Justin Timberlake On Michael Jackson: '99.79 Percent Of His Songs Are Perfect'

ahhhhh you just stop this insolence, it really hurt me when you just try to compare MJ with another artist, especially if the artist is just an imitator

Who me? I didnt compare there ability.

I compared that they both stole a few things from other artists and didnt acknowledge it.

Im worried about you as an MJ fan if it really hurts you when someone compares MJ with another artist when there are people out there who will rip MJ apart. Id hate to see how you react to that.
no,I'm talking general.

I know that there are people who will rip MJ apart(I've met a lot of 'em), but it's different if they were from here
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Nope. Which is why I havent said that MJ was influenced by him. I was just saying he stole one or two things from him. Or whoever choreographed it and stuff........

The point is, Michael never acknowledged that.

Why do you keep saying stole. Did John Travolta have a patent or trademark on that hip move? When you say stole, in my opinion you are questioning Michael character. You are calling him a thief. I'm my wrong in my assumption?
Who me? I didnt compare there ability.

I compared that they both stole a few things from other artists and didnt acknowledge it.

Im worried about you as an MJ fan if it really hurts you when someone compares MJ with another artist when there are people out there who will rip MJ apart. Id hate to see how you react to that.

the impact that Michael has made is greater than all the people you might come up with. the certain something that MJ had, and that still has effect is something those other people cannot claim. MJ is the first global superstar of this great magnitude. that certain something that MJ's effect still has, is something that he didn't steal from anybody. and you never have to worry about MJ fans. considering how MJ has been treated(in a negative way), the natural effect is to have special fans who defend him in a special way. again, this is an MJ forum. i fail to see the reasoning behind castigating MJ fans on an MJ forum.
Justin CAN'T play an instrument: he just plays one or two chords. There is no real indication he can play one...because he just plays the same one or two chords over and over again.


can't believe i'm even joining in this stupid debate but I got to stick up for Justin on this,

check'em out




So? You are giving me the reason. He just plays one or two chords. He always plays the same one or two. He CAN'T play an instrument. His skills as a piano player are basic. Let's not even mention his skills as a guitarist: JT did what everyone could do. He grabbed a guitar and played the same two chords over and over again. He then tried to impress the naive fans by playing some chords that someone teached him and he memorized. He is not even basic at playing guitar. It is clear that Justin doesn't know what he is doing and could never do a solo on a giitar. IN fact, he could never play the guitar on a professional level. He is trying to become credible at the eyes of the masses by grabbing some instruments. But aside from play one or two chords he memorized, he can't play them. Thanks for helping me!

Next thing you're going to say is that Justin Timberlake is a great song-writer and producer, right?
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no,I'm talking general.

I know that there are people who will rip MJ apart(I've met a lot of 'em), but it's different they were from here

But I've never met anyone who questions/downplays Mike's talent.
This is getting ridiculous. I can't believe there are people comparing Justin Timberlake to Michael Jackson.
Justin Timberlake fans to the left please. This is a Michael Jackson Fan site. Thanks for visiting. Watch your step when exiting.

Oh so........this place is only available if your ONLY a Michael Jackson fan? Those who are willing to be fair to Justin Timberlake and have an open mind should just get out?

If theres one thing being a Michael Jackson fan teaches you, its to be open minded. Im seeing a lot of close minded people here...........

Or does having an open mind only apply to Michael Jackson? :)

This is getting ridiculous. I can't believe there are people comparing Justin Timberlake to Michael Jackson.

Nobody here has said once that Justin is as good or better than MJ though. Not once.
Jesus Christ, I should've known this thread would turn into a "MJ vs. JT" war. :rolleyes:
Oh so........this place is only available if your ONLY a Michael Jackson fan? Those who are willing to be fair to Justin Timberlake and have an open mind should just get out?

If theres one thing being a Michael Jackson fan teaches you, its to be open minded. Im seeing a lot of close minded people here...........

Or does having an open mind only apply to Michael Jackson? :)

Nobody here has said once that Justin is as good or better than MJ though. Not once.

everybody is closed minded...to their own beliefs.
On the idea of one dancer "stealing" from another... Jerome Robbins had them doing pirrouettes in West Side Story. Did he steal that from Baryshnikov's Nutcracker choreography? Of course not, LoL. Dance is a a technical art form with set styles, steps, and moves. People can do their own version, add their own flare, but it all stems from a basic foundation. Sorry to say, but while Mike did invent a few of his own moves, most of them came from the universal dance repertoire. If you take any of his dance numbers and break them down, move by move, you'll be able to identify each classically established step. What made him amazing and unique was the order in which he put it all together, his timing, his showmanship, but mainly, his execution and his stylization. Dancing (and performing, in general) is like cooking. All chefs have access to the same ingredients, and although they didn't invent the ingredients, by choosing different ones and by adding them together in different ways, they create completely different dishes.
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Oh yeah. I am sure Justin Timberlake would appreciate your loyalty.

Im not even that much of a Justin Timberlake fan........I like quite a few of his songs.

