Judge hears Joe Jackson's request for monthly allowance

u cant be referring to me...cuz i surely never said MJ lied about anything...I just wish the fans were more respectful towards his family...any fan knows that FAMILY meant ALOT to MJ and it means alot to me. I would be so hurt if people carried on about my family the way u all have been carrying on about the jacksons...no need to bash them..everyone makes mistakes in this world..theirs is just magnified because they are the 1st family of music :)

He spoke of his family in this way. This is where are getting the ammunition from. Yes, some of us are going a little overboard but I can't hate on them because they don't like his family. I can't hate on you because you like his family. I like them too, but lately I have become displeased with all of them except Katherine at the moment. I may change my mind but right now they keep put their foot; my foot; and every fan on these sites feet in their mouths.
and how were you able to determine mj lied about police brutality ?
nowbody was calling mj a liar people need to stop putting words in their mouth. I think they all probbaly had their differnet experiences with their father, maybe they did not perciceve it as abuse and that's their opinpon. but even today their is still an on going controversy between spanking being a means of discpline vs abuse. maybe Michael felt it was more abuse because he got the bront of it, so maybe to them it wasn't abuse. but for Micheal it was. so like I said people are always going to interrupt things diffrently.
Is it hard to imagine that MJ overexaggerated or um lied. Hell, lets list alot of things we know MJ lied about..the plastic surgery, the chamber stories, the police brutality..plain and simple, MJ is human. Did he interpret the hitting as abuse..maybe.However, if the others don't feel like they were abuse, then what you expect them to lie? I personally don't think MJ was abused. I came from a black family where whoopings with switches and whatever was the norm. Is my mother or others abusive?

I love MJ, but I know probably 75% of the stories about him are probably true in some capacity.

umm.. how was Mike lying about the police brutality? He had pictures mk? Just because some "people" in the police force said that was a lie don't mean that it was. Also, maybe Michael did consider it to be abuse. But what he described in the rabbi schmuckley "The Michael Jackson Tapes" Michael said himself what Joseph did to him, which is WAYY worse than what you are describing. What he said, hell to the yes I would consider it to be abuse. The rest of the family said that they were not "abused" but who are they to say that Michael wasn't? They aren't Michael. They have no idea what he went through. In rabbi schmuckley's recordings/book Michael describes what Joseph did to him. It's so disturbing I don't even want to type it here. So here is the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQCiiA9uh30&feature=related It's at about 5:46 if you wanna hear Michael say it himself. Now if that is not "abuse" then I must not know what is. and by saying "75% of the stories about Mike are probably true" are you saying that what tabloids are saying about Mike are true? -_-
Plastic surgery-watch Bashir..do you honestly think MJ only had 2 surgical procedures on his face?Even without being a plastic surgeon, as a nurse I can visible see a HUGE transformation from Thriller-Invincible minus the vitiligo which I do think MJ suffered.
Chamber story-MJ lied. The story was not true..he knew that because he made it up himself along with Frank Dileo. It probably cost him a Grammy too.

Police brutality-need I say more..

I hate these types of post because it makes me sound anti-MJ, but sometimes need to realize that everyone not named Michael Jackson are not bad people.

WOW. hmmmmmm
Plastic surgery-watch Bashir..do you honestly think MJ only had 2 surgical procedures on his face?Even without being a plastic surgeon, as a nurse I can visible see a HUGE transformation from Thriller-Invincible minus the vitiligo which I do think MJ suffered.
Chamber story-MJ lied. The story was not true..he knew that because he made it up himself along with Frank Dileo. It probably cost him a Grammy too.

Police brutality-need I say more..

I hate these types of post because it makes me sound anti-MJ, but sometimes need to realize that everyone not named Michael Jackson are not bad people.

:hysterical: :hysterical: i knew you only watch the Bastard's one... um go read the my reply to Ramona122003

LMFAOO omg this is too funny.
thank you for proving my point, hun.

you know what? i do not need to say more. I'll leave it at that.

and you sound like what you is, gurl, don't blame others. ;-)

Respect is earned. I do not respect Joe, nor Latoya, nor Randy nor do I respect Jermaine.

If you think they have earned your respect...well, be my guest and give them they respect they have earned. We just have different standard, which is totally fine. We can't all be the same.

