Judge hears Joe Jackson's request for monthly allowance

yes the kids are strong and very bright but still they are only kids and they were left with such a heavy burden to carry, I remember during the trial Michael was always afraid for his kids and what would happen if he won't be here anymore
Thats right T-Mez said that Michael used to call him in the middle of the night asking him what would hapen to his kids, if anything happened to him, it's obvious Michael didnt trust people, not his family and not the children's mother either. Poor Mike :(
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I'm pretty sure the executors will keep a close watch on the children's interests. That Hayvenhurst household is one place where I would NOT want to be a fly-on-the wall. . . . .


Well Victoria, I for one would most definetly want to be a fly on the wall at Hayvenhurst, 'cause nobody can tell me that ish ain't happening up in there! drama time!
I think Michael knew his family very, very well. He clearly loved his mother, wanted to take care of her, and he trusted her with his children. But, no one else in the family. . . not even Janet. He felt no obligation to "take care of" his father or his siblings. All of them are adults. He tried to do the very best he could for his children financially and emotionally. He obviously felt that someone OUTSIDE of the family would be best for those kids, when his mother passes on. I hope she remains healthy and continues to raise the children, but if she does not, he clearly didn't want money to be an issue with custody and chose someone OUTSIDE of the family to be next-in-line to raise them. I think Diana Ross is an odd choice, but then, the will wasn't written recently. . . . If Katherine passes on when the kids are still minors, Debbie Rowe could challenge the will for custody, and as the biological mother of two of them, she'd have strong legal grounds. She has already said that if it comes to that, she'd take Blanket too, and keep them together. So. . what will be, will be.

I'm pretty sure the executors will keep a close watch on the children's interests. That Hayvenhurst household is one place where I would NOT want to be a fly-on-the wall. . . . .
I'd never realized it until you pointed it out, Victoria, that he chose a non-family member to raise them after Katherine. Wow. That really says something.
I hope, as you do, that Katherine is able to raise them all until adulthood and that the executors see to it that the children aren't manipulated into helping their family members as soon as they turn 18. :(
The thing that's most shocking about Joe's claims is that he's asking for a ridiculously large monthly allowance. I live off of about 1k a month for myself and my daughter, and that's plenty to keep someone sheltered, clothed, and fed. But Joe has these delusions of grandeur and demands to live extravagantly. He's not Michael, so why does he feel entitled to live like him? There are eight siblings(including Janet) plus Katherine who could easily chip in $100/month for Joe to live off of if he were desperate. But it's clear this isn't about desperation, this is about greed.
I'd never realized it until you pointed it out, Victoria, that he chose a non-family member to raise them after Katherine. Wow. That really says something.
I hope, as you do, that Katherine is able to raise them all until adulthood and that the executors see to it that the children aren't manipulated into helping their family members as soon as they turn 18. :(
The thing that's most shocking about Joe's claims is that he's asking for a ridiculously large monthly allowance. I live off of about 1k a month for myself and my daughter, and that's plenty to keep someone sheltered, clothed, and fed. But Joe has these delusions of grandeur and demands to live extravagantly. He's not Michael, so why does he feel entitled to live like him? There are eight siblings(including Janet) plus Katherine who could easily chip in $100/month for Joe to live off of if he were desperate. But it's clear this isn't about desperation, this is about greed.

This shows me that he clearly wants money and by taking from the estate he is taking from his grand children.
Thats right T-Mez said that Michael used to call him in the middle of the night asking him what would hapen to his kids, if anything happened to him, it's obvious Michael didnt trust people, not his family and not the children's mother either. Poor Mike :(

Thats right T-Mez said that Michael used to call him in the middle of the night asking him what would hapen to his kids, if anything happend to him

When did T-Mez say that? [I remember him writing in his article (after Michael's passing) that he was haunted by certain phone calls Michael had made to him during the trial, but he didn't mention the children.] God, poor Mike, indeed.
i appreciate ur support for MJ...don't mean to be picky. yes, u did specify that it's ur opinion. it's just that, as we get passionate, we tend to have our opinion represent everyone's opinion with the word 'we'.

