Judge hears Joe Jackson's request for monthly allowance

so so so so tired of all the Jackson family negativity and hate

I don't hate them. I just dislike they present themselves sometimes. They must respect the fans also. If they respect us as MJ fans by choosing their words wisely we would support them being they are his family. I was a J5 fan first but now I am not liking the way they are potraying MJ. Maybe what they are saying is true but some of the facts that are out don't support some of their statements. Not all they say is untrue but the important stuff they glaze over it with untruths. Joe is the estate. He is the J5 estate not the Michael KOP estate. He is Mikes father and as a child if you can help your parents you will but don't be some darn arrogant. Come on.
No, that's not what I'm referring to. Rasta Pasta mentioned an article where Janet was "complaining" about working with Michael on Scream. I was just curious as to what she'd said.

I was talking about a particular posts here, not specially Rasta. Sorry for the mix up.

I really have no clue what Rasta is talking about, honestly. From what I have seen of interviews, Janet only spoke highly of Scream and didn't want to work on a video with Michael again because Scream would be compare to it.

In either case, I wouldn't see it as a big deal if she did complain about something. They are siblings and they will dogged each other now and then. In the Home Movies Michael made fun of Janet's need to eat, so take that as you will.
i just think that they are a family and only they really know what goes on between them...I just dont think its our place to comment on how the family is handling the loss of their family member and their (or Michaels) finances...and i certainly dont agree on commenting on the children and how their family is raising them as if they were in the hands of wolves. If it were my family I would find that very disrespectful..

thats just my opinion tho..apparently im in the minority here...i think the family is handling this terrible and traumatic situation the best they can. In regards to Joe Jackson, theres no telling what there relationship was like at the time MJ wrote his will and at the time of his death. Joe stood right by his son during the trial...maybe things were better between them...

who knows...no one of us know..thats why i feel the negativity is not necessary for we are nothing but outsiders looking in...and quite frankly its all nothing but biased opinions
i just think that they are a family and only they really know what goes on between them...I just dont think its our place to comment on how the family is handling the loss of their family member and their (or Michaels) finances...and i certainly dont agree on commenting on the children and how their family is raising them as if they were in the hands of wolves. If it were my family I would find that very disrespectful..

thats just my opinion tho..apparently im in the minority here...i think the family is handling this terrible and traumatic situation the best they can. In regards to Joe Jackson, theres no telling what there relationship was like at the time MJ wrote his will and at the time of his death. Joe stood right by his son during the trial...maybe things were better between them...

who knows...no one of us know..thats why i feel the negativity is not necessary for we are nothing but outsiders looking in...and quite frankly its all nothing but biased opinions

of course it is biased, this is a Michael Jackson fan site. We will defend him unfortunately sometimes against family. It is what it is.
We have to realize that this is a MJ fan site. People will be biased toward him. Due we bash some people when we shouldn't? Yes, that happens sometimes unfortunately but I think some of us have been supportive of the family. They say things about their brother that is condescending. They pass him off as if he doesn't know what he talking about and being a die hard MJ fan it ticks me off somtimes.
i just think that they are a family and only they really know what goes on between them...I just dont think its our place to comment on how the family is handling the loss of their family member and their (or Michaels) finances...and i certainly dont agree on commenting on the children and how their family is raising them as if they were in the hands of wolves. If it were my family I would find that very disrespectful..

thats just my opinion tho..apparently im in the minority here...i think the family is handling this terrible and traumatic situation the best they can. In regards to Joe Jackson, theres no telling what there relationship was like at the time MJ wrote his will and at the time of his death. Joe stood right by his son during the trial...maybe things were better between them...

who knows...no one of us know..thats why i feel the negativity is not necessary for we are nothing but outsiders looking in...and quite frankly its all nothing but biased opinions

although you could be quiet right with everything you said there's still the open fact that there's an old Dad asking only one of his numerous children to pay for his living. especially as this child just passed and has three young children to still care for... and that just makes many go hmmmmmmmmm :scratch:
We have to realize that this is a MJ fan site. People will be biased toward him. Due we bash some people when we shouldn't? Yes, that happens sometimes unfortunately but I think some of us have been supportive of the family. They say things about their brother that is condescending. They pass him off as if he doesn't know what he talking about and being a die hard MJ fan it ticks me off somtimes.