Just press the IGNORE button.

question and please answer this truthfully...other than what Michael has said about his own father, mother, sisters, and brothers...what has Joe, Latoya, Randy and Jermaine done to YOU PERSONALLY to make you not have respect for them? I'm just trying to get an understanding here

This maybe just me again and im clearly by myself on this lol but i just cant hate someone THAT BAD that i don't know lol They can annoy me...but HATE no...maybe its because im in the music industry so their actions dont really surprise me...the industry as a whole is load of s**t for those that dont know...the Jackson's aren't the only shady individuals in this business :)
you discipline your child when he does something wrong not when he get the wrong note or miss a dance step , what the hell is wrong with people ?

those kids were not misbehaving in the first place .they were beaten because joe was afraid he would not get a contract or would not please the audience , he was afraid those kids would not guarantee him enough money to pay a hooker .

they were not beaten because they were taking advantage of girls , THEY WERE ENCOURAGED TO DO SO , mj was mocked because he did not follow his step .

and at the end of the day instead of a simple thank you , he was called ugly big nose .
MJ has done a lot to earn a giant fanbase that cares about him. and family has more meaning than blood. there are families out there that are closer who aren't related by blood than some of those who are. family has more than one meaning. many fans consider MJ to be family. apparently, this is not going to be the last thread that will be posted, that gives the appearance of divisiveness of the Jackson family. they are in a public profession, and will, therefore, be subject to some things that a non public profession is not. MJ fans are going to defend MJ. that's the way it is, and that's the way it should be.

a lot of people may say they love MJ, but it's becoming quite apparent, that MJ's extra galvanized fanbase that defends him, is needed, for more reasons than possibly imagined. for me, i speak as one who MJ has done a lot for, from a distance. therefore i will treat him like i think a brother should be treated. like a friend should be treated.

i often wondered what intangible reasons naysayers could come up with for finding it easy to think of MJ as a liar, and someone who can't make money, or be anything past a multimillionaire, or be wise and not naive, know physical abuse when he sees it, and a host of other things that naysayers couldn't come up with tangible reasons to justify. these are just some of the reasons why MJ needs an extra set of defenders. and he has them among the fanbase. it's only reasonable that it should be that way. if it's so intangible, why the extra defense is needed...well...it makes up for the vagueness behind what i accuse the naysers of, above. that's tangible enough, for me.

i have yet to find anyone with a tangible reason why it's easier to believe Jermaine Jackson, than it is to believe Michael Jackson. or believe Janet Jackson, over Michael Jackson. or, for that matter, why it's easier for some to believe a lot of people in business, who are not of blood, over believing Michael Jackson. or, for that matter, why it's easier for some to believe AEG over Michael Jackson.

i have yet to see any tangible reason why it's easier for some people to believe a lot of these people, i mentioned, above, over Michael Jackson. so, i guess i don't need a tangible reason to believe Michael Jackson, over those i mentioned.

but, sometimes, it takes just one act to make for tangible reasoning. apart from all the children he has helped, over the years, helping one, who later stabbed him in the back, and MJ not returning the stab in the back favor, sealed it for me. you know the character of a person, in their lowest point, in life. so, i regard MJ as a person of truth, and goodwill, who has helped me personally, in life. and, for me, that's worth defending him in all situations, controversial and non controversial. and i know i am not the only one who feels that way.
question and please answer this truthfully...other than what Michael has said about his own father, mother, sisters, and brothers...what has Joe, Latoya, Randy and Jermaine done to YOU PERSONALLY to make you not have respect for them? I'm just trying to get an understanding here

This maybe just me again and im clearly by myself on this lol but i just cant hate someone THAT BAD that i don't know lol They can annoy me...but HATE no...maybe its because im in the music industry so their actions dont really surprise me...the industry as a whole is load of s**t for those that dont know...the Jackson's aren't the only shady individuals in this business :)

by the way Gavin , sneddon , Evan and jordan did nothing to me personnaly .
question and please answer this truthfully...other than what Michael has said about his own father, mother, sisters, and brothers...what has Joe, Latoya, Randy and Jermaine done to YOU PERSONALLY to make you not have respect for them? I'm just trying to get an understanding here

This maybe just me again and im clearly by myself on this lol but i just cant hate someone THAT BAD that i don't know lol They can annoy me...but HATE no...maybe its because im in the music industry so their actions dont really surprise me...the industry as a whole is load of s**t for those that dont know...the Jackson's aren't the only shady individuals in this business :)

The other children should chip in and support Joe. MJ was not his only child. Everybody including the brothers think this. Since he was the best father in the world, let them support him. Kids will band together and lie. We saw this in the trial. They don't want to hurt their father. They never broke away from him. Mike did so he spoke the truth. He started hinting about abuse in his book. Then he spoke about it with Oprah. He said he loved his father but he wish he could understand him. I love my father but still don' understand why he left us.I am in my forties. It sticks with you, even though you physically move on.
:hysterical: :hysterical: i knew you only watch the Bastard's one... um go read the my reply to Ramona122003

LMFAOO omg this is too funny.
thank you for proving my point, hun.

you know what? i do not need to say more. I'll leave it at that.

and you sound like what you is, gurl, don't blame others. ;-)


Your posts are so factually wrong that it makes you wonder why you are on a Michael's fan site.

