Judge hears Joe Jackson's request for monthly allowance

but your view is why bother discussing it or discussing anything that we have no control over. a total contridiction to why u are even here
with all respect if u dont see the point in discussing this issue then dont even bother coming in such threads

end of the day this thread is about joe wanting some money. all u have do is look at katherine and how mj looked after her in life and death. tells u about how mj felt and how he wanted his wishes carried out. maybe joe should reflect as to why hes even in this situation. let alone the greed of wanting so much per month. more than some ppl earn in a year. maybe he knows if he asked janet for some $ he knows what the answer would be.maybe the same if he asked his other sons. why arent they looking after their father after all they owe him everything they achieved or does that only come into play when its comes to mj? relying on your dead brother to fund your father when theres another 8 children who supposedly have money. how embarassing and shameful.as mj said "he only calls me when he wants money"
Well, I can throw that back to you when it comes to entering treads. Why discuss something that you can change? SO lets not go down that road. And I am sorry you can not just look and say what is what. We do not know. We do not know why Joes is pushing either. But again, it is the Jackson's busines and they are going to do what they want to do. This is a discussion that just keep coming up with the same people talking (including myself) and same old answers and still, the JACKSONS are doing what they WANT. Case close.
Well, I can throw that back to you when it comes to entering treads. Why discuss something that you can change? SO lets not go down that road. And I am sorry you can not just look and say what is what. We do not know. We do not know why Joes is pushing either. But again, it is the Jackson's busines and they are going to do what they want to do. This is a discussion that just keep coming up with the same people talking (including myself) and same old answers and still, the JACKSONS are doing what they WANT. Case close.

its a discussion board! i dont know why thats so hard to grasp. if we only discussed what we could physically make a difference of then this board would have two threads and nothing more. iam not looking to change things by discussing something. iam stating my views on the subject that is being discussed and nothing more.i dont know why the definition of a message board is so hard to grasp.my betting is it is the opinion that you dont want to grasp so would rather it not be discussed at all.this will be discussed until the judge makes a ruling. just like any court hearing gets discussed on this board over the years

We do not know why Joes is pushing either.
because he has no money as he has stated and is only living off his state benifits/pension.
blah, blah.

Well, anyhow. Michael only wished to provide for his mother and his children in his will and that should stand.

Joe has 8 other grown "children" who sure as shit should be able to provide for themselves as well as him if he needs it. Bad enough Michael was used so much for money while he lived. His last wishes should be respected.

In any case, what will be, will be.
blah, blah.

Well, anyhow. Michael only wished to provide for his mother and his children in his will and that should stand.

Joe has 8 other grown "children" who sure as shit should be able to provide for themselves as well as him if he needs it. Bad enough Michael was used so much for money while he lived. His last wishes should be respected.

In any case, what will be, will be.

yeap agree. thats the bottom line
blah, blah.

In any case, what will be, will be.
And to me, this is sums it up. What will be will be (either way) because at the of the day, the jacksons are going to do what they want, no matter what anyone say whether if it is giving JOe money or not.
And I am sure those people are going to do what THEY think is right as well. And if they give Joe, what are you going to do? Nothing. That is my point. People can complain and discuss all they want and all day; but at the end of the day, the Jacksons are going to do what they want. And for that lame excuse comment, it does not matter if you think it is lame or not, that is the way some family think and what some does and it is not just the Jacksons.

at the end of the day they tried desperately to be part of MJ's estate and they were kicked out , at the end of the day they exposed themselves, they embarrassed themselves , and THEY LOST . They can do what they want , but obviously what they want is far more than you believe and No one allowed them to get what they want . the reality show will end , Jermaine's broke ass will be dragged to court for child support again jermaine will claim he has no money . the other siblings will still sell stories about MJ's kids . problem now all the siblings and their children will be in a competition to sell more juicy stuff about the kids , the more sources the less money , it won't be enough .

this is the reality whether some like it or not . yes they are doing what they want , but they are not getting what they want , and we know exactly what certain members of this family are capable of doing when they don't get what they want . Lester , Oxman , Halperin and Roger comes to mind . and let's not forget Latoya and her stories " MJ's never slept with Lisa Marie " .

Ex-Wife to Jermaine: Yo' Mama Pays My Bills
Posted Oct 17th 2009 9:00AM by TMZ Staff

Jermaine Jackson's baby mama claims the singer has left her so dirt poor ... that she's been forced to accept supermarket gift cards from Jermaine's mom just so she can feed the kids.

Alejandra Jackson filed legal documents in L.A. County Superior Court claiming Jermaine is a deadbeat dad who hasn't paid $35,550 in court-ordered child support payments for their two kids, Jermajesty and Jaffar.

