Justin Timberlake On Michael Jackson: '99.79 Percent Of His Songs Are Perfect'

do you think I don't know that?
Micheal said himself many times
this topic is not about this ok? you'v been talking about this crap since yesterday give it a rest already we get you're point
ya'll I think we have another Arty on our hands :sleep:

Well I obviously wasnt aware you knew that, because you just said a few mintues ago. Michael never stole anything from anybody.
Arty didnt stop talking about lip synching which is negative. Im not stating anything we dont already know and im just being fair to another artist.

Some of you just cant accept certain things. You see, you live in this bubble. This 'Michael Jackon bubble' where everyone must speak positively abour him 24/7 and the moment anything even slightly negative is said. You all go on the ultra defensive. If you dont like it, you dont want to hear it!

If I came in here calling him a pedophile and what not, then thats understandable. if I came in here and started saying Justin Timberlake or John Travolta where as good or better than MJ then that would be understandable.

Ive come into this thread and heard people saying they hate Justin Timberlake, and why? The guys got a good voice and has good songs and is a good dancer. I see a lot of fans telling MJ haters that they shouldnt judge Michael because they dont know him. But its perfectly fine to hate Justin Timberlake without knowing him.......hmm. I guess those rules only apply to Michael Jackson eh guys? :)

I AM IN NO WAY SAYING JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE IS AS GOOD OR BETTER THAN MICHAEL JACKSON. But a lot of MJ fans dont like Justin Timberlake because of people calling him the King of Pop and saying he is the new Michael Jackson. But thats no fault of his, im sure he knows he'll never be as big or as good as Michael Jackson.

Again, not saying he is as good or better than Michael. But Justin Timberlake is the closest thing to Michael Jackson today. Not to say hes close to being Michael Jackson, but hes the closest to him out of all the other artists out there.
I think it is not the same. Michael never duplicated someone, JT was very much a copy cat.

Key word being 'WAS'. His last album was more Prince influenced than Michael influenced.

You people hate him for copying Michael. Then hate him for distancing himself from Michael and trying to do his own thing. What do you want from him?
Michael Said that himself, there are many resources, check his interview with Oprah in 1993, also in a clip from Neveland when he was riding the train with kids, he also told them “You guys teached me how to do the Moonwalk”
what street kids -__- I searched about the Moonwalk origins and it's obviously Bill Bailey's move


I don't know why Michael said it was the kids, maybe the kids were imitating Bill, who knows
I don't think I ever said I hated Justin Timberlake, *in fact I said there was no doubt he is talented, especially as a dancer. I've been to his concerts and have his albums. I haven't even been talking to you about Justin I don't think. I was just telling you about the socks and discussing JD.

Did you read my previous post by the way? The point you were making is kind of different because you were saying we were criticising JT for imitating MJ. I was saying JT is not telling the truth by saying he doesn't imitate him.

You said this was the same as MJ and JD.. but really it isn't because MJ employed JD and worked with him to create smooth criminal, bad, ghosts etc. so that is acknowledgement, by hiring him he wasn't stealing or taking those moves.. that was JDs job.

Does everything have to be an argument?
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LOL some of you guys... I'm not even gonna throw myself into your childish jedi-mind games, whining, and outburst of guessing about shit you don't know about.

The point in simple, Michael was inspired by others, and others are inspired by Michael - and Justin certainly was inspired by Michael while making Justified.
Not necessary vocally, but certainly by the phenomenon Michael is.
I have around 15 hours of behind the scenes footage from Justin's studio sessions and at many times they (Justin and Pharrell from the Neptunes) talk about Michael, his dance moves, and songs.
I can recall a point where Justin is saying that Like I Love You is like the "2000 DSTYGE" - Which in many ways is true in the production similarities and that both LILY and DSTYGE rocket launched their solo careers.

Some fans might not know this but the Neptunes produced songs on Justified were first produced for Michael, but Michael's manager turned them down before they even reached Michael - and everytime Michael and Pharrell would meet, Michael would kid around about it.