So, you think Michael was lying in those tapes about being oiled up and beating with an extension cord to the point that his mother thought he was going to get killed. Okay, then why did he only tell that Rabbi of all people this and never said a thing about it in any other interview. Sorry, a person who breaks down in tears at remembering beatings got more than mere spankings.

Now you are saying that Michael lied about police brutality even though their are photos on the web with Michael with bruises on his arms. Also, how did he lie about the chamber story? He denial sleeping in one, which is true. He never confirm or deny that he posed in a picture.

The plastic surgeries are a hit or miss since no one knows how many he actually gotten. Maybe he did have only 2 nose jobs and the rest were follow ups, which he didn't count. Unless you have his medical file, you can't really say he lied. At the very least, he didn't tell the whole truth. But since plastic surgery is very personal, it is really none of the public business.

question and please answer this truthfully...other than what Michael has said about his own father, mother, sisters, and brothers...what has Joe, Latoya, Randy and Jermaine done to YOU PERSONALLY to make you not have respect for them? I'm just trying to get an understanding here

This maybe just me again and im clearly by myself on this lol but i just cant hate someone THAT BAD that i don't know lol They can annoy me...but HATE no...maybe its because im in the music industry so their actions dont really surprise me...the industry as a whole is load of s**t for those that dont know...the Jackson's aren't the only shady individuals in this business :)

Your question is ridiculous but I will reply regardless.

I never claimed the Jacksons have done ANYTHING to me personally. Them being attention whores & money hungry turn me off. And no where did I use the word HATE to describe what I think of them.

It is totally pointless to have a discussion with someone who think they have everything figured out or are above others because they refuse to call things the way they see it.

Unless, you know the Jacksons personally, all opinions you have formed is not based on any direct contact or interactions...so spare me the lecture. And it is VERY hypocritical, to dismiss people's opinions simply because they are not directly involved; we constantly form opinions based on others' behaviour, be it direct or indirect.

I don't see why it should be any different for the Jacksons.
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MJ has done a lot to earn a giant fanbase that cares about him. and family has more meaning than blood. there are families out there that are closer who aren't related by blood than some of those who are. family has more than one meaning. many fans consider MJ to be family. apparently, this is not going to be the last thread that will be posted, that gives the appearance of divisiveness of the Jackson family. they are in a public profession, and will, therefore, be subject to some things that a non public profession is not. MJ fans are going to defend MJ. that's the way it is, and that's the way it should be.

a lot of people may say they love MJ, but it's becoming quite apparent, that MJ's extra galvanized fanbase that defends him, is needed, for more reasons than possibly imagined. for me, i speak as one who MJ has done a lot for, from a distance. therefore i will treat him like i think a brother should be treated. like a friend should be treated.

i often wondered what intangible reasons naysayers could come up with for finding it easy to think of MJ as a liar, and someone who can't make money, or be anything past a multimillionaire, or be wise and not naive, know physical abuse when he sees it, and a host of other things that naysayers couldn't come up with tangible reasons to justify. these are just some of the reasons why MJ needs an extra set of defenders. and he has them among the fanbase. it's only reasonable that it should be that way. if it's so intangible, why the extra defense is needed...well...it makes up for the vagueness behind what i accuse the naysers of, above. that's tangible enough, for me.

i have yet to find anyone with a tangible reason why it's easier to believe Jermaine Jackson, than it is to believe Michael Jackson. or believe Janet Jackson, over Michael Jackson. or, for that matter, why it's easier for some to believe a lot of people in business, who are not of blood, over believing Michael Jackson. or, for that matter, why it's easier for some to believe AEG over Michael Jackson.

i have yet to see any tangible reason why it's easier for some people to believe a lot of these people, i mentioned, above, over Michael Jackson. so, i guess i don't need a tangible reason to believe Michael Jackson, over those i mentioned.

but, sometimes, it takes just one act to make for tangible reasoning. apart from all the children he has helped, over the years, helping one, who later stabbed him in the back, and MJ not returning the stab in the back favor, sealed it for me. you know the character of a person, in their lowest point, in life. so, i regard MJ as a person of truth, and goodwill, who has helped me personally, in life. and, for me, that's worth defending him in all situations, controversial and non controversial. and i know i am not the only one who feels that way.

