Judge hears Joe Jackson's request for monthly allowance

I will be fair to the Jacksons and say this.

I do not believe every last one of them are lying about Joe's abuse or lack of abuse. I have seen families who had abusive parents or even parents that molested them, which everyone except one or two people defend them. This can be cause by man factors.

The first one is that they are lying to protect the family as a whole. Given how public many aspects of that family is, they may see it as none of the public business if abuse took place. To them, it could only be seen as a family issue and didn't care about Michael running his mouth to the press. Even in Michael's case, he didn't tell the whole truth about what happen. That rabbi's book shows how bad that abuse really was, but Michael never made it seem that extensive. From all his other interviews, Michael made it seem like Joe was just overly strict. Which is one of the reasons I doubt Michael ever wanted those tapes release, but that is a different discussion altogether.
The second reason is that none of the brothers actually experience the same level of abuse as Michael did. This is actually quite common in a abusive relationship. Many people believe that an abuser abuse everyone in the household, but that is not true. In most cases of abuse in a family with multiple children, only one is usually abuse.

Michael was the golden child of that family, everything revolved around him. So, Joe may had given him more 'special' treatment than the others. Even the brothers admitted that when they were allow to play and have fun, Joe kept Michael in the studio for all hours to rehearse. So, when the kids say that Joe was not abusive, from their point-of-view he probably wasn't. Sure he may had beat them, but it most likely was not as extensive or a cruel as what Joe did to Michael. Since Michael was left alone with Joe alot, they also may not have seen more of these colorful beatings. Michael said himself that Joe never hit him during rehearsal for variety of reasons.

There are many layers to abuse in a family. It could range from denial, ignorance, or simply not telling. Which does the family falls under, I do not know. However, whether they chose to tell the public what happen in that house is a moot point. From what I have seen from the children of the Jackson's brothers, most of them do not have the emotional damage that plague Michael. So, it will appear that whatever cycle of violence that existed has been broken and I highly doubt anyone in that family would allow Joe or anyone else to lay a hand on Michael's kids.

I am in now way excusing Joe or any of his actions. What I am doing is trying to show why the brothers seems to go back and forward on the abuse issue. Even Janet could had been too young to see Joe at his worst and only talks about her personal experience with him. From Janet's views, Joe never hit her, he was just really strict. Is she lying about what Michael went through, no she is just telling how things were from her point-of-view. Which is no different that what the other siblings have done.

In either case, that is my take on things and I will not go any further into the subject.

That's all true. I mean, I know in my family of 5 siblings, we all have different perspectives and memories of how things were for us growing up because our ages are so varying. However, in this Access Hollywood interview Jermaine flatly says "it was not abuse" and "Michael just didn't understand" because he was so young. He or the others never say what they should say, that MY EXPERIENCE WITH MY FATHER WAS DIFFERENT FROM MICHAEL'S. Every time I hear the rest of the siblings discuss this issue it always appears as if they think Michael was lying about his claims.

Or maybe all this positivity towards their father is because maybe that Rabbi is now counseling them, lol. I recall in his book he didn't seem to approve of Michael discussing his father's parenting business (aka abuse) to the world (and yet he puts it all in his book...heh).

What a ridiculous statement by Jermaine. Joe Jackson did not "create" Micheal's estate. He may have gotten them out of Gary but Michael is responsible for his own success beyond the Jacksons. Wow.
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I'm surprised by Jermaine's comment. He stated earlier that he felt Michael's wishes should be respected. So what has changed? Michael didn't provide for his father in the will so that should be respected. I previously felt sorry for Joe not being named in Michael's will but I'm starting to see Michael's family in a different light. Michael knew what he was doing and the estate lawyers and the judge should respect that.

he said his mom is taken care of so everyone in the family is taken care of , the jacksons must have realized what Randy realised first , the money given to katherine would not be enough for all of them and now , they started to ask for more like electricity because when it came to mother katherine 86.000 a month were not enough to pay the electricity bill. jeramine backs up his father, later his father will support him , don't be surprised if jermaines and randy shared wife also file claims against mj'estae claiming mj was supporting her , i'm sure katherine , joe , randy and jermaine will support her .

as for janet , i'm really beginning to question whether that woman has as much as many belive . look at nic cage , and many other celebrities who are facing huge financial problems , maybe at some point janet belives she might be forced to ask for allowance from the estate also :mello: :mello:
I give up!

Jermaine, you are such an ass! Michael became a legend because of his own determination.
It's not his fault that you don't have the same frickin backbone (that you keep telling people you have) to make it on your own... :rolleyes:

Damn............. Jermine or JerMJwannabe piss me off so much...

