Justin Timberlake On Michael Jackson: '99.79 Percent Of His Songs Are Perfect'

Michael copied John Travolta but never acknowledged it.................

Justin Timberlake copied Michael Jackson but never acknowledged it.

What do you have to say about that.........?

Michael always acknowledge people that influenced him from white performers as well as black. He always gave praise to the people who came before him and also gave praise to new artist. He just loved music. His dancing comes from the music which was influenced by others. MJ didn't have the big head like some these new artist. No offense.
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Michael copied John Travolta but never acknowledged it.................

Justin Timberlake copied Michael Jackson but never acknowledged it.

What do you have to say about that.........?

It's certainly Ok to be inspired by an artist, but a true artist adds their own flavor to it.

Look at MJ, his influences were James Brown, Jackie Wilson, Fred Astaire & Sammy Davis, Jr. - would anyone know that? No, because Michael took what he learned & made something different with it.

Justin hasn't really found his vocal style yet, unlike Usher & Ne-Yo.
Oh Yeah but Ne-Yo's more similar Usher to me they both have this 'smoothness'/glide thing (whatever right dance terminology lol) in their dance style.

I like Ne-Yo how I wish he would dance more. lol

might as well add Omarion & his bro Marques Houston have MJ influence,who doesn't??, Omarion does 'pop&lock' but he's more into this 'body-wave-thing', these people have their OWN style.

I bet there are countless number of artists who are not directly copying Michael but influenced in singing rather than dancing…
watch Grease John Travolta did 'the pelvic thrust thing' Michael did they same thing at TYMMF video ;)

I just watched the movie recently so was other Musical Films like 'West Side Story'.

if I'm not mistaken it's been said that in Michael's short films u can see 1940's-1960's influences in it. It's been said & it's obvious, I therefore say, yes it had been acknowledged. :yes:
Just like the moonwalk, he took it from the kids in the streets and enhanced it and made it famous and never said it was his, that’s the class act.
LOL, sorry, and I'm not going to get in an argument with you about pelvic thrusts - But Michael is the KING of UNF.
(see my siggy for details).

watch Grease John Travolta did 'the pelvic thrust thing' Michael did they same thing at TYMMF video ;)

I just watched the movie recently so was other Musical Films like 'West Side Story'.

if I'm not mistaken it's been said that in Michael's short films u can see 1940's-1960's influences in it. It's been said & it's obvious, I therefore say, yes it had been acknowledged. :yes:
I bet there are countless number of artists who are not directly copying Michael but influenced in singing rather than dancing…

I can't have my take on singing with regards timberfake, I can't stand his falsetto--srsly I CRINGE everytime he attempts it, that's why I brought up dancing. :)
I just have to say one more thing, i mean i dont wanna be cruel to Justin Timberlake, cause he's up there at Madonna's alture as an artist, a good good POP STAR nothing more nothing less, a pop star (not saying pop stars are bad) (Michael himself was catalogued as a popstar but any good musician knows he was at ANOTHER LEVEL) Justin Timberlake music's is at Madonna's level of goodness, like Madonna he's a descent one, but poor Justin too, its so unfair too,

it must be real tough that people keep pretending Justin to be as good as no more nor less than Michael Jackson, thats simply impossible, Justin (and no other actual artist) could never get close to MJ artistry, he could have imitated (poorly immitated) him in the past, but it was stupidly obvious and (sorry for what im gonna say, Justin fans) but also so pathetic,

but he was young when he tried to be like Michael, im sure he saw his performances trying to be as Michael and he himslef saw he was not good, so he took a step back (wise desicion) to what he really is, another pop star like Madonna, you know how hard is that people COMPARE you to Michael Jackson (there's no way you can win there), one can only say when actually comparing two performances, poor Justin, not fair for him to compare him to a musical genius like Michael Jackson,

i think Justin was smart enough to say, "hey, im not as good, i will just be who i am, and well thats what he is, he has catchy songs, for some he's good looking, but who would take his songs seriously??? i mean you can take them as good for fun, but umm, he's not profound to write quality songs and rhythms and his voice is so little compared to Michael's (see to compare anyone to Michael is unfair, they WILL look little, cause anyone voice is little compared to Michael's) so lets just leave Justin do what he can, let him producing catchy songs for him and Rihanna, and stuff, dont expect him more, poor man, Justin is a good very good pop star like Madonna, so kudos for him:yes:
Michael copied John Travolta but never acknowledged it.................

