Justin Timberlake On Michael Jackson: '99.79 Percent Of His Songs Are Perfect'

In each era, there were certain types and styles of dance. No one person invented it Not John T. Not MJ. etc. They take them and make them their own with their style and flair. The problem some have with J.T. is the lack of truth in his acknowledgement of his influence. Which the greatest entertainer of all time never shyed away from acknowledging.
i just keep thinking back to the Geraldo interview with MJ in 2005. He said in all his years in the business; he never had to tear another artist down to make his work sell. I'm not saying that is what JT is doing. MJ always had this level humility about him and graciousness that I think is missing among some artist. Like I said earlier, used to like JT until he abandoned Janet on the Super Bowl incident. It has something to do with his character not the music. The character makes me dislike the music. Sorry, call me human.
Originally Posted by Jabz
Justin is not the best dancer ever, especially when freestyling, but the level of the choreography he performs is of a very high standard and much more technical than anything Michael done:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed (not to say he couldn't do it), with the exception of Ghosts maybe.
Are you sh*tting me?

Because Justin can do more technical moves than the dances in Smooth Criminal, Beat It, Billie Jean, Ghosts, Remember the Time, You Rock My World, Thriller...not to mention all the MJ concert footage from Bad, Dangerous and HIStory.

Right. And pigs just flew right outside my window.

That's the problem with Justin and Chris Brown. Sure they can do the dance moves, but they don't have their HEART & SOUL in it. They just do for the money and to score chicks.

Michael did EVERYTHING with every ounce of fire & passion, even when he wasn't perfect, he did it flawless even with his quirks and imperfections made it charming & endearing because it was REAL. Everything Michael did - and I mean EVERYTHING - he does it with SOUL and passion and LOVE for the fans and for the art itself.

Like Prince Rogers Nelson said, "bringing Sexy Back? As far I know, Sexy never left."

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:bugeyedA definite MIS-QUOTE of the CENTURY!!!!!:bugeyed

i mean i don't hate JT but come on:hysterical: to compare the so-called artists of the today's, ability to

dance better than MJ:hysterical: technical or not:hysterical: i am sorry:hysterical: ok:hysterical: i am better now:hysterical:


sorry... leaving this thread.:hysterical:

I'm with you. :clapping:
Are you sh*tting me?

Because Justin can do more technical moves than the dances in Smooth Criminal, Beat It, Billie Jean, Ghosts, Remember the Time, You Rock My World, Thriller...not to mention all the MJ concert footage from Bad, Dangerous and HIStory.

Right. And pigs just flew right outside my window.

That's the problem with Justin and Chris Brown. Sure they can do the dance moves, but they don't have their HEART & SOUL in it. They just do for the money and to score chicks.

Michael did EVERYTHING with every ounce of fire & passion, even when he wasn't perfect, he did it flawless even with his quirks and imperfections. Because everything Michael did - and I mean EVERYTHING - he does it with SOUL and passion and LOVE for the fans and for the art itself.

Thank you. Thank you. You tell them.
That's the problem with Justin and Chris Brown. Sure they can do the dance moves, but they don't have their HEART & SOUL in it. They just do for the money and to score chicks.

Justin CAN'T do the moves. Justin can only do basic moves. WATCH HIM DANCE. Justin is a below average dancer. He CAN'T "sure do the moves".

Saying that Justin is a better technical dancer than MJ is laughable. I've been reading Jabz's posts and he doesn't seem to appreciate Michael that much.
OK... i am back.... more composed........

of all the things people would critique and compare.... JT's dancing is better?:smilerolleyes:?

Yes Shimar! The pig you saw flying outside of your window , just flew by my window. Honest. I have a picture of it.:D

Michael CREATED the dances that JT and others are COPYING. Of course in variations and not exact same move.

I mean .... vast majority of dancers today credits Michael for them going into Dancing and learning from Michael.

Now these dancers/choreographers that idolized and learned from Michael are teaching JT and others "how to dance" cause they can't come up with the stuff on their own.

michael collaborated but come on....

I don't hate JT. Just saying. :agree:

oh the giggles are back..:hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::
Michael CREATED the dances that JT and others are COPYING. Of course in variations and not exact same move.

