Joe Jackson seeks allowance from son's estate

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Of course there's justification for it.... Michael didn't want you to have any. Thats the justification. Its Michael's will so it's Michael's way or the highway.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Michael always provided for Katherine and Katherine could do whatever she pleased with the money. She gave money freely to her other children and Joe. Now that the money is confined to a certain amount, she probably can no longer support Joe and her other children.

I just listened to those youtube taped conversations of Michael and Glenda. Especially the conversation about Joe wanting 250,000.00. Michael was mad and irate over it and quite frankly, disgusted. Michael gave the money to Katherine and told her to handed out to Joe over time.

Since Michael's death, Joe has made almost a million dollars. He received 250,000.00 dollars from ABC for his interview and footage, and he makes money from appearances at the Palms resort and casino in Las Vegas, and just did the whole movie thing have dinner with Joe for 3,000.00 dollars a pop and I hear it did VERY WELL.

There needs to be some fiscal management done in that family. The courts WILL NOT.. I repeat WILL NOT PROVIDE FOR JOE JACKSON as there is no provision in the will for it. They will not raise Katherine's stipend to care for Joe. It's not going to happen.


(I hate when people do that, but srsly this is how I see this whole thing as well.)

And I don't know why I didn't think about all of the paid interviews he's done since June. Nevermind asking the estate for handouts. Joe needs a JOB. The man disgusts me.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Oh he can afford a whole $50 to charity in between his fancy dinners and hotel good of him
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Ohhh hell noooooooooooooooooo we as fan have to do something to stop joe
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

What hurt MJ's daddy. Come on Mike loved him. He would never want to see him hungry but he would not give him the money directly that is probably why he didn't name him in the will. He knew his mother would give Joe money. She must be mad with him to cut him off.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate


(I hate when people do that, but srsly this is how I see this whole thing as well.)

And I don't know why I didn't think about all of the paid interviews he's done since June. Nevermind asking the estate for handouts. Joe needs a JOB. The man disgusts me.

Joe is at the age of retirement. So what exactly is he supposed to get a job as? Employers ain't gonna touch someone his age with a ten foot pole. There is a lot of ageism in the workplace.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Michael left that money for Katherine to live on and HIS CHILDREN Period.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Michael left that money for Katherine to live on and HIS CHILDREN Period.

Well you can't say that for sure because the fact is that none of us know exactly what MJ's intentions were. If he specifically did not want any money to go to Joe, then he could've had a clause put in the will to say so. But he didn't. I'm sure he knew full well it was likely Katherine would share the money out between family members, after all wtf is she gonna do with it all? 3 kids don't cost that much to look after unless they are walking around wearing silk and platinum and living on steak and caviar. Which they clearly aren't. And Katherine being a devout JW and all probably isn't into big spending to begin with. She is the mother figure of the family, and in Janet's words, the glue who holds everyone together. Why wouldn't she share the money out? Any caring mother would. And as someone on here pointed out a few months ago, it's not unusual in black families to leave everything to the mother, and let her spread it out as she sees fit, because typically the mother is the head of the household in black families.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

My only problem is I mean the estate is trying it's hardest it's damn hardest to pull Michael out of debt and why I would believe so Michael's children can have a large sum of money, so they can be well taken care of and how would that be if he has to support every person with the last name Jackson. I mean shouldn't it be about setting up a nice healthy amount of money for the Children and not "Gimmie Gimmie". So I can understand people saying Don't bash Joe but it doesn't mean Oh yeah he deserves Money,There's Nine Children including Michael so why does he even in death have to dug in his pockets and shovel out money.....Money that should very well be saved for the children. As any parent or Grandparent knows you put children first and think about what they need and how to set up for their future You have to do without, so why can't Joe look else where for income so he can atleast allow the estate to provide a nice healthy sum of money for HIS Grandchildren.Why not cut back, I mean it's not like anyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouthes, he knows sometimes you have to go without, and screw the whole The Lifestyle I'm accoustomed to. There's Children's futures involve. Screw the Lifestyle anyone's accoustomed to. And IMO Michael has no responability to anyone but his children he worked hard for that money, damn hard. And it's seems pretty selfish, to see someone 500 million dollars in debt and you still have your hand out, it's like come on I think the well has ran dry.Let Them atleast rebuild some type of well-being for these children.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Surely Joe has no legal standing? He was not in the will, so he's not entitled to anything.