lol...u dont get that I get what ur saying thats y i said the opinions were biased..ill cuss anyone out that disrespects MJ (and I will drop you out of my life with the quickness) thats what fans do

but imo...defending MJ against his family is just pointless to me...they may be wrong or we as his fans my disagree with their actions...but thats not our family...thats Michael Jackson's family his flesh and blood...some things us fans just gotta sit back and bite our tongue on and stay out of
Why keep mentioning they were there during the trial ? it was the least they could do to him I mean the man feed them and their children since ever and the least they could do was to be there with him during the trial, THEY HAD TO BE THERE , MJ OWED THEM NOTHING AT ALL , HE HAD ALREADY DONE ALOT TO HELP THEM , they were there and they took advantage of him , Randy conspired against him and left him with a mountain of debts , later when he kicked him , sued his team of lawyers and accountants , Randy started a war agains him in the media and Roger Friedman was the spokesperson .

everytime someone opens his mouth against the family's obvious EXPLOITATION , they come and tell us ohh they were there when he needed them , they were there because of $$$$$$$$$$$$ , and mj facing the most difficult time in his life did not prevent some of them from taking advantage of him and when he later tried to correct what some of them did during the trial they led a war against him in the media , interventions, addiction , ungratefulness , backstabber ...etc . the other siblings were there at his doors asking for a signature on a reunion tour contract eventhough they knew he did not recover from the trial, all they thought about was themselves . they hired a manager and told the world they were ready to go on stage again but their selfish brother was the problem because he's on drugs . the more he was determined to not return their calls the more the addiction rumours were fueled by the 'sources' . who are you kidding ? he meant and means money to them .
Why keep mentioning they were there during the trial ? it was the least they could do to him I mean the man feed them and their children since ever and the least they could do was to be there with him during the trial, THEY HAD TO BE THERE , MJ OWED THEM NOTHING AT ALL , HE HAD ALREADY DONE ALOT TO HELP THEM , they were there and they took advantage of him , Randy conspired against him and left him with a mountain of debts , later when he kicked him , sued his team of lawyers and accountants , Randy started a war agains him in the media and Roger Friedman was the spokesperson .

everytime someone opens his mouth against the family's obvious EXPLOITATION , they come and tell us ohh they were there when he needed them , they were there because of $$$$$$$$$$$$ , and mj facing the most difficult time in his life did not prevent some of them from taking advantage of him and when he later tried to correct what some of them did during the trial they led a war against him in the media , interventions, addiction , ungratefulness , backstabber ...etc . the other siblings were there at his doors asking for a signature on a reunion tour contract eventhough they knew he did not recover from the trial, all they thought about was themselves . they hired a manager and told the world they were ready to go on stage again but their selfish brother was the problem because he's on drugs . the more he was determined to not return their calls the more the addiction rumours were fueled by the 'sources' . who are you kidding ? he meant and means money to them .

ur prolly right... but that sounds like a problem they have to deal with and not me...im poor :)
lol...u dont get that I get what ur saying thats y i said the opinions were biased..ill cuss anyone out that disrespects MJ (and I will drop you out of my life with the quickness) thats what fans do

but imo...defending MJ against his family is just pointless to me...they may be wrong or we as his fans my disagree with their actions...but thats not our family...thats Michael Jackson's family his flesh and blood...some things us fans just gotta sit back and bite our tongue on and stay out of

I got it but when they make a statement to the public people will comment and derive an opinion of what they said and as fans if it comes of as offensive to MJ it is hard not respond. I will not bash his family but I will certainly disagree with them when need be.
Why keep mentioning they were there during the trial ? it was the least they could do to him I mean the man feed them and their children since ever and the least they could do was to be there with him during the trial, THEY HAD TO BE THERE , MJ OWED THEM NOTHING AT ALL , HE HAD ALREADY DONE ALOT TO HELP THEM , they were there and they took advantage of him , Randy conspired against him and left him with a mountain of debts , later when he kicked him , sued his team of lawyers and accountants , Randy started a war agains him in the media and Roger Friedman was the spokesperson .

everytime someone opens his mouth against the family's obvious EXPLOITATION , they come and tell us ohh they were there when he needed them , they were there because of $$$$$$$$$$$$ , and mj facing the most difficult time in his life did not prevent some of them from taking advantage of him and when he later tried to correct what some of them did during the trial they led a war against him in the media , interventions, addiction , ungratefulness , backstabber ...etc . the other siblings were there at his doors asking for a signature on a reunion tour contract eventhough they knew he did not recover from the trial, all they thought about was themselves . they hired a manager and told the world they were ready to go on stage again but their selfish brother was the problem because he's on drugs . the more he was determined to not return their calls the more the addiction rumours were fueled by the 'sources' . who are you kidding ? he meant and means money to them .

