Justin Timberlake On Michael Jackson: '99.79 Percent Of His Songs Are Perfect'

omg. just LOOLLL. Michael wore loafers and white socks since he was a kid. Check back through old photoshoots. It's what he wore when he was at home and obviously what he was most comfortable in. Hence why he wore it for years and years and it became a trademark look for him. It was the fashion then. At least to Michael it was, because he idolised James Brown, Jackie Wilson and Sammy Davis Jr. The careers of all these guys kicked off guess when? In the 50s. When Grease is set. And all 3 men wore loafers or smart shoes with white socks. I think it's far far far far more likely MJ was thinking of his heroes James Brown or Jackie Wilson when he asked for his first pair of loafers (years before the movie Grease even came out).

Mr. James Brown and his loafers



Mr. Jackie Wilson and his loafers



Mr. Sammy Davis and his loafers



Mr. Michael Jackson and his loafers

5 years before Grease


6 years before Grease


Michael also wrote (in Moonwalk if I remember correctly, it's been a while since I read it) that his brothers use to tease him when they were kids because he would insist on wearing white socks with his shoes, when to them it looked old fashioned. But later on it became a trademark and kids all over the world would copy the look and Michael said he loved it because he liked to be a trendsetter.

THANK YOU :clapping:

Now I can say that the case is closed :)

Well I sincerely doubt Michael coreographed the TWYMMF video entirely on his own, don't you think it's a very real possibility that a choreographer came up with that? :smilerolleyes:

omg. just LOOLLL. Michael wore loafers and white socks since he was a kid. Check back through old photoshoots. It's what he wore when he was at home and obviously what he was most comfortable in. Hence why he wore it for years and years and it became a trademark look for him. It was the fashion then. At least to Michael it was, because he idolised James Brown, Jackie Wilson and Sammy Davis Jr. The careers of all these guys kicked off guess when? In the 50s. When Grease is set. And all 3 men wore loafers or smart shoes with white socks. I think it's far far far far more likely MJ was thinking of his heroes James Brown or Jackie Wilson when he asked for his first pair of loafers (years before the movie Grease even came out).

Mr. James Brown and his loafers



Mr. Jackie Wilson and his loafers



Mr. Sammy Davis and his loafers



Mr. Michael Jackson and his loafers

5 years before Grease


6 years before Grease


Michael also wrote (in Moonwalk if I remember correctly, it's been a while since I read it) that his brothers use to tease him when they were kids because he would insist on wearing white socks with his shoes, when to them it looked old fashioned. But later on it became a trademark and kids all over the world would copy the look and Michael said he loved it because he liked to be a trendsetter.

This arguement ended yesterday.......we all decided to stop.

Besides, none of those photos show the black loafers with the white socks and black pants. They are just regular pants with loafers..... :\

But whatever, this is over now.
justin does imitate MJ. during the 30th anniversary while 'nsync and the jackson 5 were dancing to 'dancing machine' justin was the only one who was coping mj every1 else was doing their own thing.
This arguement ended yesterday.......we all decided to stop.

Besides, none of those photos show the black loafers with the white socks and black pants. They are just regular pants with loafers..... :\

But whatever, this is over now.

Please stop. We don't need this on our MJ home site. We are all hurting and it is very hard to take some harsh criticism at times about Michael. We have heard enough from outsiders and it is hard to take on this website because we call it home. No offense and not trying to make you feel bad. That is how I feel. Justin doen't need defending he is still alive and has time to prove himself worthy, but Mike is no longer here and I personally am very protective of his memory and legacy.
This arguement ended yesterday.......we all decided to stop.

Besides, none of those photos show the black loafers with the white socks and black pants. They are just regular pants with loafers..... :\

But whatever, this is over now.

Are you BLIND??

The basketball one with the brothers??

omg. just LOOLLL. Michael wore loafers and white socks since he was a kid. Check back through old photoshoots. It's what he wore when he was at home and obviously what he was most comfortable in. Hence why he wore it for years and years and it became a trademark look for him. It was the fashion then. At least to Michael it was, because he idolised James Brown, Jackie Wilson and Sammy Davis Jr. The careers of all these guys kicked off guess when? In the 50s. When Grease is set. And all 3 men wore loafers or smart shoes with white socks. I think it's far far far far more likely MJ was thinking of his heroes James Brown or Jackie Wilson when he asked for his first pair of loafers (years before the movie Grease even came out).