i don't know that MJ was doing that.

like u said..ur right..we don't have MJ's medical file. and IMO, there are a lot of doctors wanting their fifteen minutes, right now.

the person you are disputing tends to be in a number of people who think, that because they see something dramatic, that that automatically means that a dramatic process took place to achieve it. but it has been known that a person can experience a dramatic 'looking' change, due to a very very small process.

for instance, a woman can go from looking like her face is really fat, to it looking reallly thin, with just a change of hairstyle.

there are people that have trouble believing that MJ's face changed dramtically, because of something he said. that he went on a diet. i have no trouble believing that.

it's a lot like those who believe MJ was remarkably more skinny, during the TII project. but, having looked at pics of him, purposely, from the OFF the wall era through TII -with some help from pics from a member, here, known as Chi Chi- i saw absolutely no noticeable difference in his body volume, throughout that stretch. it really is a case of eye of the beholder.

people tend to forget that what they see, is really the most deceptive thing there is. seeing really isn't always believing. and though some may not want to admit it, among those who like to believe that MJ got tons of surgery...their subjective eyes, plus a little help from multiple loud whispers from the media, into their ears, achieves what they end up thinking.(not talking about you, in this last paragraph)

I get you. Regarding your reply in bold, that's something I had read on here. I'll have to check the source.

I'd never realized it until you pointed it out, Victoria, that he chose a non-family member to raise them after Katherine. Wow. That really says something.
I hope, as you do, that Katherine is able to raise them all until adulthood and that the executors see to it that the children aren't manipulated into helping their family members as soon as they turn 18. :(
The thing that's most shocking about Joe's claims is that he's asking for a ridiculously large monthly allowance. I live off of about 1k a month for myself and my daughter, and that's plenty to keep someone sheltered, clothed, and fed. But Joe has these delusions of grandeur and demands to live extravagantly. He's not Michael, so why does he feel entitled to live like him? There are eight siblings(including Janet) plus Katherine who could easily chip in $100/month for Joe to live off of if he were desperate. But it's clear this isn't about desperation, this is about greed.

Don't the kids have their own attorney appointed by the court? I hope he/she will be of some help as well.
I Michael didn't want Joe to have money, why should he have them..

It's MJ's money for crying out loud. - He left a will, Joe wasn't in it. END OF STORY.

Money is for charity and his children. Joe shouldn't take the childrens money. That would be sooo wrong IMO.
that the executors see to it that the children aren't manipulated into helping their family members as soon as they turn 18. :sad:
i doubt the kids will have much power over the estate for many years. into their mid 20's at least.
yeah possibly 30's like presley. prob get a % at certain points ie 21 25 years of age etc. hopefully by the time they get to a point of controling alot of $ certain ppl wont be around to harass them anyway
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<<<<I'd never realized it until you pointed it out, Victoria, that he chose a non-family member to raise them after Katherine. Wow. That really says something.>>>>> Why? Not really. Maybe MJ knew his siblings would not want to raise anymore children. There are all kinds of reasons for this. I would not read too much into this.
yeah possibly 30's like presley. prob get a % at certain points ie 21 25 years of age etc. hopefully by the time they get to a point of controling alot of $ certain ppl wont be aorund to harass them anyway
SOrry but there will ALWAYS be someone to try to take money from you regardless if it is family, friends, business people, are people who just want to sue you.
>>>> I agree with Marlon on this. At the end of the day, it is the JACKSON's business. NOt ours.
SOrry but there will ALWAYS be someone to try to take money from you regardless if it is family, friends, business people, are people who just want to sue you.

