrisy at it's finest. :) What goes around comes around.

Karen should learn how to RESPECT wishes of others FIRST before demanding from others to respect hers.

Unless he specifically said 'Karen when I'm gone, I want you to take crappy blurry cameraphone pictures of my burial site and post them for the whole world to see on the most popular social networking site on the planet' then I don't believe that for a second. Whatever she says, this only seems like a gross violation of privacy on the behalves of Michael and his family. Even if these were okay'd by Katherine, Forest Lawn don't allow pictures of the sites in that area, other than from the outside. So what she did is at the very least is violating the trust that Forest Lawn put in her to not take photos whilst she visited the place. Hypocrisy at it's finest. :) What goes around comes around.

so someone should definitely let Forest Lawn know.... if she broke an existing rule than she shouldn't be allowed to go back.
To me she comes across as extremely self obsessed. Everything is always about her. Sad.
Ya know, I was looking at a beautiful picture of Michael today and something moved me to apologize to him. I apologized for all the shit he's been through in life and now in death. I'm sorry, Michael. You don't deserve this - you never deserved this.
Ya know, I was looking at a beautiful picture of Michael today and something moved me to apologize to him. I apologized for all the shit he's been through in life and now in death. I'm sorry, Michael. You don't deserve this - you never deserved this.
She loves the attention, she will continue to post pictures regardless of if people repost them on forums and other websites!!

She must be absolutely stupid to think that posting it on such a popular website like FB would NOT lead to people sharing the pics and reposting them!!
No I will always continue to share...that is what Michael would want me to do.
We may be hurting, but we're not stupid. Her chances of making money from the pictures are ruined and it's probably pissing her off. I hate how she always makes everything about her. She doesn't realize that 90% of the MJ fans on her facebook page are not there for her; but only for MJ pictures/stories.
Karen has always requested not to post anything from her Facebook anywhere else on the internet.

She's sharing so much with us. It's not that hard to respect that request, is it?

Oh, look at that, one of the 5000 people she's friends with on Facebook infringed her privacy. Such a shame!
Tell her to take a look at those terms she's agreeing to every time she uploads photos. Maybe that will help, if simple logic keeps failing her.

She's accepting everyone as friend, because she wants to spread her stories, yet she wants privacy. Whatever, Karen -_-
Oh, look at that, one of the 5000 people she's friends with on Facebook infringed her privacy. Such a shame!
Tell her to take a look at those terms she's agreeing to every time she uploads photos. Maybe that will help, if simple logic keeps failing her.

She's accepting everyone as friend, because she wants to spread her stories, yet she wants privacy. Whatever, Karen -_-

Speaking of which...

Facebook has this policy - about owning everything you post up on their website:

Facebook's New Photo Policy Concerns Users
posted 02/17/09 3:16 pm

WASHINGTON - Facebook, the popular online social-networking Web site with 150 million members, is running into some opposition to its new policy governing the ownership of photos uploaded to the site.

Under the new policy, which went into effect two weeks ago, Facebook claims the rights to any of the content posted on its site -- even if a user cancels its membership.

Tania Jackson loves staying in touch through the site, she doesn't like is its new policy.

"If I for some reason decide to leave the site, Facebook still owns those pictures and and that's not what I signed up for at all and I certainly didn't think there were for just anyone to use," she said.

Internet privacy group epic.org filed a complaint with the FTC Tuesday, hoping the agency will require Facebook to change its policy.

"We're not necessarily against people putting information online," EPIC's Marc Rotenberg said. "If you want to put up photos, if you want to put notes up that's really your choice. The key of course is that you maintain control."

But under Facebook's new rules, unrestricted use of photos without notice, and its poster's information, are fair game.

Many members are concerned.

"As a 23-year-old, having someone have control of my pictures is a problem for future employment," John Patton said.

Added Taysha Barberana, "I don't like it. I don't think it's right that they should have rights to my pictures. They're my pictures and I don't know what will happen to them once I don't become a member any more."
Speaking of which...

Facebook has this policy - about owning everything you post up on their website:

Facebook's New Photo Policy Concerns Users
posted 02/17/09 3:16 pm

WASHINGTON - Facebook, the popular online social-networking Web site with 150 million members, is running into some opposition to its new policy governing the ownership of photos uploaded to the site.

Under the new policy, which went into effect two weeks ago, Facebook claims the rights to any of the content posted on its site -- even if a user cancels its membership.

Tania Jackson loves staying in touch through the site, she doesn't like is its new policy.

"If I for some reason decide to leave the site, Facebook still owns those pictures and and that's not what I signed up for at all and I certainly didn't think there were for just anyone to use," she said.

Internet privacy group epic.org filed a complaint with the FTC Tuesday, hoping the agency will require Facebook to change its policy.

"We're not necessarily against people putting information online," EPIC's Marc Rotenberg said. "If you want to put up photos, if you want to put notes up that's really your choice. The key of course is that you maintain control."

But under Facebook's new rules, unrestricted use of photos without notice, and its poster's information, are fair game.

Many members are concerned.

"As a 23-year-old, having someone have control of my pictures is a problem for future employment," John Patton said.

Added Taysha Barberana, "I don't like it. I don't think it's right that they should have rights to my pictures. They're my pictures and I don't know what will happen to them once I don't become a member any more."

Hence WHY I DON'T USE FACEBOOK!!!!!!:bugeyed
I personally BLAME all the MJ fans who give her the attention. The one that are wasting their time chatting to her, as if she was close to MJ.

I think it is PATHETIC the way some fans are sucking to her...
Hold up, she's blaming people for stealing photos of Mike's resting place. They wouldn't have stolen them had SHE not put them on Facebook FFS!!!!!!
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