Mr. James Brown and his loafers



Mr. Jackie Wilson and his loafers



Mr. Sammy Davis and his loafers



Mr. Michael Jackson and his loafers

5 years before Grease


6 years before Grease


Michael also wrote (in Moonwalk if I remember correctly, it's been a while since I read it) that his brothers use to tease him when they were kids because he would insist on wearing white socks with his shoes, when to them it looked old fashioned. But later on it became a trademark and kids all over the world would copy the look and Michael said he loved it because he liked to be a trendsetter.

Thanks for proving them wrong. This community definitely needs members like you. :)
This arguement ended yesterday.......we all decided to stop.

Besides, none of those photos show the black loafers with the white socks and black pants. They are just regular pants with loafers..... :\

But whatever, this is over now.

You know what?

No, it's NOT over.

You started this mess will your asinine accusations and you got pwned by Adore.

So own up to it.
Since some people want to claim that Michael copied others which he did acknowledge. I would like to know whom he copied the 'Crotch Grabbing' from? Everyone seems to be doing it nowadays.
Michael was unique in his style of dancing whether it was inspired or not. He made it better or changed some of the elements to the dance. He is effortless in his dances.

And why are we, who cannot even dance 1/100th like him, commenting on this??
Other people read these threads. Maybe, some one will sue Michael's Estate for him stealing their dance!! as you fans/haters or whatever are claiming..

BTW it was not John Trovolta's dance it was his choeorgrapher's dance..

Have we become so pathetic that we are discussing Loafers? Damn, they are comfortable shoes to dance in..And why up till the time of his death (I hate using that word) he wore white socks and loafers? Did they wear Sparkly white socks back then?
Everyone copies Michael's way of dressing and that is the biggest compliment to any performer.

Go Shimar girl!!lol!
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Since some people want to claim that Michael copied others which he did acknowledge. I would like to know whom he copied the 'Crotch Grabbing' from? Everyone seems to be doing it nowadays.
Michael was unique in his style of dancing whether it was inspired or not. He made it better or changed some of the elements to the dance. He is effortless in his dances.

And why are we, who cannot even dance 1/100th like him, commenting on this??
Other people read these threads. Maybe, some one will sue Michael's Estate for him stealing their dance!! as you fans/haters or whatever are claiming..

BTW it was not John Trovolta's dance it was his choeorgrapher's dance..
I have really been upset by this. I may need to stay away for a few days and the call themselves fans. I don't know. I am confused. No offense. I don't mean to hurt anyone but I am hurting
This arguement ended yesterday.......we all decided to stop.

Besides, none of those photos show the black loafers with the white socks and black pants. They are just regular pants with loafers..... :\

But whatever, this is over now.

L.T.D. I was very open-minded to accept your opinions despite that you called us ridiculous, lazy, infuriating, you said “Some of you need to break into the real world”, you also said “you guys are making fools out of yourselves”, etc… You even called Michael a “stealer”…. And you can’t handle Adore’s response!!! Now how would you feel if someone called you a sore loser! :come_here:
You know what?

No, it's NOT over.

You started this mess will your asinine accusations and you got pwned by Adore.

So own up to it.

I didnt decide it would be over and you dont have that power either. I will decide when its over, not you. Someone asked kindly if we could call a treuce because we were all upsetting each other. So I left it there.

Why are you getting all worked up and bothered. Better yet, why is EVERYONE getting so worked up and bothered?

I used the word steal. I apologise if people see that as being malicious but it wasnt meant that way. Ive explained that over and over again but people cant seem to accept it for whatever reason.

I said Michael stole a move or two from John Travolta. Perhaps I was wrong saying that. I was better in saying he stole a move or two from Grease since John Travolta didnt choreograph it.

Adore posted a few pictures. One of which Michael was wearing white socks, black pants and loafers. Theres a difference between him wearing white socks under the pants and them being visible. To him pulling up the pants to clearly see the socks. It wasnt done as a trademark back then. Michael made it a trademark to have the pants pulled up to show the white socks. Michael didnt make it a trademark until around the Triumph Tour.

Everyone is making out as if im against Michael or something. I havent said one bad thing about him. Whether I was right or wrong. The thing people seem to be taking exception to is that I used the word stole. Its not really a big deal depending on where you come from. But ive apologised for it if people have taken it the wrong way. But again, IT WASNT MEANT LIKE THAT. Whether you want to accept that or not.

