Justin Timberlake On Michael Jackson: '99.79 Percent Of His Songs Are Perfect'

I suggest the people that are getting upset because we don't support Justin T. on a Michael Jackson fan forum post their love for JT on his site such as we are doing on MJ's site. I am sure he will appreciate the support. We should not be ridiculed for supporting MJ on an MJ fan forum.
Real fans we are being silly including myself. We shouldn't justify these ridiculous claims of MJ being a thief with a comment. His fans would not say he stole moves and anything else because it is a lot of none fans out there doing it. It is upsetting I know because we all supposed to love MJ on this site while not always agreeing on everything. There is one thing we should agree on is not to degrade MJ by calling him a thief of his artistry and comparing him or entertaining the comparison to people that are not of his caliber. For that I apologize to your memory MJ for falling into such a silly trap for people who don't know.

Oh give me a break. Some of you need to break into the real world.

If I said, Ricky Gervais stole that joke from Mr. Blankety Blank. Nobody would see it as malicious.

Its only because im talking about Michael that people see it as being malicious.

Now im calling MJ because I said he stole moves from Grease. GIVE ME A BREAK. You guys just takes things and runnnnnn with them. :\

I suggest the people that are getting upset because we don't support Justin T. on a Michael Jackson fan forum post their love for JT on his site such as we are doing on MJ's site. I am sure he will appreciate the support. We should not be ridiculed for supporting MJ on an MJ fan forum.

Your not being ridiculed because your supporting MJ.

You dont have to support Justin Timberlake. However I would like the question the reasoning behind it. As I have been doing.

I swear these posters are getting annoying who come in and read one post and jump into the arguement. If you havent read all my posts, your not going to understand what im talking about. Simple as that. Thats not aimed at anyone in particular btw.
But if he says that is not what he means, then why not accept it as being what he means.

BTW my mom and dad are from Tallahassee. We usually fly in to Jacksonville to see our grandparents and aunts, uncles, etc. Yeah, FL.
You take offense to our response because you do not like what we are saying, but isn't our privilege not to like what you are saying. I'm not trying to change anyone's statements just stop bashing me for mine.
I am aware of slang. But in the context of some statements stole was use as took moves. Not borrowed or influenced by but took.

Borrowed would imply that he was intending to return it to them :\

Influenced is to much of a strong word. I would say he was influenced by it, just took a few things from it.

That leaves the words took or stole to use. I picked stole :)

The word stole can be used in one of two ways.

:O OMG! He stole that from that person! He stole that persons Carrot! :O:O


Haha yeah, I stole that joke from my friend Edward the 5th. :)

You take offense to our response because you do not like what we are saying, but isn't our privilege not to like what you are saying. I'm not trying to change anyone's statements just stop bashing me for mine.

Im the one taking offense........? Yeah.........right :\
No response. It is not worth. Have a good day or night.

You would think I had just made a personal attack on MJ. I just said he stole one or two moves from Grease and perhaps the style as well.

If people are upset because I used the word stole then id hate to see how you react when MJ gets called a pedophile. :\
I thought I'd already explained the style thing.

Can people just quit it now, its really silly.
You would think I had just made a personal attack on MJ. I just said he stole one or two moves from Grease and perhaps the style as well.

If people are upset because I used the word stole then id hate to see how you react when MJ gets called a pedophile. :\


I respect your opinions but honestly the word STOLE I feel it is offensive for someone like Michael coming from his fan, especially that he is dead…
I thought I'd already explained the style thing.

Can people just quit it now, its really silly.

You did, and I took it into account and think you are right.

I was just questioning what people think I have said that is offensive to MJ :\ Im afraid I cant just leave it when people are questioning my loyalty as a fan among other things because of a few minor things I picked up on.


I respect your opinions but honestly the word STOLE I feel it is offensive for someone like Michael coming from his fan, especially that he is dead…

Perhaps its a matter of where people are from. Where I live people would not take the word stole offensively in this context. Read ginvids post at the end of page 6. He said it better than me.
Can we stop upsetting each other please.

We have enough to deal with from people who call him horrendous things.
Can we stop upsetting each other please.

We have enough to deal with from people who call him horrendous things.

