Judge hears Joe Jackson's request for monthly allowance



everytime I heard jermaine say that in the Larry King interview.

And the only thing Michael was to SOME of his family (not all) is a big azz ATM card, Medicare, Social Security. MJ wasn't certainly no credit card, because a credit card would eventually have to be paid back.

I love love love Jackie & Marlon. They are very genuine & stay quiet when they need to ...and put Jermaine on FULL BLAST.

Jer-missing, Indeed!!!

1. After Michael's death, the family called him a druggie; The family also called him a liar cause Joe never abused him and Joe is the best father in the world;
2. From their perspective, Michael Jackson's success is all because of Joe Jackson and The jacksons. Without them, Michael Jackson was nothing. This is why they thought " Joe create estate" - Michael owed them!

3. When the fans around the world fight for Michael's justice, the jacksons are busy with grabbing money and challenging his will. by the way, they seems to forgive Murray already and blame on Michael himself.
4. when all the fans are still grieving and probably never recover, the Jacksons rush to sell their albums, tv shows, tribute and concerts at the "right time"... they benefit from Michael's death.

when you had the family like this, who needs enemies!
I want the kids away from these leeches so badly :(
what is their life going to be like? Money money money.

This family is just unbelievable.

Remember, he hasn't been dead 6 months! We got reality shows, interviews, legal crap. How can this not be effecting p p b? I'm almost at saturation point, the world doesn't care about the tacky jacksons. They haven't done anything for decades. Please just sit down.

Debbie! Go get your kids please

PREACH THE TRUTH!!!!!!! And bring Blanket with you!!!!
"That shouldn't even be," Jermaine Jackson told CNN. "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate."
Hmmm... where was joe during Thriller when michael started his OWN estate not to mention where was JOE during BAD,Dangerous,History,Invincible, and now THIS IS IT??? oh i know where he was he was in a hotel with some call girl trying to get his "estate" up.

Out of all the brothers Jermaine is one i dislike most. In all honestly the other Brothers never said anything. If i was Michael and had a family like that... Drugs would be the least of their problems.
Im sorry but DEBBIE?!? no... i dont want DEBBIE to have those kids. From what we seen of her shes no better then any one in the line that wants Michael's money.
I want the kids away from these leeches so badly :(
what is their life going to be like? Money money money.

This family is just unbelievable.

Remember, he hasn't been dead 6 months! We got reality shows, interviews, legal crap. How can this not be effecting p p b? I'm almost at saturation point, the world doesn't care about the tacky jacksons. They haven't done anything for decades. Please just sit down.

Debbie! Go get your kids please

That's why I said MJ should have given more to charities so they have nothing much to fight for. This is the consequence when you have so much money left behind, everyone sure is going to fight to get a piece of it.
Im sorry but DEBBIE?!? no... i dont want DEBBIE to have those kids. From what we seen of her shes no better then any one in the line that wants Michael's money.

I have to kindly disagree. If you dig really deep & know what went down in the courtrooms as some fans here have personally witnessed themselves, Debbie Rowe LOVED MJ, and LOVES her children. And even if Blanket is not her child, she loves him too & is will to care for him as well.

But she loved MJ enough to respect his wishes in the will - and Katherine & her have a good bond between them.

MJ & debbie had their agreement and they BOTH abided to what they promised.

But Debbie never gave up her parental rights - even though MJ fought her on that. They amicably agreed to their agreement & we as fans have to respect it.
I have said this before and /i will say it again, I will never spend a penny of my money on ANYTHING that will benefit the brothers or Joe.

The last J5 bum I bought dates back to the Dangerous era. That is the year I wised up to the family....when Jermaine released Word to the Bad.

Never. They disgust me like no other.
I WISH a deft journalist would ask Jer-missing about that song.

Especially when Larry King said, "any jealousy about Michael?" Of course they are going to deny that!!!

And I'm here at home, screaming at the TV yelling, "what about Word to the Badd, jermaine? Oh don't even TRY to deny it!!!"

And he did deny any jealousy. LIES. All LIES.

But Jackie & Marlon got major points from me when they hammered him in Jimmy Kimmel & Larry King though. GOOD.

I have said this before and /i will say it again, I will never spend a penny of my money on ANYTHING that will benefit the brothers or Joe.

The last J5 bum I bought dates back to the Dangerous era. That is the year I wised up to the family....when Jermaine released Word to the Bad.

