Judge hears Joe Jackson's request for monthly allowance

Jermaine Jackson said it was ridiculous that his father even had to ask.

"That shouldn't even be," Jermaine Jackson told CNN. "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate."

seriously,why it always has to be Michael who supported his parents but not you Jermaine?
ughhhh! it makes me feel so furious!
so Joe created everything? Michael's HARD WORK AND TALENT created the estate.
Yes it is really ridiculous that Joe even had to ask.
there are so many members in the family who can support him but yet he had to ask the estate for the money.
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I guess MJ already have payed more than his part.
well it depends.
Let's assume Joseph has really no earnings (I do not believe that but let's assume).
Before Joseph will need welfare meaning tax money they'll might prove his financial situation and the financial situation of all his kids.
And before he'll get tax money they'll probably make his wife and also children pay.

At least that would be very common over here in Germany at least.

But first everyone would have to open up about financial privacy... and that could very well last the rest of Josephs life before they would have some clearity about that?

I mean please lol those 50something year old kids are mainly still all dependent on their parents or better on their younger brother (around a corner of financial flow).
As I said... emberassing... this term just always comes to my mind when I think about Joseph and some of the siblings.
Trouble is Michael never said no when his family came asking for money. We all know he gave his mother a $60,000 allowance every month, plus paid all the bills, paid his nephews and niece's school fees, the brothers' child support payments-the list continues.

Michael should've made a list with all the millions of dollars he spent on his family throughout the years and then make it PUBLIC for everyone to see

Jermaine recently told Exaggeration Tonight when asked what would Michael have thought about the reality show or did you talk to him about it, that Michael was very busy working with them, giving them approvals on all types of things. The executive producers spoke to him and Jermaine spoke to him regarding clearances. Jermaine said that Michael was very happy and said as long as you are yourselves.

giving approval doesn't equal participating as Michael was very busy himself, he had real work to do...unlike jermaine
Jermaine is obviously trying to drum up some additional attention for this reality series, by stating that Michael would have been involved. Really Jermaine!

I mean, they were able to get Janet on a phone call to wish her a happy birthday, but there is no such phone call with Michael's voice which would have featured his input. I would think that IF such a thing occurred, they would have found a way to incorporate it into the series. Even if it wasn't Michael in person, his voice on the phone would have been a hit, in my opinion.

I gotta tell ya, I TRY to give Jermaine the benefit of the doubt, but he just continues to put his foot in his mouth - OVER & OVER AGAIN! He's just a straight-up embarrassment!
Michael should've made a list with all the millions of dollars he spent on his family throughout the years and then make it PUBLIC for everyone to see
LOL yeah or made one of those videos that get played afterwards where ppl say what they really feel about others lol

jermaine should look after his father. except he has no money.leeches
jermaine should look after his father. except he has no money.leeches

Yeah, I would LOVE for one of the interviewer's to ask Jermaine "why he and his siblings don't help take care of Joseph's financial needs."

Since Jermaine appears to have an answer for everything. I would love to see his face and hear his response to that type of question.
MJ supported the Lester's family, Omar Bhatti and his family, the burnt victim Dave dave, the chandler family, the arvizo family, Elizabeth Taylor, Marlon Brando and so many other families so no need to fuss over MJ supporting his own family and hundreds of cousins.
What Jermaine said is kinda messed up. Sure, Joe had a huge part in bringing Michael's talent in front of the world.. but it was Michael's talent, hard work, dedication, and exceptional business skills that got him where he was. If it was just up to Joe.. all the Jackson kids would be as famous as Michael.

Good post.

Jermaine is silly, I can not believe he said that!

Of course Joe does deserve credit for how he built the Jackson's up from scratch, but Michael's success wasn't all Joe, if it was why weren't the others as successful?

MJ would not have got anywhere without his own amazing natural talent, which can not be taught. It was evident he was something special even when he was a toddler apparently, according to Mrs. Jackson.

Michael did give Joe praise for his guidance and determination -

''He seemed intent, above all else, on making us a commercial success. And at that he was more than adept. My father was a managerial genius and my brothers and I owe our professional success, in no small measure, to the forceful way that he pushed us. He trained me as a showman and under his guidance I couldn't miss a step.”

''Talent is something that God gives to a performer, but our father taught us how to cultivate it. My father's a genius. The man who taught me everything on stage."
Jermaine is obviously trying to drum up some additional attention for this reality series, by stating that Michael would have been involved. Really Jermaine!

I mean, they were able to get Janet on a phone call to wish her a happy birthday, but there is no such phone call with Michael's voice which would have featured his input. I would think that IF such a thing occurred, they would have found a way to incorporate it into the series. Even if it wasn't Michael in person, his voice on the phone would have been a hit, in my opinion.

I gotta tell ya, I TRY to give Jermaine the benefit of the doubt, but he just continues to put his foot in his mouth - OVER & OVER AGAIN! He's just a straight-up embarrassment!

No one in that family had a direct line to Michael except Janet and his mother. Everyone else had to call his people. He even changed his number more than a couple of times when his brothers managed to find his number.