Justin Timberlake copied Michael Jackson but never acknowledged it.

What do you have to say about that.........?

Huh...?? Where did that one come from?

You might say John Travolta has the same influences as MJ, but MJ copied Travolta?

That is wrong on SOOOOO many levels. I am not gonna go further. It is just wrong.
JT is ok, no where near the level of Michael, but he works with what he was given and does an amazing job.

HOWEVER - to say he doesnt imitate Michael is not accurate - or it least wasnt at one point....and Im not talking clothing or dancing...Im talking about the fact that JUSTIFIED had at least 3-4 tracks that Michael turned down - and.....when recording in the studio the producers would yell out... "that was great, but give us more michael"......
Just like the moonwalk, he took it from the kids in the streets and enhanced it and made it famous and never said it was his, that’s the class act.

Exactly - but MJ made MORE than just a move that breakdancers did. He elevated it to the highest level.

And that spin where MJ looks like an ice-skater - that's was James Brown's thing , but MJ span faster & more and made it his.

A good artist takes an influence and builds on it - not just take it & not innovate upon it.
LOL, sorry, and I'm not going to get in an argument with you about pelvic thrusts - But Michael is the KING of UNF.
(see my siggy for details).

I know LOL but I was surprised when John Travolta did the pelvic thrust-it was similar to Michael's move in the TYMMF vid ;)

and Mike could have gotten the idea from the movie, Grease was made 1978 TYMMF was I believe late 80's. :)
I have to kindly disagree. Madonna's not the greatest vocalist - but she can put on one helluva show.

Justin's good, but he's not "a great" - Justin has a LOT to learn still, and he can start with humility first.

I just have to say one more thing, i mean i dont wanna be cruel to Justin Timberlake, cause he's up there at Madonna's alture as an artist, a good good POP STAR nothing more nothing less, a pop star (not saying pop stars are bad) (Michael himself was catalogued as a popstar but any good musician knows he was at ANOTHER LEVEL) Justin Timberlake music's is at Madonna's level of goodness, like Madonna he's a descent one, but poor Justin too, its so unfair too,

it must be real tough that people keep pretending Justin to be as good as no more nor less than Michael Jackson, thats simply impossible, Justin (and no other actual artist) could never get close to MJ artistry, he could have imitated (poorly immitated) him in the past, but it was stupidly obvious and (sorry for what im gonna say, Justin fans) but also so pathetic,

but he was young when he tried to be like Michael, im sure he saw his performances trying to be as Michael and he himslef saw he was not good, so he took a step back (wise desicion) to what he really is, another pop star like Madonna, you know how hard is that people COMPARE you to Michael Jackson (there's no way you can win there), one can only say when actually comparing two performances, poor Justin, not fair for him to compare him to a musical genius like Michael Jackson,

i think Justin was smart enough to say, "hey, im not as good, i will just be who i am, and well thats what he is, he has catchy songs, for some he's good looking, but who would take his songs seriously??? i mean you can take them as good for fun, but umm, he's not profound to write quality songs and rhythms and his voice is so little compared to Michael's (see to compare anyone to Michael is unfair, they WILL look little, cause anyone voice is little compared to Michael's) so lets just leave Justin do what he can, let him producing catchy songs for him and Rihanna, and stuff, dont expect him more, poor man, Justin is a good very good pop star like Madonna, so kudos for him:yes:
I know right!! I thought it was a typo... lol.
It's so precise :p But I guess he *really* thought hard about it haha

F that, 99.79? Where's the .21 percent? Are you kidding me with that number, Justin? Really?

I mean, there are MJ songs that I like less than others, but he sang them to PERFECTION.
I know LOL but I was surprised when John Travolta did the pelvic thrust-it was similar to Michael's move in the TYMMF vid ;)

and Mike could have gotten the idea from the movie, Grease was made 1978 TYMMF was I believe late 80's. :)

I loved Grease when it came out, I even had the bubblegum cards (showing my age here).

