Justin Timberlake On Michael Jackson: '99.79 Percent Of His Songs Are Perfect'

Justin is a has-been. His 15 minutes of fame has passed. He knows it too, that's why he's desperately trying to get into acting.
Justin is a has-been. His 15 minutes of fame has passed. He knows it too, that's why he's desperately trying to get into acting.

I dont think so......He seems to pop up and disappear again. His last album was very succesful and now hes just drifted away again. He will come out with his next album and im sure that will do well also.

So the entire concept of Smooth Criminal - which is one of the most technical dancing techniques EVER - is completely lost on JT's choreographed moves by Wayne whats-his-face who works with him?

Did JT co-choreograph anything?

Did JT invent or enhance new dance steps?

Did JT inspire a generation of dancers & artists to move like he does?

*crickets chirping*

This is directed at me?
It's a rhetorical question - I didn't imply that way.

Id have to agree with you. Nobody can touch Michaels routines.

I have never EVER heard anybody say 'Oooo I love the routine to Justin Timberlakes 'Like I Love You' or........anything like that.

I hear all the time, I love the routine to MJ's Dangerous (Yeah Dangerous, people I know talk about it quite a lot).
Why does his face anger me so much?
yike each time I see his face I want to punch him


The part in "What goes around" video when he acts as if holding a phone in the "all you get's a busy tone" is the most irritating facial expression ever. Period.
I don't like Timberlake because he is very rude and arrogant to his fans. I've read reports by fans who claim that they were ignored, mistreated and offended by Justin T.. Fans in Sweden, the Hotel owner and paparazzis claimed that Justin spat on his fans and threw food, ping pong balls and empty water bottles at them. A fan in whom Justin spat, videotaped the whole scene. When he went to TRL, many fans claimed that, when the cameras were on, Justin was very kind. When the cameras were off, Justin would ignore or be rude to his fans. There are thousands of reports from fans who claim that Justin was VERY rude to them. Besides, almost everyone who has met Justin claims that he is arrogant and cocky. Let's not even mention what he constantly does and says (check the MacDonalds report by three fans, the cinema report by two fans and the something-shop by a group of fans): "I'm Justin Timberlake. I can do whatever I want."

When he was on tour, everyday a new report of him being arrogant to his fans, would appear. A new story of a fan claiming he/she doesn't like/idolizes Justin anymore would appear.
I don't like Timberlake because he is very rude and arrogant to his fans. I've read reports by fans who claim that they were ignored, mistreated and offended by Justin T.. Fans in Sweden, the Hotel owner and paparazzis claimed that Justin spat on his fans and threw food, ping pong balls and empty water bottles at them. A fan in whom Justin spat, videotaped the whole scene. When he went to TRL, many fans claimed that, when the cameras were on, Justin was very kind. When the cameras were off, Justin would ignore or be rude to his fans. There are thousands of reports from fans who claim that Justin was VERY rude to them. Besides, almost everyone who has met Justin claims that he is arrogant and cocky. Let's not even mention what he constantly does and says (check the MacDonalds report by three fans, the cinema report by two fans and the something-shop by a group of fans): "I'm Justin Timberlake. I can do whatever I want."

When he was on tour, everyday a new report of him being arrogant to his fans, would appear. A new story of a fan claiming he/she doesn't like/idolizes Justin anymore would appear.

In other words, JT's a

Ok, I have not read all of the replies in this thread, BUT I will say that I didn't even bother reading this article about JT's thoughts on Michael's songs or anything else about Mike because his thoughts and words mean jack crap to me. He's HIGHLY OVERRATED IMHO, and his talent is very limited also imho. He's nothing more than a wannabe and that's all he'll ever be. And the only JT song I like is "Rock Your Body" which was a MJ reject. SOOOO that explains that little tidbit.