yes but u expect outsiders to do it not family.saying ppl will always do it is no excuse for them actually doing it

if we only discussed what was our business then message boards wouldnt excist. we support mj even now and i support what HE wanted so yes in that sense it is our business becasue ppl are trying to go against HIS wishes.so ppl will want to discuss it

hy? Not really. Maybe MJ knew his siblings would not want to raise anymore children. There are all kinds of reasons for this. I would not read too much into this.
thats a pretty lame excuse. sorry
yes but u expect outsiders to do it not family.saying ppl will always do it is no excuse for them actually doing it

if we only discussed what was our business then message boards wouldnt excist. we support mj even now and i support what HE wanted so yes in that sense it is our business becasue ppl are trying to go against HIS wishes.so ppl will want to discuss it

thats a pretty lame excuse. sorry
And I am sure those people are going to do what THEY think is right as well. And if they give Joe, what are you going to do? Nothing. That is my point. People can complain and discuss all they want and all day; but at the end of the day, the Jacksons are going to do what they want. And for that lame excuse comment, it does not matter if you think it is lame or not, that is the way some family think and what some does and it is not just the Jacksons.
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And I am sure those people are going to do what THEY think is right as well. And if they give Joe, what are you going to do? Nothing. That is my point. People can complain all they want but at the end of the day, the Jacksons are going to do what they want. And for that lame excuse comment, it does not matter if you think it is lame or not, that is the way some family think and what some does and it is not just the Jacksons.
AND IF THEY DONT Give Joe a single dime what are YOU GONNA do?! How come his grown ass children, all middle aged and his grown aged middle aged multimillionaire duaghter cant take care of his sleazy behind? how come the dead has to do it?!! My point is if Joe doesnt get anything and after KAterines passing the Jackson family end up with NOT A THING , not a rotten penny you and other family lovers can f***, bi*** moan all you want, its MICHAELS money he decided where it should go period. Antoher thing the family would beyond stupid to not want to have the kids, THEY are the key to the money.
AND IF THEY DONT Give Joe a single dime what are YOU GONNA do?! How come his grown ass children, all middle aged and his grown aged middle aged multimillionaire duaghter cant take care of his sleazy ass how come the dead has to do it?!! My point is if Joe doesnt get anything and after KAterines passing the Jackson family ends up with NOT A THING , not a rotten penny you and other family lovers can fuck, bitch moan all you want, its MICHAELS money he decided where it should go period. Antoher thing the family would beyond stupid to not want to have the kids, THEY are the key to the money.
I am not the one bitching about Joes getting either more money or no money. I do not see the point. So your comment to me about "what I am going to do" does NOT apply to me. You need to tell someone who is on that side that, NOT ME. It does not matter either way because at the end of the day, THE JACKSON"S are going to do what they want to do. And that a fact. PERIOD. Look, people complain about Joe since his death. And what Joes is doing, Joe is still doing what he wants to do.
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I am not the one bitching about Joes getting more money or no money. I do not see the point. So you comment to me about "what I am going to do" does NOT apply to me. It does not matter either way because at the end of the day, THE JACKSON"S are going to do what they want to do. And that a fact. PERIOD. Look, people complain about Joe since his death. And what Joes is doing, Joe is still doing what he wants to do.

Ive already asked you this once by any chance ur Ivymay? Last time you didnt reply. You sound extremly FAMILIAR.
Them doing whatever they want doesnt mean they will succeed in it, isnt that what they've been doing since over 25 years. Doing what they want hasnt gotten them anywhere and certainly not close to fame, success and money.
Of course there was a time when they had fame, success and money but that was when Michael Jackson was with them.
Ive already asked you this once by any chance ur Ivymay? Last time you didnt reply. You sound extremly FAMILIAR.
No sweetie. I am well known on board and eveyon knows (at least old heads) I speak my mind and I do not chance fonts. I am the same old terrell.:D
No sweetie. I am well known on board and eveyon knows (at least old heads) I speak my mind and I do not chance fonts. I am the same old terrell.:D
Ok, someone just told me who you are, got a pm right now. Interesting how you behave the same on every board.
Ive already asked you this once by any chance ur Ivymay? Last time you didnt reply. You sound extremly FAMILIAR.
Them doing whatever they want doesnt mean they will succeed in it, isnt that what they've been doing since over 25 years. Doing what they want hasnt gotten them anywhere and certainly not close to fame, success and money.
Of course there was a time when they had fame, success and money but that was when Michael Jackson was with them.
No it does not mean they will succeed but it also does not mean they will fail either. The point of the matte is they are going to do what they wan to do. Look here, I understand what everyone saying, I understand each side, however, I do not see the point of "outsiders" like us talking about the Jackson's business on money or whoever's money. I never like talking about Michael's money when he was alive on whether if he was broke or not. To me, what is the point? If he was not broke, Michael would not care what people think, and if he was broke, MJ have to deal with and get it back on trace. I feel the same about this. Yes, you all can discuss it but what is the point? will anything be change either way because of what "fans" say? I think not. Also, we are not behind close door to know what was said or not. Alot of things do not get put in WILLs but family have an understanding. I guess I am looking at this because of life experiences within my own family and families I know. I have seen things put in WILL and things do not always go that way. I know things that are not in WILL but was said in private. I have seen executors take money from people who they were suppose to look after, etc. SO again, my point is, this is the JACKSON affair and there is nothing no one can do about it but the Jackson and the people INVOLVED.
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Ok, someone just told me who you are, got a pm right now. Interesting how you behave the same on every board.
Exactly. See, I do not change points of view unless someone gives me insight to do so.
And I am sure those people are going to do what THEY think is right as well. And if they give Joe, what are you going to do? Nothing. That is my point. People can complain and discuss all they want and all day; but at the end of the day, the Jacksons are going to do what they want. And for that lame excuse comment, it does not matter if you think it is lame or not, that is the way some family think and what some does and it is not just the Jacksons.