You have said what is in my heart. Love you for. Beautiful
you discipline your child when he does something wrong not when he get the wrong note or miss a dance step , what the hell is wrong with people ?

those kids were not misbehaving in the first place .they were beaten because joe was afraid he would not get a contract or would not please the audience , he was afraid those kids would not guarantee him enough money to pay a hooker .

they were not beaten because they were taking advantage of girls , THEY WERE ENCOURAGED TO DO SO , mj was mocked because he did not follow his step .

and at the end of the day instead of a simple thank you , he was called ugly big nose .


i'm sorry you had to go through that, MJ.
aside for 7 other grown children...Joe has a millionare daughter....what the hell does Janet do..
everyone is all in Michael's financial bizniz but notice....Janet's is never discussed....

Joe states in court papers ...he has been living off Michael for years... what has Janet been paying for....????

eventhough I was not a fan of Janet.. I liked some of her music and she was Michael's little sista...but that interview she did with Robin Roberts...
showed me a Charlatan....and true Charlatan...

she said she always has her brothers back but I remember an article of her complaining about her working with Michael on Scream... I dismissed it back then...but pieces of the puzzle are coming together...

sure Janet loves Michael...but she also has other strong feelings she uses to sell out her brother...

its crafty how she is saying in a round about way that he caused her

disclaimer: this is just an opinion...

fyi the only aticle ever about Janet "complaing" was from a taboild" and Janet herself has said plenty of times she enjoyed working with Micheal and it was special to her.

and another fyi Janet has never even hinted that or said anything about Michael causing her depression so I have no idea where you even got that from

so if you want to call someone a charlton atleast get your facts right.
by the way Gavin , sneddon , Evan and jordan did nothing to me personnaly .

I guess i just have too much love in my heart and god in my life...those people did bad things in their life...instead of bashing them Id rather PRAY for them...thats the route that Im choosing to in this situation...

I apologize if im opting not to spew negativity about the family into this thread...and i think some of you owe ME an apology (seriously) i feel i was attacked for no reason other than stating my opinion and trying to be positive :(
I guess i just have too much love in my heart and god in my life...those people did bad things in their life...instead of bashing them Id rather PRAY for them...thats the route that Im choosing to in this situation...

I apologize if im opting not to spew negativity about the family into this thread...and i think some of you owe ME an apology (seriously) i feel i was attacked for no reason other than stating my opinion and trying to be positive :(

Good for you. Some of us may not be there yet. I will pray for them also and disagree with them at the same time.
Your question is ridiculous but I will reply regardless.

I never claimed the Jacksons have done ANYTHING to me personally. Them being attention whores & money hungry turn me off. And no where did I use the word HATE to describe what I think of them.

It is totally pointless to have a discussion with someone who think they have everything figured out or are above others because they refuse to call things the way they see it.

Unless, you know the Jacksons personally, all opinions you have formed is not based on any direct contact or interact...so spare the lecture. And it is hypocritical, to dismiss people's opinions simply because they are not directly involved; we constantly form opinions based on others' behaviour, be it direct or indirect.

I don't see why it should be any different for the Jacksons.

u clearly didnt understand what i was saying...no one does...im not trying to lecture anyone im stating my opinion just like everyone here mine just seems to be different..im trying to understand where everyone is coming from but u are doing not hing but ATTACKING ME..i dont like it and its not fair. you don't know how I feel about the jacksons because i have stated what i felt..i just said LAY OFF OF THEM FOR A CHANGE! I wasnt around when Joe was beating the hell outta his kids nor did i grow up in that family but i do know when to shut my mouth and now is the time...

continue on with YOUR negativity i have church in the morning :)
Is it hard to imagine that MJ overexaggerated or um lied. Hell, lets list alot of things we know MJ lied about..the plastic surgery, the chamber stories, the police brutality..plain and simple, MJ is human. Did he interpret the hitting as abuse..maybe.However, if the others don't feel like they were abuse, then what you expect them to lie? I personally don't think MJ was abused. I came from a black family where whoopings with switches and whatever was the norm. Is my mother or others abusive?

I love MJ, but I know probably 75% of the stories about him are probably true in some capacity.