But MJ states that when he dances, he doesn't know where it comes from, he just does it. He would dance for hours alone discovering new things to do, but he'd do it in a trance-like state, not conscious of it.
Im not a fan of Justin the singer and dancer, infact I cant stand it, however I love Justin the SNL/LonelyIsland comedian. :D
Justin will continue to deny it, just like he made it sound in this interview that it was a “surprise” that both of them have same styles… All that he is showing is insecurity about his image because he was very much banged in the media as an MJ copy-cat. In that Access Hollywood interview even Will.I.Am said “The Justin Temberlaks” just like many others do…
Justin will continue to deny it, just like he made it sound in this interview that it was a “surprise” that both of them have same styles… All that he is showing is insecurity about his image because he was very much banged in the media as an MJ copy-cat. In that Access Hollywood interview even Will.I.Am said “The Justin Temberlaks” just like many others do…

I agree :yes: poor him. I guess he should stop copying other artist out there...maybe that's why his 2nd album had so many Prince prints in em' going for prince now eh??
I agree :yes: poor him. I guess he should stop copying other artist out there...maybe that's why his 2nd album had so many Prince prints in em' going for prince now eh??

Especially the duet with Beyonce.

And then Justin blatantly gets into a tit-for-tat soundbyte war with His Purple Badness.

Remember how Justin dissed Prince at an awards show? Yet Justin has the nerve to copy him?

That's tasteless & wrong.
Huh...?? Where did that one come from?

You might say John Travolta has the same influences as MJ, but MJ copied Travolta?

That is wrong on SOOOOO many levels. I am not gonna go further. It is just wrong.

What other words would you use for it? Michael stole the whole black pants, white socks and black loafers thing from Grease. Even certain dance moves. Watch TWYMMF and then the clip of 'Summer Loving' on Grease.

Its not wrong at all......... I didnt want to say it. But had to since people seem to be hating Justin Timberlake for something Michael Jackson had done himself. Its only fair right?
I agree :yes: poor him. I guess he should stop copying other artist out there...maybe that's why his 2nd album had so many Prince prints in em' going for prince now eh??

Thats what artists do, take from other artistis, when your influenced by someone you cant help but show them in yourself!
Im not a JT fan! I dont really care what he has to say about MJ, i meen if he loved him, and thought he was a good man thats great! But he dosent need to keep saying so now hes passed away (still so hard to say :( ) he should have been saying it to the world more when he was alive!
99.97 is a decent number, I would have picked something lower, but oh well, matter of opinion I guess.

I don't know why you guys bother jumping on this and saying the saaaame things over and over again, it's like you keep a file on your computer and copy and paste everything everytime you see something about Justin or Usher or whoever you think is a copy cat.

Me personally think Justin is great, if you actually sit and listen to the music its really good. I never liked Future, Sex, Lovesounds over Justified, but its still a great album, the production values in both are amazing. Justin is not the best dancer ever, especially when freestyling, but the level of the choreography he performs is of a very high standard and much more technical than anything Michael done (not to say he couldn't do it), with the exception of Ghosts maybe. In his solo career I've never seen him lip sync, hes played instruments live and his shows are really good.

Theres no denying the man is talented so everyone needs to stop riding him so much.
JT is ok, no where near the level of Michael, but he works with what he was given and does an amazing job.

HOWEVER - to say he doesnt imitate Michael is not accurate - or it least wasnt at one point....and Im not talking clothing or dancing...Im talking about the fact that JUSTIFIED had at least 3-4 tracks that Michael turned down - and.....when recording in the studio the producers would yell out... "that was great, but give us more michael"......

haha! awwh.

Yeh .. wasn't 'Rock Your Body' originally offered to Michael.

I don't hate Justin, I went to his Justified tour a looonnng time ago. He is talented for sure, specially with choreographed dancing anyway, just its a complete lie to say he hasn't imitated MJ.

Also this comment he's supposed to have made about MJ saying 'I love the music, HATE the man' --?!!!! Nobody gave me a source for that - did he really say that?
What other words would you use for it? Michael stole the whole black pants, white socks and black loafers thing from Grease. Even certain dance moves. Watch TWYMMF and then the clip of 'Summer Loving' on Grease.

Its not wrong at all......... I didnt want to say it. But had to since people seem to be hating Justin Timberlake for something Michael Jackson had done himself. Its only fair right?

Um, MJ's worn the white socks & loafers even before the movie Grease came out.

Check the photo archives.