then whats the point in a message board. u think we think by disucssing it we can make things be different. of course not but this a discussion board so things will get discussed.your argument of not talking about it cause it wont change things is a bit moot when we are on a discussion board
No it does not mean they will succeed but it also does not mean they will fail either. The poing of the matter, they are going to do what they wan to do. Look here, I understand what everyone saying, I understand each side, however, I do not see the point of "outsiders" like us talking about the Jackson's money are who ever money. I never like talking about Michael's money when he was alive on whether if he was broke or no. To me, what is the point. If he was not broke, Michael would not care what people think, and if he was broke, MJ have to deal with and get it back on trace. I feel the same about this. Yes, you all can discuss it but what is the point? will anything be change either way because of what "fans" say? I think not. Also, we are not behind close door to know what was said or not. Alot of things do not get put in WILLs but family have an understanding. I guess I am looking at this because of life experiences within my own family and families I know. I have seen things put in WILL and things do not always go that way. I know things that are not in WILL but was said in private. I have seen executors take money from people who they were suppose to look after, etc. SO again, my point is, this is the JACKSON affair and there is nothing no one can do about it but the Jackson and the people INVOLVED.
Sure, now that I know for a fact who you are, there is no point in replying to you after this, have a nice day "terell".You being such a long time fan of the J-Fam guess you didnt learn a thing the past few decades, now wait and watch them fail with your own eyes once again and think of another lame reason for their failure.
I am not the one bitching about Joes getting either more money or no money. I do not see the point. So your comment to me about "what I am going to do" does NOT apply to me. You need to tell someone who is on that side that, NOT ME. It does not matter either way because at the end of the day, THE JACKSON"S are going to do what they want to do. And that a fact. PERIOD. Look, people complain about Joe since his death. And what Joes is doing, Joe is still doing what he wants to do.
with all respect if u dont see the point in discussing this issue then dont even bother coming in such threads

end of the day this thread is about joe wanting some money. all u have do is look at katherine and how mj looked after her in life and death. tells u about how mj felt and how he wanted his wishes carried out. maybe joe should reflect as to why hes even in this situation. let alone the greed of wanting so much per month. more than some ppl earn in a year. maybe he knows if he asked janet for some $ he knows what the answer would be.maybe the same if he asked his other sons. why arent they looking after their father after all they owe him everything they achieved or does that only come into play when its comes to mj? relying on your dead brother to fund your father when theres another 8 children who supposedly have money. how embarassing and shameful.as mj said "he only calls me when he wants money"
then whats the point in a message board. u think we think by disucssing it we can make things be different. of course not but this a discussion board so things will get discussed.your argument of not talking about it cause it wont change things is a bit moot when we are on a discussion board
I know, that is why you have your view, and I have mine.