I agree with some of this you said. Using my own family, when their is a crisis we come together out of obligation and duty but after that we are distant and don't have much to do with one another until someone needs something.
s/he keeps repeating the same darn thing ....and I just lost it. Always defending the UN-DEFENDABLE is annoying.

How can s.he defend the fact that Jermaine & others are calling MJ a liar? Geeezzzz...I just wonder why some don't just open a Jackson family worship site and wallow in their fandom?

im not defending them...i didnt say that i AGREED with anything...i just said..in nutshell...that we...well that I'M gonna stay out of JACKSON FAMILY BUSINESS and keep MY MOUTH SHUT...If you dont have nothing nice to say then dont say it! this family is greiving right now whether u think so or not...im just choosing not to be disrespectful i guess...

you guys can continue bashing the family..ill just stick to cracking my Jermaine hair and grease jokes
s/he keeps repeating the same darn thing ....and I just lost it. Always defending the UN-DEFENDABLE is annoying.

How can s.he defend the fact that Jermaine & others are calling MJ a liar? Geeezzzz...I just wonder why some don't just open a Jackson family worship site and wallow in their fandom?

Is it hard to imagine that MJ overexaggerated or um lied. Hell, lets list alot of things we know MJ lied about..the plastic surgery, the chamber stories, the police brutality..plain and simple, MJ is human. Did he interpret the hitting as abuse..maybe.However, if the others don't feel like they were abuse, then what you expect them to lie? I personally don't think MJ was abused. I came from a black family where whoopings with switches and whatever was the norm. Is my mother or others abusive?

I love MJ, but I know probably 75% of the stories about him are probably true in some capacity.
im not defending them...i didnt say that i AGREED with anything...i just said..in nutshell...that we...well that I'M gonna stay out of JACKSON FAMILY BUSINESS and keep MY MOUTH SHUT...If you dont have nothing nice to say then dont say it! this family is greiving right now whether u think so or not...im just choosing not to be disrespectful i guess...

you guys can continue bashing the family..ill just stick to cracking my Jermaine hair and grease jokes


Well, stop criticizing people who disagree with the family. Follow your own advice...

You don't have to agree with others' opinion, but stop acting like the Jackson family defender.

You might think they are above reproach...I certainly don't. I would say they are pretty darn far from it.
Is it hard to imagine that MJ overexaggerated or um lied. Hell, lets list alot of things we know MJ lied about..the plastic surgery, the chamber stories, the police brutality..plain and simple, MJ is human. Did he interpret the hitting as abuse..maybe.However, if the others don't feel like they were abuse, then what you expect them to lie? I personally don't think MJ was abused. I came from a black family where whoopings with switches and whatever was the norm. Is my mother or others abusive?

I love MJ, but I know probably 75% of the stories about him are probably true in some capacity.

I am black and from a black family. From a steel mill town in the deep south. Birmingham, Alabama. I take offense to that. I got whoopings to with anything that was available. Just because it was done to us doesn't make it right. Slaves were beaten, blacks were hung and bombed etc. That was the way things were done back then . Does that make it right?
Is it hard to imagine that MJ overexaggerated or um lied. Hell, lets list alot of things we know MJ lied about..the plastic surgery, the chamber stories, the police brutality..plain and simple, MJ is human. Did he interpret the hitting as abuse..maybe.However, if the others don't feel like they were abuse, then what you expect them to lie? I personally don't think MJ was abused. I came from a black family where whoopings with switches and whatever was the norm. Is my mother or others abusive?

I love MJ, but I know probably 75% of the stories about him are probably true in some capacity.

same here... only difference was that I WAS abused...Marlon said it best one time...he hit my personality right on the nose...I was also taught to stay outta other peoples business...i don't care if they are famous or not honestly...i just don't think bashing the family is really SOLVING anything ya know? his family is always gonna be his family they aren't changing anytime soon
Is it hard to imagine that MJ overexaggerated or um lied. Hell, lets list alot of things we know MJ lied about..the plastic surgery, the chamber stories, the police brutality..plain and simple, MJ is human. Did he interpret the hitting as abuse..maybe.However, if the others don't feel like they were abuse, then what you expect them to lie? I personally don't think MJ was abused. I came from a black family where whoopings with switches and whatever was the norm. Is my mother or others abusive?

I love MJ, but I know probably 75% of the stories about him are probably true in some capacity.