I'm sticking with the old school J5... Man, I don't know what to feel for the brothers right now. I feel like I'm only loving the ghost of the past...
I think jermaine has a point when he said Joe created MJ's estate , no one can deny that joe was the biggest source of pain in MJ's life , all of his insecurities were created because of that evil man , those insecurities caused all the pain he had to suffer later and pushed him to search for love and understanding from strangers , insomnia was one of those 'pains' , MJ ended dead and here we are with this estate . see how joe created the estate ?

what else do you expect from them? this is a family with memebrs who PAID and got paid to spread rumours that PPB are not MJ's kids .
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Jermaine reminds me so much of Joseph....

They are both manipulative b@**@r*s!
I'm surprised by Jermaine's comment. He stated earlier that he felt Michael's wishes should be respected. So what has changed? Michael didn't provide for his father in the will so that should be respected. I previously felt sorry for Joe not being named in Michael's will but I'm starting to see Michael's family in a different light. Michael knew what he was doing and the estate lawyers and the judge should respect that.

Perhaps they realized that Katherine could not will her 40% from Michael's estate to them. They were fine with the will before; they even applauded when they heard 40% went to her. But later the trouble started. I don't have to elaborate and it isn't just Joe's request. Katherine's 40% goes to the MJ3 upon her death.

It is also likely what Soundmind said too. The money the judge is allotting to Katherine as an allowance is not enough for all of them.
he said his mom is taken care of so everyone in the family is taken care of , the jacksons must have realized what Randy realised first , the money given to katherine would not be enough for all of them and now , they started to ask for more like electricity because when it came to mother katherine 86.000 a month were not enough to pay the electricity bill. jeramine backs up his father, later his father will support him , don't be surprised if jermaines and randy shared wife also file claims against mj'estae claiming mj was supporting her , i'm sure katherine , joe , randy and jermaine will support her .

as for janet , i'm really beginning to question whether that woman has as much as many belive . look at nic cage , and many other celebrities who are facing huge financial problems , maybe at some point janet belives she might be forced to ask for allowance from the estate also :mello: :mello:

She does have money, but it most likely not enough to support that huge family. Janet also didn't invest her money like Michael did so all her wreath come from her albums and image. So, she cannot recoup money as fast as Michael because he invested in more than his catalog.

Plus, I honestly do not see Janet given any of her money to her family. If Joe came asking for an allowance, Janet would most likely to tell him where he can put it.

Despite what Janet claims, I always got a feeling that she doesn't like her father or most of her brothers for that matter. The only siblings she mentions in interviews with any fondness are Michael and Randy. She even slammed Toy hard in the 90s when everyone else was playing nice. She also gave Jermaine an earful over that infamous Word to the Badd song.

I think the family always ended up asking Michael for money because he actually gave it, via his mother.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Its this kinda crap that just makes me angry. All Michael ever was to some people was a damn ATM machine! If Michael sat on his behind like some people did (yes you, Jermaine!) there would be no damn ESTATE!!!!

Why can't the other siblings support their father? and why was Michael the only one doing all the supporting????? baffles my mind I tell ya!:doh:

I agree with you this makes me angry. Michael is not the only child Joe has why does he have to be the only one to support him it is crazy. What are his other children doing? It amazes me that they always put in on Michael it makes me so sad, poor Michael I am beginning to think he is just an ATM machine to them. I know I am going to come under attack here but I don't like Jermaine at all and him saying it is his fathers estate not Michaels is just utter rubbish I really wish he would shut his mouth. Sorry but he is bordering on ridiculous to me.

Trouble is Michael never said no when his family came asking for money. We all know he gave his mother a $60,000 allowance every month, plus paid all the bills, paid his nephews and niece's school fees, the brothers' child support payments-the list continues. Now he's gone the family still expect Michael to be paying out for them all. Joe seems to think that he deserves it as 'Michael wouldn't be where he was if it wasn't for him', which he told Michael all the time. As my brother said Michael's main problem was that 'he was too nice for his own good.'
Trouble is Michael never said no when his family came asking for money. We all know he gave his mother a $60,000 allowance every month, plus paid all the bills, paid his nephews and niece's school fees, the brothers' child support payments-the list continues. Now he's gone the family still expect Michael to be paying out for them all. Joe seems to think that he deserves it as 'Michael wouldn't be where he was if it wasn't for him', which he told Michael all the time. As my brother said Michael's main problem was that 'he was too nice for his own good.'
I agree its really sad :( The majority of the family should be ashamed of themselves.
Michael has called Joe an abusive parent since the Oprah interview. How come they are only now calling MJ a liar? Why did they not come forward back then, and after Bashir interview where MJ said the same thing he did on Oprah, and denied that Joe Jackson was ever abusive.