I'm not here to preach about how you guys are supposed to live your life and what not - but it saddens how you guys can carry so much hate about someone that basically have said nothing but good things about Michael - and what's even more crazy is how you throw around hate on each other.
It's like kids going around "boho you're wrong, boho I'm right" - and then you end up throwing sand in each others eyes.
We're standing on the outside looking in on things and we think we know so much, when we really don't know shit.
Invest in yourself, focus on the good things like here's Justin basically putting Michael on a pedestal, and you guys are like "fuck that".
Go back and watch the 2 times Justin performed with Michael and look at Justin's face - if that isn't the face expressions of a fan then I don't know what it is.

I've said what I have to say, and if you don't agree then I'm not gonna go and be like; "Fuck you for not agreeing with me".
In the end of the day I try to think like "What would Michael have said/done?!" - and the last thing he'd want us to do is to bitch with each other about nonsense.
Come on, just go back and read this thread from beginning to end - seriously, what is going on?!

Words of wisdom, thank you.

And L.T.D., I totally get your point.
I don't think I ever said I hated Justin Timberlake, I've been to his concerts and have his albums. I haven't even been talking to you about Justin I don't think. I was just telling you about the socks and discussing JD.

Did you read my previous post by the way? The point you were making is kind of different because you were saying we were criticising JT for imitating MJ. I was saying JT is not telling the truth by saying he doesn't imitate him. You said this was the same as MJ and JD.. but really it isn't because MJ employed JD and worked with him to create smooth criminal, bad, ghosts etc. so that is acknowledgement, by hiring him he wasn't stealing or taking those moves.. that was JDs job.

Does everything have to be an argument?

The Justin Timberlae hating bit was directed at you. Its to people in thr thread simply saying they dont like him. Some even going so far as to saying they just want to hit him by looking at his face. Thats a bit harsh, hes never done anything to them.

Jeffrey Daniel was hired by MJ as a choreographer but he was much more than that or so it appears to me. Some of Michaels most impressive moves came from JD. Including the lean and the circle moonwalk thing.

I realise its a bit different, but Michael has acknowledged many peoples hes worked with during awards ceremonies.

Would MJ fans be happier if Justin Timberlake was copying Michael and acknowledging him as a big influence. Or not copying him and trying to distance himself from the 'Michael Jackson thing' as hes doing now.

Hes trying to come into his own.
The Justin Timberlae hating bit was directed at you. Its to people in thr thread simply saying they dont like him. Some even going so far as to saying they just want to hit him by looking at his face. Thats a bit harsh, hes never done anything to them.

was? or wasn't? cuz i never said that.

It was a surprise to hear that Justin said about MJ 'I like the music, hate the man'..I thought that was out of character from everything Ive heard him say about MJ.. but i don't have a source for that so i don't know if its true.
Its not actually the same thing because Jeffery Daniel was EMPLOYED by Michael as co-choreographer for Smooth Criminal and Bad. So that was NOT MJ 'taking' or 'stealing'. JD worked for MJ. If MJ wanted to hide JDs influence he wouldn't have hired him! He acknowledged him by hiring him!

All artists have choreographers.. they don't always talk about them, but they aren't classed as stealing.

I haven't watched every interview MJ has ever done or heard everything he has ever said so he probably has talked about him somewhere too.

Excellent answer.
Key word being 'WAS'. His last album was more Prince influenced than Michael influenced.

You people hate him for copying Michael. Then hate him for distancing himself from Michael and trying to do his own thing. What do you want from him?

Yes he was and I am glad that he is trying to find himself.

He is not popular here for other reasons not because of imitating Michael.
was? or wasn't? cuz i never said that.

It was a surprise to hear that Justin said about MJ 'I like the music, hate the man'..I thought that was out of character from everything Ive heard him say about MJ.. but i don't have a source for that so i don't know if its true.