Never. They disgust me like no other.
I think the people who will suffer the most are MJ's kids . sooner or later we will hear stories about what's really going on behind closed doors in that house . I just hope those kids will go to universities and get proper education.
I can only see negative comments about members of the Jackson family here… Please it’s still his family. It has always been this way but Michael never said something bad about them. He loved his family no matter what. Focus on something else, there are so many things we are missing just because we are so in to these kind of things that are not even important compared to other things we could put our energy on.
I can only see negative comments about members of the Jackson family here… Please it’s still his family. It has always been this way but Michael never said something bad about them. He loved his family no matter what. Focus on something else, there are so many things we are missing just because we are so in to these kind of things that are not even important compared to other things we could put our energy on.

With all due respect, Jadore (which is MY FAVORITE perfume, BTW), if MJs family make total fools of themselves in public - and make untrue statements about MJ - and further leech & capitalize off MJ when they have NO RIGHT TO DO SO - then they deserve the criticism.

My honest & humble opinion offered with courtesy - of course.
That shouldn't even be," Jermaine Jackson told CNN. "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate."

wtf jermaine?! is he being serious?! omg omg ok calm....

I didn't even see that when I skimmed through the first post before. omg I'm so pissed. wth! are you kidding me Jermaine? and then he is saying on LK that he is the "leader" of the group?! sdjkfsadjkfhdskjhf ok ok ok I seriously can't stand Jermaine at all.
I can only see negative comments about members of the Jackson family here… Please it’s still his family. It has always been this way but Michael never said something bad about them. He loved his family no matter what. Focus on something else, there are so many things we are missing just because we are so in to these kind of things that are not even important compared to other things we could put our energy on.
it is a message board..you are free to read the posts or not.

People voicing their opinion on some despicable behaviour is nothing new.
I saw today on the E! Network a show called the daily 10 the Jacksons were being interviewed they claim MJ was gonna be apart of the reality show! They said that they were gonna go to london for his THIS IS It tour and would have recorded him backstage and things like that! Jermaine said that MJ help them get clearances on the show and wanted to put together the beginning of the show? I have know Idea what he means by this? Also they were told by their interviewer that recently Justin Timberlake gave an interview to Entertainment Weekly Magazine and was ask what was his biggest regret on this decade and he said not supporting Janet on the whole Superbowl thing! OH PLEASE! LOL Jackie said he forgives him and I think Jermaine or Jackie said it would have been nice if he did it then and Marlon could care less about Justin and said I thought we were talking about the show! LOL
it is a message board..you are free to read the posts or not.

People voicing their opinion on some despicable behaviour is nothing new.

YES, "despicable" being the operative and relevant word to the thread topic.
"That shouldn't even be," Jermaine Jackson told CNN. "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate."

What Jermaine said is kinda messed up. Sure, Joe had a huge part in bringing Michael's talent in front of the world.. but it was Michael's talent, hard work, dedication, and exceptional business skills that got him where he was. If it was just up to Joe.. all the Jackson kids would be as famous as Michael.

Anyways.. I hope he gets his monthly allowance. He's getting old now.. we can't expect him to work at this age. Despite what he did in the past.. Michael forgave him and supported him financially all his life.
I saw today on the E! Network a show called the daily 10 the Jacksons were being interviewed they claim MJ was gonna be apart of the reality show! They said that they were gonna go to london for his THIS IS It tour and would have recorded him backstage and things like that! Jermaine said that MJ help them get clearances on the show and wanted to put together the beginning of the show? I have know Idea what he means by this?

no Michael was not going to participate in anything! he said so in october last year they are exploiting his name even now in death they need to crawl back under the rock they came from and stop clinging on to MJ's name no one cares about them anymore boooo
What Jermaine said is kinda messed up. Sure, Joe had a huge part in bringing Michael's talent in front of the world.. but it was Michael's talent, hard work, dedication, and exceptional business skills that got him where he was. If it was just up to Joe.. all the Jackson kids would be as famous as Michael.

Anyways.. I hope he gets his monthly allowance. He's getting old now.. we can't expect him to work at this age. Despite what he did in the past.. Michael forgave him and supported him financially all his life.

I just don't understand why Michael has to be the one to support everyone. I mean, all Joseph's kids are adults. So why doesn't Jermaine step up and start supporting Joseph since he thinks Joseph needs to be supported so much.

Also, Joe isn't even in the will. so yea.. and I don't know where Jermaine got the idea that the estate is "supposedly" called "Jermaine Jackson Estate" or the "Joseph Jackson Estate" I think Jermaine needs to read over the papers again, because it clearly says Michael Jackson Estate. Just because it's the name Jackson at the end doesn't mean the whole family is included. Michael took care of the people he wanted to and left out the people he didn't need to care for because they should be able to care for themselves.
Love and Money is two different things.

yes mike loved joseph.
But Joe wasn't on his will (money)

is Mike the only son they have?
I'm sure the other Jacksons can take care of Joe.

why does he want allowance from Mike's estate?
I will be fair to the Jacksons and say this.