Michael never lie. he always tell the truth. If he had the ability to lie, he would not get so much hurt from the media, he would never answer that Martin Barshir and other interviewer's offensive questions. He was so honest and "naive" to people. From his interviews, you can see his fear to his father, those phsical reactions cannot lie. by the way, Jamin's Movie American Dream also portrayed his father the abuser. Right now he changed his tone, so who is the liar?
Michael's Plastic Surgery, how do you know he lied, from the media? He just did two nose jobs and his chin. He may do some nose repairs during the years. In 1999, Michael signed the agreement to allow his plastic surgeon to open his plastic surgery records publicly, in order to stop those rumors. Unfortunately, his surgeon never did.
His manage spead the rumor that Michael slept in the chamber. The tabloids started to call michael "****", Michael came out and stop the rumor, "he never slept in the chamber, "which is the truth.
police brutality, you called it's the lie? just because that manager(Porn director) told the media that Michael lied, so you believed. Michael fired him long time ago, why he spoke out after Michael died. Michael cannot defend himself. Karen had already confirmed Michael do had bruise on his arms and he never lied. now the leeches all come out and kiss media's ass for their 5 mins fame. Do you take their words seriously?
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Between michael hiding from his brothers and having his family be quiet during the trial they clearly didn't know him as well as they thought they did.
as long as they got the cheque send to their mother at the end of the month , they cared less about well knowing him or not .
MJ has done a lot to earn a giant fanbase that cares about him. and family has more meaning than blood. there are families out there that are closer who aren't related by blood than some of those who are. family has more than one meaning. many fans consider MJ to be family. apparently, this is not going to be the last thread that will be posted, that gives the appearance of divisiveness of the Jackson family. they are in a public profession, and will, therefore, be subject to some things that a non public profession is not. MJ fans are going to defend MJ. that's the way it is, and that's the way it should be.

a lot of people may say they love MJ, but it's becoming quite apparent, that MJ's extra galvanized fanbase that defends him, is needed, for more reasons than possibly imagined. for me, i speak as one who MJ has done a lot for, from a distance. therefore i will treat him like i think a brother should be treated. like a friend should be treated.

i often wondered what intangible reasons naysayers could come up with for finding it easy to think of MJ as a liar, and someone who can't make money, or be anything past a multimillionaire, or be wise and not naive, know physical abuse when he sees it, and a host of other things that naysayers couldn't come up with tangible reasons to justify. these are just some of the reasons why MJ needs an extra set of defenders. and he has them among the fanbase. it's only reasonable that it should be that way. if it's so intangible, why the extra defense is needed...well...it makes up for the vagueness behind what i accuse the naysers of, above. that's tangible enough, for me.

i have yet to find anyone with a tangible reason why it's easier to believe Jermaine Jackson, than it is to believe Michael Jackson. or believe Janet Jackson, over Michael Jackson. or, for that matter, why it's easier for some to believe a lot of people in business, who are not of blood, over believing Michael Jackson. or, for that matter, why it's easier for some to believe AEG over Michael Jackson.

i have yet to see any tangible reason why it's easier for some people to believe a lot of these people, i mentioned, above, over Michael Jackson. so, i guess i don't need a tangible reason to believe Michael Jackson, over those i mentioned.

but, sometimes, it takes just one act to make for tangible reasoning. apart from all the children he has helped, over the years, helping one, who later stabbed him in the back, and MJ not returning the stab in the back favor, sealed it for me. you know the character of a person, in their lowest point, in life. so, i regard MJ as a person of truth, and goodwill, who has helped me personally, in life. and, for me, that's worth defending him in all situations, controversial and non controversial. and i know i am not the only one who feels that way.

I love you :hug:
Michael never lie. he always tell the truth. If he had the ability to lie, he would not get so much hurt from the media, he would never answer that Martin Barshir and other interviewer's bizarre questions. He was so honest and "naive" to people. From his interviews, you can see his fear to his father, those phsical reactions cannot lie. by the way, Jamin's Movie American Dream also portrayed his father the abuser. Right now he changed his tone, so who is the liar?
Michael's Plastic Surgery, how do you know he lied, from the media? He just did two nose jobs and his chin. He may do some nose repairs during the years.
His manage spead the rumor that Michael slept in the chamber. The tabloids started to call michael "****", Michael came out and stop the rumor, "he never slept in the chamber, "which is the truth.
police brutality, you called it's the lie? just because that manager(Porn director) told the media that Michael lied, so you believed. Michael fired him long time ago, why he spoke out after Michael died. Michael cannot defend himself. Karen had already confirmed Michael do had bruise on his arms and he never lied. now the leeches all come out and kiss media's ass for their 5 mins fame. Do you take their words seriously?