I will tell you why, they wouldn't have dared to contradict MJ because they were living off of him, now they have nothing to lose. They can call him a liar in front of the whole world and his three children, because MJ is not here to defend himself.

These people make me sick. No wonder MJ stayed the hell away from them. For his sanity, it was best.

I feel sorry for his poor children. They must be confused to hear their uncles dismiss their beloved dad's feeling or claim he was too young to understand abuse.


All I have to say is that what's the point of a will if it can just be disregarded. Ffs! Respect Michael's wishes! It's not like Joe is poor, he just wants to have more than he needs. It's ridiculous.
i don't know what the kids think of Joe and Jermaine. they are too ridiculous!
I believe they have no idea whats going on, for their own sake I hope they dont know that almost the whole family is on a mission to become the next great superstar ala Michael Jackson of that family. Hope they dont know that the relatives believe that its "now their time to shine". I hope they don't know the family is on an estate hunt, to get a piece of Michael's, NOT Joe's, Jermaine's, Randy's, Janet's, Latoya's, etc pie.
For their own sake I hope they dont know relatives are making money out of them by selling out their dead father and themselves. I hope they dont know that their allowances is being used for God knows what else (And I'm sure thats the case, these kids dont drop 60k on clothing period).
These three will not remain little forever in 3-4 years they'l hit 15 and start to realize and understand the complexity of their family.
why just Michael had to work and pay for everybody?Joe is their father too!
and to say this:"The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate." is just STUPID!Michael created the estate working so hard every day...the kids that defend Joe all the time and say he didn't abuse Mike should pay the allowance!
And if Joe IS the estate, how come the brothers had trouble to have money off their own and make it big, didnt Joseph MAKE THEM just as he MADE Michael?
How come out of 6 brothers 5 FAILED to click, but ONE HIT BIG TIME? Why oh why? Someone ask Mr. Grease that.
I think they should respect what MJ wanted.
That's Joseph Jackson... no pride at all... it's money money money.

Well if he's in need and lays open what he all has earned through his childrens work and what he wasted before... then he should get the monthly payment welfare would give him if not having those kids.

Never ever $ 10000, I'm sorry.

It's common that children have to pay for their old parents one day.

But it's no only one certain child, it's all living children. They all have to open up about their financial situations first.
Isn't there a reality show deal? all those guys can pay for their poor beloved Daddy!
Janet can pay! Randy can pay! they'll easily make it all to the very same part!
And honestly I think if welfare wouldn't pay more nobody can be obliged to pay more... give him exactly that amount of money ppl all over the country are supposed to survive with.
Trouble is Michael never said no when his family came asking for money. We all know he gave his mother a $60,000 allowance every month, plus paid all the bills, paid his nephews and niece's school fees, the brothers' child support payments-the list continues. Now he's gone the family still expect Michael to be paying out for them all. Joe seems to think that he deserves it as 'Michael wouldn't be where he was if it wasn't for him', which he told Michael all the time. As my brother said Michael's main problem was that 'he was too nice for his own good.'

Yea, I shouldn't have come back to this thread because it's making me even more mad. Just the fact that Mike was paying all this shit for these fawkin people makes me furious. Then they would continue to ask him for money. When what they need to do, is get off their fawkin ass and get a JOB! Jermaine I really have no words for how furious I am with him, Randy and Joe as well. wtf is wrong with them? They think they are entitled to Mike's money. pfft Sorry but J5 wouldn't have went anywhere without Michael. That's fact. Jermaine can say he isn't jealous of Michael but everyone can tell that he is. And then on LK when he said he felt no guilt over Mike's napping, that they couldn't have done anything more!!!? omg I seriously wanted to punch the T.V. Hell I even feel some guilt over Mike's napping! and I didn't even "know" Michael! hfsdjhfskjhf Fact is, this judge needs to be smart. Seriously anyone with a brain can clearly see what is going on. They see Mike as their ATM machine. Just saying that makes me feel sick to my stomach. I just can't believe this. Mike payin his bro's child support?!!! are you kidding me!!??!! and payin for his niece and nephew's schooling!? ok ok... I need to calm down. I'm so livid right now at almost that entire family.
Jermaine.......:doh: I don't even know what to say.