If you think MJ lied...well, there is a serious issue. Every child if different, the others may not see it as abuse...but if MJ felt he was abused who are you to call him a liar? Do you think MJ was faking all his emotional issues? Or do you think he was a well adjusted man?

Last september when Oprah did the special and replayed the 1993 interview, she commented on the fear she WITNESSED in Michael's eyes, when he admitted for the first time that Joe abused him. She said, she could tell he still feared Joe. MJ was 35 then...and he still feared Joe.

Again recently, Frank Dileo recounted how much MJ feared Joe Jackson. Joe and Katherine and their lackeys had requested a meeting with MJ (trying to badger him to tour with the brothers & hire Joe & co for his London tour) at the end of may, MJ sat in his car waiting for Dileo & Randy Philips to arrive to the meeting because he did not want to enter the hotel and have to face Joe alone.

I do not care how many times the Jacksons claim MJ lied and call Joe a good father...I will always take MJ's words over theirs.
Of course MJ did not lie. LAst september when Oprah did the special and replayed the 1993 interview, she commented on the fear she WITNESSED in Michael's eyes, when he admitted for the first time that Joe abused him. She said, she could tell he still feared Joe. MJ was 35 then...and he still feared Joe.

Again recently, Frank Dileo recounted how much MJ feared Joe Jackson. Joe and Katherine and their lackeys had requested a meeting with MJ (trying to badger him to tour with the brothers & hire Joe & co for his London tour) at the end of may, MJ sat in his car waiting for Dileo & Randy Philips to arrive to the meeting because he did not want to enter the hotel and have to face Joe alone.

I do not care how many times the Jacksons claim MJ lied and call Joe a good father...I will always take MJ's words over theirs.

Amen. I believe him.
First of all I will agree that what Jermain said what stupid and just plain ignorant . nobody created that estate but Michael and his hard and talent. and I am sure if Jermaine had made it himeself as a succesful sosl artist he wouldn't have felt so entitltied . as far a Joe he is just plain being greedy , and is just goimg after a lifestyle out of his means. the man is not broke homeless or straving, so please tell me why the hell does he even need all that money in the first place. so like I said nothing but greed on his part.
Is it hard to imagine that MJ overexaggerated or um lied. Hell, lets list alot of things we know MJ lied about..the plastic surgery, the chamber stories, the police brutality..plain and simple, MJ is human. Did he interpret the hitting as abuse..maybe.However, if the others don't feel like they were abuse, then what you expect them to lie? I personally don't think MJ was abused. I came from a black family where whoopings with switches and whatever was the norm. Is my mother or others abusive?

I love MJ, but I know probably 75% of the stories about him are probably true in some capacity.

Your posts are so factually wrong that it makes you wonder why you are on a Michael's fan site.

So, you think Michael was lying in those tapes about being oiled up and beating with an extension cord to the point that his mother thought he was going to get killed. Okay, then why did he only tell that Rabbi of all people this and never said a thing about it in any other interview. Sorry, a person who breaks down in tears at remembering beatings got more than mere spankings.

Now you are saying that Michael lied about police brutality even though their are photos on the web with Michael with bruises on his arms. Also, how did he lie about the chamber story? He denial sleeping in one, which is true. He never confirm or deny that he posed in a picture.

The plastic surgeries are a hit or miss since no one knows how many he actually gotten. Maybe he did have only 2 nose jobs and the rest were follow ups, which he didn't count. Unless you have his medical file, you can't really say he lied. At the very least, he didn't tell the whole truth. But since plastic surgery is very personal, it is really none of the public business.
Is it hard to imagine that MJ overexaggerated or um lied. Hell, lets list alot of things we know MJ lied about..the plastic surgery, the chamber stories, the police brutality..plain and simple, MJ is human. Did he interpret the hitting as abuse..maybe.However, if the others don't feel like they were abuse, then what you expect them to lie? I personally don't think MJ was abused. I came from a black family where whoopings with switches and whatever was the norm. Is my mother or others abusive?

I love MJ, but I know probably 75% of the stories about him are probably true in some capacity.

and how did he lie about plastic surgery, chamber story and POLICE EFFING BRUTALITY again?

please explain.

no really. explain. k thnx.
If you think MJ lied...well, there is a serious issue. Every child if different, the others may not see it as abuse...but if MJ felt he was abused who are you to call him a liar? Do you think MJ was faking all his emotional issues? Or do you think he was a well adjusted man?