Its called being fair.
I do have an open mind. I am so sick and tired of some constantly comparing Michael. Always saying someone is better. We have the new King of Pop. He stole his songs. He stole his moves. Of course, there are better dancers and singers. Like Shimar said, it is the passion and the soul and the feel and showmanship and caring and love this man brings to the table. It is more than some da** dancing and singing. It was his whole being. He felt the music. He made you feel it. He became a guitar a percussion. So, compare all you want. There is no comparison in my lifetime. That is my DA** opinion. Love it or hate. Don't really care.
I do have an open mind. I am so sick and tired of some constantly comparing Michael. Always saying someone is better. We have the new King of Pop. He stole his songs. He stole his moves. Of course, there are better dancers and singers. Like Shimar said, it is the passion and the soul and the feel and showmanship and caring and love this man brings to the table. It is more than some da** dancing and singing. It was his whole being. He felt the music. He made you feel it. He became a guitar a percussion. So, compare all you want. There is no comparison in my lifetime. That is my DA** opinion. Love it or hate. Don't really care.

But, nobody here has said Justin is better or even as good as Michael once. Nobody has said that even once.

So your complaining in the wrong place. If you want to complain about that, go do it on youtube with some of those idiots who ARE actually claiming things such as this.

Your blinded by rage. You havent even read what anyone has said properly clearly. You can compare them, but the outcome will allways have Michael coming out on top.

I would understand your anger if someone had compared Justin to MJ and came out saying that they thought JT was better. But nobody has done that. Your getting yourself all worked up over nothing.
the irony is, that people love to open these kinds of threads ALL THE TIME. but then they get in trouble, and like to close them ALL THE TIME. then they like to reopen them, ALL THE TIME. there is enough room for everybody to believe as they want, and to accept that others believe differently. but what isn't acceptable is putting someone who disagrees with you, on blast. and calling them names, and non religious people throwing around religious epithets, that makes you look insecure. and i'm not just talking to people who just see MJ when they open their eyes.
I have been a fan since 1971. I am 42 now. All these years he has been compared. As if what he did don't quite measure up, but let's find someone better so we can dethrone him. When he died on T.V. guide channel they had to compare him to Elvis. Can the man stand alone on what he contributed? Da** I'm just saying.
99.97 is a decent number, I would have picked something lower, but oh well, matter of opinion I guess.

I don't know why you guys bother jumping on this and saying the saaaame things over and over again, it's like you keep a file on your computer and copy and paste everything everytime you see something about Justin or Usher or whoever you think is a copy cat.

Me personally think Justin is great, if you actually sit and listen to the music its really good. I never liked Future, Sex, Lovesounds over Justified, but its still a great album, the production values in both are amazing. Justin is not the best dancer ever, especially when freestyling, but the level of the choreography he performs is of a very high standard and much more technical than anything Michael done (not to say he couldn't do it), with the exception of Ghosts maybe. In his solo career I've never seen him lip sync, hes played instruments live and his shows are really good.

Theres no denying the man is talented so everyone needs to stop riding him so much.


What is people's problem really?. Why are they dissing him like that?. Because he has imitated him?, they should be glad peopole do. Because of the Janet thing?, so he said he didn't know all about it, who are we to say he was lying?.

What was the big deal about it anyway? I cannot understand the scandal... so she showed a nipple. BIG DEAL.
That it was such a scandal is unbelievable.
I have been a fan since 1971. I am 42 now. All these years he has been compared. As if what he did don't quite measure up, but let's find someone better so we can dethrone him. When he died on T.V. guide channel they had to compare him to Elvis. Can the man stand alone on what he contributed? Da** I'm just saying.

Yes ok. But like I said. Theres no use complaining to us. Where all Michael Jackson fans and love him over anyone else.

No use complainging to anyone really. Its allways going to happen no matter what you say or do.
I am pi** off about and I didn't say a disparaging word about anybody. I just disagree with some. The same way you disagree with me. I didn't call any of you immature but at my age that's a compliment. I have had enough of this thread. Moving on.
I am pi** off about and I didn't say a disparaging word about anybody. I just disagree with some. The same way you disagree with me. I didn't call any of you immature but at my age that's a compliment. I have had enough of this thread. Moving on.

Oh I dont disagree with you. It is annoying how people keep trying to replace MJ when nobody measures up to him. I just think it was a bit random to start complainging about it here where we are all MJ fans and quite clearly prefer MJ over everyone else.
Im not even that much of a Justin Timberlake fan........I like quite a few of his songs.

Its called being fair.

I like some of his songs too, but to say that JT is a better dancer than MJ is like saying Britney Spears can out sing Aretha Franklin.
I like some of his songs too, but to say that JT is a better dancer than MJ is like saying Britney Spears can out sing Aretha Franklin.

Who said JT was a better dancer than MJ? :O

Im shocked if someone actually said it here. I think someone said something about his dance routines being more technical or something.
Who said JT was a better dancer than MJ? :O

Im shocked if someone actually said it here. I think someone said something about his dance routines being more technical or something.

So the entire concept of Smooth Criminal - which is one of the most technical dancing techniques EVER - is completely lost on JT's choreographed moves by Wayne whats-his-face who works with him?

Did JT co-choreograph anything?

Did JT invent or enhance new dance steps?

Did JT inspire a generation of dancers & artists to move like he does?

*crickets chirping*