I could never imagine him saying that :\

Sorry yes, that was meant to be 'wasnt' directed at you.
what street kids -__- I searched about the Moonwalk origins and it's obviously Bill Bailey's move


I don't know why Michael said it was the kids, maybe the kids were imitating Bill, who knows

right.. i got my copy of moonwalk out..

he says he'd been practicing the moonwalk for a long time b4 motown 25 and it was already out there on the streets but he enhanced it a little bit.

he said it was born as a break-dance step a 'popping' kind of thing that black kids created dancin on street corners in the ghetto. he says 'black ppl are truely innovative dancers; they create many of the new dances, pure and simple' he said 3 kids taught it to him. JDs website says he was one of the 'kids' that taught him.

The influence of Jeffrey Daniel and the American 'Soul Train' T.V. dancers, is evident in the moves of Usher, Justin Timberlake, and Sisqo. This generation of stars were in turn influenced by Michael Jackson. Jackson was a big fan of 'Soul Train'. He soon met, learned from, and later hired dancer/choreographers from the Soul Train T.V. show. One of those young dancers was 17 year old Jeffrey Daniel.
Jeffrey Daniel became a renowned and respected pioneer of the West coast Street Dance movement. He and his peers took a style of dance from the streets and clubs to the mainstream music and media world

apparently its supposed to be the backslide but the press called it the moonwalk..??

Here on wiki it says similar steps were being done around in 1932 by Cab Calloway -

There are many recorded instances of the moonwalk, originally known as the backslide or "walking on your toes", being used before Michael Jackson used it. Similar steps are reported as far back as 1932, used by Cab Calloway.[4] It was first recorded in 1955 in a performance by tap dancer Bill Bailey.[5] The French mime artist, Marcel Marceau, used it throughout his career (from the 1940s through the 1980s), as part of the drama of his mime routines. Marceau's famous "Walking Against the Wind" routine was the original influence that Jackson drew from, in which Marceau pretends to be pushed backwards by a gust of wind.[6]
James Brown used the move,[7] for instance in the 1980 film The Blues Brothers. David Bowie was probably the first rock musician to perform it, though he remained stationary.[8] An embryonic version of the move appears in Bowie's 1960s mime pieces; he had studied mime under Étienne Decroux, Marcel Marceau's teacher,[9] and under Lindsay Kemp, who had trained with Marceau. By the time of his 1974 Diamond Dogs Tour, Michael Jackson was among those attending Bowie's Los Angeles shows, later remarking on Bowie's strange moves.[10] Another early moonwalker was Jeffrey Daniel, who moonwalked in a performance of Shalamar's "A Night To Remember" on Top of the Pops in 1982.[11] Also in 1982, Debbie Allen performs a moonwalk during a scene with Gwen Verdon in Season 1, Episode 10 (Come One, Come All) of the 1982 TV series Fame.[12]
In the movie Flashdance, released in 1983, the move was used in the breakdance scene, where a street performer, with an umbrella prop, mimed the wind blowing him backward as he first walks forward, fighting the wind, then starts moonwalking backwards.[13]
The dance was brought to widespread public attention in 1983, when Michael Jackson performed it during a television special, Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever on March 25 that year. A breakdancing move, it became popular around the world after Michael Jackson executed it during a performance of "Billie Jean" on Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever on March 25, 1983. It subsequently became his signature move, and is now one of the best-known dance techniques in the world.[2][3]

Seems there are lots of instances of that move who knows where MJ first saw it? He said kids taught it him.
but L.T.D those impressive moves u mentioned are from smooth ciminal though..which jeff daniel was working on with him.

i really hope justin didn't say he hated mj after everything hes said in the past
Wake up fans!
Being in this state of dissing and disrespecting others wont make michael come back! sorry.
Get a life and focus on some more positive things then hating, dissing and focus on the negative.