In the docs Alejandra says Jermaine's own mother sees how bad the situation is and often bails her out with "gift cards to Ralphs in varying months so that I can pick up food for our children, usually between $300 and $400."

Alejandra also claims Jermaine was lying to the court when he claimed he only made $35k in 2008 -- pointing out that he lives in the same "estate home" in Calabasas, drives the same "luxury vehicles" and has the same "luxury lifestyle" he had before.

The two are due back in court to battle it out -- so far, no date has been set.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/tag/Jackson/#ixzz0ZiYrN5QO

how do you expect us to believe these people care about MJ's kids when they fail to take care of their own children . Jermaine made a fortune of MJ's death YET he failed to pay his child support .the same applies to Randy kids and adopted kid , who also are living off MJ's money , as for the rest of the siblings MJ was the one asked and expected to pay because they were also dead beat fathers .

Tito once said MJ asked him to chose one of his cars because he was THE ONLY ONE who had never asked for anything , but we know MJ paid for 3T education and God knows what else when Tito refused to do so .

You seems ok with this behaviour MJ WAS NOT , mj was really frustrated and angry with them because whenever they called it was always to ask for something . In Glenda tapes MJ expressed his real feelings and clearly he was fed up with them, he explanied how things were in that house . He was not happey with their tactics and GREED .
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i dont know why the definition of a message board is so hard to grasp.my betting is it is the opinion that you dont want to grasp so would rather it not be discussed at all.t.


Bottom line is, some on the boards, don't like fans having opinions on The Jacksons. Suddenly some get sensitive when fans have opinions on them.
at the end of the day they tried desperately to be part of MJ's estate and they were kicked out , at the end of the day they exposed themselves, they embarrassed themselves , and THEY LOST . They can do what they want , but obviously what they want is far more than you believe and No one allowed them to get what they want . the reality show will end , Jermaine's broke ass will be dragged to court for child support again jermaine will claim he has no money . the other siblings will still sell stories about MJ's kids . problem now all the siblings and their children will be in a competition to sell more juicy stuff about the kids , the more sources the less money , it won't be enough .

this is the reality whether some like it or not . yes they are doing what they want , but they are not getting what they want , and we know exactly what certain members of this family are capable of doing when they don't get what they want . Lester , Oxman , Halperin and Roger comes to mind . and let's not forget Latoya and her stories " MJ's never slept with Lisa Marie " .

how do you expect us to believe these people care about MJ's kids when they fail to take care of their own children . Jermaine made a fortune of MJ's death YET he failed to pay his child support .the same applies to Randy kids and adopted kid , who also are living off MJ's money , as for the rest of the siblings MJ was the one asked and expected to pay because they were also dead beat fathers .

Tito once said MJ asked him to chose one of his cars because he was THE ONLY ONE who had never asked for anything , but we know MJ paid for 3T education and God knows what else when Tito refused to do so .

You seems ok with this behaviour MJ WAS NOT , mj was really frustrated and angry with them because whenever they called it was always to ask for something . In Glenda tapes MJ expressed his real feelings and clearly he was fed up with them, he explanied how things were in that house . He was not happey with their tactics and GREED .
Thank you for making sense in here, just imagine if Michael were the one constantly asking for money and for a piece of the pie, the same ones defending the family and their obvious nonsense actíons, would be jumping on his throats and try to lapidate him.... but wait thats what they are doing already.
I am a bit worried when I read here and when I think of the generation of Jacksons along with PPB. The children of Jermaine, Randy and others. There has been a pretty short but alarming report in a german newspaper (no tabloid!) lately telling about a youtube video these kids have done about a trip to Vegas around Thanksgiving? And what those kids said on the video made them sound very much like very spoiled *****. The report called 'the new Jackson generation' said that Michaels children were among them? Well I hope it's not true and I do not watch such material because I want the kids to have their privacy even when they might have put it up there themselves. That would be stupid but I don't wanna even be curious about htis. It just really didn't sound nice.
However this german newspaper (Süddeutsche) is not really a tabloid or known for picking on made up storries from others.

It's just, can you blame the children when the parents generation is like that?

I mean with all understanding and/or nonunderstanding for women like Alejandra... other women do bring up children alone also. Her children were named in the report btw. What kind of job has she learned? wife of someone rich? clearing this with the 'help' of tmz and alikes?

It's really the whole family at times make you go: ooooooh please :no:!

Where are the so needed stable rolemodels for the children in this family now that Michael is gone?
I find myself more often lately hoping for Debbie Rowe to keep them connected to some real real life and no such reality TV 'real life' please!
I am a bit worried when I read here and when I think of the generation of Jacksons along with PPB. The children of Jermaine, Randy and others. There has been a pretty short but alarming report in a german newspaper (no tabloid!) lately telling about a youtube video these kids have done about a trip to Vegas around Thanksgiving? And what those kids said on the video made them sound very much like very spoiled *****. The report called 'the new Jackson generation' said that Michaels children were among them? Well I hope it's not true and I do not watch such material because I want the kids to have their privacy even when they might have put it up there themselves. That would be stupid but I don't wanna even be curious about htis. It just really didn't sound nice.
However this german newspaper (Süddeutsche) is not really a tabloid or known for picking on made up storries from others.