L.T.D. I was very open-minded to accept your opinions despite that you called us ridiculous, lazy, infuriating, you said “Some of you need to break into the real world”, you also said “you guys are making fools out of yourselves”, etc… You even called Michael a “stealer”…. And you can’t handle Adore’s response!!! Now how would you feel if someone called you a sore loser! :come_here:

I didnt call Michael a stealer, as that is not a real word. I said he stole moves from Grease...whether I was right or wrong.

Its not my fault if people took the word 'stole' the wrong way. Where I come from, people use that word all the time without it being malicious.

I said those things because its the only way to get through to you all. I didnt just say that off the bat it built up to that. Post after post I explained my reasoning behind saying certain things but people didnt listen. They would rather believe that I am against Michael and that I was comparing him to JT in terms of ability and all that crap. How would you react if people were doubting your loyalty as a MJ fan over and over again just because of them blowing something minor WAY WAY WAY out of proportion.?

What makes you think I couldnt handle Adores response? :S I replied to it. I said it was over now because it was all settled yesterday when one poster requested we all stop because people where getting upset. Not because I was backing off.

I have really been upset by this. I may need to stay away for a few days and the call themselves fans. I don't know. I am confused. No offense. I don't mean to hurt anyone but I am hurting

Oh please.........you would think id just come in and called him a pedophile or something by the way your talking.

I said he 'stole' couple of moves from Grease. Whether I was right or wrong it wasnt a big deal.
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Well I sincerely doubt Michael coreographed the TWYMMF video entirely on his own, don't you think it's a very real possibility that a choreographer came up with that? :smilerolleyes:

omg. just LOOLLL. Michael wore loafers and white socks since he was a kid. Check back through old photoshoots. It's what he wore when he was at home and obviously what he was most comfortable in. Hence why he wore it for years and years and it became a trademark look for him. It was the fashion then. At least to Michael it was, because he idolised James Brown, Jackie Wilson and Sammy Davis Jr. The careers of all these guys kicked off guess when? In the 50s. When Grease is set. And all 3 men wore loafers or smart shoes with white socks. I think it's far far far far more likely MJ was thinking of his heroes James Brown or Jackie Wilson when he asked for his first pair of loafers (years before the movie Grease even came out).

Mr. James Brown and his loafers



Mr. Jackie Wilson and his loafers



Mr. Sammy Davis and his loafers



Mr. Michael Jackson and his loafers

5 years before Grease


6 years before Grease


Michael also wrote (in Moonwalk if I remember correctly, it's been a while since I read it) that his brothers use to tease him when they were kids because he would insist on wearing white socks with his shoes, when to them it looked old fashioned. But later on it became a trademark and kids all over the world would copy the look and Michael said he loved it because he liked to be a trendsetter.

Thank you :)
I have really been upset by this. I may need to stay away for a few days and the call themselves fans. I don't know. I am confused. No offense. I don't mean to hurt anyone but I am hurting

I am sorry that you got hurt… :hug: I feel responsible because I posted this news item and didn’t expect the discussion to go that far… I also got upset and I think mods should close this thread.
Don't get his success at all, some critics act like he's a genius, he's just an overrated rip off artist who let Janet take all the blame for the Superbowl incident, he didn't even want to know her after that, he only wanted to save his own ass.
I didnt decide it would be over and you dont have that power either. I will decide when its over, not you. Someone asked kindly if we could call a treuce because we were all upsetting each other. So I left it there.

Why are you getting all worked up and bothered. Better yet, why is EVERYONE getting so worked up and bothered?

I used the word steal. I apologise if people see that as being malicious but it wasnt meant that way. Ive explained that over and over again but people cant seem to accept it for whatever reason.

I said Michael stole a move or two from John Travolta. Perhaps I was wrong saying that. I was better in saying he stole a move or two from Grease since John Travolta didnt choreograph it.

Adore posted a few pictures. One of which Michael was wearing white socks, black pants and loafers. Theres a difference between him wearing white socks under the pants and them being visible. To him pulling up the pants to clearly see the socks. It wasnt done as a trademark back then. Michael made it a trademark to have the pants pulled up to show the white socks. Michael didnt make it a trademark until around the Triumph Tour.

Everyone is making out as if im against Michael or something. I havent said one bad thing about him. Whether I was right or wrong. The thing people seem to be taking exception to is that I used the word stole. Its not really a big deal depending on where you come from. But ive apologised for it if people have taken it the wrong way. But again, IT WASNT MEANT LIKE THAT. Whether you want to accept that or not.

I didnt call Michael a stealer, as that is not a real word. I said he stole moves from Grease...whether I was right or wrong.