He was all about being influenced by Mike back in 1998-2001 or so, BUT then as it became LESS "cool" to be positive about Mike he started saying crap like "Oh I was influenced by Elvis." "Stevie Wonder has always been a major influence on me." Etc. It was like he went out of his way to distance himself from Michael. Not to mention the fact that when the charges came in 2003 that JT was like, "Yeah I love his music but it's sad to see how crazy he's become." Or some bull like that. Those WERE NOT his exact words, but he said something close to it. Then not to mention how he total jacked Janet. I always thought it was funny how people "forgot" that Justin was the one who ripped the cloth off, NOT Janet. Not to mention how much of a cocky ass he was RIGHT AFTER and he was quoted as saying "Yeah we just wanted to give you guys something to talk about." Also his mother actually had the audacity to say something like "It's sad when a woman has to use my son to stay relevant." Or whatever, not a direct quote, but it pissed me off when she said that. I truly do believe that incident was an accident, and I do not believe it was intentional. However, the fact that Janet got basically ALL of the flack for it is just WRONG! JT ran like a scared little bitch and Janet was made to suffer, and she was the one who was made to apologize SEVERAL times, she was the one's who's videos were pretty much not played at all on MTv for the Damita Jo album, etc. It wasn't right AT ALL!

Don't EVEN get me started on how his punk ass seemed to soak up the whole "New KOP" title that certain people in the media tried to name him. That is a WHOLE MESS of wrong. It is/was insulting. He had to have known at least the angle of that stupid Rolling Stone Magazine article when he was doing the interview and the idea that RS magazine tried to take Michael's title away is total crap and VERY VERY insulting and disrespectful. But like I've said in the past, when it came to Michael they didn't give a crap. And if you noticed on the RS "Tribute" they didn't attribute the KOP title to Michael. At least not from what I saw/read, so that should tell you something.

Michael's TRUE supporters and TRUE friends supported him when he needed it and when he was down people TRULY did show their true colors. JT and Beyonce both showed theirs, among SEVERAL OTHERS. I don't give a damn if they were looking out for their carriers or whatever, if you have a friend or someone who you look up too or who is important in your life, one who needs your support YOU STAND UP AND YOU SUPPORT THEM! YOU SPEAK UP! Otherwise it's just a copout. Only a person who stands up and openly shows support in the darkest hours do they show their true colors and their true character.

And this is ALL I have to say on this jackass. OH and Madonna is FAR superior an artist than JT. He has a long ways to go before he even HITS the level she's at. She's not the QOP for nothing (Despite the effort by Miss Spears to try and TAKE that title from Madge.) JT's music are FAR from any kind of classics, but Madonna's, well she has a lot of those. I'm just saying.

Alright I'm done. PIZZA TIME!
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This thread is not about Michael's dance abilities, but I gotta defend him anyways!

If ya'll want proof that Michael was a DANCE PRODIGY AND GENUIS all you have to do is go watch the Jackson's Variety show in the late 1970s. Michael was popping and locking, he was doing a ton of extremely different tap dance routines, he was doing ballroom dancing, jazz dancing, broadway, he was break dancing, etc., etc. Michael and the Jacksons would also only have 1 week to choreograph and perform their numbers and they were dancing at least 4 different numbers per episode!




I cant believe all the hate for Justin.. especially from MJ fans...

We all know that Michael is 10 times better... but that doesnt mean that Justin is crap.
"thats (MICHAEL JACKSON) the greatest dancer of the century"~fred astaire:agree:

NUFF SAID!!!!:cheers:

“Oh, God! That boy moves in a very exceptional way. That’s the greatest dancer of the century”-Fred Astaire.

“I didn’t want to leave this world without knowing who my descendant was. Thank you Michael!”-Fred Astaire.

“The only male singer who I’ve seen besides myself and who’s better than me – that is Michael Jackson.” – Frank Sinatra

This thread is not about Michael's dance abilities, but I gotta defend him anyways!