It's just, can you blame the children when the parents generation is like that?

I mean with all understanding and/or nonunderstanding for women like Alejandra... other women do bring up children alone also. Her children were named in the report btw. What kind of job has she learned? wife of someone rich? clearing this with the 'help' of tmz and alikes?

It's really the whole family at times make you go: ooooooh please :no:!

Where are the so needed stable rolemodels for the children in this family now that Michael is gone?
I find myself more often lately hoping for Debbie Rowe to keep them connected to some real real life and no such reality TV 'real life' please!

the video you are talking about is posted in the jacksons section of the forum , TMZ claims the kids along with their cousins spent some time in a $25.000 a day suit , the cousins were showing their 'gangster side' you know trying to be 'cool' and bragging about 'their crib' :smilerolleyes: and some little boy was screaming 'you suck' , don't ask for real role models for this kids , I'm really starting to doubt they would ever go to college , especially Blanket . I'm worried the most over that boy , he did not live with MJ enough to learn the minimum , MJ's death will affect this little boy the most especially since he does not know his real mom and may never know .
thank God their is Grace in that house , else those kids would have no chance . :(
I just spoke to shaun robinson who is ofcourse a corresspondant for 'Access Hollywood' on twitter and mentioned how jermaine is so delusional about the comments he made to CNN claiming Joe created MJ's estate and she responded back to me saying what would I like to say to jermaine and I was wondering what you guys think I should say to shaun about jermaine?

Oh please don't say nothing don't feed the media! They don't care! She may be nice but she is one of them, Anything for a story!!

Sorry this is my opinion hope u don't get offended, but they will make it bigger, let the estate deal with Joe as they have been and Jermaine is flip floppy nothing new here he can complain all he wants but it's the judge who will decide, let's leave it to him! :)
the video you are talking about is posted in the jacksons section of the forum , TMZ claims the kids along with their cousins spent some time in a $25.000 a day suit , the cousins were showing their 'gangster side' you know trying to be 'cool' and bragging about 'their crib' :smilerolleyes: and some little boy was screaming 'you suck' , don't ask for real role models for this kids , I'm really starting to doubt they would ever go to college , especially Blanket . I'm worried the most over that boy , he did not live with MJ enough to learn the minimum , MJ's death will affect this little boy the most especially since he does not know his real mom and may never know .
thank God their is Grace in that house , else those kids would have no chance . :(
oh wow... yeah the report talked about the kids alone in a 25.000 a night suite in Vegas and the 'numerous' kids totally alone there, no adult, the kids running around yelling to eachother not nice at times and also yelling into the camera. somehow I hoped these wouldn't be the Jacksons kids just some other kids put there by adults to try to sell something to the media.

really sad sigh from me about that

Thanks anyways for clearing that a bit up for me.
yes the cousins might not be the best influence on the kids they also need an adult to look after them and spend time with them but no one has the patience or interest to raise the kids the way Michael did, he really had a special gift when it came to children
I am a bit worried when I read here and when I think of the generation of Jacksons along with PPB. The children of Jermaine, Randy and others. There has been a pretty short but alarming report in a german newspaper (no tabloid!) lately telling about a youtube video these kids have done about a trip to Vegas around Thanksgiving? And what those kids said on the video made them sound very much like very spoiled *****. The report called 'the new Jackson generation' said that Michaels children were among them? Well I hope it's not true and I do not watch such material because I want the kids to have their privacy even when they might have put it up there themselves. That would be stupid but I don't wanna even be curious about htis. It just really didn't sound nice.
However this german newspaper (Süddeutsche) is not really a tabloid or known for picking on made up storries from others.

It's just, can you blame the children when the parents generation is like that?

I mean with all understanding and/or nonunderstanding for women like Alejandra... other women do bring up children alone also. Her children were named in the report btw. What kind of job has she learned? wife of someone rich? clearing this with the 'help' of tmz and alikes?

It's really the whole family at times make you go: ooooooh please :no:!