I don't hate JT. Just saying. :agree:

oh the giggles are back..:hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::

Justin doesn't copy Michael. Justin isn't talented enough to copy Michael. JUSTIN ONLY DOES BASIC DANCE MOVES. Show me a video where he does more than basic moves.
Everybody who has met Justin claims JT is cocky, arrogant and rude to fans. Yet, you don't hate him?
Besides, almost every musician praised Michael and called him or a genius or an influence or the greatest entertainer ever. Justin will never be praised this way. Jabz...are you reading this?! =P
Justin doesn't copy Michael. Justin isn't talented enough to copy Michael. JUSTIN ONLY DOES BASIC DANCE MOVES. Show me a video where he does more than basic moves.
Everybody who has met Justin claims JT is cocky, arrogant and rude to fans. Yet, you don't hate him?

Well, HATE is a strong reaction.

Of course there are those that I H*** (extortionists, bashir, murray, etc.), but I can't say I hate JT.

He is insignificant to me. He just doesn't mean that much for me to H*** him.

I am very indifferent to JT..... I use to like him, listened to his music. Then I had to deleted him from my ipod and iphone after the Super bowl thingy.

I still don't hate him........... he 's a small fish for me. INSIGNIFICANT.:doh:
Besides, almost every musician praised Michael and called him or a genius or an influence or the greatest entertainer ever. Justin will never be praised this way. Jabz...are you reading this?! =P


I mean..... we shouldn't even be defending Michael. His talent and pure GENIUS speaks for itself.

Even the haters know MJ is the GREATEST ENTERTAINER EVER!!!!!!
Okay, Sorry I have to cut in here and say that the MJ stealing from John Travolta thing is a silly argument. First of all, Travolta was not the original Danny. Grease was a stage production long before it was ever a film. So, if Michael stole anything from anyone it was Patricia Birch, who choreographed the original production (and both films.) However, she also "stole" from people - pretty much any Rock 'n' Roller of the 50s. It was just the popular dance style of the time.
Okay, Sorry I have to cut in here and say that the MJ stealing from John Travolta thing is a silly argument. First of all, Travolta was not the original Danny. Grease was a stage production long before it was ever a film. So, if Michael stole anything from anyone it was Patricia Birch, who choreographed the original production (and both films.) However, she also "stole" from people - pretty much any Rock 'n' Roller of the 50s. It was just the popular dance style of the time.

And your point is?

If you had read the whole thread you would know what my point is......... :Z

But ill spare you doing that.

My point was that Michael to had copied people and not acknowledged it.........

Much like Justin Timberlake had copied Michael and not acknowledged it.
oh, now I understand how mean JT really is>< I don't like him and his music to begin with

and Jabz, are you sober? saying that is just beyond craziness, you are denying an indisputable fact, you should just kill yourself now
99.97 is a decent number, I would have picked something lower, but oh well, matter of opinion I guess.

I don't know why you guys bother jumping on this and saying the saaaame things over and over again, it's like you keep a file on your computer and copy and paste everything everytime you see something about Justin or Usher or whoever you think is a copy cat.

Me personally think Justin is great, if you actually sit and listen to the music its really good. I never liked Future, Sex, Lovesounds over Justified, but its still a great album, the production values in both are amazing. Justin is not the best dancer ever, especially when freestyling, but the level of the choreography he performs is of a very high standard and much more technical than anything Michael done (not to say he couldn't do it), with the exception of Ghosts maybe. In his solo career I've never seen him lip sync, hes played instruments live and his shows are really good.

Theres no denying the man is talented so everyone needs to stop riding him so much.
Dont know whether to laugh or LAUGH!!!!:hysterical::rofl::rofl::rofl::hysterical:
If you had read the whole thread you would know what my point is......... :Z

But ill spare you doing that.

My point was that Michael to had copied people and not acknowledged it.........

Much like Justin Timberlake had copied Michael and not acknowledged it.

I watched Travolta's clip and yeah MJ took some moves from it, but can you really call it an influence on him? should Michael say to the public that Travolta influenced him by one or two move?? ridiculous :bugeyed
Oh mann I LOVE MJ's fans! punch him in his face, fake ass :lol: I agree tho, I dislike him and his songs. The man IS all in all perfect, how can his songs be 99.79% damn perfect?! for real fyou >.
oh, now I understand how mean JT really is>< I don't like him and his music to begin with

and Jabz, are you sober? saying that is just beyond craziness, you are denying an indisputable fact, you should just kill yourself now

This is so not cool :no:
This thread is not about Michael's dance abilities, but I gotta defend him anyways!

If ya'll want proof that Michael was a DANCE PRODIGY AND GENUIS all you have to do is go watch the Jackson's Variety show in the late 1970s. Michael was popping and locking, he was doing a ton of extremely different tap dance routines, he was doing ballroom dancing, jazz dancing, broadway, he was break dancing, etc., etc. Michael and the Jacksons would also only have 1 week to choreograph and perform their numbers and they were dancing at least 4 different numbers per episode!