If ya'll want proof that Michael was a DANCE PRODIGY AND GENUIS all you have to do is go watch the Jackson's Variety show in the late 1970s. Michael was popping and locking, he was doing a ton of extremely different tap dance routines, he was doing ballroom dancing, jazz dancing, broadway, he was break dancing, etc., etc. Michael and the Jacksons would also only have 1 week to choreograph and perform their numbers and they were dancing at least 4 different numbers per episode!




Jesus Christ, I should've known this thread would turn into a "MJ vs. JT" war. :rolleyes:

I knew when I opened this thread that this was gonna happen. :(

Yeah, I hated the fact that he did leave Janet hanging doing the nipple incident, but I have since forgiven him about that a long time ago.
This thread is not about Michael's dance abilities, but I gotta defend him anyways!

If ya'll want proof that Michael was a DANCE PRODIGY AND GENUIS all you have to do is go watch the Jackson's Variety show in the late 1970s. Michael was popping and locking, he was doing a ton of extremely different tap dance routines, he was doing ballroom dancing, jazz dancing, broadway, he was break dancing, etc., etc. Michael and the Jacksons would also only have 1 week to choreograph and perform their numbers and they were dancing at least 4 different numbers per episode!




Michael brought so many people together not only people of all colors but generations. He had the old greats respecting him. Fred Astaire, Gregory Peck, Mickey Rooney, Liza Minelli, Liz Taylor, Jane Fonda, Henry Fonda, Audrey Hepburn, Sammie Davis Jr. James Brown, Gladys Knight its is too many to list. I listened to Thriller with my grandmother and she was old and still feeling MJ. Do you think I could put JT and some of these other artist on and have the same overall effect (affect)? I am Not counting the young grandmothers that go to the club with their daughters. I talking two generations. To compare is absolutely silly.
When I first came in this thread I kept my fingers crossed that it would not denigrate into something negative.

All I will say is - I thought what Mr Timberlake had to say was very nice and it touched my heart.
“Oh, God! That boy moves in a very exceptional way. That’s the greatest dancer of the century”-Fred Astaire.

“I didn’t want to leave this world without knowing who my descendant was. Thank you Michael!”-Fred Astaire.

“The only male singer who I’ve seen besides myself and who’s better than me – that is Michael Jackson.” – Frank Sinatra

:clapping::clapping::clapping: Excellent post.

NUFF SAID!!!!!!!!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
Wow! there are some people who have joined this site only to Diss, Michael. I see it in all their Posts. Why would you want to do that? Did he do something to you?
This man loved the world and this is how we repay him? he performed for us even when he was sick and you could never see the difference.
I only care about Michael because the world did not stand up for him. Michael can do any kind of dance form and be the best becuae he has music in his poetry in his soul and he Practice, practice, Practice. don't care about the others..as there are none to compare to..
“oh, god! That boy moves in a very exceptional way. That’s the greatest dancer of the century”-fred astaire.

“i didn’t want to leave this world without knowing who my descendant was. Thank you michael!”-fred astaire.

“the only male singer who i’ve seen besides myself and who’s better than me – that is michael jackson.” – frank sinatra

:clapping::clapping::clapping: Excellent post.

I'll die to know who were the singers that refused to be part of the katrina (spelling) song , I bet timberfake was one of them .

gotta remember what Raymone said about most people turning MJ down for that song and refusing to be associated with him .
oh yeah..and sorry for humiliating ur sister and messing up her career, sandbagging a tour that was due to happen but oh yea...her garment like fell off...my bad?

please fake ass

:cheers: Well said. I really dislike Justin. So as far as I'm concerned he really needs to just be quiet.
Um, MJ's worn the white socks & loafers even before the movie Grease came out.

Check the photo archives.
Ermmm...traditional business suit comprised black pants, black suit, white shirt, black loafer, and white socks. Why do some fans on here are saying MJ copied John Travilto just because he wore them? :crazy:
Originally Posted by lilsusie
Why does his face anger me so much?
yike each time I see his face I want to punch him
And I'm serious!

I'm wit u.
...will not comment regarding what he says coz' to me he's a phony.
Ty to everyone who agrees with me. ;)

:cheers: Well said. I really dislike Justin. So as far as I'm concerned he really needs to just be quiet.