Where are the so needed stable rolemodels for the children in this family now that Michael is gone?
I find myself more often lately hoping for Debbie Rowe to keep them connected to some real real life and no such reality TV 'real life' please!
tbh the video was nothing it was typcial teeenagers mucking around making a home movie. im more intrested as to whos paying for suites like that. when the mother of some of them kids is living in mjs house cause she cant afford anything else and gets hand outs from katherine ie mjs money
tbh the video was nothing it was typcial teeenagers mucking around making a home movie. im more intrested as to whos paying for suites like that. when the mother of some of them kids is living in mjs house cause she cant afford anything else and gets hand outs from katherine ie mjs money

wheeeew just that typical teenagers of that age usually don't run around home alone in a 25.000 bucks a night suite uh? No adult around caring? that says something about those adults.
Sure money is important and surely it would be wrong but probably even Katherine is paying for all that?!
Yeah it seems much of the family is going for the money included Joe, that's why this thread come up.
But money is just not what the kids are missing the most nor will ever be.
there were adults shown in the footage.the footage was pretty short theres no way of knowing who else was around.to be fair to the cousins ive never heard of any of them getting into trouble with the police etc and theres alot of grandkids/cousins in that family.im sure if any did get in trouble in any way or were out doing drugs and partying like others then it would be reported on
of course Katherine is the one paying, everything that goes to the kids goes to their cousins too that's the family mentality to share everything and that's what they're going to teach Michael's children too, to share everything with the family the same way they thought Michael should share. in their vision MJ owned them his career and success and the kids will owe them because they are being raised by them...but that's another story and it's none of our business right? but that's how it's gonna be
of course Katherine is the one paying, everything that goes to the kids goes to their cousins too that's the family mentality to share everything and that's what they're going to teach Michael's children too, to share everything with the family the same way they thought Michael should share. in their vision MJ owned them his career and success and the kids will owe them because they are being raised by them...but that's another story and it's none of our business right? but that's how it's gonna be
I see this coming as well. They'll be haunting them once they are of age like they did their father, a damn shame and those children will probably end up like their dad god forbid.
i know, i worry for them and it frankly pisses me off that while we are in mourning trying to get through each day ontop of that we are having to deal with issues like this that just make everything even more painful as it shows what those who claimed to love mj are really intrrested in
the video you are talking about is posted in the jacksons section of the forum , TMZ claims the kids along with their cousins spent some time in a $25.000 a day suit , the cousins were showing their 'gangster side' you know trying to be 'cool' and bragging about 'their crib' :smilerolleyes: and some little boy was screaming 'you suck' , don't ask for real role models for this kids , I'm really starting to doubt they would ever go to college , especially Blanket . I'm worried the most over that boy , he did not live with MJ enough to learn the minimum , MJ's death will affect this little boy the most especially since he does not know his real mom and may never know .
thank God their is Grace in that house , else those kids would have no chance . :(

oh dear god. I haven't seen this yet. oh jeez. and you know what? if Blanket turns out spoiled, just guess whom the media is gonna blame?

yep. Mike.

ugh. I'm so frustrated. :angry:
whatever happens they will blame mj. they turn out good its cause of katherine no credit to mj they turn out bad its all mjs fault
Originally Posted by snowhite
of course Katherine is the one paying, everything that goes to the kids goes to their cousins too that's the family mentality to share everything and that's what they're going to teach Michael's children too, to share everything with the family the same way they thought Michael should share. in their vision MJ owned them his career and success and the kids will owe them because they are being raised by them...but that's another story and it's none of our business right? but that's how it's gonna be
Your statement above is, sadly so very true.
Let us pray that God will allow their father, Michael Jackson,
to be able to watch over his children from heaven. :angel:
i know, i worry for them and it frankly pisses me off that while we are in mourning trying to get through each day ontop of that we are having to deal with issues like this that just make everything even more painful as it shows what those who claimed to love mj are really intrrested in
I know, its just sad in so many ways, I just finised up reading Margaret Marlando's Jackson Family Values book (Jermaines ex') , quiet frankly I knew they they were bad, but not that bad. I will pray for his children too many of those Jacksons believe in exploiting, mental and physical abuse and rape.
May Michael protect them from above cuz God knows they need protection badly.
of course Katherine is the one paying, everything that goes to the kids goes to their cousins too that's the family mentality to share everything and that's what they're going to teach Michael's children too, to share everything with the family the same way they thought Michael should share. in their vision MJ owned them his career and success and the kids will owe them because they are being raised by them...but that's another story and it's none of our business right? but that's how it's gonna be

Agree, And I hated on the Show where Jermaine was like Michael's and Janets Estate was because of them. that pissed me the H*LL OFF!
this is amazing how can he say this:

Jermaine Jackson said it was ridiculous that his father even had to ask.

"That shouldn't even be," Jermaine Jackson told CNN. "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate."

joe jackson created the jacksons not the estate and trw away the money he made with bad investments so what does that have to do with mnichaels estate the only ones having a right are his three children and his mother as long as she s alive
why is it that iut seems nobody not only family like joe but also others suddenly now michael died lost allr respect for his wishes and desires its so sad and only prooves why he had to be so mistrusting towards all pple he met poor michael what a life he really must have suffered