Ok, but I honestly did not think anything I said would end up offending people :\
L.T.D - I'm talking about everybody here, not just you. Lets stop now. You shouldn't feel that your 'loyalty as a fan' is being questioned because of what you said...i hate all that crap.
Nice words by Justin, but kind of late I think. Over the past few years Justin distanced himself from Michael and didn't even mention him as an influence which is ridiculous since he has obviously been influenced by MJ. I remember watching his special on HBO for his "FutureSex/Love Sounds" album and he was asked who his influences were and he said Prince, Stevie Wonder, etc. but no mention of Michael. JT refused to mention Michael as an influence, but all anyone has to do is take a look at his whole "Justified" project and watch his performance of "Like I Love You" at the 2002 VMA's to see that it was all Michael there. Justin is silly for trying to act like MJ wasn't an influence.

At least Usher & Chris Brown never denied they were influenced by Michael and that's why I have more respect for them in that sense. They never denied the influence or distanced themselves like JT did when Michael was going through his hard times.

Again, nice of Justin to say what he did and I agree with what he said about Michael, but I can't help but remember how he acted towards Michael over the past few years and all of this is why I think he's fake and phony.

In each era, there were certain types and styles of dance. No one person invented it Not John T. Not MJ. etc. They take them and make them their own with their style and flair. The problem some have with J.T. is the lack of truth in his acknowledgement of his influence. Which the greatest entertainer of all time never shyed away from acknowledging.

Exactly!!! That's the bottom line here. Michael for one always spoke of his influences and gave acknowledgement. He always spoke of how much he loved James Brown and how much James influenced him. JT on the other hand blatantly copied Michael yet had the audacity to not even mention him as an influence. Just an overall lack of respect. I lost a lot of respect for Justin when he did that. I enjoy some of JT's music and think he has some talent, but I'll never forget how he distanced himself from Michael over the years, denied MJ's influence on him and almost acted embarrassed by the comparisons.
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Ive come into this thread and heard people saying they hate Justin Timberlake, and why? The guys got a good voice and has good songs and is a good dancer. I see a lot of fans telling MJ haters that they shouldnt judge Michael because they dont know him. But its perfectly fine to hate Justin Timberlake without knowing him.......hmm. I guess those rules only apply to Michael Jackson eh guys? :)

I don't like Timberlake because he is very rude and arrogant to his fans. I've read reports by fans who claim that they were ignored, mistreated and offended by Justin T.. Fans in Sweden, the Hotel owner and paparazzis claimed that Justin spat on his fans and threw food, ping pong balls and empty water bottles at them. A fan in whom Justin spat, videotaped the whole scene. When he went to TRL, many fans claimed that, when the cameras were on, Justin was very kind. When the cameras were off, Justin would ignore or be rude to his fans. There are thousands of reports from fans who claim that Justin was VERY rude to them. Besides, almost everyone who has met Justin claims that he is arrogant and cocky. Let's not even mention what he constantly does and says (check the MacDonalds report by three fans, the cinema report by two fans and the something-shop by a group of fans): "I'm Justin Timberlake. I can do whatever I want."

When he was on tour, everyday a new report of him being arrogant to his fans, would appear. A new story of a fan claiming he/she doesn't like/idolizes Justin anymore would appear.

Get why I hate Justin?

And JT is a BELOW AVERAGE dancer and a mediocre song-writer.
In my point of view, Justin has 4 good songs: Lovestoned, R.Y. Body, Cry Me A River and WGACAround.

Well, I must be a hater since I think Sexyback represents what music has become in the 00's: plastic pop, mediocre lyrics, laughable chorus, no real instruments and voice used.
I don't like Timberlake because he is very rude and arrogant to his fans. I've read reports by fans who claim that they were ignored, mistreated and offended by Justin T.. Fans in Sweden, the Hotel owner and paparazzis claimed that Justin spat on his fans and threw food, ping pong balls and empty water bottles at them. A fan in whom Justin spat, videotaped the whole scene. When he went to TRL, many fans claimed that, when the cameras were on, Justin was very kind. When the cameras were off, Justin would ignore or be rude to his fans. There are thousands of reports from fans who claim that Justin was VERY rude to them. Besides, almost everyone who has met Justin claims that he is arrogant and cocky. Let's not even mention what he constantly does and says (check the MacDonalds report by three fans, the cinema report by two fans and the something-shop by a group of fans): "I'm Justin Timberlake. I can do whatever I want."

When he was on tour, everyday a new report of him being arrogant to his fans, would appear. A new story of a fan claiming he/she doesn't like/idolizes Justin anymore would appear.