I do not believe every last one of them are lying about Joe's abuse or lack of abuse. I have seen families who had abusive parents or even parents that molested them, which everyone except one or two people defend them. This can be cause by man factors.

The first one is that they are lying to protect the family as a whole. Given how public many aspects of that family is, they may see it as none of the public business if abuse took place. To them, it could only be seen as a family issue and didn't care about Michael running his mouth to the press. Even in Michael's case, he didn't tell the whole truth about what happen. That rabbi's book shows how bad that abuse really was, but Michael never made it seem that extensive. From all his other interviews, Michael made it seem like Joe was just overly strict. Which is one of the reasons I doubt Michael ever wanted those tapes release, but that is a different discussion altogether.
The second reason is that none of the brothers actually experience the same level of abuse as Michael did. This is actually quite common in a abusive relationship. Many people believe that an abuser abuse everyone in the household, but that is not true. In most cases of abuse in a family with multiple children, only one is usually abuse.

Michael was the golden child of that family, everything revolved around him. So, Joe may had given him more 'special' treatment than the others. Even the brothers admitted that when they were allow to play and have fun, Joe kept Michael in the studio for all hours to rehearse. So, when the kids say that Joe was not abusive, from their point-of-view he probably wasn't. Sure he may had beat them, but it most likely was not as extensive or a cruel as what Joe did to Michael. Since Michael was left alone with Joe alot, they also may not have seen more of these colorful beatings. Michael said himself that Joe never hit him during rehearsal for variety of reasons.

There are many layers to abuse in a family. It could range from denial, ignorance, or simply not telling. Which does the family falls under, I do not know. However, whether they chose to tell the public what happen in that house is a moot point. From what I have seen from the children of the Jackson's brothers, most of them do not have the emotional damage that plague Michael. So, it will appear that whatever cycle of violence that existed has been broken and I highly doubt anyone in that family would allow Joe or anyone else to lay a hand on Michael's kids.

I am in now way excusing Joe or any of his actions. What I am doing is trying to show why the brothers seems to go back and forward on the abuse issue. Even Janet could had been too young to see Joe at his worst and only talks about her personal experience with him. From Janet's views, Joe never hit her, he was just really strict. Is she lying about what Michael went through, no she is just telling how things were from her point-of-view. Which is no different that what the other siblings have done.

In either case, that is my take on things and I will not go any further into the subject.
If Mj supported his father for many years, then I think it´s time for his brother and sisters to support their father now.

aside for 7 other grown children...Joe has a millionare daughter....what the hell does Janet do..
everyone is all in Michael's financial bizniz but notice....Janet's is never discussed....

Joe states in court papers ...he has been living off Michael for years... what has Janet been paying for....????

eventhough I was not a fan of Janet.. I liked some of her music and she was Michael's little sista...but that interview she did with Robin Roberts...
showed me a Charlatan....and true Charlatan...

she said she always has her brothers back but I remember an article of her complaining about her working with Michael on Scream... I dismissed it back then...but pieces of the puzzle are coming together...

sure Janet loves Michael...but she also has other strong feelings she uses to sell out her brother...

its crafty how she is saying in a round about way that he caused her

disclaimer: this is just an opinion...
no Michael was not going to participate in anything! he said so in october last year they are exploiting his name even now in death they need to crawl back under the rock they came from and stop clinging on to MJ's name no one cares about them anymore boooo

Some of the fans here seems to like putting the brothers into no win situations. Everything they do now is exploiting Michael's name and they need to go under a rock and make their own money.

Yet in that same breath, fans what them to go in front of the cameras and defend Michael's name against all haters and whatnot.

Do you want them in front of the cameras or not? You cannot say they shouldn't say Michael's name because they are exploiting him and then turn around and say they should defend him.

What they are doing now is no different that what they were doing when he was alive, so I don't see what everyone is up in arms about.

Also, why shouldn't they make some money off of Michael's name. To be frank, everyone else is, so why not his family. As long as they do it in a tasteful way, does it really matters. At this point, everything is exploiting Michael a little since he is not here to run his own affairs, so unless you want everyone to stop talking about Michael and everything around him; which includes unreleased songs, footage, and whatnot, some of these arguments are kind of flat.
err don't include me in the fans who said they should defend him...if they have nothing good to say then I say they should SHUT UP
and YES they are exploiting him and they are going to exploit his children too stop sugarcoating everything why does everything have to turn into looong useless discussions?
What Jermaine said is kinda messed up. Sure, Joe had a huge part in bringing Michael's talent in front of the world.. but it was Michael's talent, hard work, dedication, and exceptional business skills that got him where he was. If it was just up to Joe.. all the Jackson kids would be as famous as Michael.