Last september when Oprah did the special and replayed the 1993 interview, she commented on the fear she WITNESSED in Michael's eyes, when he admitted for the first time that Joe abused him. She said, she could tell he still feared Joe. MJ was 35 then...and he still feared Joe.

Again recently, Frank Dileo recounted how much MJ feared Joe Jackson. Joe and Katherine and their lackeys had requested a meeting with MJ (trying to badger him to tour with the brothers & hire Joe & co for his London tour) at the end of may, MJ sat in his car waiting for Dileo & Randy Philips to arrive to the meeting because he did not want to enter the hotel and have to face Joe alone.

I do not care how many times the Jacksons claim MJ lied and call Joe a good father...I will always take MJ's words over theirs.

Well you do that then :) I think I will stick with the family on this one.
too bad we have to defend him to his own fans. ( smirk again)

u cant be referring to me...cuz i surely never said MJ lied about anything...I just wish the fans were more respectful towards his family...any fan knows that FAMILY meant ALOT to MJ and it means alot to me. I would be so hurt if people carried on about my family the way u all have been carrying on about the jacksons...no need to bash them..everyone makes mistakes in this world..theirs is just magnified because they are the 1st family of music :)

My father abused me as a child was he wrong YES would i like anyone else bashing my father NO I don't care how much he beat me NO ONE ain't gonna be talking about my father like that! lol
Is it hard to imagine that MJ overexaggerated or um lied. Hell, lets list alot of things we know MJ lied about..the plastic surgery, the chamber stories, the police brutality..plain and simple, MJ is human. Did he interpret the hitting as abuse..maybe.However, if the others don't feel like they were abuse, then what you expect them to lie? I personally don't think MJ was abused. I came from a black family where whoopings with switches and whatever was the norm. Is my mother or others abusive?

I love MJ, but I know probably 75% of the stories about him are probably true in some capacity.

a 5 , 6, 7 , 8 ,9 , 10 ....etc child performing in sex clubs to pay his parents rent and feed them is called ABUSE .

Having sex with hookers in a room beside your child's room where he was able to hear everything and mocking your child who felt disgusted by your DISGUSTING behaviour by saying he should do that because that what men do is ABUSE .

the siblings having sex with girls infront of a child is ABUSE .

go read psychological books on these matters and come back to tell us what you find . MJ was psychologically abused before he was abused physically .
Your posts are so factually wrong that it makes you wonder why you are on a Michael's fan site.

So, you think Michael was lying in those tapes about being oiled up and beating with an extension cord to the point that his mother thought he was going to get killed. Okay, then why did he only tell that Rabbi of all people this and never said a thing about it in any other interview. Sorry, a person who breaks down in tears at remembering beatings got more than mere spankings.

Now you are saying that Michael lied about police brutality even though their are photos on the web with Michael with bruises on his arms. Also, how did he lie about the chamber story? He denial sleeping in one, which is true. He never confirm or deny that he posed in a picture.

The plastic surgeries are a hit or miss since no one knows how many he actually gotten. Maybe he did have only 2 nose jobs and the rest were follow ups, which he didn't count. Unless you have his medical file, you can't really say he lied. At the very least, he didn't tell the whole truth. But since plastic surgery is very personal, it is really none of the public business.

there's even videos of fans getting shoved and pushed by the police on July 13th 2005. and how about the raid of Neverland huh? does this person really know nothing about MJ?? and I'm sorry but if Ernestine knows anything about Mike... he would never say any negative things about anyone on TV unless it was the truth and he feels it was very unjustice and he was hurt by it.

and the plastic surgery thing maybe Ernestine didn't even watch Living With Michael TAKE TWO. and only watched the Martin Bastard's one. GOSH this is asdlkfjhadklsflkdsjfkldasjfjfg

makes me want to vomit.


of course. but i'll just leave this thread. ppft. some people...
and how did he lie about plastic surgery, chamber story and POLICE EFFING BRUTALITY again?

please explain.

no really. explain. k thnx.

Plastic surgery-watch Bashir..do you honestly think MJ only had 2 surgical procedures on his face?Even without being a plastic surgeon, as a nurse I can visible see a HUGE transformation from Thriller-Invincible minus the vitiligo which I do think MJ suffered.
Chamber story-MJ lied. The story was not true..he knew that because he made it up himself along with Frank Dileo. It probably cost him a Grammy too.

Police brutality-need I say more..

I hate these types of post because it makes me sound anti-MJ, but sometimes need to realize that everyone not named Michael Jackson are not bad people.