i think nothing is wrong with justin and it,s nice he and his music is inspired by michael.
Michael,s life and music will live on thourgh the music of others.
I think the problem with Justin is that he is saying he does not imitate Michael when he does. When my sister and I read that quote of his we looked at each other and turned up our faces like,"Yeah, right."
I remember watching some show like Mad TV (which was in bad taste by the way) a while back and they were making fun of the way Justin so blatantly imitating, (not being influenced by) Michael. They were only making a joke out of a view that many people had. And, I'm sure justin was aware of it.
That is what the big difference is. You can take various styles and allow them to have an impact on who you are and allow them to take others to places they have never been as Michael did. Or you can imitate what someone does and because a less effective carbon copy, that while not taking anybody anyplace new, still be successful. I think for Justin since he was such a big MJ fan, he may have found himself imitaing Michael subconsciously. And, for his own artistic growth had to pull himself back from Michael, not to necessarily distance himself from what Michael has done, but allow himself to find what he is able to do and try to silence some of the criticism he had received.
I think the problem with Justin is that he is saying he does not imitate Michael when he does. When my sister and I read that quote of his we looked at each other and turned up our faces like,"Yeah, right."
I remember watching some show like Mad TV (which was in bad taste by the way) a while back and they were making fun of the way Justin so blatantly imitating, (not being influenced by) Michael. They were only making a joke out of a view that many people had. And, I'm sure justin was aware of it.
That is what the big difference is. You can take various styles and allow them to have an impact on who you are and allow them to take others to places they have never been as Michael did. Or you can imitate what someone does and because a less effective carbon copy, that while not taking anybody anyplace new, still be successful. I think for Justin since he was such a big MJ fan, he may have found himself imitaing Michael subconsciously. And, for his own artistic growth had to pull himself back from Michael, not to necessarily distance himself from what Michael has done, but allow himself to find what he is able to do and try to silence some of the criticism he had received.

Agree, but I want to add this.

In order for an artist to grow, it has to come from within. They have to get in touch with that energy that drives them & make it happen.

They have to be humble and blessed they have the drive to transform that energy, whether it comes from God, the fans, the need for expressing their feelings, or a combination of all three.

And that energy transforms itself into art.

I think Justin is talented, but his personality stinks. He's mean to his fans, he's ungrateful to the artists who've influenced him and he behaved in a cowardly and smarmy fashion when the whole Superbowl thing happened.

What energy drives Justin Timberlake? What does he have to offer to the world?

Again, not saying he is as good or better than Michael. But Justin Timberlake is the closest thing to Michael Jackson today. Not to say hes close to being Michael Jackson, but hes the closest to him out of all the other artists out there.

I thoroughly and wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. Justin has to grow from within, he has to let go of his ego and become more humble & grateful for his gift. He has to be more appreciative of the people that came before him and the people who he affects with his music.
Wake up fans!
Being in this state of dissing and disrespecting others wont make michael come back! sorry.
Get a life and focus on some more positive things then hating, dissing and focus on the negative. .

and thats not disrespectful

i think nothing is wrong with justin and it,s nice he and his music is inspired by michael.
Michael,s life and music will live on thourgh the music of others

that wasn't the point people were making.. its that he says he doesnt imitate him when its quite obvious he imitates, or imitated him at one time,him in various ways. it doesn't matter to me that he does, the point people were making is that he denies it. why? is it cuz he decided he 'hates the man'? even in the photos in the booklet of the justified album..he even copies a couple of iconic mj poses. so he cant deny it. im was fan of justin too, not too bothered about him now, but i dont dislike or hate him.

people are taking what some of us are saying in the wrong way.

theres no point carry this 'discussion' on if people are going to misinterpret/not read what people have said. also theres no point carrrying it on if its just an argument where nobody listens to each other and people can't be respectful.
Agree, but I want to add this.

In order for an artist to grow, it has to come from within. They have to get in touch with that energy that drives them & make it happen.

They have to be humble and blessed they have the drive toi transform that energy, whether it comes from God, the fans, the need for expressing their feelings, or a combination of all three.

And that energy transforms itself into art.

I think Justin is talented, but his personality stinks. He's mean to his fans, he's ungrateful to the artists who've influenced him and he behaved in a cowardly and smarmy fashion when the whole Superbowl thing happened.

What energy drives Justin Timberlake? What does he have to offer to the world?

I thoroughly and wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. Justin has to grow from within, he has to let go of his ego and become more humble & grateful for his gift. He has to be more appreciative of the people that came before him and the people who he affects with his music.

He's still the closest thing to MJ that there is. IMO
He's still the closest thing to MJ that there is. IMO

The only artist closest to Michael is Michael - for eternity. Michael broke the mold when he decided to become a solo artist.