Saying he never lies is pushing it. Everyone lies or not tell the whole truth. Michael was a good person, but he wasn't a saint.

I also have a problem with fans and some people continually saying Michael was naive. This is a person who was worth billions when he died. He could never had made that kind of money if he was completely naive. He also wouldn't had a second camera crew following Bashir if he completely trusted him.

Naive is the excuse some of the family keeps using to justify why Michael needed them in his life to control him. He may of been naive about somethings, like most people in the world, but to generally calling him naive is an insult to his character, in my opinion.
This was one of those stories that just made me shake my head for so many reasons.

I'd like to know when it became the childs responsibility to take care of the parent. I would also like to know why; when a person states in their last will and testament what they wanted it is blatantly ignored.

The family doesn't want to be seen as a 'circus' and yet they bring a lot of this on themselves.
He said he loved his father but he wish he could understand him. I love my father but still don' understand why he left us.I am in my forties. It sticks with you, even though you physically move on.

Aww your father left you too? It does stick with you forever, I know. I'm 46 and still carry some resentment towards my father, even though I communicate with him every once in a while as an adult (long story). You can try to forgive but can you ever really forget?

I know the Shmuley book received lots of criticisms from the fans and rightfully so for many reasons, but he did make some very valid points about parenting and how important it is to show a child your love - and that was Michael's message as well. Because children remember everything and even the smallest, seemingly insignificant things (positive or negative), they can carry around with them for a lifetime.
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Aww your father left you too? It does stick with you forever, I know. I'm 46 and still carry some resentment towards my father, even though I communicate with him every once in a while as an adult (long story). You can try to forgive but can you ever really forget?

I know the Shmuley book received lots of criticisms from the fans and rightfully so for many reasons, but he did make some very valid points about parenting and how important it is to show a child your love - and that was Michael's message as well. Because children remember everything and even the smallest, seemingly insignificant things (positive or negative), they can carry around with them for a lifetime.
this is so true, I can confirm it, so true and so sad.
Is it hard to imagine that MJ overexaggerated or um lied. Hell, lets list alot of things we know MJ lied about..the plastic surgery, the chamber stories, the police brutality..plain and simple, MJ is human. Did he interpret the hitting as abuse..maybe.However, if the others don't feel like they were abuse, then what you expect them to lie? I personally don't think MJ was abused. I came from a black family where whoopings with switches and whatever was the norm. Is my mother or others abusive?

I love MJ, but I know probably 75% of the stories about him are probably true in some capacity.

Plastic surgery-watch Bashir..do you honestly think MJ only had 2 surgical procedures on his face?Even without being a plastic surgeon, as a nurse I can visible see a HUGE transformation from Thriller-Invincible minus the vitiligo which I do think MJ suffered.
Chamber story-MJ lied. The story was not true..he knew that because he made it up himself along with Frank Dileo. It probably cost him a Grammy too.

Police brutality-need I say more..

I hate these types of post because it makes me sound anti-MJ, but sometimes need to realize that everyone not named Michael Jackson are not bad people.

First, we know Mike isn't perfect. But it seems there are people who think the Jackson family are. That certain Jacksons are ALWAYS right (in everything they say and do) and if Mike says anything that contradicts them; he is delusional, out of his mind, a liar.

Please do say more about the police brutality. Why do you think MJ is a liar?

You don't know for a fact that Frank made up the sleeping in a oxygen chamber stories WITH Mike's approval. There are plenty of powerful people who have people working for them/under them that do things they don't know about. Read Katherine's book. She says Mike wasn't aware of some of the ridiculous rumors going around about him and she had to tell him about them. He was upset about them and told her they were hard for him to hear. Katherine had to confront Frank about spreading rumors about Mike. The chamber was at the MICHAEL JACKSON BURN CENTER. He went in. Somebody took a picture.

As for the beatings, MJ just didn't just get spanked and you know that. He went through MUCH MORE AND WORSE than that. You can read through the comments; its already been said.

As for the plastic surgery that's your personal opinion. You don't have his medical file. IMO, the "thinning" we see in his nose in the Invincible Era is because of Hofflin's original poor work. We know Mike was going to Klien for injections of collagen fillers in his nose. That obviously isn't the same thing as another nose job.
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