Anyways.. I hope he gets his monthly allowance. He's getting old now.. we can't expect him to work at this age. Despite what he did in the past.. Michael forgave him and supported him financially all his life.

Joe has made a good amount of money since Michael's death. One could estimate he's made $1 million dollars. Joe also has a pension because he was a manager. He won't be running to a homeless shelter any time soon. The reason why Joe wants money from MJ's estate is so he can live like a baller. $3,000+ for groceries a month for ONE person? :brow: Come on Joe.

I saw today on the E! Network a show called the daily 10 the Jacksons were being interviewed they claim MJ was gonna be apart of the reality show! They said that they were gonna go to london for his THIS IS It tour and would have recorded him backstage and things like that! Jermaine said that MJ help them get clearances on the show and wanted to put together the beginning of the show? I have know Idea what he means by this?

no Michael was not going to participate in anything! he said so in october last year they are exploiting his name even now in death they need to crawl back under the rock they came from and stop clinging on to MJ's name no one cares about them anymore boooo

Jermaine recently told Exaggeration Tonight when asked what would Michael have thought about the reality show or did you talk to him about it, that Michael was very busy working with them, giving them approvals on all types of things. The executive producers spoke to him and Jermaine spoke to him regarding clearances. Jermaine said that Michael was very happy and said as long as you are yourselves.
WOW - Ramona - you really gave insight here. Thank you.

All your points are valid for discussion & really well thought out.

And I am firm believer in that no other Jackson saw more of Joe's wrath & abuse than Michael.

Joe KNEW Michael was the star - and wanted to control him at all costs - because he knew that oncw MJ left the group, it was OVER.

Great analysis - thank you.

I will be fair to the Jacksons and say this.

I do not believe every last one of them are lying about Joe's abuse or lack of abuse. I have seen families who had abusive parents or even parents that molested them, which everyone except one or two people defend them. This can be cause by man factors.

The first one is that they are lying to protect the family as a whole. Given how public many aspects of that family is, they may see it as none of the public business if abuse took place. To them, it could only be seen as a family issue and didn't care about Michael running his mouth to the press. Even in Michael's case, he didn't tell the whole truth about what happen. That rabbi's book shows how bad that abuse really was, but Michael never made it seem that extensive. From all his other interviews, Michael made it seem like Joe was just overly strict. Which is one of the reasons I doubt Michael ever wanted those tapes release, but that is a different discussion altogether.
The second reason is that none of the brothers actually experience the same level of abuse as Michael did. This is actually quite common in a abusive relationship. Many people believe that an abuser abuse everyone in the household, but that is not true. In most cases of abuse in a family with multiple children, only one is usually abuse.

Michael was the golden child of that family, everything revolved around him. So, Joe may had given him more 'special' treatment than the others. Even the brothers admitted that when they were allow to play and have fun, Joe kept Michael in the studio for all hours to rehearse. So, when the kids say that Joe was not abusive, from their point-of-view he probably wasn't. Sure he may had beat them, but it most likely was not as extensive or a cruel as what Joe did to Michael. Since Michael was left alone with Joe alot, they also may not have seen more of these colorful beatings. Michael said himself that Joe never hit him during rehearsal for variety of reasons.

There are many layers to abuse in a family. It could range from denial, ignorance, or simply not telling. Which does the family falls under, I do not know. However, whether they chose to tell the public what happen in that house is a moot point. From what I have seen from the children of the Jackson's brothers, most of them do not have the emotional damage that plague Michael. So, it will appear that whatever cycle of violence that existed has been broken and I highly doubt anyone in that family would allow Joe or anyone else to lay a hand on Michael's kids.

I am in now way excusing Joe or any of his actions. What I am doing is trying to show why the brothers seems to go back and forward on the abuse issue. Even Janet could had been too young to see Joe at his worst and only talks about her personal experience with him. From Janet's views, Joe never hit her, he was just really strict. Is she lying about what Michael went through, no she is just telling how things were from her point-of-view. Which is no different that what the other siblings have done.

In either case, that is my take on things and I will not go any further into the subject.
I'm surprised by Jermaine's comment. He stated earlier that he felt Michael's wishes should be respected. So what has changed? Michael didn't provide for his father in the will so that should be respected. I previously felt sorry for Joe not being named in Michael's will but I'm starting to see Michael's family in a different light. Michael knew what he was doing and the estate lawyers and the judge should respect that.
I just spoke to shaun robinson who is ofcourse a corresspondant for 'Access Hollywood' on twitter and mentioned how jermaine is so delusional about the comments he made to CNN claiming Joe created MJ's estate and she responded back to me saying what would I like to say to jermaine and I was wondering what you guys think I should say to shaun about jermaine?