And sorry, I won't take poor substitutes.

I'd rather Justin go to therapy and work out those anger issues & be more humble & grateful for what he has. He'll become a better artist and a better person.
hahah!!! What had Justin done to deserve all these critisism from MJ fans? lol!

I never like Justin, ever since the day he came out with N'sync just because I'm a huge Backstreet Boys fan that time they were huge rivals! lol!
He's still the closest thing to MJ that there is. IMO

In that he can sing and dance yeh. Justin is a really good dancer especially with choreographed pieces. I can't think of anyone who is like MJ though, who has the extra something he had that put him on another level to artists that are around today.
The only artist closest to Michael is Michael - for eternity. Michael broke the mold when he decided to become a solo artist.

And sorry, I won't take poor substitutes.

I'd rather Justin go to therapy and work out those anger issues & be more humble & grateful for what he has. He'll become a better artist and a better person.

Yes but if anyone is closest to Michael. Its Justin Timberlake. Forgive me for possibly ruining the page. But it would go something like this.

Michael Jackson

Justin Timberlake

Chris Brown and the others.
Some of you people really are ridiculous.

Somehow saying Michael took a few things from John Travolta is comparing John Travolta to MJ?! How did you gather that from what I said?

Ill tell you how, because in all of your minds whenever anything even slightly slightly negative is said about Michael you all go on the ultra defensive! When its clearly clearly not needed.

Now your all trying to make out that I was comparing John Travolta to MJ in terms of talent!? WTF!? I just said that Michael took a few things from him! How you took that as me saying John Travolta was as good as MJ ill never ever know........

You guys are making fools out of yourselves, save your defending of Michael for when its really needed instead of twisting things I say and making out im saying things that I really never said. Did you hear me say John Travolta is as good or better than MJ!? No.........if that was the poitn I was trying to make. I would have just said that...no?

Its ridiculous! I swear sometimes you guys are just so infuriating.

You all would see the word 'steal' as being malicious because your looking for the worst in everything I say even if its only the slightest bit negative.

You all either need to read things more carefully, or at least ATTEMPT to understand what someone else is saying before you go on the defensive. But you just read something slightly negative and as soon as you hear that your brains just tell you to DEFEND! Well stop it........please.
Being that we can't see your face. We can only respond by your wording. Steal means theft.
There is no other way to interpret what you mean. Mean what you say and say what you mean.
Being that we can't see your face. We can only respond by your wording. Steal means theft.
There is no other way to interpret what you mean. Mean what you say and say what you mean.

People use the world steal or stole all the time. Its just because I used it in assosciation with Michael that people are taking exception to it.

Look at yourselves, getting all worked up just because I used the word stole. Its ridiculous! It is really not a big deal.
L.T.D. You are funny. I think you are right. Though as an artist I think Ne-Yo is very good and may be as good as JT even though he may not be as successful a solo artist.

Shimar, I think you are right about that humility thing. Even when a person is a good artist, if their ego is too big (esp when it doesn't have a reason to be) it inhibits their growth and popularity.
Real fans we are being silly including myself. We shouldn't justify these ridiculous claims of MJ being a thief with a comment. His fans would not say he stole moves and anything else because it is a lot of none fans out there doing it. It is upsetting I know because we all supposed to love MJ on this site while not always agreeing on everything. There is one thing we should agree on is not to degrade MJ by calling him a thief of his artistry and comparing him or entertaining the comparison to people that are not of his caliber. For that I apologize to your memory MJ for falling into such a silly trap for people who don't know.
I don't hate everything but MJ.

But If You Hate On Mike, you best believe, I'm going to Hate On You.

And I usually don't hate on no one, but there is an exception to every rule.
Oh give me a break. We use slang all the time. i know when you say someone stole something in a slang term, it can mean a broad range of things included borrowed, influenced, and more negative terms. If we are to only say things exactly as we mean them, then slang is out the door and we must all speak in proper English.

We have to give allowances for colloquial interpretations. Even if you take it one way and he says he means it another, then take him at his word and move on.