He had a case actually, if he proved that MJ provided for him when he was alive , and you know that Katherine will testify that indeed what happened, and if he proved that he had no other source of income , then he will get what he wants . He even can challenege the will and claim he has a right to inherit from the estate .
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

500 million dollars in debt

it is nowhere near that much. And with the profits from the movie and all recent music and merchandise sales, if there is still any debt left, it won't be for long. Also the kids are currently at an allowance of something like $80,000 a month IIRC which is too much and totally ridiculous. What, is Katherine buying them Lambourginis? They are hardly gonna starve.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Well you can't say that for sure because the fact is that none of us know exactly what MJ's intentions were. If he specifically did not want any money to go to Joe, then he could've had a clause put in the will to say so. But he didn't. I'm sure he knew full well it was likely Katherine would share the money out between family members, after all wtf is she gonna do with it all? 3 kids don't cost that much to look after unless they are walking around wearing silk and platinum and living on steak and caviar. Which they clearly aren't. And Katherine being a devout JW and all probably isn't into big spending to begin with. She is the mother figure of the family, and in Janet's words, the glue who holds everyone together. Why wouldn't she share the money out? Any caring mother would. And as someone on here pointed out a few months ago, it's not unusual in black families to leave everything to the mother, and let her spread it out as she sees fit, because typically the mother is the head of the household in black families.

hmmm I actually just disagree a little I believe Yeah 3 children don't cost that much but Michael probably left the Money to Katherine and ths children because maybe they don't need that much but if they want to buy a boat full of steak and caviar they have the right and means to do it just because.I mean alot of famous children don't need all the money they have i.e Paris Hilton but they parents worked very hard for that money so if she wants to buy a house full of little chihuahua's she damn well can. That's Just how I see it ofcourse Opinons vary I know Michael never wanted his children to be Materlistic but I still believe he felt whatever they wanted they should have.Every Parent Spoil their children just a bit, and when Your the child of a superstar you get more that normal.And who knows what those children might do with that money, Being anything like their amazing father which I'm sure they are, Giving to Charities and such ofcourse.But Katherine having the right to do with hers as she pleases even if that means supporting others sure I agree with you. But The children even if he left them One millon dollars a month he left it for THEM.And no one should be able to cut in because they want to have a good lifestyle and asking for money when everyone and their mother is sueing on top of the debt he's already in. Is infact cutting into their money.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

why does Joeseph only ask for money from his one child.....

doesn't he have 8 other kids....oops I mean 9 other kids........

everyone can chip in......why must it always be Michael???

Glad the judge gave the kids their own attorney!
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

the debt was near 250 millions when mj died . there is a trust created in december 2007 to pay the debt directly from profits generated from mj's share in sony/atv . if everything went according to the plan before mj's deah , in other words if the executors followed the same plan , the debt will be paid off in 2011 . without even using the money generated after mj's death .

on the other hand you have taxes , but as many experts said before , the will was very good to the point that certainly jackson took extra measures to pay the taxes without risking anything .

the estate is in a very good position , the assets worth at least two billions , and there is a lot of cash coming in . no problem at all . but the strategy is to reinvest and expand , not distribute the maximum profits to beneficiaries . that will be in the long term beneficiaries best interest and the jackson's family nightmare.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

it is nowhere near that much. And with the profits from the movie and all recent music and merchandise sales, if there is still any debt left, it won't be for long. Also the kids are currently at an allowance of something like $80,000 a month IIRC which is too much and totally ridiculous. What, is Katherine buying them Lambourginis? They are hardly gonna starve.

Maybe that debt isn't that much, but who is to say their allowance is ridicolous I mean that would be Michael right and he left sorten people in charge so,if that's how much they are getting then, they see it fit. And since the children aren't going around wearing Money as Outfits or using 100 dollar bills as napkins I'm sure that's a fair amount. And Ha 80,000 month some Celebrity have their Babies, Toddlers walking around in Desginer outfits and Sleeping like Royalty. Which Go way up and beyond 80,000 dollars a month. Pffft some would laugh at that. Celebrites, provide differently for their children than You or I would.I never said anything about them starving but I mean Parents do want their children to be well-off Period Whether it be your average Joe or Suri Cruise.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

All I'm saying basically is why does Michael have to support Joe. My only question Point Blank can't everyone help. Isn't that what a FAMILY does? Nothing else I want to go back and forth about. I'm sure no one's dirt poor, everyone can chip in here and there to help Joseph.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

What hurt MJ's daddy. Come on Mike loved him. He would never want to see him hungry but he would not give him the money directly that is probably why he didn't name him in the will. He knew his mother would give Joe money. She must be mad with him to cut him off.

It seems like they already went to Katherine asking before they filed this so I really want to know why she is giving him nothing. How many other people is she giving money to that she cannot afford to give Joe money? Because taking care of MJ's 3 kids, herself, etc. couldn't be emptying her funds out. I'll bet that those other adults who are receiving funds from Katherine are capable of working.

Joe is at the age of retirement. So what exactly is he supposed to get a job as? Employers ain't gonna touch someone his age with a ten foot pole. There is a lot of ageism in the workplace.