Also from interviews I have seen in the past the family, except Joe, generally did not bother Michael when he is getting ready to tour. I have read interviews when the brothers and Janet said that they haven't talked to Michael in like 2 years because he was touring or preparing to tour.
All I'll say about the money is that if Joe is in such trouble financially, I'm sure some of the other siblings have made enough money by now with their interviews, reality show etc. (I'm not critisising them for it) to support him. Lets not forget Janet either, I'm sure shes quite well off.

It's just embarrassing that Joe Jackson would even have to petition the court for an allowance, when he has all of those ADULT children who could be helping him financially.

I mean, I could see if Michael was an only child, and Joe Jackson had no other choice, but that's not the case.

They like to speak about the importance of FAMILY and what a strong unit they all are. I guess they are only a strong unit when it comes to spending Michael's money.
Joe is not mentioned in Michaels will, so what is this all about? -.-"

In my opinion, it's about an OLD DUDE, who wants to reclaim the glory days of the Jackson 5. When he was their manager and he was living off the fat of the land.

I guess that's why Joe Jackson is always talking about "new record labels" and "his new artist," hoping that one of those things would click and he can be what he was back in the day.

Poor thing, somebody really needs to tell him: Those Days Are Over!
Why exactly does Joe need another $240,000 ($20,000 a month) a year??????

His wife is already getting about $1,000,000 (one million dollars) (way over $80,000 a month) a year from the estate already!!!!

The poor kids will never see a penny of the estate when the family are finished with it!!!

I've always thought that Prince, Paris and Blanket were the luckiest kids in the world to have Michael as their father. But today it seems like the opposite!!!! Very Sad Indeed!!!!!!
It's just embarrassing that Joe Jackson would even have to petition the court for an allowance, when he has all of those ADULT children who could be helping him financially.

I mean, I could see if Michael was an only child, and Joe Jackson had no other choice, but that's not the case.

They like to speak about the importance of FAMILY and what a strong unit they all are. I guess they are only a strong unit when it comes to spending Michael's money.

I am so surprised that no media questioned why Joe's 8 living children didn't support their father. well, everything came to Michael, they have the double standard. The siblings are in the show business too, and they just told the world how much they appreciate their father's "abuse" education so why don't they afford their "beloved" father's expense. Michael supported the whole family during his lifetime. It seems that Michael still cannot make decision in his last will. "everyone is taking control of me, seems that the world's got a role for me"
She does have money, but it most likely not enough to support that huge family. Janet also didn't invest her money like Michael did so all her wreath come from her albums and image. So, she cannot recoup money as fast as Michael because he invested in more than his catalog.

Plus, I honestly do not see Janet given any of her money to her family. If Joe came asking for an allowance, Janet would most likely to tell him where he can put it.

Despite what Janet claims, I always got a feeling that she doesn't like her father or most of her brothers for that matter. The only siblings she mentions in interviews with any fondness are Michael and Randy. She even slammed Toy hard in the 90s when everyone else was playing nice. She also gave Jermaine an earful over that infamous Word to the Badd song.

I think the family always ended up asking Michael for money because he actually gave it, via his mother.

I learned during the 2005 trial, Janet Jackson WAS giving both her mom and dad an allowance. Dont know when exactly it began, can't say when it stopped or the amount, I only know that Janet had financially been helping her folks at one time or another.
I learned during the 2005 trial, Janet Jackson WAS giving both her mom and dad an allowance. Dont know when exactly it began, can't say when it stopped or the amount, I only know that Janet had financially been helping her folks at one time or another.

It was most likely a temp since Michael was using his money to pay for his defense. I guess during that time period the family thought it was best for Michael to focus completely on his current problem, so Janet took up the mantle of paying for things.

Well, everyone except Randy apparently. :mello:
aside for 7 other grown children...Joe has a millionare daughter....what the hell does Janet do..
everyone is all in Michael's financial bizniz but notice....Janet's is never discussed....

Joe states in court papers ...he has been living off Michael for years... what has Janet been paying for....????

eventhough I was not a fan of Janet.. I liked some of her music and she was Michael's little sista...but that interview she did with Robin Roberts...
showed me a Charlatan....and true Charlatan...

she said she always has her brothers back but I remember an article of her complaining about her working with Michael on Scream... I dismissed it back then...but pieces of the puzzle are coming together...

sure Janet loves Michael...but she also has other strong feelings she uses to sell out her brother...

its crafty how she is saying in a round about way that he caused her

disclaimer: this is just an opinion...

I applaud you for your bravery and honesty. You told the truth about how you percieve this subject matter without being disrepsectful to a Jackson family member.

You are not alone in what you see or how you feel.
why do we keep posting these threads? are we trying to sabotage the fanbase?

all i gotta say is, every man for himself, until he needs something, it seems.
Why was Michael the only one stepping up to the plate to help his family? They want to keep everything positive, but the truth about them will come out which most of it has but we refused to believe it. Look at your own family. Theirs is no different or immuned to backbiting and deceit.
I thought Joe initially requested for $15,000 but now it seems he want $20,000. This is what will happen if he is awarded anything by the Judge. Joe's "expenses" will keep on rocketing. This family will bleed the estate dry; they all feel that MJ owns them.