And I remember reading this article where he said he gotta "move on" even though he is sad about Mike's death. Must be the recent one about the reality show. It made me feel numb right then and there and I kept repeating the words in my head as if I made sure I read it right. Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting. It ain't even been 1 year yet.
Michael's intentions in his will should be respected. I too get angry at the Jacksons, although I'm not sure if we should be wasting our energy on them.

I have always thought there to be a lot of pressure on Michael from his family. Poor Michael had pressure from all angles. He always forgave though (you remember the shock and disgust at LaToya back in 90's for the lies she said about Michael at the time of the allegations and Michael forgave her). Families can be hurtful, unkind and not always acting in your best interests but at the end of the day I suppose they are still family. I do however think that this family has always been this way....Jealousy, love of money and pulling Michael this way and that....all these pressures are heard in many of Michael's songs. Superfly Sister suddenly springs to mind!
The Jacksons disgust me, there just money grabbers and are using MJ's death as a publicity stunt to try and make more money for themselves!

This thread makes me so angry, ughhh!
this judge needs to be smart. Seriously anyone with a brain can clearly see what is going on. They see Mike as their ATM machine. Just saying that makes me feel sick to my stomach. I just can't believe this. Mike payin his bro's child support?!!! are you kidding me!!??!! and payin for his niece and nephew's schooling!? ok ok... I need to calm down. I'm so livid right now at almost that entire family.
Michael did everything for them, paid every bill, but they never appreciate his generosity. they saw it as what they deserved and Michael owed them. "Joe is estate, he create estate." They may forgot that who helped them after all of them went broke including Joe jackson.
Judge please ask Joe: "You've brought how many children to this world? You've brought them up? How emberassing is it to ask only one of those to pay for your living? You've brought all of them up right?"
Joes 'success' rate in bringing all of them up should be emberassing very much for himself if he has to ask money from the only child who passed away already. Seems he very much fears a true honest answer really.

Sure he had a part in Michaels upbringing as he had in the upbringing of the other kids.

Again let the estate pay but highest a 9th part... 9 children right? I'm not that much informed about their private life... was there one outside the marriage... no weren't there even kids in a marriage before he married Katherine? Well I don't know I just say ask ALL OF THEM. He shall earn what he sewed but in the same parts from all of them.

There's no real reason to not ask the other siblings and children outside of marriage... unless there's a real emberassing reason for Joseph to fear the answer.

Must have been Michaels extra talent and Michaels work... not the upbringing of Joseph... or why are the other children mainly so extraordinary 'sucessfull' hmmm all pretty much as 'successfull' as their father more or less right?! :mello:
why just Michael had to work and pay for everybody?Joe is their father too!
and to say this:"The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate." is just STUPID!Michael created the estate working so hard every day...the kids that defend Joe all the time and say he didn't abuse Mike should pay the allowance!
I agree 100% with you. :yes:
Judge please ask Joe: "You've brought how many children to this world? You've brought them up? How emberassing is it to ask only one of those to pay for your living? You've brought all of them up right?"
Joes 'success' rate in bringing all of them up should be emberassing very much for himself if he has to ask money from the only child who passed away already. Seems he very much fears a true honest answer really.

Sure he had a part in Michaels upbringing as he had in the upbringing of the other kids.

Again let the estate pay but highest a 9th part... 9 children right? I'm not that much informed about their private life... was there one outside the marriage... no weren't there even kids in a marriage before he married Katherine? Well I don't know I just say ask ALL OF THEM. He shall earn what he sewed but in the same parts from all of them.

There's no real reason to not ask the other siblings and children outside of marriage... unless there's a real emberassing reason for Joseph to fear the answer.

Must have been Michaels extra talent and Michaels work... not the upbringing of Joseph... or why are the other children mainly so extraordinary 'sucessfull' hmmm all pretty much as 'successfull' as their father more or less right?! :mello:

I guess MJ already have payed more than his part.
urgh at certain members of that family. mj was right
The Family gets "allowances" while the industry(moles and shillard control his $$$billions). Don't you love it when a plan comes together. Look for the "it was murder talk to disappear" with this latest pay off. Also look for more specials, tributes and honours($$$ that benefit the Jackson's) to be created by the Hollywood and Music Industry to insure a smiling:(:) Joe & Katherine for the cameras. While inside they know the truth.

Yes you speak the truth.
But, God is not mocked.
There is a Heaven. Michael Jackson lives there.
There is a Hell, and
the murderers of Michael Jackson are going Straight To HELL.