Trish said that Joe has made almost $1 million since Michael's death and described how. She also noted in a previous post that he receives a pension because he is a manager. He is also currently managing an artist. So despite his age, Joe has found ways to make money. Clearly he has squandered previous profits; he and Katherine had to file for bankruptcy.

He had a case actually, if he proved that MJ provided for him when he was alive , and you know that Katherine will testify that indeed what happened, and if he proved that he had no other source of income , then he will get what he wants . He even can challenege the will and claim he has a right to inherit from the estate .

I do lean towards that. I feel that Katherine will testify for Joe. I wonder if what happened was that she told him that she couldn't afford to give him a share of the money because of the other adults she is giving $ to. So Joe files...
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

always something new to adhere too
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

joe made alot of money after mj's death, he had a company , he is a producer . so he clearly had an income . the only way he will get money if he proved that mj was his only source of income when he was alive and he can't live without his estate's support .

read the documents , joe PAID for everything after mj's death from his own pockets"selling stories" , but Oxman claims that regardless if joe was able to generate money he should be able to collect money from the estate , simply because Katherine was handing him 50% of every penny mj used to send to her .

he is saying I can make money , yet MJ's estate should give something .

Rowe, Oxman , Katherine and joe ...... the same characters all over again .

if joe succeeded , all the siblings will be at the court door asking for something because michael through katherine supported them . since katherine allowance is not even enough to pay electricity bills , she can't for sure share it with her other chidlren .
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

He had a case actually, if he proved that MJ provided for him when he was alive , and you know that Katherine will testify that indeed what happened, and if he proved that he had no other source of income , then he will get what he wants . He even can challenege the will and claim he has a right to inherit from the estate .

a true nightmare!

in the docs filed by oxman, no statments from KJ but L. Rowe and Oxman. 2 big liars.

He said also he tried to settle with estate lawyers and KJ's lawyers but no agreement
Re: Joe Jackson Wants Money from MJ's Estate


Joe claims Michael's estate has "earned more than $100 million dollars in the first seven (7) weeks following Michael Jackson's death" and is "well able to afford a family allowance for Joe Jackson."

Joe says he has $15,425 in total monthly expenses, including the following:

-- $2,500 eating out
-- $2,000 in air travel
-- $3,000 in hotel bills
-- $1,000 in groceries
-- $1,200 in rent
-- $50 in charitable contributions

Read more:

Hold on, let me get this straight. They guys spends money on EATING OUT, AIR TRAVEL, HOTEL BILLS and only a measly $50 to charity.... and he wants MICHAEL to finance that!? Excuse me? He's got things all backwards. Maybe if the charitable contributions totalled $7500 and his costs $50, he might have half a chance. For all those people who have excused his previous comments and behaviour as "an old man grieving and not thinking straight" - THINK AGAIN. I believe this proves without a shadow of doubt just how vile, greedy and heartless this man truly is.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

i just hope that they will never run the estate
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

he wants 1200$ for rent although he has an apartment . the man is a disgrace . actually each and every member of that family is .except MJ .
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

the debt was near 250 millions when mj died . there is a trust created in december 2007 to pay the debt directly from profits generated from mj's share in sony/atv . if everything went according to the plan before mj's deah , in other words if the executors followed the same plan , the debt will be paid off in 2011 . without even using the money generated after mj's death .

on the other hand you have taxes , but as many experts said before , the will was very good to the point that certainly jackson took extra measures to pay the taxes without risking anything .

the estate is in a very good position , the assets worth at least two billions , and there is a lot of cash coming in . no problem at all . but the strategy is to reinvest and expand , not distribute the maximum profits to beneficiaries . that will be in the long term beneficiaries best interest and the jackson's family nightmare.

and that's how it works. i wish others would take a business lesson 101 from MJ, instead of talking about MJ being 'in a financial mess', while they're on the street, saying it, looking at their foreclosed homes and defunct banks.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

All I'm saying basically is why does Michael have to support Joe. My only question Point Blank can't everyone help. Isn't that what a FAMILY does? Nothing else I want to go back and forth about. I'm sure no one's dirt poor, everyone can chip in here and there to help Joseph.

Who knows. My family is not wealthy and yet I and one other sister are the only ones of our siblings who gives our mother (who is elderly and on a fixed income) any money or helps her with bills. The rest...nothing. I can relate on a much smaller scale...if this is the way it looks.
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Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

and Debbie Rowe's intervention to see and know the kids couldn't have come sooner

I cretainly want Debbie to come forward but if she is coming with Schaffel then better stay off . -_-At least with the Jacksons Janet , 3T , jackie will tell those kids their father was like they knew him a great soul , better than that "gay porn producer" who will insert all thoughts in those little kids heads.