Judge hears Joe Jackson's request for monthly allowance

I found most people around Michael had the common sense that "Michael SHOULD do this for me. " Chandler's father thought Michael SHOULD invest 20 million for his movie so Evan Chandler got his revenge on Michael for Not supporting his movie. Arvizo family thought Michael SHOULD share his fortune with them, so they followed Chandler's family's step. Michael's employee thought Michael SHOULD share his earning with them, so they claimed millions dollars compensation. Michael's Family thought Michael SHOULD feed them all.

Michael was too good and too generous. I think this is why people are under illusion that Michael owed them. he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but he is the one got hurt most. He was human, not god, why he had to satisfy their greed.
No one in that family had a direct line to Michael except Janet and his mother. Everyone else had to call his people. He even changed his number more than a couple of times when his brothers managed to find his number.

Also from interviews I have seen in the past the family, except Joe, generally did not bother Michael when he is getting ready to tour. I have read interviews when the brothers and Janet said that they haven't talked to Michael in like 2 years because he was touring or preparing to tour.

This is what confuses me, according to tabloids the family say they were shut out, but there are photos of MJ with his family, including his parents from May/June this year...and they said they had a big family meal together sometime this year too.

Anyway, whatever..
This is what confuses me, according to tabloids the family say they were shut out, but there are photos of MJ with his family, including his parents from May/June this year...and they said they had a big family meal together sometime this year too.

Anyway, whatever..

The only members of the family who kept saying Michael was 'cut off' were Joe and Toy. No one else said that. Everyone else said that Michael was perfectly fine and healthy when they saw him in May.

Tito and his sons even talked about how high of a mood Michael was in and about all these future plans he had.

None of them seemed bitter or upset about Michael not doing the reunion tour. The only bitter person was Joe and his lackeys who try to force their way into Michael's business.

From what I understand of the Jacksons regarding the estate, they seem to be a old school family who believes everything is shared among the family. I kind of got that sense when Jacky was talking about how he was never jealous of Michael's success because he carried the name Jackson. So from his point-of-view, Michael's success was the family's success as well. I have seen alot of family with this mentality. Even Michael seemed to share this belief to an extent, which is why he didn't mind paying for things. He only seemed to get mad when they take it too far.

I will make one more point before I lie this to rest. For those who said that the other kids should take care of their parents, most of them barely have money to support themselves. Randy and Jermaine can't even pay their child and spousal support. So, they are in no position to take care of their aging parents.

The only sibling who has any money to support the family is Janet. She is rich, but she is not that rich. Michael's debt was more than her total worth.

Also, I honestly do not see Janet support her dad. She doesn't seems to like him that much and only talks about him when asked, unlike with Michael, Randy, and her mother. She also never praised Joe like Michael did.

I think she does believe that Joe abused Michael. But, Janet is a person who would never admit to the public if Michael was beaten. Whenever she asked about abuse, she specially only talks about her own experience. This is the same person who didn't tell one of her friends that her husband was cheating on her.

But, I talked enough about the subject. Everyone has an opinion on this subject and I gave more than my two cent.
I love Jermaine but I have to disagree, I think that Michael and his awesome and sensational talent is what made Mike's estate big. :yes:


I hate to say something like this, 'cos it's not very nice. but it's the unbelievable, genius TALENT that got Michael where he was, not J5, not Joe, not anything or anyone else.

sure, they all contributed, but if he didn't have THAT, he wouldn't be Michael frickin Jackson, he'd be Jermaine Jackson.

I think it's hard for the siblings to face those facts. but the naked truth ain't easy to digest.
The only members of the family who kept saying Michael was 'cut off' were Joe and Toy. No one else said that. Everyone else said that Michael was perfectly fine and healthy when they saw him in May.

But Joe was in on meetings recently with Michael, and there are photos of them together from May or June. So I don't get this 'cut off' thing.
But Joe was in on meetings recently with Michael, and there are photos of them together from May or June. So I don't get this 'cut off' thing.

I might get ban for saying this, but there is really no nice way to say this. Joe is full of shit and shouldn't be taking at his word.

This is the same guy who was talking about body doubles for TII. Not to mention Michael being completely strung up doing his last days.

Don't even get me started on Toy.
Joe gets too much praise; the fact is, it was Katherine Jackon who spotted MJ's talent and had to convince joe. If anything, Katherine should be the one getting the praise and not Joe and the others.
MJ supported the Lester's family, Omar Bhatti and his family, the burnt victim Dave dave, the chandler family, the arvizo family, Elizabeth Taylor, Marlon Brando and so many other families so no need to fuss over MJ supporting his own family and hundreds of cousins.

I'd take Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando out of that list. They are MULTI-millionaires.
Joe gets too much praise; the fact is, it was Katherine Jackon who spotted MJ's talent and had to convince joe. If anything, Katherine should be the one getting the praise and not Joe and the others.


Katherine was the one who- at the piano - heard MJ sing & saw his talent FIRST.

She - gave him the support & confidence and fed his thrist for knowledge, for growth.