And he isn't even worth mentioning his name. I don't want MJ's name to come out of his dirty mouth and big head. :p

Wow! there are some people who have joined this site only to Diss, Michael. I see it in all their Posts. Why would you want to do that? Did he do something to you?
Because MJ is far greater than their idols so they have to come on here to bring MJ down. Diss MJ in the name of being an objective MJ fan. ah
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I like Justin's first album, but and I went to his first solo concert. I will admit that Justified was a knockoff of Off The Wall... Hell ain't nothing wrong with that, it put him on the map for R&B...
However I didn't buy his second cd, someone burned it for me cuz he pissed me off when he threw Janet under the bus after the SB incident... He was real shady for that one...
I sooo wanted Janet to go off on his ass just one good time, cuz I refuse to believe he was innocent in the whole situation... Damn it was a wardrobe malfunction and he should've stuck by her on that...

Justin can deny the MJ influence all he want, hell if it helps him wake up in the morning then so be it, but everyone in from the fans to the record executives know he has been copying MJ...
You know that old arguement fans use when people say bad things about Michael?

'They dont even know him'

Well if your going to use that arguement on MJ haters then maybe you should all apply it to everyone else as well then maybe we all might be taken a little bit more seriously :)

None of you know Justin Timberlake to hate him............

Ermmm...traditional business suit comprised black pants, black suit, white shirt, black loafer, and white socks. Why do some fans on here are saying MJ copied John Travilto just because he wore them? :crazy:

With the trouers pulled wayyy up high so you can clearly see the white socks??? Yeah I see that EVERYWHERE.

Michael quite clearly stole a few things from Grease.
LOL some of you guys... I'm not even gonna throw myself into your childish jedi-mind games, whining, and outburst of guessing about shit you don't know about.

The point in simple, Michael was inspired by others, and others are inspired by Michael - and Justin certainly was inspired by Michael while making Justified.
Not necessary vocally, but certainly by the phenomenon Michael is.
I have around 15 hours of behind the scenes footage from Justin's studio sessions and at many times they (Justin and Pharrell from the Neptunes) talk about Michael, his dance moves, and songs.
I can recall a point where Justin is saying that Like I Love You is like the "2000 DSTYGE" - Which in many ways is true in the production similarities and that both LILY and DSTYGE rocket launched their solo careers.

Some fans might not know this but the Neptunes produced songs on Justified were first produced for Michael, but Michael's manager turned them down before they even reached Michael - and everytime Michael and Pharrell would meet, Michael would kid around about it.

I'm not here to preach about how you guys are supposed to live your life and what not - but it saddens how you guys can carry so much hate about someone that basically have said nothing but good things about Michael - and what's even more crazy is how you throw around hate on each other.
It's like kids going around "boho you're wrong, boho I'm right" - and then you end up throwing sand in each others eyes.
We're standing on the outside looking in on things and we think we know so much, when we really don't know shit.
Invest in yourself, focus on the good things like here's Justin basically putting Michael on a pedestal, and you guys are like "fuck that".
Go back and watch the 2 times Justin performed with Michael and look at Justin's face - if that isn't the face expressions of a fan then I don't know what it is.

I've said what I have to say, and if you don't agree then I'm not gonna go and be like; "Fuck you for not agreeing with me".
In the end of the day I try to think like "What would Michael have said/done?!" - and the last thing he'd want us to do is to bitch with each other about nonsense.
Come on, just go back and read this thread from beginning to end - seriously, what is going on?!
Bloody great post

So many of these threads end the same. Silly.
“Oh, God! That boy moves in a very exceptional way. That’s the greatest dancer of the century”-Fred Astaire.

“I didn’t want to leave this world without knowing who my descendant was. Thank you Michael!”-Fred Astaire.

“The only male singer who I’ve seen besides myself and who’s better than me – that is Michael Jackson.” – Frank Sinatra