P.S Has anyone the video of the nephews in a Las Vegas hotel on Youtube. Look at how they are bragging as if their "daddies" could afford that prior to MJ's death. This is the biggest lottery for them.
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Why was Michael the only one stepping up to the plate to help his family? They want to keep everything positive, but the truth about them will come out which most of it has but we refused to believe it. Look at your own family. Theirs is no different or immuned to backbiting and deceit.

Most families usually have one bad egg, but this family had only one GOOD egg...Michael Jackson!!!!!
Why was Michael the only one stepping up to the plate to help his family? They want to keep everything positive, but the truth about them will come out which most of it has but we refused to believe it. Look at your own family. Theirs is no different or immuned to backbiting and deceit.

of course. even religions say that families backbite.(for those that believe)

for this family to say they are immune is to be delusional. and yes...it has been repeated enough, and we've been beaten for just saying what's out there, but MJ is the victim of backbiting. period. there. i said it.
I think Jermaine and co. should be reminder of what MJ specifically stated in the Will:

"Excerpt as otherwise provided in this Will or in the Trust referred to in Article III hereof, I have INTENTIONALLY omitted to provide for my heirs"

P.S. I hope the executors stress that to the Judge. MJ had no intention of providing for any family member who isn't mention in the will or trust.
I am officially not watching the show. I supported this family because I was a Jackson family fan but what I am getting from them is:
Michael was an addict:
He didn't listen to us:
He is not responsible for his success:
He should take care of the family:
He was delusional:
It is embarrassing that Joe had to ask the estate for money. No it is embarrassing for the remainding siblings Joe had to ask for money.
Michael lied about being abused.( Well it is clear something is wrong with that family they spell disfunction)

I might be banned for this, but they want to have careers; therefore they will say whatever to keep the family in good light but all they are doing is pissing Michael's fans off by calling him a liar.
I am officially not watching the show. I supported this family because I was a Jackson family fan but what I am getting from them is:
Michael was an addict:
He didn't listen to us:
He is not responsible for his success:
He should take care of the family:
He was delusional:
It is embarrassing that Joe had to ask the estate for money. No it is embarrassing for the remainding siblings Joe had to ask for money.
Michael lied about being abused.( Well it is clear something is wrong with that family they spell disfunction)

I might be banned for this, but they want to have careers; therefore they will say whatever to keep the family in good light but all they are doing is pissing Michael's fans off by calling him a liar.
I have to agree with you ensleyave.

I grew up with the Jacksons and planned on supporting this project, but I no longer feel that way. This latest thing regarding the "abuse" was the last straw for me.

I felt the same way with Janet and her new Number Ones CD. I had planned to support her latest efforts, but she turned me off so badly with her talk of "interventions" that I just lost interest in supporting her.
I am tired of him not getting the support he needed from them. He was a business to them. I am not saying they didn't feel love for him but there is something wrong with this picture and I am not liking it. Also, if Brian Oxman said those bad things about Katherine; Mike would be ready to beat him down. This is messy. MJ can't get support even in death. If the family keep MJ's name going they feel people will be interested in them. There will be some, but I having a hard time now stomaching them. They time after time have denounced what went own with the beatings and the mental abuse. I don't know. I will not comment on threads like this again because I get extremely angry.
I am tired of him not getting the support he needed from them. He was a business to them. I am not saying they didn't feel love for him but there is something wrong with this picture and I am not liking it. Also, if Brian Oxman said those bad things about Katherine; Mike would be ready to beat him down. This is messy. MJ can't get support even in death. If the family keep MJ's name going they feel people will be interested in them. There will be some, but I having a hard time now stomaching them. They time after time have denounced what went own with the beatings and the mental abuse. I don't know. I will not comment on threads like this again because I get extremely angry.

Exactly, It is for such reason that I never believed their intervention stories.
I am officially not watching the show. I supported this family because I was a Jackson family fan but what I am getting from them is:
Michael was an addict:
He didn't listen to us:
He is not responsible for his success:
He should take care of the family:
He was delusional:
It is embarrassing that Joe had to ask the estate for money. No it is embarrassing for the remainding siblings Joe had to ask for money.
Michael lied about being abused.( Well it is clear something is wrong with that family they spell disfunction)

I might be banned for this, but they want to have careers; therefore they will say whatever to keep the family in good light but all they are doing is pissing Michael's fans off by calling him a liar.

i totally agree with this. how many times do i have to be banged over the head, before i get it? i got this, but i knew it was controversial. i knew it would divide the fan community, potentially. but eventually, i would have to take my medicine. all i am seeing is a repeat of how the media treated him, but, somehow, blood lets you off the hook.

you are taught to be responsible, as a child. well..the teacher has to be responsible, too.

if you grow up and become a bum, you are held responsible. so, if you grow up and become successful, you should be acknowledged. this goes for everybody.

Michael is the parent. Michael is the reason why this family is getting such respect, though his way of behaving was referred to as w. j.

now, he's being stepped on, for it, by the most outspoken members of his own family.
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