All Joe did was beat him like a circus animal when he did something wrong.
Oh, darn it. I saw the thread title "Judge hears Joe Jackson's request for monthly allowance," and was hoping that it ended with "and then promptly bitch-slaps him down to planet Earth."
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Oh, darn it. I saw the thread title "Judge hears Joe Jackson's request for monthly allowance," and was hoping that it ended with "and then promptly bitch-slaps him back down to planet Earth."

This is just a waste of time!! MJ left nothing for him in the will - END OF!
Michael was too good and too generous. I think this is why people are under illusion that Michael owed them. he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but he is the one got hurt most. He was human, not god, why he had to satisfy their greed.
I'd take Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando out of that list. They are MULTI-millionaires.
THANK YOU! Probably the only two people in Michael's life that picked up the tab on anything they did.

Didn't Marlon include Mike in his will?:doh:
Jermaine needs to be quiet sometimes, I do not believe he realizes how ridiculous that statement he made is.
Originally Posted by Rasta Pasta
aside for 7 other grown children...Joe has a millionare daughter....what the hell does Janet do..
everyone is all in Michael's financial bizniz but notice....Janet's is never discussed....

Joe states in court papers ...he has been living off Michael for years... what has Janet been paying for....????

eventhough I was not a fan of Janet.. I liked some of her music and she was Michael's little sista...but that interview she did with Robin Roberts...
showed me a Charlatan....and true Charlatan...

she said she always has her brothers back but I remember an article of her complaining about her working with Michael on Scream... I dismissed it back then...but pieces of the puzzle are coming together...

sure Janet loves Michael...but she also has other strong feelings she uses to sell out her brother...

its crafty how she is saying in a round about way that he caused her

disclaimer: this is just an opinion...

I agree with you 100%. Since that interview aired, certain beliefs I had of Janet were made clear. She in that interview attributed Joe's actions to 'old school' parenting, no abuse there! And with this inteview that the brothers gave to Shawn Robinson on Access Hollywood about there being no abuse just strict parenting by Joe, how is it Michael could've ended up with so much emotional baggage towards his father if he was not beaten mercilessly? The man broke down in that Bashir doc. over it for christ sakes!

I just don't like some of the things that are coming from some of their mouths that is making it seem as though michael was this big time liar about the abuse and that he was this 24/7 addict!
aside for 7 other grown children...Joe has a millionare daughter....what the hell does Janet do..
everyone is all in Michael's financial bizniz but notice....Janet's is never discussed....

Joe states in court papers ...he has been living off Michael for years... what has Janet been paying for....????

eventhough I was not a fan of Janet.. I liked some of her music and she was Michael's little sista...but that interview she did with Robin Roberts...
showed me a Charlatan....and true Charlatan...

she said she always has her brothers back but I remember an article of her complaining about her working with Michael on Scream... I dismissed it back then...but pieces of the puzzle are coming together...

sure Janet loves Michael...but she also has other strong feelings she uses to sell out her brother...

its crafty how she is saying in a round about way that he caused her

disclaimer: this is just an opinion...
Agree RastaPasta, there is def. something very phony about her. Not saying she doesn't love him, but I also believe she harbors very ambivalent feelings toward him.
Michael was under a lot of pressure to not only support himself but a lot of his family members. He knew he had to keep the money coming in because of lot of people's very existence depended on him. Not only that pressure but also not knowing if your family member supported you because they loved you or they wanted to keep the money rolling in so that they would not have to work and support themselves and their parents. The way jermaine talked about joe creating the estate it is as if Michael was not a human being but property. So I think some of the members should feel some guilt at the way they pressured michael while he was living.
Michael was under a lot of pressure to not only support himself but a lot of his family members. He knew he had to keep the money coming in because of lot of people's very existence depended on him. Not only that pressure but also not knowing if your family member supported you because they loved you or they wanted to keep the money rolling in so that they would not have to work and support themselves and their parents. The way jermaine talked about joe creating the estate it is as if Michael was not a human being but property. So I think some of the members should feel some guilt at the way they pressured michael while he was living.
Agree 100%:clapping:
But Joe was in on meetings recently with Michael, and there are photos of them together from May or June. So I don't get this 'cut off' thing.

Do you have a link to these photos? I don't think I've seen them. As for the 'cut off' talk, well, it's Joe. The same man who said Omer Bhatti was Michael's son. It's best to take what he says with, like, a block of salt.

And if Joe IS the estate, how come the brothers had trouble to have money of their own and make it big, didn't Joseph MAKE THEM just as he MADE Michael?

Joe is not the estate. Yes, he played an important part in Michael's early success with the Jackson 5/The Jacksons. But, if I'm not mistaken, the bulk of Michael's wealth came from his solo career/investments, sans Joe and his brothers. It's his estate, and his alone. If Jermaine is so concerned about Joe, then he should contribute to his father's allowance. Stop acting like Michael is obligated to provide for the man, while the rest of Joe's eight children don't.

she said she always has her brothers back but I remember an article of her complaining about her working with Michael on Scream... I dismissed it back then...