Get why I hate Justin?

And JT is a BELOW AVERAGE dancer and a mediocre song-writer.

believe tabloids do you?
No, I don't. This information never appeared in Tabloids. In fact, Tabs are very respectful towards Justin.

you really need to get your facts straight, this did apear in the tabloids and was on TMZ and Perez Hilton, the two biggest tabloid sites on the internet.
you really need to get your facts straight, this did apear in the tabloids and was on TMZ and Perez Hilton, the two biggest tabloid sites on the internet.

The TRL thing NEVER appeared on tabloids. The Sweden incident never appeared on tabloids. The Australia incidents never appeared on tabloids.
And 100 percent of JT's songs are imperfect. I do know he secretly respects Janet & Michael and what is the meaning of this thread?
Whoever thinks that Justin Timberlake can even be in the same range with Michael,let alone be better than him is clearly... well... an idiot.
MJ fans are too over precious sometimes, this thread shows that alot. JT is JT and MJ is MJ, what exatcly has JT done wrong here? Who cares if earlier on he said he wasn't influenced by MJ, maybe only recently he has realised that infact he is heavily influenced by MJ? He has praised MJ here, give him a break and calm down.
Plim-plizzle, my nizzle, don' foget bouts tha six-fo, chuch, dawg up in da hood, chilly my grilly. fo sho. :yu:


Michael copied John Travolta but never acknowledged it.................

Justin Timberlake copied Michael Jackson but never acknowledged it.

What do you have to say about that.........?

Well I sincerely doubt Michael coreographed the TWYMMF video entirely on his own, don't you think it's a very real possibility that a choreographer came up with that? :smilerolleyes:

What other words would you use for it? Michael stole the whole black pants, white socks and black loafers thing from Grease.

omg. just LOOLLL. Michael wore loafers and white socks since he was a kid. Check back through old photoshoots. It's what he wore when he was at home and obviously what he was most comfortable in. Hence why he wore it for years and years and it became a trademark look for him. It was the fashion then. At least to Michael it was, because he idolised James Brown, Jackie Wilson and Sammy Davis Jr. The careers of all these guys kicked off guess when? In the 50s. When Grease is set. And all 3 men wore loafers or smart shoes with white socks. I think it's far far far far more likely MJ was thinking of his heroes James Brown or Jackie Wilson when he asked for his first pair of loafers (years before the movie Grease even came out).

Mr. James Brown and his loafers



Mr. Jackie Wilson and his loafers



Mr. Sammy Davis and his loafers



Mr. Michael Jackson and his loafers

5 years before Grease


6 years before Grease


Michael also wrote (in Moonwalk if I remember correctly, it's been a while since I read it) that his brothers use to tease him when they were kids because he would insist on wearing white socks with his shoes, when to them it looked old fashioned. But later on it became a trademark and kids all over the world would copy the look and Michael said he loved it because he liked to be a trendsetter.
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Thank you for this photo proof! I knew I've seen photos of a teen MJ wearing the white socks & loafers waaay before Grease came out but didn't have the time to dig them up.

To say that MJ "took/stole" the look from Grease is preposterous and untrue, otherwise, MJ would've said it himself. He was never afraid to give credit where credit is due, because he is humble & truthful.

omg. just LOOLLL. Michael wore loafers and white socks since he was a kid. Check back through old photoshoots. It's what he wore when he was at home and obviously what he was most comfortable in. Hence why he wore it for years and years and it became a trademark look for him. It was the fashion then. At least to Michael it was, because he idolised James Brown, Jackie Wilson and Sammy Davis Jr. The careers of all these guys kicked off guess when? In the 50s. When Grease is set. And all 3 men wore loafers or smart shoes with white socks. I think it's far far far far more likely MJ was thinking of his heroes James Brown or Jackie Wilson when he asked for his first pair of loafers (years before the movie Grease even came out).

Mr. James Brown and his loafers



Mr. Jackie Wilson and his loafers



Mr. Sammy Davis and his loafers



Mr. Michael Jackson and his loafers

5 years before Grease


6 years before Grease


Michael also wrote (in Moonwalk if I remember correctly, it's been a while since I read it) that his brothers use to tease him when they were kids because he would insist on wearing white socks with his shoes, when to them it looked old fashioned. But later on it became a trademark and kids all over the world would copy the look and Michael said he loved it because he liked to be a trendsetter.