Its not my fault if people took the word 'stole' the wrong way. Where I come from, people use that word all the time without it being malicious.

I said those things because its the only way to get through to you all. I didnt just say that off the bat it built up to that. Post after post I explained my reasoning behind saying certain things but people didnt listen. They would rather believe that I am against Michael and that I was comparing him to JT in terms of ability and all that crap. How would you react if people were doubting your loyalty as a MJ fan over and over again just because of them blowing something minor WAY WAY WAY out of proportion.?

What makes you think I couldnt handle Adores response? :S I replied to it. I said it was over now because it was all settled yesterday when one poster requested we all stop because people where getting upset. Not because I was backing off.

Oh please.........you would think id just come in and called him a pedophile or something by the way your talking.

I said he 'stole' couple of moves from Grease. Whether I was right or wrong it wasnt a big deal.

A fan wouldn't use Michael Jackson and pedophile in the same sentence, paragraph or whatever.
Don't get his success at all, some critics act like he's a genius, he's just an overrated rip off artist who let Janet take all the blame for the Superbowl incident, he didn't even want to know her after that, he only wanted to save his own ass.

Ill agree that they do overhype him and hes is nowhere near a genius.

He is still very good at what he does though.

I like quite a lot of his songs. On Justified alone there are a few songs that people dont even know about that are very good.
Listen to 'Take it from here' and 'Lets take a ride'. Both great songs among the other obvious songs such as 'Rock Your Body', 'Like I Love You', 'Senorita', and 'Cry Me a River'.

From his second album there is a song called 'Damn Girl' which is a great song which people dont know about. Also a song called 'Until The End of Time'. The actual song isnt that good, but the live version is brilliant.

A fan wouldn't use Michael Jackson and pedophile in the same sentence, paragraph or whatever.

You mean like you just did? :S

Look, im on a Michael Jackson forum. Love all of his songs, think he was ana amazingly wonderful man and too good for this earth. Had tickets to see him live which was my dream. Does this not make me a fan? Please dont question my love for Michael.

Look your obviously a very very sensitive person. So why not steer clear of what im saying if it bothers you so much? :S
Great. Really Great. Have a good day L.T.D. I am not going to name call. Hope you really and truly have a good day. I apologize if I hurt your feelings in any way. Good Day.
Great. Really Great. Have a good day L.T.D. I am not going to name call. Hope you really and truly have a good day. I apologize if I hurt your feelings in any way. Good Day.

Dont worry you didnt. Erm.....cya?
Why are you getting all worked up and bothered. Better yet, why is EVERYONE getting so worked up and bothered?

*goes back and looks at the full length of your post*

um, who's the one who's getting worked up again?

And I don't know what you're talking about when you say people where you're from use the world stole or thief or whatever lightly. I have never heard that. As if there is a nice way to accuse someone of thievery...

Don't get his success at all, some critics act like he's a genius, he's just an overrated rip off artist who let Janet take all the blame for the Superbowl incident, he didn't even want to know her after that, he only wanted to save his own ass.

Overrated definitely. I thought what he did after Superbowl was just cowardly.
*goes back and looks at the full length of your post*

um, who's the one who's getting worked up again?

And I don't know what you're talking about when you say people where you're from use the world stole or thief or whatever lightly. I have never heard that. As if there is a nice way to accuse someone of thievery...

Overrated definitely. I thought what he did after Superbowl was just cowardly.

Thievery as in stealing a joke from someone or stealing someones idea. Not stealing as in someones personal possesions.

As I said yesterday. If I were to say a certain comedian stole a joke from another comedian. You wouldnt think anything of it.

Were talking about stealing a dance move from someone or a certain look. Not talking about stealing money or something. Then I might understand.

Yes, I was getting worked up. But I was questioning why all of you were getting worked up. I didnt doubt I was getting worked up :)

I was getting worked up because people are doubting my loyalty as a fan and are blowing things I say out of proportion.

People here are getting worked up because of my poor choice of wording, which I explained and apologized for but continue to be wound up.
*goes back and looks at the full length of your post*

um, who's the one who's getting worked up again?

And I don't know what you're talking about when you say people where you're from use the world stole or thief or whatever lightly. I have never heard that. As if there is a nice way to accuse someone of thievery...

Overrated definitely. I thought what he did after Superbowl was just cowardly.

Thievery as in stealing a joke from someone or stealing someones idea. Not stealing as in someones personal possesions.

As I said yesterday. If I were to say a certain comedian stole a joke from another comedian. You wouldnt think anything of it.