What did she say in the article? I remember when she was on Tyra's show [during the Discipline tour, I think] and Tyra was asking her about Michael turning 50 [and mentioning how she was in the Black And White video], and Janet didn't seem eager to talk about him. But I didn't think much of it.
Originally Posted by Rasta Pasta
aside for 7 other grown children...Joe has a millionare daughter....what the hell does Janet do..
everyone is all in Michael's financial bizniz but notice....Janet's is never discussed....

Joe states in court papers ...he has been living off Michael for years... what has Janet been paying for....????

eventhough I was not a fan of Janet.. I liked some of her music and she was Michael's little sista...but that interview she did with Robin Roberts...
showed me a Charlatan....and true Charlatan...

she said she always has her brothers back but I remember an article of her complaining about her working with Michael on Scream... I dismissed it back then...but pieces of the puzzle are coming together...

sure Janet loves Michael...but she also has other strong feelings she uses to sell out her brother...

its crafty how she is saying in a round about way that he caused her

disclaimer: this is just an opinion...

I agree 100%
with what you have just said. :agree:
When Janet or any of the family speak of Michael it is stuff from years back except for the past anniversary dinner. I must be on another planet but what are some of the things Janet has done in opposition to MJ. Just need a few examples. I am a Janet fan but lately I'm getting a bad feeling about her and I don't know why?
Do you have a link to these photos? I don't think I've seen them. As for the 'cut off' talk, well, it's Joe. The same man who said Omer Bhatti was Michael's son. It's best to take what he says with, like, a block of salt.

Joe is not the estate. Yes, he played an important part in Michael's early success with the Jackson 5/The Jacksons. But, if I'm not mistaken, the bulk of Michael's wealth came from his solo career/investments, sans Joe and his brothers. It's his estate, and his alone. If Jermaine is so concerned about Joe, then he should contribute to his father's allowance. Stop acting like Michael is obligated to provide for the man, while the rest of Joe's eight children don't.

What did she say in the article? I remember when she was on Tyra's show [during the Discipline tour, I think] and Tyra was asking her about Michael turning 50 [and mentioning how she was in the Black And White video], and Janet didn't seem eager to talk about him. But I didn't think much of it.

Janet is never eager to talk about Michael because he completely takes over any interview. If she does not say anything, an interview can easily go from Janet plugging her album to everything about Michael.

So, I don't really blame her for wanted to avoid the subject.

Also, the subject that most are talking about is when Janet said Michael made her feel insecure about her weight. Which is not new if you look at old interviews when they were living in their parents' house. She said back in the 80s that Michael would tell her when she was getting fat.

Michael claimed that everyone teasing him about his nose made him get a nose job. But Janet cannot say Michael's teasing made her feel fat. Double Standard at its best.
Michael's talent is attributed to God not Joe..........Joe was just ONE of the instruments to bring it out of Michael...

Joe being stricted and making a talentless son practice......still makes that son talentless... the talent has to be there and that comes for the Almighty...

I like and respect the Jackson family for their contributions to music but they are in for a rude awaken.............no Michael..............no total fame ..that goes for all the brothers, Joe and Janet...

mark my words... if the Jackson tour ... the venues will be small... and scoop of that tour will be limited.......................it will not be what it would be if Michael was there with them...

as for Janet.........I predict the same for her.. and her new album...lackluster..
Janet is never eager to talk about Michael because he completely takes over any interview. If she does not say anything, an interview can easily go from Janet plugging her album to everything about Michael.

So, I don't really blame her for wanted to avoid the subject.

Also, the subject that most are talking about is when Janet said Michael made her feel insecure about her weight. Which is not new if you look at old interviews when they were living in their parents' house. She said back in the 80s that Michael would tell her when she was getting fat.

Michael claimed that everyone teasing him about his nose made him get a nose job. But Janet cannot say Michael's teasing made her feel fat. Double Standard at its best.

I can understand that but that goes to show people ARE more interested in Michael than the rest of them. Even before he died. He was special beyond music it was his persona of LOVE.
Michael paid almost everything just because he wanted and now he is not there. I dont understand why someone wants any 'allowance' from him. Only people who could do that are his kids. And anyone who worked with him are going to have so much because of he is Michael Jackson. Joe and everyone should just think about how much Michael gave to them and then shut up. What are these people? Im going to respect Kate only if this is going to go on.
I hope she is successful being a fan but I am upset about that abc interview. I don't mind Joe being taken care of because I would take care of my aging parent. He just go about things in a harsh a**hole kind of way. It sort of makes your stomach turn sometimes. I feel sorry for him because he is older and doesn't realize it sometimes. Sometimes he does come off as disrespectful. He is old and not well educated and some people that age refuse to change. I know we all have someone in our family like that. I don't approve of his actions but Mike did say he almost would retract some things he said about him. This was in 2005 the Geraldo interview. He was vulnerable and glad to have his dad's support during that time but it was a reason in 2009 he wanted Joe kept away from him. As I wrote a few lines earlier, old people don't feel the need to change.
Also, the subject that most are talking about is when Janet said Michael made her feel insecure about her weight.

No, that's not what I'm referring to. Rasta Pasta mentioned an article where Janet was "complaining" about working with Michael on Scream. I was just curious as to what she'd said.