This thread is not about Michael's dance abilities, but I gotta defend him anyways!

If ya'll want proof that Michael was a DANCE PRODIGY AND GENUIS all you have to do is go watch the Jackson's Variety show in the late 1970s. Michael was popping and locking, he was doing a ton of extremely different tap dance routines, he was doing ballroom dancing, jazz dancing, broadway, he was break dancing, etc., etc. Michael and the Jacksons would also only have 1 week to choreograph and perform their numbers and they were dancing at least 4 different numbers per episode!







Michael would also choreograph the Jackson sisters routines when they had their numbers.

So to say that Justin Timberlake was a more technical dancer than Michael is a very ignorant comment. Just because you haven't seen Michael do it doesn't mean he can't do it.

very nice:clapping::clapping::clapping:

i hadn't seen the Pop and lock vid... SWEET!!!!!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one here who has never been on team Justin. Out of all the N'SYNC people, I always thought he was the most irritating.

And it is true that MJ was inspired by other artists, the difference is that he turned up the volume and truly created a style all his own. He ALWAYS acknowledged the people who inspired him....James Brown, Fred Astaire, Jackie Wilson etc. Justin walks around like he invented something new.....PLEASE. Putting Mike and Justin anywhere near the same level is a JOKE.
I watched Travolta's clip and yeah MJ took some moves from it, but can you really call it an influence on him? should Michael say to the public that Travolta influenced him by one or two move?? ridiculous :bugeyed

Nope. Which is why I havent said that MJ was influenced by him. I was just saying he stole one or two things from him. Or whoever choreographed it and stuff........

The point is, Michael never acknowledged that.
This thread is not about Michael's dance abilities, but I gotta defend him anyways!

If ya'll want proof that Michael was a DANCE PRODIGY AND GENUIS all you have to do is go watch the Jackson's Variety show in the late 1970s. Michael was popping and locking, he was doing a ton of extremely different tap dance routines, he was doing ballroom dancing, jazz dancing, broadway, he was break dancing, etc., etc. Michael and the Jacksons would also only have 1 week to choreograph and perform their numbers and they were dancing at least 4 different numbers per episode!




ahhhhh you just stop this insolence, it really hurt me when you just try to compare MJ with another artist, especially if the artist is just an imitator
I just saw the Grease clip. I think it's sort of cute to think Michael could have taken moves from Grease. The thrusting with the making the the shape of a woman with his hands is not a big deal to me. Then there was that dragging foot shuffle from Bad! Hehe. . . Michael did have both John and Olivia guest star in 'Liberian Girl', perhaps Michael was watching a lot of Grease during the Bad era!

Sorry! OT again!
LOL some of you guys... I'm not even gonna throw myself into your childish jedi-mind games, whining, and outburst of guessing about shit you don't know about.

The point in simple, Michael was inspired by others, and others are inspired by Michael - and Justin certainly was inspired by Michael while making Justified.
Not necessary vocally, but certainly by the phenomenon Michael is.
I have around 15 hours of behind the scenes footage from Justin's studio sessions and at many times they (Justin and Pharrell from the Neptunes) talk about Michael, his dance moves, and songs.
I can recall a point where Justin is saying that Like I Love You is like the "2000 DSTYGE" - Which in many ways is true in the production similarities and that both LILY and DSTYGE rocket launched their solo careers.

Some fans might not know this but the Neptunes produced songs on Justified were first produced for Michael, but Michael's manager turned them down before they even reached Michael - and everytime Michael and Pharrell would meet, Michael would kid around about it.

I'm not here to preach about how you guys are supposed to live your life and what not - but it saddens how you guys can carry so much hate about someone that basically have said nothing but good things about Michael - and what's even more crazy is how you throw around hate on each other.
It's like kids going around "boho you're wrong, boho I'm right" - and then you end up throwing sand in each others eyes.
We're standing on the outside looking in on things and we think we know so much, when we really don't know shit.
Invest in yourself, focus on the good things like here's Justin basically putting Michael on a pedestal, and you guys are like "fuck that".
Go back and watch the 2 times Justin performed with Michael and look at Justin's face - if that isn't the face expressions of a fan then I don't know what it is.

I've said what I have to say, and if you don't agree then I'm not gonna go and be like; "Fuck you for not agreeing with me".
In the end of the day I try to think like "What would Michael have said/done?!" - and the last thing he'd want us to do is to bitch with each other about nonsense.
Come on, just go back and read this thread from beginning to end - seriously, what is going on?!