Were talking about stealing a dance move from someone or a certain look. Not talking about stealing money or something. Then I might understand.

Yes, I was getting worked up. But I was questioning why all of you were getting worked up. I didnt doubt I was getting worked up :)

I made a thread based on "one of the discussions" in this thread :D


anyways, there is no point of arguing about a trash like JT just quit it already

Thats only your opinion though. I, and many others happen to disgaree with you.
Creation process implies originality but expanding on ideas as well.

Everybody knows that MJ is an improvising genius, right? He produced unusual, unique and “eccentric” ideas that was his alone.

Now what is wrong with taking a central idea, developing, expanding and elaborating the original thought? One can add its unique creativity on that knowledge. Or be able to link things in ways that no one had ever thought before.
Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci drew by first observing and measuring. Their creation is no less original or less genial because they copied human form. They added their original vision.

Copying is the first essential tool in any learning. Can be first step in creation process. Timberlake is stuck there.
I uploaded a little Michael Jackson related clip of Justin (and Pharrell) in the studio for anyone that is interested.
So this is for you who like Justin, and you who don't can just ignore it so I don't waste your time.

This was recorded somewhere in between 2001-2002.


EDIT: Oh, and a warning for anyone having a problem with profane language :)

EDIT2: BTW, you can in the first bit hear Pharrell's demo version of "Like I Love You" - That demo was recorded before Justin arrived in the studio, and I kind of wonder if it's the same version they sent to Michael. Or if the version they sent to Michael even had any vocals on it.
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i just finished reading this whole thread and it was a lot of fun!

lmfao at l.t.d for saying michael stole dance moves and style from john travolta ahahahahaha

first of all, you should have said he stole from danny zuko lol don't think john went walking around in white socks with high water pants, when not in his role of danny zuko. i'm sure if michael did get any ideas from the movie grease and danny zuko, we would have heard about his love and inspiration for it lol too funny
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i just finished reading this whole thread and it was a lot of fun!

lmfao at l.t.d for saying michael stole dance moves and style from john travolta ahahahahaha

first of all, you should have said he stole from danny zuko lol don't think john went walking around in white socks with high water pants, when not in his role of danny zuko. i'm sure if michael did get any ideas from the movie grease and danny zuko, we would have heard about his love and inspiration for it lol too funny

When I say John Travolta...you know what I mean. I simply couldnt remember his name in the film.

The ammount of laughter you put in that post just makes you look immature and foolish tbh. You didnt need to put lmfao and hahahahaha etc. to convey to people how silly it was of me to say he stole it from John Travolta and not Danny Zuko. I simply didnt know his name in the film.

Thats hilarious.......... :\

P.S I am continuing to use the word stole because I know if I stop using it and start using another word. SOMEBODY will pop up and say 'Ohhh, but you used the word STOLE before! Now your just trying to back away from it'

Something like that anyway.
When I say John Travolta...you know what I mean. I simply couldnt remember his name in the film.

The ammount of laughter you put in that post just makes you look immature and foolish tbh. You didnt need to put lmfao and hahahahaha etc. to convey to people how silly it was of me to say he stole it from John Travolta and not Danny Zuko. I simply didnt know his name in the film.

Thats hilarious.......... :\

ahaha laughing is immature and foolish? lol I thought it was hilarious that you seriously feel michael stole his fashion and dance moves from the movie grease. never heard that one before!

I wasn't laughing because you didn't know what john's name was in the film lol
ahaha laughing is immature and foolish? lol I thought it was hilarious that you seriously feel michael stole his fashion and dance moves from the movie grease. never heard that one before!

I wasn't laughing because you didn't know what john's name was in the film lol

Its immature and foolish that you felt that you needed to type out laughter in order to try and make me look stupid. I suppose the laughter was to make up for what you lack in being able to put together a well thought out paragraph which proves me wrong.

Oh you thought it was hilarious? Hilarious as in laughing out loud hilarious? So your telling me you sat there and read what I said an laughed out loud? Please, and if you did actually sit there and laugh out loud at what ive said then you really need to broaden your horizons in terms of humour :\

Youve never heard it before, well you cant have looked far because Ive heard it tons of times. Its not that much of a far fetched claim. John Travolta is wearing the same exact thing waist down as MJ did for years and years afterwards. Anybody could make that connection. I didnt say I felt Michael stole 'ALL' his fashion from Grease. Just the pants, loafers and socks thing and one or two of the dance moves.

You didnt really find it funny, you just think that if you make it out to be hilarious that you will belittle me.